Lord Highlander

Chapter 1194: 1181. In Dodan Town

The Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marian sat side by side at the head of the table, with Mrs. Mabel and Mrs. Sissy on both sides, and the other three daughters sat beside Mrs. Mabel.

Suldak was sitting directly opposite Marquis Luther. The dining table was very long, and it was almost full of exquisite food.

The wives all knew that Marquis Luther admired Suldak very much. He not only married his favorite daughter Hathaway to Suldak, but also gave Suldak the entire city of Ruyt as a dowry.

Now that Suldak successfully returned to Bena province from the big battlefield, everyone realized how unique the Marquis Luther's vision was.

When Marquis Luther met Suldak for the first time, he was just a little-known ordinary knight in the guard camp of Hailansa City, but now he has not only been promoted to an earl, but also a second-rank powerhouse.

He has participated in several battles and has some outstanding performances, and now he can sit at the dining table and talk to Marquis Luthor.

The more Mrs. Mabel saw Suldak's outstanding performance, the more she regretted it. It was definitely the second major mistake in her life that she failed to let her daughter marry this young man...

The first major mistake in her life was when she took advantage of Luther Marquis to go to the Brunonu plane when she was young, and secretly had an affair with a young viscount in Bena city. , I told my friends about this affair, and somehow it reached the ears of Marquis Luther, so that Marquis Luther always suspected that none of the three daughters born to Mrs. Mabel had the blood of the Luther family.

It is also for this reason that Marquis Luther does not like Mrs. Mabel and her three daughters...

If it weren't for the inseparable relationship between the family behind Mrs. Mabel and the Constructed Swordsman Group controlled by Marquis Luther, perhaps Mrs. Mabel would have been kicked out of the Marquis's mansion by Marquis Luther long ago.

Now looking at Suldak who was slowly cutting the barbecue with a table knife, Mrs. Mabel's eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Compared to Mrs. Mabel's unwilling face, Mrs. Marianne's smile was much more cordial. She asked Surdak, "Dark, when will you be able to return to Ruy when your service in the Great Battlefield is over? special city?"

Suldak put down the table knife in his hand, wiped his mouth and said calmly:

"Probably around the end of the month. Before that, I will go to the territory of Invercargill Forest in the Bailin plane to inspect the territory. There is still an iron mine that has not been built. I plan to go there to organize the iron mine. The preparation work!"

Mrs. Marianne glanced at Marquis Luther, and complained: "Ferdinand, if you hadn't asked Duck to set up a cavalry battalion and stationed in the Bailin plane, he probably wouldn't have to run so hard. Now Bailin also has a The territory also needs to be managed, and most of the Ganbu plane needs to be rebuilt, which is really busy for him..."

"Territory, which noble lord would think that he has too many territories?" Marquis Luther laughed and said, "Besides, there is nothing wrong with working harder when you are young. Otherwise, you can write to Hathaway. Let her come to Bena City, and when she arrives at Bena, she can take the magic airship with Duck back to Ruyte..."

"You have a good idea. Speaking of which, I really miss her a little bit!" Madam Marian greeted the maid beside her, reminding herself to do this thing later.

Suldak also did not expect that Marquis Luther asked Mrs. Marianne to write to Hathaway, asking her to come to Bena City just so that he could return to Ruyt City with him at the end of the month.

Let Hathaway take a magic airship to meet him from thousands of miles away, Suldak is still a little bit reluctant.

But Mrs. Marianne said that she missed her daughter again, which made him unable to stop her. He could only sit honestly across from her and carefully ate the grilled plesiosaur meat on the plate.

Seeing that Suldak got along so well with Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne, Mrs. Mabel felt as if there was a veil tightly twisted around her chest. The dullness and oppression made her unable to breathe.

"When you are in Bena City, remember to participate in more activities, such as operas, balls, or manor hunting. If you need invitations, you can come to me to choose them at any time. Although these activities are a bit boring, they can allow you to expand your network. This will help you in your future development.”

Marquis Luther warned Suldak when the dinner was about to end.

