Lord Highlander

Chapter 1190

In the Chaos Fortress, you can find such a quiet tavern, or it can be called a restaurant. In short, it can provide most of the wines, and of course it can also make some light meals and fried foods. The food here Basically, they are some Warcraft ingredients, and they look quite fresh.

The environment in the tavern is not bad, it is located on the roof of a commercial firm in the market.

This place should be frequented by Archmage Horace. It was already early morning when Archmage Horace brought Old Heyman and Suldak here.

Although Chaos Fortress has not yet completely quieted down, most shops are already closed.

Only two muddy wall lamps were still lit at the entrance of this tavern, and the lights seemed to be flickering in the breeze, illuminating the plaque on the roof of the tavern.

The room is not too big, there are only two diners and a magician sitting in front of the bar and tasting wine.

Being able to keep most of the guests away is definitely not because the chef’s skills are not good, nor is it that the wine here is mixed with a lot of ice water, nor is the price so high that everyone can’t accept it, but that this is a hotel that is only for magicians. It's an open place, and it's right on the roof of the business, so it's not too noticeable.

When Hollus pushed the door and walked in, the bartender in front of the bar immediately showed a faint smile and asked:

"You came a little late today, business is good?"

"Of course, my business is good every trading day!" Archmage Horace said bluntly.

"Since the business is so good, let's take care of the business of the small shop. What do you want to eat today?" The bartender quickly took out three crystal glasses, wiped them quickly, put some ice cubes in them, and then filled some Shimizu, pushed it in front of the three of them.

"The stewed fish in tomato sauce is for three people. Before that, give us some wild wine..." Archmage Horace said casually.

The three of them did not sit in front of the bar, but chose to sit in the corner of the tavern.

The bartender put a magic desk lamp on the table, but Archmage Horace put it on the window sill, and then waved his fingers lightly, chanting a series of spells quickly, a little light from his fingertips Soaring up, it quietly hovered over the three-person dining table.

'Twilight Illumination' is just an extremely simple lighting spell, and most magic apprentices will learn this very practical life-related spell, but the 'Twilight Illumination' of Archmage Horace is somewhat special. The emitted light showed a cone shape, just covering the small dining table, so that the three people beside the dining table had enough bright light.

But the rest of the tavern was not affected by this light at all, and remained silent in the original atmosphere of the tavern.

"My laboratory is too messy. The environment here is not bad, and it's quiet enough..." Archmage Horace explained.

Old Heyman smiled slightly, but turned to look at Suldak without saying a word.

Suldak put the magic-sealing box by his feet, and then took out a piece of soft leather of the ghost-print ant queen from inside and spread it on the table. This piece of leather, which was about one meter square and extremely irregular in edges, was actually soft and smooth. It is as smooth as satin, covered with a layer of oily luster, leather as smooth as water is indeed rare.

It's just that there are a few very abrupt red thorns growing on it, and Suldak didn't peel them off the leather to ensure the integrity of the leather.

"This is a piece of leather from the abdomen of the Ghost Empress Ant, and it is the softest piece of leather on its body." Suldak said to Archmage Horace.

Archmage Horace stroked the soft leather on the table with his hand, and the magic power flowing from his fingertips was on the leather, like clear water being sucked into a sponge, spreading rapidly, and forming a unique cloud on the leather pattern.

These cloud patterns are not life magic patterns, but the manifestation of the path of mana flowing through the leather.

Archmage Horace sighed in admiration before saying:

"Ghost Queen Ant, I've heard of this kind of monster, but it looks like your ant queen should have just grown up, I guess the young ant queen hasn't even shed its insect wings... This is a very rare spiritual monster , so its leather has good magic conductivity, it is an excellent material for making magic robes, except for the lower level of Warcraft, which reduces the quality of the leather, there are almost no shortcomings."

He paused, and said to Suldak again:

"The only thing that makes me feel dissatisfied is that your piece of leather is too fragmented. Compared with fragmentary leather, I prefer complete leather, because fragmentary leather will limit our imagination."

Seeing the eyes of old Heyman and Suldak, Archmage Horace laughed at himself and said:

"You will definitely think that I am just a magic tailor. As long as I have enough cloth and leather, I can cut out magic robes."

