Lord Highlander

Chapter 1207: 1194. Meet Again

Hathaway and Beatrice showered and changed before going downstairs for dinner.

At this time, Marquis Luther had returned from the military headquarters, and Suldak was sitting on Marquis Luther's right hand. The two of them were sitting at the dining table, eating and chatting, and the people next to them could barely intervene.

Hathaway also listened carefully for a while before realizing that the two were talking about the construction of the Knights.

After hearing Suldak talk about the difference between Constructed Knights and Constructed Swordsmen, and about the establishment of a Constructed Knights in the bridgehead camp on the Bailin Plane, Hathaway put down the spoon in her hand and said to Sur Duck asked in surprise:

"Dark, you have already started to form the Construct Knights?"

Suldak nodded and admitted: "Well, but there are only three squadrons at present."

Hathaway looked at Marquis Luther in surprise. Marquis Luther had said that Suldak would be his successor, and that the army in his hands would be handed over to Suldak one after another in the future, but that was things in the future.

Marquis Luther is currently able to become the lord representative of the main battle faction in the province of Bena because he holds the Luther Legion in his hands, the most elite of which are the two Constructed Swordsman regiments.

He never said that he would hand over the Constructed Swordsmen to Suldak now.

"Dak captured a batch of magic pattern structures when he wiped out Lord MacDonnell on the Ganbu plane. This time he went to the big battlefield to save some. His three knight squadrons of structures are all based on their own strength. I earned it back." When talking about these things, Marquis Luthor also showed pride on his face, after all, Suldak was someone he took a fancy to at a glance.

The women at the dining table looked at Surdak in disbelief.

In this year and month, the difficulty of forming a Constructed Knight Order by one's own strength is no different from completing a small goal.

In any case, completing this small goal is considered a starting qualification.

Mrs. Marianne looked at Suldak who was sitting at the dining table, and felt very satisfied, but her daughter had not been able to conceive after her wedding, which made Mrs. Marianne a little anxious. A wife and a son at the same time, Hathaway needs to give birth to a more legitimate heir as soon as possible.

When Mrs. Mabel heard what the Marquis Luther said, she felt even more uncomfortable. Seeing that there was no place for her three daughters on the table, she was so angry that she couldn't eat, so she put down the knife and wiped it with a napkin. He licked the corner of his mouth, got up and left the table.

After dinner, Marquis Luther took Suldak to the study and continued to pass on some experience about managing the territory and the army to him.

Suldak told Marquis Luthor the news about the Dark Worm Valley and the ghost-striped red ants...

Marquis Luther smiled and said, "I didn't expect the Dark Worm Valley to be the biggest treasure in Invercargill Forest."

And Mrs. Marianne also took the opportunity to call her daughter and Beatrice back into the room. Elf women are one of the groups that don't like to conceive the most, so many magic potions about which aspects are passed from the elf world to the Grimm Empire. This kind of magic potion is very precious, and it is only spread among the upper class nobles.

This time Mrs. Marian is explaining the details to Hathaway. In addition, she also needs to explain carefully to her daughter how to get along with husband and wife. Now Suldak is also a lord who owns a plane, and he is so young...

It was almost midnight when Suldak returned to his bedroom from Marquis Luther's study.

I thought that Hathaway and Beatrice had already fallen asleep, but on the way back, Suldak was thinking that in order to avoid waking them up, he slept on the single bed at the door of the room for one night. .

When he returned to the door, he saw Hathaway's maid sitting on a stool in the corridor and dozing off. He woke up when he heard footsteps, and opened the door for Suldak.

In the room, Hathaway and Beatrice were even lying on the bed chatting. Although they were so sleepy that their eyelids were clenched, they still endured the sleepiness and did not fall asleep.


At noon the next day, Suldak was also invited to attend a luncheon held by the Dunstan family. Almost all the people who came to the Dunstan's house to attend the luncheon were some young nobles from Bena City, and most of them were The status of viscount and baron, the young people who can become earls can almost count on two hands.

Earl Jim Dunstan, who organized the luncheon, is the youngest son of Speaker Dunstan, and he is also the most favored son of Speaker Dunstan. He may not be able to inherit the family business in the future, but he is likely to control the Dunstan Legion, so at the instruction of Speaker Dunstan Only then did the Earl Jim Dunstan take the initiative to hand over the invitation letter to Suldak.

In fact, Marquis Luther also very much hoped that Suldak could enter the noble circle of Bena City.

