Lord Highlander

Chapter 1195 1182. Dodan Township 2

There are many businesses on Long Street in the town of Dodan.

The small town is full of merchants who are engaged in the fur trade of monsters. They come here to do the fur business of ghost-striped red ants. There are still ghost-striped red ants leather hanging on the plaques of many businesses. Those leathers are flickering on the plaques. It looks very striking.

It is because of these foreign businessmen that many town residents have jobs.

There are also some small town residents who simply rent their houses in the small town to business groups, and can live well with a considerable monthly rent.

The same is true for the aborigines in the town. Nowadays, the prices of houses close to the central commercial street are a bit ridiculous. Many aborigines take this opportunity to sell their houses in the center of the town at a high price, and then continue to live in the small town. Some wooden houses have been rebuilt on the edge of the town.

When Suldak led his team through the town center, some hotel waiters stood at the door and kept greeting the passing merchants.

They kept introducing that their hotel not only had hot water, but also provided three meals a day, and they could also brush and wash the war horses for free, and they could drink and feed them.

Suldak ignored the hotel waiters and led everyone all the way to the barracks.

Until Suldak, Andrew, and Samira appeared at the gate of the camp on horses at the same time...

The duty captain who was guarding the gate of the barracks only took one look, and his eyes widened.

He blew the whistle on his chest almost instantly.

'call out……'

The sound of the whistle immediately caused the entire camp to explode.

The cavalry, heavy armored infantry and archers who were training on the grass field of the camp rushed into the barracks quickly.

After a while, a group of armored warriors ran out of the barracks.

When they were running, the shield warriors of the infantry regiment quickened their pace and strode to the front of the team. The neighing of some war horses was even heard in the camp, and a group of cavalry warriors came out from the side of the stables holding knight spears.

The soldiers of the garrison soon arrived at the gate of the barracks, and when they saw Suldak and Andrew, they rode neatly on reinforced horses and lined up on both sides of the gate of the barracks.

Suldak looked at the soldiers of the cavalry battalion on both sides, and rode into the barracks with the members of the hunting team.

For a while, many people surrounded the gate of the barracks, and almost everyone in the barracks knew that Commander Suldak had returned.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Suerdak and his party went directly to the front of the single building in the center of the barracks.

"Samila and Carrie Decker are staying in this small building for the time being..." Suldak instructed the two ladies behind him.

Samira got off the horse without hesitation, walked into the small independent building with a few salutes.

Carrie Decker quickly jumped off the horse, picked up a simple salute and followed.

Samira pushed open the door of the single building, the furniture in the living room was covered with a layer of linen, and the room was full of dust.

Samira threw the salute at the door of the small building, walked in alone, and found a bundle of bamboo handles, a rag, and a small iron bucket in the utility room of the kitchen. She threw a bundle of bundles of bamboo to Carrie Decker, faintly He said, "Let's clean together, your room is upstairs..."

Suldak continued to lead the team into the barracks, and now there was a curtain around the shower wall, which completely isolated the soldiers bathing inside from the outside.

Andrew arranged for Wolf Knight Tiger and Frostwolf Bonita in a separate dormitory at the captain's level. The dormitory at the captain's level is an independent room. In addition to a bed, there are some basic wooden furniture, such as tables, chairs, and wardrobes , long and narrow wooden benches and so on.

Frostwolf Bonita obviously liked this dormitory very much, walked straight into the room, lying on the carpet in the room, refusing to move.

Gulitum's residence in the barracks is still preserved, which makes the ogre brothers very happy. As for Andrew, he has always ate and slept with the cavalry in the cavalry battalion, and now he returns to the barracks. exception.

A group of cavalry surrounded Andrew and asked him about his adventures these days.

The camp, where everything seemed to be in order, suddenly seemed to be boiling, and countless soldiers wanted to squeeze in to have a look.

After everything was arranged properly, Suldak rode out of the barracks alone.

"The captain doesn't live here?" Seeing Suldak riding away, Carrie Decker, who was twisting his wet hair with a dry towel, asked Samira.

Samira said casually: "Sometimes I live here, but most of the time I go to the wooden house by the river..."

Carrie Decker had an obvious smile on his face, just sat opposite Samira in a bathrobe, and said to her: "Hey, Samira, do you know why the captain doesn't want to stay here? "

"Why?" Samira stopped the rag in her hand, looked up at Carrie Decker and asked.

Carrie Decker smiled even more triumphantly, and said decisively: "Of course you are not active enough. You should learn from me. Think about it, if I didn't take the initiative to attack at the beginning, how likely would I be to join your team? ?”

"No chance at all!" Samira replied.

Carrie Decker snapped his fingers and said decisively: "What you said is absolutely correct, that's why I offered to join you. If you don't agree, I won't leave... You are missing this!"

Samira sighed helplessly...


The water of the Dodan River gurgled westward, reflecting the sparkling waves in the night.

Selena is in the kitchen, directing a cook to cook dinner. Since she is very busy dealing with a lot of documents every day, she specially invited a cook. This cook usually not only does a Three meals a day, and some simple housework.

Not only that, Selena also hired a tutor through the mercenary union. This teacher is a bard. It is said that she came to Dodan Town just to take a look at the Chain Bridge camp.

He had already spent all his money when he came to Dodan Town. In order to earn some travel expenses, he turned himself into the teacher of Signa and Nika.

The two girls are currently studying Mandarin with this bard, and they heard that he writes poems very well, and girls from noble families often fall in love with him.

The collection of poems that the bard is holding in his hand is a hand-copied version of poetry. Facing two girls who are biting pencils and frowning, they are reciting a poem. Occasionally, the bard will ask the kitchen Take a look over there.

He looked at Selena with a faint obsession...

The voice of the bard is soft and full of magnetism. He is thin but has the unique charm of a man. His long hair is casually tied behind his head and he is unkempt. There is a long sword hanging on his waist and a bagpipe in his belt. .

His clothes were open, revealing his strong physique on his chest...

The bard was thinking of a reason to approach Selina.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Suldak strode in from the outside...

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