Lord Highlander

Chapter 1192: 1179. Relatives

Walking out of the 100-meter-high King Kong Gate is like passing through a long space-time tunnel.

Walking in it, the team can see patterns of countless planes spliced ​​together on the walls of the distorted space, and even some pictures of star fields.

This gave Suldak a clearer and more direct understanding of the plane.

Each plane is an independent world. Compared with the main plane like Roland Continent, it is difficult for those small planes to reach the current height of Roland Continent in terms of the level of civilization and power level of the strong.

After the four-turn legend masters mastered the ability to travel through the star field, these small planes were discovered one by one in the vast sea of ​​stars.

The powerhouses left space coordinates on these planes, and then brought these coordinates back to the family in Roland Continent, or directly to the auction house.

Families with information about the plane spread the seeds of civilization through the portal. To put it bluntly, it was an invasion of immigrants. This kind of invasion was not only in terms of land, resources, and population race, but also culture and belief.

The imperial people taught the natives to drink coffee, so they asked them to grow coffee beans, taught them to eat steak, and then developed animal husbandry and used large tracts of land to raise cattle and sheep.

However, this kind of invasion is much softer than the fact that the demons destroy everything no matter where they enter.

When Suldak entered the Vajra Gate, he did not experience this, but when he left the battlefield and passed through the Vajra Gate, it seemed like a gift of knowledge. Human beings have seen the division of the world into equal ranks.

When everyone walked out of the King Kong gate, they still appeared on the floating island in the clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds not far away, one can vaguely see the silver city where angels live, with countless towers and dazzling domes standing in the sea of ​​clouds.

Suldak walked out of the Vajra Gate and led everyone down the 100-meter-long steps.

There were many people on the steps, and they all seemed to be rank-two powerhouses who were about to enter the big battlefield, or came out of the big battlefield like Suldak.

He found the gatekeeper who had escorted them under the steps.

It was when an old man of indeterminate age looked at Suldak with a slight smile on his face: "Let me see this warrior from the Grimm Empire, it looks like you are on the battlefield The performance is not bad, there will be a two-year vacation in the next two years, and after two years, I will continue to serve in the battlefield for half a year..."

The gatekeeper reached out and patted Suldak on the shoulder. The coercion on his body made Suldak breathe heavily.

"I'll be there on time..." Suldak said cautiously.

The gatekeeper nodded, and handed a pass to Suldak directly, and then turned around and led them to a portal, where there were actually some other second-rank powerhouses standing at the end of the portal Seeing Suerdak and his party approaching, the second-rank powerhouse smiled very friendly and asked very kindly:

"You are also imperial?"

Suldak nodded and said, "Green Empire Bena Province, Suldak!"

Seeing what Suldak said was so formal, the second-turn knight immediately stood up straight and said to Suldak, "Dulva Province, Zalino Bech."

"Are you together?" Zalino asked in surprise, looking at the tall ogre standing behind Suldak.

"Yes, they are all combat partners in my team!" Suldak nodded.

"It's a little envious of you that the whole team can advance and retreat together on the battlefield," Zalino said.

Then Zalino saw the two ladies in the team again, and he blinked at Suldak in surprise. To be honest, it's rare to see a second-turn female strong in the big battlefield, especially when two of them appear at the same time. They all looked pretty good, especially the long-legged heavy knight, few ladies would choose such a profession.

Before Zalinor could say something even more surprising, a frost wolf and a wolf-clan orc appeared from behind the two ladies.

It’s not that Zalino has never seen orcs. On the big battlefield, he even fought side by side with a group of orc warriors, but he didn’t expect that there would be orcs returning to the Grimm Empire through the portal, and he was accompanied by a snow-white head. giant frost wolf.

Even though he was a Constructed Knight and he had a very good war horse, when he saw such a huge Frostwolf, he still couldn't help wanting to own one.

"This is also a member of your team?" Zalino was full of surprise.

"En!" Suldak agreed, pointed to the front, and reminded Zalino: "It's your turn..."

