Lord Highlander

Chapter 1191: 1178. Return

The blood-red killing light gradually radiated from the eyes of the wolf orc knight. Hatred may have sprouted in his heart, but it also gave him an urgent desire to live.

He stood up from the ground, looking at the valley of the Needle Forest outside the window, his waist was straight at this moment.

At this time, Suldak proposed again:

"Or stay here, I invite you to join my combat team, and you can follow my team until you complete your revenge!"

"You see, we entered Death Ridge just to hunt the demon lords exiled there by the demons, and we have already successfully hunted down two demon lords!"

Nothing is more convincing than a dazzling record. The wolf orc's eyes obviously had some thoughts, but he still didn't immediately agree.

"But I'm an orc!" The wolf orc said in a low voice.

His pronunciation is not standard, but it can be heard clearly.

At this time, the two-headed ogre who was sitting on the sidelines watching the Frostwolf Bonita eating turned his head, laughed loudly and said:

"What's wrong with the orc, I'm still an ogre!"

The ogre Gulitum pointed at the half-elf archer Samira who walked in from the outside and said loudly:

"Half of her is an elf, and neither of us despised her. You are a pure-blooded orc, and we are all the same!"

When Samira heard the two-headed ogre talking about herself, there was a cold murderous intent in her squinted eyes, which made her good brother Naohuaer, who was watching the half-elf archer carefully, quickly cover Gulitum With a big mouth, he flattered Samira and said:

"Samila, you know that Gullitum likes to talk nonsense once he gets excited!"

Then he solemnly told Gulitum: "Now you can shut up..."

"Our team itself is like this. There are partners from different races. If you don't want to return to the orc tribe for the time being, you might as well take risks with us." Suldak took the opportunity to hand out a more formal invitation.

The wolf orcs lowered their heads and talked to the Frostwolf in Orc language, then turned to Suldak and said, "Well, Bonita and I are willing to join you!"

The giant frost wolf also howled.


At night, Tiger the wolf-clan orc took part in the night watch of the Suldak team for the first time. He and the Frostwolf were in charge of keeping watch on the watchtower at midnight.

It was the first time for a wolf orc to put on the exquisite full-cover black iron armor, but there was a handless sword used by the orcs hanging on his waist. He did not wear a helmet, and stood majestically on the sentry tower .

The armor is a bit too heavy, but it's nothing to the orcs with plenty of energy.

The only thing that worries him is that the trousers of this set of armor are a bit too hard. Human war horses have saddles, but when the orcs ride frost wolves, they don't have them at all. Tago is a little worried that such hard trousers will wear down. The fur on Nita's back.

But on the first night on duty, out of respect for the human captain, he put it on without hesitation, it felt like an iron can.

During dinner, Andrew gave him two whetstones, which were the best gifts he had ever received, and they were actually two thick and thin. He stood on the watchtower and let Bonita stare at the stone in the dark night. mountains.

In this dark night, Bonita's eyesight is better than his, and he can also distinguish the breath of the demons from the night wind...

Tago stood on the sentry post and began to sharpen his obsidian sword. The sword was tough enough, but it was not sharp enough.

He didn't have such a good whetstone before. While sharpening his sword, he asked the Frostwolf beside him in Orc language:

"Bonita, what do you think of this place?"

The Frostwolf let out a howl: "Aww..."

The wolf orc Tiger said in surprise: "Do you want to stay too? Well, if that's the case, let's stay."

The Frostwolf let out another long howl: "Aww..."

Tiger was even more puzzled and said, "You said you want me to call him captain? Oh, fine."


In fact, Suldak didn't know that it was because of the dialogue during the night watch that Suldak's patrol team had a wolf orc knight and a frost wolf.


The knights and swordsmen in the Blue Bridge Fortress seem to be still waiting for the expansion of the Suldak patrol team. At least six members can become a complete combat team!

Almost everyone in the fortress knows exactly what Deans and Musta missed...

However, after waiting for a long time, I found that the Suldak team had no intention of recruiting members at all. Now that there is an extra wolf orc in the patrol team, then when everyone thinks that the team still lacks at least one member, Suldak suddenly announced that the sixth member of the team was actually a frost wolf...

Just when everyone in the fortress was thinking about 'what's the difference between the Frostwolf and the Black Scaled Horse'.

The Suldak patrol team, which had recovered from its injuries, actually embarked on the journey again. This time, Bart failed to return to the Suldak team.