However, Hathaway's social circle is almost a group of aristocratic ladies. Of course, at this time, Suldak cannot be thrown into the wolves. It was an opportunity for Suldak to enter the noble circle of Bena, so Suldak had to postpone the date of returning to Ruyt City.

Earl Jim Dunstan looks a bit like Commander Adolphus, especially with his falcon-like eyes, one can tell at a glance that he is a Rank 2 powerhouse. It's the same outfit at the luncheon.

Seeing Suldak, he said to him: "Count Suldak, your uncle praised you very much in the letter, and said that I must let me learn more from you..."

Earl Jim Dunstan was older than Suldak.

Hearing what he said, Suldak immediately said: "Commander Adolphus is the role model for us to learn from. During the time on the battlefield, I really owe Commander Adolphus his care."

There were a lot of guests, and Earl Jim Dunstan couldn't stay with Suldak all the time. After introducing him to a few friends around him, he went to greet other guests.

The friends of Earl Jim Dunstan are of course also very curious that this Earl of Suldak can get such care from Earl Jim Dunstan. You must know that this Jim is notoriously cold-faced. The friends he has been with for more than ten years know his temper too well.

After chatting, everyone knew that Suldak was a second-rank strongman who had just returned from the big battlefield, and the eyes of the surrounding nobles became much more friendly.

When Earl Jim Dunstan came back, he mentioned that his uncle admired Suldak and was the successor chosen by the Marquis Luther, and he finally had some impressions of Suldak.

Suldak was more easy-going, and he would not feel left out when sitting among this group of nobles.

The lunch meeting was over after only two hours. Suldak did not go to a high-end place for afternoon tea with his people. The caravan leaves.

Just when the magic caravan had just left the gate of Dunstan's mansion, Suldak just saw a magic caravan stop at the corner of the street, and a young nobleman jumped out of the magic caravan, quickly boarded and followed behind. That magic caravan.

After the door of the magic caravan in front was closed, it drove straight into the mansion of Speaker Dunstan, and the lady in the car...

Suldak felt a little familiar, and couldn't remember where he saw it for a while.

But when he saw the young nobleman boarding the magic caravan, he suddenly remembered the last time he saw them in the ring hotel. Why hasn't he returned to Hailansa?


The journey back to Ruyt City in the magic airship was the most relaxing time for Suldak in recent days, and with the company of Hathaway and Beatrice, it would not be boring.

In fact, the three of them spent more than half of their time in the room on the airship, and occasionally went to see the sea of ​​clouds, but the wind on the deck was too strong, and it was far less comfortable than in the room.

The magic airship traveled in the wind layer for seven days, and the clouds in the sky happened to be extremely thin, and the city of Ruyt in the distance gradually became clear to everyone.

Near the city of Ruyt, you can already see the football field-like back garden behind the castle in the city.

Hathaway stood on the deck with Beatrice and accompanied Suldak in a thick cloak, and said loudly to him against the wind:

"Have you ever thought about building several airport terminals on the Ganbu plane?"

Suldak shook his head, pointed to the sail that kept falling above his head, and said to Hathaway:

"I also asked Earl Ian about this at the beginning. I heard that it was because the dry cloth plane did not have a wind velocity layer at all. After the magic airship floated in the air, it could only slowly float in the sky, so the dry cloth plane has always been There are no magic airships."

On May 3rd, Suldak, Gullitem, Hathaway, and Beatrice arrived at the airport terminal in Ruyt City smoothly.

Returning to Ruyt City this time, he will transfer power to Ruyt City with Earl Clay Cushing. Looking at the city under his feet, which looks even more dilapidated than Hai Lansa, Suldak feels that it is better than last year. In autumn, it really is going to be lively.

Especially the traffic on the Teleportation Square. A large number of business group carriages lined up from the teleportation gate of the square, and then drove out of the city all the way, heading straight for the North Tower area...

Ruyt City is a city that divides the classes very clearly, and the residents at the foot of the mountain represent poverty.

Standing on the platform of the airport pier, Suldak was just able to overlook the civilian areas and workshop blocks of the entire city. On the high airport pier, the backward side of the city was clearly revealed.

Those emaciated women sitting under the eaves of the street with their children in their arms, as well as the children running around the street with bare feet and bare upper body, seem to be the truest portrayal of this city.

"No matter what... At least we must improve the life in the slums!"

Suldak rubbed his forehead in distress, and said to Hathaway and Beatrice beside him.

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