"In fact, I prefer to call myself a designer. I prefer to design functional clothing with magical properties based on the specific properties of leather..."

Pulling the topic a little further, Archmage Horace coughed lightly and said:

"Well, although the skin of this kind of ghost-print ant queen is very rare, its level is indeed a bit low. After all, it is only a fourth-level monster, and the upper limit of the power that can be carried on the leather is only so much."

"This kind of leather can only pay you one unidentified magic spar per square foot. This piece should be ten square feet in size and worth ten unidentified magic spar."

While saying these words, Archmage Horace stared at Suldak.

Old Heyman, who was sitting beside Suldak, coughed lightly and reminded:

"Horace, you should know we're not just asking your family..."

Archmage Horace quickly raised his hand and said:

"Okay, okay, I got it! Pay three unidentified magic crystals for every two square feet, and if it is less than two square feet, it will be calculated as one square foot, and I will not buy those broken pieces whose actual usable area is less than two square feet Leather."

Suldak glanced at Old Heyman, saw that he lowered his head without any hints in his eyes, thought for a while, and then promised to Archmage Horace:

"make a deal!"

Suldak reached out his hand and gave Archmage Horace a high-five.

Then he began to take out the ghost pattern queen ant leather stored in the magic sealing box one by one.

The current transaction price has far exceeded Suldak's psychological expectations for these ghost pattern ant queen leathers, and this transaction can be well guaranteed, so Suldak readily agreed.

Archmage Horace saw arrow marks and lightning burn marks on the leather, frowned but said nothing.

It is inevitable that there will be some traces left by the battle when hunting monsters. Fortunately, this kind of leather is only very obvious on the long and narrow strip of leather, which is obviously the eye part of the ghost queen ant...

As one piece of leather was placed on the table, Archmage Horace discovered that the amount of leather that Suldak possessed was beyond imagination. It seemed that the large magic sealing box was full of such high-grade leather. .

The fact is indeed as Archmage Horace thought,

This whole box is almost full of high-grade leather from the Ghost Queen Ant Queen. Although the leather is very fragmented, the cut shapes seem to be exactly the same.

Archmage Horace is also a smart person. Following the shape of the leather edges, he worked backwards to piece together the fragmented leather of the Ghost Queen Ant, and found that almost all of the leather lacked the part on the top of the Ghost Queen's head. .

However, Archmage Horace did not ask.

The three of them sat in front of the small table and measured almost all the leather. The total size was more than 400 square feet, and the total price was 635 unidentified black magic crystals.

Archmage Horace took out a money bag with a gold thread, and said to Suldak with a smile: "Did you guess the turnover of my trading day this time, so you specially prepared these leathers?"

Suldak was slightly taken aback, and then he understood the meaning of what Archmage Horace said, and said with a smile: "Is there only 635 unidentified magic crystals in your wallet?"

Archmage Horace took out fifteen unidentified black magic crystals from the money bag, then threw the money bag to Suldak, and said, "Now this money bag belongs to you, the magic sealing box and the The ghost pattern queen ant leather belongs to me!"

"If there are any good products in the future, you can ask Old Heyman to come to me, or you can come here and wait for me..." Archmage Horace pointed to the tavern.

After the transaction was completed, the bartender took the opportunity to serve three glasses of wine with a little bit of fluorescence.

The three raised their glasses and drank the wild wine in one gulp.

The bartender then served three more light meals.

Although it is a simple meal, the piece of fish on the plate exudes a faint water element, which seems to be a piece of Warcraft ingredients.

Suldak knew that this simple meal must be of great value, even though there was some undisguised fishy smell in the sea, he still ate it all in his stomach without any leftovers.

Pushing open the door of the tavern and walking out, the sky of Chaos Fortress has completely lit up.

The three of them separated at the entrance of the tavern. Suldak followed Old Heyman back to the hotel. After resting in the hotel all morning, Old Heyman drove the four-wheeled truck back to the Blue Bridge Fortress.


The injuries on Andrew's body are almost healed.