It is said that when they went hunting this time, Suldak shifted his attention from the demon lord to the demon warriors who often appeared in Death Ridge. They hoped to hunt and kill more demon warriors.

This time, Suldak's team entered Death Ridge for 20 days, and finally withdrew from Death Ridge when all members were covered in injuries.

The first to discover their team was a patrol team in the Yalu Fortress. If those knights hadn't seen the flag of the Blue Bridge Fortress fluttering in the wind in front of the team, they would have thought they were a group of mummified zombie fighting teams...

That's right, almost everyone was injured this time, so that everyone had to wrap a hemostatic bandage.

If it wasn't for Suldak's possession of enough heads of demon warriors to maintain the 'Superior Body' and 'Blessed Body' of all the members of the team, they wouldn't have known that they would be able to escape from this death mountain alive.

What made them so embarrassed was a hell mantis lord. When this lord realized that the number of mantises in the northern part of Death Ridge had decreased, he brought a group of men down to the northern mountains for activities.

Finally, it found a chance when Suldak ambushed a three-headed hellhound king. Although Suldak successfully hunted down the hellhound king, he was completely defeated by the praying mantis lord. Hunted and killed in this valley for seven days.

If Aphrodite hadn't appeared in time and successfully attacked the hell mantis lord with hypnosis, perhaps Suldak and the others would have become the human snacks of the hell mantis lord at this moment.

However, this kind of dedication is naturally a huge harvest, and in the end, he also harvested the giant praying mantis.

Suldak's team returned to the Blue Bridge Fortress again. Although almost everyone was injured, they had become the star team of the Blue Bridge Fortress.

Even many second-turn powerhouses of the Grimm Empire in other fortresses know the brilliant record of the Suldak team in the Blue Bridge Fortress in Death Ridge. Seventeen demon lords who were exiled here.

Suldak harvested more than 2,000 unidentified magic crystals just by selling the magic beast materials on these demon lords.

In addition, since the Suldak team and the hell mantis have completely forged a bridge, the team has hunted and killed more than a thousand hell mantises in just four months, and some demon scout teams have also been targeted for assassination. The demon army south of Death Ridge dared not let the demon scout team leave the detection range of the magic eye.

Basically, there are demon scout teams only where the appearance is watching...

But since the magic eye has already watched, the significance of the existence of the demon scout team is not so great.

It is for this reason that the Demon Legion had to send two additional giant magic eyes to Death Ridge again. Now the entire mountainous area in the middle of Death Ridge has been covered by the magic eyes standing on the mountain peaks without dead ends. The empire is still the powerhouses of the demons, and it has become very difficult to sneak into the southern part of the seventh district from Death Ridge.

In this way, those who are most directly affected are those shady intelligence dealers who exist between the empire and the demons.

Affected by the magic eye, although their private transactions have become more secretive, they have been discovered one after another...

For Suldak, the half-year service period on the battlefield will soon end.

Suldak, Andrew, Gulitum, and Samira can return to the Grimm Empire, and the next time they come to the big battlefield is at least two years later.

I was thinking about how to say goodbye to the wolf orc Tiger and Carrie Decker in the last days, but I didn't expect that Carrie Decker was also packing his luggage and preparing to follow the Suldak team. Return to Bena Province.

Tiger the Wolf Rider and his wife Bonita are also planning to live in Bena province for a while, and they only wait for Suldak to come back when he enters the battlefield for the second time. After all, even if they stay, they have nothing to do Now that Death Ridge is under the frenzied attack of the Suldak hunting team, even those hell mantises in the mountains can't wait to grow two more pairs of wings...

Those demon warriors will not leave the surveillance of the magic eye. In this case, hunting those demon warriors is seeking death.

So just when Suldak euphemistically expressed that his team was about to leave the big battlefield, Carrie Decker and Wolfrider Tiger agreed to Suldak's invitation and planned to go to Bena together. Save yourself a look.

Suldak was also a little dazed at this time, the invitation to them...he was just talking casually.

Before leaving, Commander Adolphus also handed Suldak a letter, asking him to pass it on to his nephew, the Marquis Fred Dunstan.

On the fourth day of April, Old Heyman drove the four-wheeled carriage to the Suldak team to the Chaos Fortress.

Suldak took everyone up the high steps, came back to the King Kong Gate, and handed over a pass to the gatekeeper of the King Kong Gate allowing him to return to the Green Empire, and the team passed through the King Kong Gate smoothly.

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