Suldak took a sip of the sweet wine, and then promised: "Okay, if the time is sufficient and it suits me, I will participate. But I look forward to participating in these dances with Hathaway, after all, some I don't understand etiquette at all, and I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed at the ball!"

It was only then that Marquis Luther realized that two years ago, Suldak was still a knight who had little contact with the noble and high society...

He is even more satisfied with Suldak's prudence and politeness.

After dinner, Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marian asked Suldak to stay in the Marquis's mansion, and Suldak agreed after thinking about it.

However, the residence assigned to him this time is no longer the special guest room, but Hathaway's room in the Marquis Luther's Mansion. This room still retains the appearance when Hathaway left, with all the furniture and furnishings Nothing has changed, only some of Hathaway's beloved items have been brought to Ruyt City.

The room at the top of the tower was originally Hathaway's forbidden place, but after the residents got used to it, Hathaway moved the bedroom here.

This bedroom is so large that the big bed surrounded by gauze curtains seems to only occupy a small corner of the room. Swords, but these long swords are not Hathaway's usual ones. Hathaway's long sword has been brought to Ruyt City by her.

Suldak pulled out a long sword casually, only to feel that the edge of the sword appeared light blue...

However, he prefers the broadsword on his waist, after all, he is used to it. There is a large open space next to the wall where the longsword is hung. The floor is covered with thick carpets. There are two wooden figures practicing swordsmanship.

Hathaway also graduated from Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, so she also practiced swordsmanship in her spare time.

During the period of confinement, the place where she practiced sword was moved to this spacious bedroom.

The washroom and the bedroom are also together, there is no partition at all, only a gauze curtain separates the bedroom from the washroom, making Suldak think that such a large room will look very cold in winter...

The quilts and blankets on the bed were very dry, and when you walked in, you could still smell a faint smell of sunshine.

Suldak sat down beside the big soft bed, and just about to lift his feet to take off his heavy boots, the maid who had just led the way squatted down in front of Suldak, helping him take off his boots , and put a pair of soft slippers at his feet.

There is also a maid running hot water in the bathroom.

Although Suldak was not used to it, he still took off the magic pattern structure on his body with the help of the maid. It felt really good to have someone serving by his side. He stretched out his hand a little, and the leather armor and coat were taken off.

However, Suldak couldn't accept what happened next. The maid beside Mrs. Marianne had already started to roll up her sleeves, clearly wanting to help Suldak take a bath...

"I can do the latter by myself! You can go to rest..."

Suldak stood by the bathtub and refused.

After the maids bowed their knees to Surdak, they bowed their heads and retreated.

Suldak only stayed at Marquis Luther's mansion for one night, and the next morning he bid farewell to Marquis Luther.

"I thought you would stay in Bena City for two days..."

Marquis Luther stood under the steps and said to Suldak who was leading the horse.

Suldak said: "I want to deal with the matter in the Invercargill Forest as soon as possible. After I have made the preparations, I will move the steel workshop on Ruyt's side..."

"Come back as soon as possible after finishing the work on the Bailin plane. Hathaway should be there by then!"

Marquis Luther gave instructions to Suldak.

"I'll be back as soon as possible..."

After finishing speaking, Suldak quickly saluted Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marian, and then rode away...


Suldak took the passport of the Bailin plane and led the team members to enter the Bailin plane through the portal in the back garden of Duke Newman's mansion very smoothly.

The Wilkes in front of him is like an extension of Bena City in another dimension. Almost all the architectural styles are exactly the same. Walking out of the bustling square of Wilkes City, you can still see those who are lined up on the edge of the square. Long line of business groups.

The northern part of the Bailin Plane is vast, and there are stretches of pastures everywhere. Unfortunately, the Bailin Plane grows a kind of white glass grass. This kind of pasture is not suitable for raising black-scaled horses and green-scaled horses. The ancient Bolai horse who eats everything can live here.

Nearly a thousand Gubolai horses circled in front of the square, and it seemed that they were preparing to enter Bena City at night.