Zalino said enviously: "Your combat team must be great. If you have the opportunity to go to Duerva, you can come to the Becky family to find me..."

Then he waved his hand, walked into the portal and disappeared.

Suldak still has to wait outside. This portal can connect to the teleportation halls of the central cities of the various provinces of the Grimm Empire. The transfer coordinates can be changed at any time according to the needs of those who become stronger.

Surdak didn't expect such an operation, and the teleportation here is free.

It seems very easy to go out from the King Kong gate, but you need to use the battlefield pass to get here, and you can also use this pass as a squad transfer scroll.

But Suldak found that if they return to the big battlefield together next time.

Only such a teleportation pass seems to be not enough, there must be another one.

The time everyone waited in front of the portal was not too long, and it didn't take long before they walked into the portal again.


As the scenery in front of him changed slightly, Suldak appeared in the teleportation hall of Bena City.

Suldak was no stranger to this teleportation hall.

Stepping on the shiny marble floor, his slightly suspended heart finally fell down.

He even greeted the teleporter in the teleportation hall before leading the team out of the teleportation hall.

Breathing the air with the fragrance of tree oil, looking at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, made Surdak feel very cordial.

The city was very noisy. Some of the girls on the street had put on colorful dresses. The street trees on both sides of the street had already sprouted new shoots. The streets were also full of traffic, and almost all of them were magic caravans.

Pedestrians passing by the teleportation hall saw a small group of constructed knights coming out of the teleportation hall, and they all gave way.

The two-headed ogre and the wolf orc once again became the focus of pedestrians' eyes, and some girls actually cast very bold glances at the two-headed ogre.

Suldak is still thinking about which restaurant to go to, take everyone to have a good meal, and then take everyone to live in the Circle Hotel, and then he will visit the Marquis Luthor and Speaker Fred, and wait After dealing with the matter on the Nacheng side, let's answer the Bailin plane and go to Duodan Town to see the situation there. Suldak is planning to build an iron mine.

Wait until the affairs of the Bailin plane are finished, and then buy a few tickets to the city of Ruyt and return to the city of Ruyt by magic airship.

Carrie Decker and wolf orc Tiger stood at the entrance of the teleportation hall, looking at this strange city.

A magic caravan stopped at the entrance of the teleportation hall. Suldak invited everyone to sit in the magic caravan. Gulitum was still sitting on the luggage rack behind the caravan. The wolf orcs and Bonita got into the magic caravan in the carriage.

Suldak didn't dare to let that Frostwolf stand on the street all the time. Once it startled some nobleman's magic caravan, there would inevitably be some minor troubles.

Fortunately, the space inside this magic caravan was large enough, so a big frost wolf could actually lie on the carpet in the car.

After getting into the magic caravan, Suldak asked everyone to open all the windows to enjoy the scenery of Bena City.

Suldak told the coachman the name of a restaurant, and the coachman had already calmed Gu Bolaima, who was a little weak in fright, and drove the magic caravan into the traffic flow.

Carrie Decker squinted his eyes and looked curiously at the building outside the window. His long legs overlapped, and he couldn't hide his beauty even if he was wearing thick trousers.

Samira sat beside her, resting her eyes on the soft sofa in the caravan. The half-elf archer always had a beautiful face wherever he went, and the arrogance of elves seemed to be engraved in her bones.

On the contrary, Andrew was very enthusiastic, and was introducing the shops on the street to Tiger, who was wearing the 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure.

When he went out to hunt the demon lord for the second time, Suldak gave the set of 'Earth Shield' to Tago. This wolf knight usually wears leather armor, but the orc tribe does not have such advanced armor. With the magic pattern structure, their combat power all comes from themselves.

The orc warrior with the magic pattern structure is more brave than Andrew on the battlefield...

When the magic caravan passed by a commercial street, Suldak remembered that Harvey Gefiro seemed to bring him here. This is the industrial area of ​​Bena City, and Harvey's leather workshop is not far in front. On the street on the right.

