Lord Highlander

Chapter 1208 1195. Noble Life

The city of Ruyt is located in the south of Tarapakan region. In May, with the fall of a spring rain, everything begins to grow crazily.

The ginkgo trees on both sides of the street spit out green branches and leaves. It is said that to see whether a city has a long history, in addition to the precious cultural relics in the museum and the mottled ancient buildings in the city, it is necessary to look at the trees in the city.

The streets of Ruyt City are full of towering ginkgo trees. These huge ginkgo trees have almost completely covered the street. The magic caravan is driving under the shade of big trees, looking to the other end of the long street. It seems to have entered a tree hole made of intertwined trees.

There were not many carriages on the street, and pedestrians hurried past on both sides of the street.

Only some women and old people with children in their arms will find a place where the sun can shine at their door and bask in the sun.

This city just received the baptism of war a year ago, but obviously the most traumatized place is the poor area of ​​the lower city, while the streets of the aristocratic neighborhoods living on the high ground are still smooth and clean, and the magic caravan is driving on the stone-paved road. On the street, horseshoes trampled on them, making a crisp kicking sound.

Clusters of apricot-yellow winter jasmine flowers bloomed in the wind beside the castle. Hathaway opened the window, leaned her beautiful face against the window, and sniffed the fragrance of flowers outside the window with her eyes closed.

When entering the gate of the castle, the four guards standing at the gate of the castle saluted the magic caravan. They wore standard light armor, chain mail helmets on their heads, and spears in their hands. They looked quite energetic.

After the gate was slowly opened, the magic caravan slowly drove into the vestibule with a circular flower bed, and stopped in front of the castle steps where the two statues were erected.

More than 20 maids stood on both sides of the steps in long uniform primary color linen skirts. A butler and a middle-aged housekeeper with a rather staid face stood in front of these maids. He jumped off the passenger seat, quickly opened the car door, and put the ladder stored on the rear shelf on the outer edge of the car door.

Hathaway nodded to Suldak, and Suldak stepped out of the magic caravan first.

Hathaway and Beatrice followed closely behind, and then stood on both sides of Suldak. Under the leadership of the two butlers, almost all the maids said at the same time: "Lord Earl Suldak, welcome! go home!"

Suldak was taken aback for a moment, he was still not used to the title of Lord Earl.

Seeing that Suldak hadn't spoken, Hathaway asked, "Did anything important happen in the castle recently?"

"Everything is going well, Mrs. Hathaway!" The housekeeper's voice was a little hoarse, but her words were extremely standard.

Suldak walked along the red carpet into the hall on the first floor of the castle.

Xi Ya ran out from the corridor at the side of the hall, shaking her wet long hair. The long skirt on her body was still water-stained, as if she had put on a long skirt before she even had time to dry herself after swimming in the pool. , the long skirt is wrapped around the body in many places.

"Dak, you're back!" Xi Ya rushed forward and gave Surdak a big hug.

"Yeah! It seems that you are doing well in Ruyt City, and you have obviously gained a lot during this time..."

Suldak pushed away the wet Sia, and asked with a smile, "But when do you plan to go home?"

"Hey, how can you ask such embarrassing questions to your guests as soon as you come back? Besides, I am already a member of your combat team? Although I am not qualified to enter the big battlefield this time, maybe next time I will I can enter the big battlefield with you, hey, where are they?"

Sia raised her hand to roll up her matcha-colored long hair, which looked like wet seaweed, and glanced behind Suldak. Apart from the familiar Hathaway and Beatrice, only the two-headed ogre Gullit m.

"Andrew and Samira are staying in Dodan Town. Andrew needs to help me garrison the bridgehead camp, and Samira is in charge of managing the military camp in Dodan Town."

Suldak said.

On the gorgeous sofa inlaid with gold in the living room, two maids immediately knelt at Suldak's feet, took off the long leather boots for him, put on soft cotton slippers, and helped him with the magic pattern on his body. Take it off, and put it into a magic sealing box under Suldak's signal.

