Lord Highlander

Chapter 1193: 1180. Support

The young nobles standing opposite Harvey seemed to think of something from last year based on Harvey's "brother-in-law".

Yes! Harvey has a sister who married far away from Ruyt City, but it was a kind of dowry between nobles, and it was said that she married far away to a small border town, so that everyone almost forgot that Harvey still had such a sister. Sister, I also forgot that Harvey actually has a 'brother-in-law'.

Coincidentally, this 'brother-in-law' will be in Bena City today.

What is even more troublesome is that this 'brother-in-law' is not only an earl, but also a constructed knight.

In the city of Bena, the Earl is not scary.

In the aristocratic circle, there is no one who does not have a relative of the earl.

However, the identity of the Constructed Knight represents another meaning, which means that the sword, shield and fist are strong enough.

Often times, nobles had to rely on their fists to solve problems.

However, generally speaking, noble followers and private soldiers would not intervene in this situation. After all, the status was not equal, and civilians would violate the laws of the empire if they attacked nobles.

Harvey set his sights on one of the young nobles who looked a little thin, but had a saber around his waist and a small lightweight round shield tied to his arm.

The young noble took a step back guiltily, and shouted at Suldak not to be outdone, "So what if I hit him, Harvey..."

He seems to be the kind of over-indulgence, with blue eye sockets, a straight nose, and a jewel-encrusted aristocratic headband on his long blond hair.

Suldak turned around, and the people around him didn't see clearly how he took this step.

He stepped in front of the young nobleman with one step, stretched out his palm and put it on the cheek of the young nobleman first, his slap seemed to have some kind of suction, so that the young nobleman could not avoid it no matter what, the young nobleman quickly used both hands He hugged Suldak's arm, trying to move his attached arm away, but failed after several attempts.

"This time I just want to warn you that no matter what happens, using force to solve it will always be the lowest behavior, understand?"

Suldak's palm left the young nobleman's face slightly, only about one centimeter away... and then slammed it hard.

The head of the young nobleman was violently tilted to the other side, his mouth was immediately swollen, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

The young nobles around wanted to rush up, but they were stared at by Suldak coldly. All their courage was gone, and everyone took a step back neatly.

Suldak pushed the young nobleman to the ground, raised his foot, and stepped on the young nobleman's chest with the sole of his boot inlaid with a layer of thick armor.

The swordsmen behind rushed up one after another, but were stopped by Andrew and Tago. The group of swordsmen found that their usual gorgeous sword moves were useless in front of the native warriors and orc warriors. The ax just swung With a sweep, the long swords in everyone's hands were broken neatly.

"what on earth do you want?"

The young nobles around had lost their usual vigor and questioned Suldak one after another.

"Now can we sit down and have a good talk?"

Suldak asked the young noble under his feet.

Then he raised his feet, turned his head to look at Harvey Gefiro, and said to him: "Now we can talk about what is going on, I hope you can also tell the truth like a knight come out……"

Harvey shrank his neck suddenly in fright, and said to Suldak: "Brother-in-law, they want to settle some old accounts with me. At the beginning, we pooled money together and wanted to do some profitable business in the city of Bena , everyone has contributed money, but those businesses have all been lost, and later met a liar, and put the last bit of capital in it..."

"In the end, I took the bulk of the money, but now they want me to return all the money they spent, or let me take out this leather workshop to compensate them."

Harvey said a little unconvinced.

"Is there any problem with what Harvey said?" Suldak turned his head and asked the young nobles again.

Young nobles, look at me, I look at you.

The young noble who had been slapped by Suldak wanted to say a few more words, but was held back by his companions, and then someone whispered next to his ear: "Forget it, Roca, you Look at the magic-weave outfits they wear... I remember adding it to the oil painting hanging in the corridor at home, and that oil painting depicts my grandpa, Roca, do you know my grandpa?"

The young aristocrat was obviously also from a prominent family.

When he said this, although the other young nobles looked a little unwilling, they all backed away.

Seeing that Suldak didn't intend to stop him, he ran away with a group of swordsmen with a bang.

Suldak walked up to Harvey, patted his face, and saw that the swollen face had quietly recovered under the effect of the holy light technique, so he patted off the footprints on his chest, yes ha Wei said: "Harvey, I will come to you another day."

After finishing speaking, he walked along the street to the magic caravan.