Thinking of Harvey's leather shop, thinking that he is Beatrice's younger brother after all, no matter how the relationship between Beatrice and her family is, I still need to care about it occasionally, especially Harvey's recent In the leather business, they still use the hard armor leather of ghost pattern red ants to make war horse armor.

Suldak couldn't help but look out of the window. When the magic caravan passed by the entrance of the workshop, he saw a group of swordsmen surrounding the entrance of the workshop. Standing at the front were a few young nobles, who were blocking the entrance of the workshop. Harvey in front of the gate asked something.

Suldak patted his forehead speechlessly, just thinking about taking care of Harvey Gophero, he saw such a scene unexpectedly.

"Driver, please stop in front!" Suldak leaned out the window and said to the coachman on the driver's seat.

The coachman hurriedly grabbed the horse's reins, and stepped on the brakes to slow down the magic caravan, and then pulled over to the side of the road.

"You guys wait here, I'm going to deal with something, and I'll be right back!" Suldak said to the team members in the car.

After speaking, Suldak pushed open the carriage door and got out of the magic caravan.

Andrew knew that something must have happened to Suldak, so he quickly followed Suldak and jumped out of the magic caravan.

Tiger, the wolf orc, hesitated for a moment, then comforted Bonita to stay in the carriage, followed Andrew and jumped out of the carriage, and walked back with Suldak.

Seeing Samira sitting in the carriage, her eyes closed and not moving, Carrie Decker also stayed in the carriage, but opened the carriage door curiously, watching the backs of Suldak and his group.

Suldak came to the door of Harvey Gophero's leather shop and watched a group of swordsmen tightly block the door of the workshop. Through the crowd, he saw several young nobles planning to rush into the workshop. .

Harvey led some craftsmen in the workshop to block the door. There was a very obvious footprint on Harvey's chest, his face was almost swollen from a beating, there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and the noble dress on his body was also torn For a while, it seems that he should have suffered a little loss.

Suldak was about to go in, but was stopped by two swordsmen, and then the swordsmen saw the magic pattern structure on Suldak's body, and the expressions on their faces immediately became more respectful, and they glanced at Suerdak again. The noble badge on Erdak's chest said to Surdak:

"My lord, this leather workshop is currently having some small disputes and is temporarily closed. If you want to buy leather goods, you can go to other workshops..."

Before Suldak could speak, Andrew who was following behind said unceremoniously:

"What qualifications do you have to tell me where to buy leather goods... Get out of the way, don't block the way of our captain."

The sternness in Andrew's eyes and the coercion emanating from the second-rank powerhouse immediately made these swordsmen feel invisible pressure. Under Andrew's cold gaze, the swordsmen retreated one after another, making way in the middle .

Suldak climbed up the steps without saying a word. Several young nobles who were blocking the entrance of the workshop were still about to make a move. They saw Suldak coming up from behind and saw that he was still an earl. After exchanging glances, I found that everyone didn't know each other, and the most important thing was that they were still wearing a high-level magic pattern structure, so I asked a little vigilantly:

"Who are you?"

"If it has nothing to do with Harvey, don't get involved..."

The young nobleman issued a warning to Suldak.

Suldak ignored those young nobles, walked up the steps slowly, and stood in front of Harvey Gophero. Looking at his swollen face and stubborn eyes, he seemed to be more mature than a year ago Some, no longer the noble young master who found himself cheated and stood at a loss at the door of the hotel.

Although the current Harvey Gefiro is still a bit stupid, at least he has a little bit of responsibility.


Harvey said in a low voice in embarrassment.

Just this "brother-in-law" made Suldak's heart soften a lot. He stretched out his right hand and gently stroked Harvey's swollen face, with a trace of the power of the Holy Light in his palm.

The soft holy light quickly healed the swelling on his face.

Suldak asked indifferently: "Harvey, who hit this?"

He didn't even ask why, nor what happened, but just asked: 'Who hit this. '

Harvey felt that the corners of his eyes were a little sore, and his eyes suddenly blurred.

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