Only then did the two maids enter a bathroom with a bathtub to take a bath, and changed into aristocratic attire. During this period of time, the nobles of Ruyt City visited, or some nobles sent some invitation letters, and the housekeepers responded accordingly, and so on.

Xi Ya was almost falling asleep listening to it, and the report was not over yet.

Suldak was finally able to escape. He came to another side hall, only to see that the housekeeper was reporting the daily expenses of the castle to Hathaway, which was even more cumbersome than his side. Hathaway and Bea Triss seemed to have gotten used to this kind of life, and they would count and discuss everything after they said something.

Seeing that Suldak was a little impatient sitting next to him, Hathaway said to him: "We will be ready soon, if you feel bored, we will have afternoon tea together in the back garden..."

In the back garden, if Siya doesn't go out, she will always soak in the pool in the garden. She has only been active outside recently. After all, the winter in Ruyt City is a bit cold, and the outdoor pool will be drained in winter. Water, until the end of March, will refill the swimming pool with clean water.

Suldak sat down on the rattan chair by the swimming pool in the back garden, took out the notes on Constructing Knights that Commander Felix had given him, and read them carefully.

The entire front of this notebook explains how a Constructed Knight can bring out his best potential in battle.

In the view of Commander Felix, a knight's own strength cannot fully represent his combat effectiveness, because there are many uncertain factors on the battlefield. If the knight has strong adaptability and rich combat experience, even if his Its own strength is slightly weaker, but it can also exert its strength to win battles.

If a knight has never been on a battlefield, lacks adaptability, and is always used to adhering to the fighting methods in training, even if the power he masters completely crushes his opponents, he may not be able to defeat those enemies whose strength is lower than him on the battlefield.

And stimulating one's own potential in battle is the path of the strong that Commander Felix has been pursuing.

For this reason, he discovered core runes in some magic matrices such as "acceleration" and "speed stimulation", formed a new magic matrix, and fused the power of some knights to form advanced skills that only knights can master. Name this skill 'White Heat'.

Suldak held the experience notes in one hand, and Isenhard's broadsword in the other. He poured the condensed runes into the broadsword in his left hand. When he swung the sword, two afterimages appeared, sharp and sharp. The sword energy even left three deep sword marks on the stone platform by the swimming pool.

In the swimming pool, Siya was startled by the noise by the side of the pool. She swam over cautiously, only to find that Suldak was also staring at the broadsword in his hand in a daze, and was squatting by the pool to carefully examine the sword marks on the stone slab.

Xiya lay her arms on the stone platform by the pool, with crystal water on her face, staring at the deep sword marks with her big blue eyes, she asked Suldak, "What is this? "

Suldak said casually: "Master Felix calls the skill of the knight 'white heat', it may be sword skills, I mean this is more suitable for chopping heavy swords."

Xi Ya smiled "haha", and said quickly: "Ha, I thought you could only shield..."

Suldak touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "It's just that I rarely come into contact with the martial arts of high-level knights."

"Is this the seal of the knight?" Xi Ya asked with interest.

"Probably can't be counted." Suldak said with some uncertainty.

He casually placed Commander Felix's experience notes on the small table beside the wicker chair, and Suldak put down the broadsword in his hand and lay down on the wicker chair.

Breathing the air full of plant fragrance, the afternoon sun shines on him, he never thought that the leisure life of the nobles would be so comfortable, and it is no wonder that the young nobles are unwilling to fight hard, living in this environment all year round, how could it be possible? Have the courage to hold the long sword in your hand.

A gust of wind blew, and the experience notes were blown by the wind and turned a few pages backwards. In the notes at the back, there was an impressive "Halo of Fanaticism"...


Such a huge castle needs meticulous maintenance every day. There are two gardeners in the castle trimming the green plants in the back garden, and three craftsmen repair or clean up some loose stones in the castle every day, and occasionally clean them. Looking at the exquisite stone carvings in the castle, the most dangerous place is the back garden where half of the site is suspended on the cliff. The load-bearing cornerstones supporting the back garden are all on the cliff.