In the past few days when Suldak went to the Chaos Fortress, it was almost Andrew who took the team out to perform patrol tasks.

The new second-level magic pattern structure quickly wore on Andrew and Samira's body.

The original two sets of 'Magic Serpent's Fang' and 'Earth Shield' were repacked into the magic sealing box.

The biggest feature of this set of Berserker's magic-weave structure is that it can overload the suit's magic-weave array in a short period of time, allowing Andrew to burst out super powerful combat power in an instant. This fits very well with his Berserker's soul, and can Let Andrew explode with great fighting power.

When the suit was overloaded, Andrew's whole body seemed to be bursting with crimson flames.

Holding the shield, Suldak climbed into the ring and competed with Andrew. Every time Andrew activated the power of the suit, Suldak could only hold the shield and be beaten passively, without even a chance to fight back... …

After Samira got the second-level magic pattern structure, she didn't try the ability of the structure at all.

The two-headed ogre didn't feel much envy for Andrew and Samira's new magic pattern armor. He hoped that Suldak could take out some unidentified magic crystals and go to the small restaurant in the fortress. Eat some high-end food.

The days passed like this day by day for nearly a month, and the wounds on the wolf orc knight gradually healed.

But he was locked in the room almost all day long, curled up against the corner, and rarely communicated with other people except the frost wolf and the ogre.

If it wasn't for Gulitum bringing two large plates of food back to his room every day, the people in the fortress would have almost forgotten that there was a wolf orc living in the fortress.

Seeing the wolf-clan orc knight getting more depressed and thinner day by day, the two-headed ogre secretly told Suldak about the situation.


When Suldak heard the news, he had just returned from Wall Village.

Aphrodite had already arrived in Wall Village, and Suldak took the opportunity to run back to visit old Sheila and little Peter, and had an in-depth exchange with Natasha all night, and then returned to Lanzhou from the Void Gate. bridge fortress.

Gulitum told Suldak about the current state of the wolf orc knights.

Suldak pondered for a moment, then came to his room with Gulitum.

Suldak pushed open the door of the room, letting the light shine into the room, the wolf orc was sitting on the ground in the corner of the room, and the frost wolf was curled up beside him.

One man and one wolf looked up at Suldak almost at the same time.

Suldak walked into the room, opened the window on the north side of the room, let the wind from the valley blow into the room, and drove away the stale air in the room.

The room suddenly became much brighter...

Suldak sat down in front of the wolf knight, and Gulitum also piled the food in front of the frost wolf Bonita.

Although the female wolf was very strong and huge, she was very docile. Seeing that Gulitham handed him a plate of cold barbecue, she whimpered softly.

Suldak first gave the wolf orc a physical examination, and then said to him: "Well, it seems that you are almost in good health... You should go out for a walk more, although you can't get the sun, but Breathing fresh air also has many benefits for the body."

The wolf orc was not happy with his recovery, he turned his head to look at Suldak, there was no gleam in his eyes.

Suldak asked him:

"Are you still feeling sad that all your comrades died in battle?"

The wolf orcs turned their heads in embarrassment...

Suldak reached out and patted his shoulder. The Frostwolf just swung its tail and continued to gnaw on the T-bone roast beef.

Suldak continued to say to the wolf orc knights: "Actually, this has nothing to do with you. If we hadn't arrived in time, you might have died with them!"

The wolf orc glanced at Surdak, and said in a jerky tone: "I will always keep this in mind..."

Suldak smiled heartily and continued: "You can actually regard the current you as a rebirth. Since it was the favor of the beast god that allowed you to survive, you should cherish your present life. Maybe it is the hope of the beast god. You can avenge these companions, so now you bear the blood feud of those companions, and you can only hunt and kill those demon warriors if you survive, right?"

"Revenge?" The wolf orc warrior repeated.

There was some light in his eyes at last, followed by a deep hatred...

He let out a loud roar, and said loudly to the frost wolf: "Yes, Bonita, I want revenge..."

But this time he spoke in orc language, and Suldak didn't understand what he was saying at all, but the frost wolf let out a low howl, and the voice echoed throughout the valley.

It will be later, there is a family event today

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