The Suerdak team did not stay in Wilkes City. They bought three Guberai horses at the horse market that day. A group of six people passed through the north gate of Wilkes City and walked along a river. Go all the way north.

Probably because it hadn't seen such a vast grassland for a long time, Frostwolf Bonita rushed out with the wolf knight Tiger.

Compared with human cavalry, wolf cavalry has stronger endurance, and is also the most loyal combat partner of wolf cavalry. On the battlefield, a frost wolf's combat effectiveness is no worse than that of wolf cavalry.

But the shortcomings of the wolf cavalry are also obvious, that is, the lack of explosive power and impact force. When the legion is fighting, it is completely crushed by the constructed knight...

However, in the case of individual combat, a wolf cavalry is singled out against a constructed knight. As long as it survives the charge of the constructed knight, the balance of victory will tilt infinitely towards the wolf cavalry.

There are also many packs of wolves on the grasslands of the Bailin plane, but there have never been frost wolves here.

So when this Frostwolf appeared on the grassland, the aboriginal herdsmen rode over from all directions on the grassland. They were very worried that this Frostwolf would give birth to offspring on this grassland, but when they found out After Bonita became the first female wolf, these aboriginal herdsmen felt more at ease.

However, he still offered a tribute of twelve yellow oxen and twelve yellow sheep to Tiger, hoping that he could restrain his fighting partners and never leave such terrifying offspring of monsters on the grassland.

Tiger, the wolf orc, almost accepted these tributes with a dark face.

This group of herdsmen said that it was an insult to Bonita.

Bonita is Tiger's lifelong partner. For Bonita, he will not even marry other female orcs.

So Bonita will only give birth to stronger orcs in the future...

But after all, there are twelve yellow cattle and twelve yellow sheep. Under the strong request of Bonita and Gulitum, the wolf orc Tiger made a very solemn promise to these aboriginal herdsmen that he would not live here. There is no blood of Bonita left on this piece of grassland.

In order to be able to ride the ancient horse, Carrie Decker had no choice but to wear the heavy magic-weave armor, so she could only wear a leather suit casually. Her tall and straight figure made her look heroic on horseback.

She and Samira often race horses on the pasture. Although Carrie Decker is better at riding, the light Samira wins more times.

It was originally a seven-day journey from Wilkes City to Dodan Town, but Suldak's team extended the journey time every day, so on the evening of the fifth day, Suldak saw Dodan Town The War College in the south.

In the afterglow of the scorching sun, the battlefield academy in Dodan Town seemed to have a golden edge.

At this moment, Dodan Town has been hidden in the shadow of Dodan Canyon, only the flowing Dodan River is still sparkling in the setting sun.

The row of riverside wooden houses on the river bank is neat and exquisite, and the melodious bells from the church can be heard from a distance.

A group of sheep-herding children were driving the flock back to the sheepfold outside the town. When the sheep saw Bonita, they all collapsed on the grass, even though the sheep-herding children whipped them with whips, they refused to take another step. .

This is how Suldak entered the town of Dodan with his combat squad.

After entering the town of Dodan, Suldak discovered that the town had almost undergone earth-shaking changes compared with a year ago. The most prosperous street in the town was lined with shops of all kinds, some adventure groups and mercenaries. The soldiers of the regiment were wandering on this noisy long street, and the smell of various delicacies wafted from the restaurants along the street.

Along the way, Suldak saw seven or eight open taverns alone.

However, there is still only one bakery in the small town. When Suerdak passed by the bakery, there was still a long line outside the bakery, and this bakery still only sold baked wheat with some salt. Bread and whole wheat bread, but it almost monopolizes the small town's bread industry.

There is no secret at all. The town of Dodan will take out part of the financial subsidies every month to sell wheat flour at a very low price to the bakery. The bakery also operates this bakery with a very low profit. Currently, every wheat cake in the town Still only buying two copper coins, at this price in Wilkes City, even if you can buy the same amount of wheat flour...

In order to enjoy this benefit, some mercenary groups and adventure groups basically hire one or two locals in each group, only in this way can they buy these cheap food.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, there is another chapter tonight

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