The clifftops of this cliff allow birds to nest, but not termite nests or animals such as pangolins.

The annual maintenance work in spring is the most difficult time for these craftsmen.

But this year the situation has improved a bit, because there is a two-headed ogre squatting on the top of the cliff, the three craftsmen in the castle only need to tie one end of the safety rope around his waist, and then climb down the rock wall That's it, when you need to go up, you just need to shout to the top: "Master Ogre, please pull the No. 3 rope up..."

The two-headed ogre squatting on it will pull up the craftsman hanging from the cliff as quickly as possible.

Of course, this kind of service also comes at a price, that is, to dedicate all the pangolins caught on the cliff to Lord Ogre.

Guli Temu recently learned a dish from Suldak called 'Braised Braised'. He has tried a lot of Chinese meat, pork, beef, chicken and fish, basically as long as it is meat, it is very suitable, especially It is meat with a strong smell, but very delicious meat, which is most suitable for braised in soy sauce.

Hearing that the craftsmen of the castle could get pangolins, the ogre wanted to taste them on a whim, but it turned out to be very delicious.

Surdak found that the size of the house was also inconvenient, that is, from the bedroom to the dining room, every time he walked a bit far, he needed to go through two corridors and three corridors to reach the huge dining room.

Moreover, the dining table in the restaurant was fifteen meters long, and there were only four of them, Hathaway, Beatrice, and Sia, when they ate. Even with a group of maids standing by, the restaurant still seemed a bit empty.

Suldak was deeply touched. He felt that the castle looks bright and beautiful, but in fact it is far less comfortable to live in than a small villa. His back garden hangs on the top of the cliff and is as big as a football field, but he doesn’t need to use it. Come play football...

Suldak picked up the knife and asked Hathaway while cutting the beef, "You guys have been eating dinner here these days?"

The round-faced Beatrice said quickly: "No, most of the time, let them bring dinner into the room, sitting here empty, and being stared at by a row of servants, it's not comfortable at all."

Suldak looked at the butler standing at one end of the dining table, and then suggested to the three ladies, "How about we bring back the dishes we like?"

Beatrice immediately agreed: "Okay! I want that grilled fish, boiled kale, and fruit salad..."

Suldak found that the bedroom he slept in was actually a suite. In addition to the separate washroom and dressing room, there was also a living room outside. Beatrice asked the servants to put these meals on the coffee table in the middle of the sofa. The table was full, and the four of them sat around the coffee table, dismissing the maid who was guarding the side, and the atmosphere became much warmer.

"If the weather gets warmer, we can put these foods on the small table outside on the terrace, and it will feel better." Beatrice took out a bottle of golden cider from the ice bucket and gave it to Sur Duck and Hathaway poured some, and poured some into their own cups.

Xi Ya doesn't like to drink, so she can only sit on the side and eat fish.

"How is your cosmetics business doing?" Suerdak asked casually.

Hathaway smiled and said: "It's not bad, Xi Ya suggested that the powder made from pearls and the painted magic scroll mask are very popular, but they can only make a little amount every month, and there are many people who want to buy them." ..."

Speaking of this topic, Siya, who was sitting opposite Suldak, dropped the fishbone in her hand, wiped her lips again, sat up straight, and said to Suldak:

"By the way, I've collected a sum of money, Dak, when will you take me to the slave market? I'm ready to rescue my clansmen."

"And you will take them back to the Seven Seas?" Suldak asked.

Xi Ya turned her blue eyes around, and said with a faint smile on her face: "I don't have this plan, I want to place them in Lake Noma, and I'm not helping them regain their freedom for free, they must Earn back the money I paid, and then I will use this money to save more clansmen."

Suldak couldn't help complaining: "They usually live in the sea, do you think they will get used to living in a freshwater lake?"

"It should be okay! I don't think there is anything unusual..." Xi Ya said, frowning, and asked Surdak: "Dak, why do I feel that the words you asked me seemed like Has another meaning?"

"You think too much... eat well!"

Suldak quickly lowered his head and began to deal with the well-roasted beef on the dinner plate.

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