Carrie Decker approached curiously, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Captain! Has a relative in the family been bullied?"

Suldak smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Carrie Decker continued: "I also often encounter this kind of thing. Sometimes there are many things that can't tell the right from the wrong, so each will hit 50 big boards. So many times I would rather Blue Bridge Fortress than Going home, those things are really annoying..."

Suldak didn't look at the figure of Harvey standing outside on the street, and said to the coachman bravely, "Let's go!"


Suldak took the team members to experience the Bena cuisine in a pretty good restaurant. The most characteristic of this restaurant is a kind of eggplant pancake served with fried chicken, and it also needs to be soaked in a light and flavorful food. Inside the sweet soup, it tastes soft and crispy, very sweet, but it will get greasy if you eat too much.

But this is not a problem at all for the two-headed ogre.

Then Suldak took everyone to live in the Circle City Hotel.

The waiters at the hotel saw that a group of warriors brought by Suldak were all wearing magic-weave outfits. How could they dare to be negligent? The waiters knew the two-headed ogre Gullitum, after all, the two-headed ogre could live in the hotel with the conditions Very rarely, they built a big tent for the two-headed ogre in the garden of the hotel's inner courtyard, covered it with thick blankets, lit a bonfire outside, and set up a large iron pot.

The hotel manager seemed to understand the temperament of the two-headed ogre very well. He took out a whole ham and threw it in the iron pot to cook, which made the two-headed ogre almost laugh from ear to ear.

Because there are orcs and a giant frost wolf in the team, in order to avoid affecting the rest of other nobles, the waiter chose a few rooms on the east side of the second floor for the Suldak team, and they can go directly through a staircase from here The passage goes downstairs, so as to avoid frightening other guests when Bonita walks freely in the upstairs corridor.

Such an arrangement made Surdak very satisfied.

The next morning, Carrie Decker took Samira out for shopping, and everyone else stayed in the hotel and did not intend to go out. Suldak wanted to hand over a letter of visit to Chairman Fred Dunstan, and also I should rush to the military headquarters to report on my duties in the morning, and then go to see Marquis Luther.

After breakfast, Suldak set off from the hotel in a magic caravan. The first stop was the Dunstan family mansion. After handing over a visit letter to the concierge, he left in a hurry.

Then he came to the archives of the military headquarters and recorded that the half-year service on the battlefield was successfully completed. Then he rushed to the office of Marquis Luther before noon, and talked to Marquis Luther about what he had done during the period of time on the battlefield. matter.

Hearing that Suldak had formed a hunting team to enter Death Ridge for the first time on the battlefield, Marquis Luther also sighed.

At noon, Marquis Luther took Suldak to leave early, returned to the Marquis's mansion and hosted a banquet in honor of Suldak.

"Next, I'm going to build Mukuso City well. In addition, Ruyt City also needs to be reinvigorated. After all, it is the only entrance to the Ganbu plane. I want to increase business efforts..."

Suldak told Marquis Luther some of his thoughts.

Marquis Luther just sat aside and listened quietly.

At the end of Suldak's words, Marquis Luther asked, "Did you come up with these ideas yourself?"

"Actually, I also borrowed some practices from other people, combined with the advantages of the dry cloth plane itself, so I came up with these plans, but I haven't tried them yet, and I don't know if these methods are suitable for the dry cloth plane! "Suldak said earnestly.

"Do it boldly, as long as you put the city's development first, even if you have made some detours, you will be able to correct it sooner or later. I will hand over Ruyt City to you, and you will be responsible for the construction of this city. If you need any resources from Bena City, you can write to me." Marquis Luther patted Suldak on the shoulder and said to him.

"Although the military department can't affect the Bena firm, you can also choose to cooperate with some military merchant groups. These military merchant groups still have a certain reputation. In addition, the military department controls the portals of all planes, and other Portal pass, just come to the military headquarters to find me."

"Although the Ganbu plane does not have any unique mineral resources, it is a small plane with rich products. Whether it is the environment, climate, or human geography, it shows that it is a very livable plane. Of course, this sentence The premise of the words is to rule out the invasion of demons."

"I think some of your ideas are very good and worth a try..."

Marquis Luther and Suldak talked all afternoon in the study. If Mrs. Marianne hadn't come to urge them to have dinner in person, I'm afraid the two of them would have been able to talk all night.

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