Lord Highlander

Chapter 1212

Deputy Speaker Glennis walked out of the chamber of the House of Representatives angrily.

He was shocked and angry, and there was even a hint of excitement on his face.

Thinking of the promises that Edie Newman personally told him when he attended the dance held in the Duke's mansion in winter, as long as he could cause any unhappiness to Suldak in Ruyt City, he could write to him and tell him, He will even use the resources around him to support himself.

Thinking of this, Deputy Speaker Glennis finally dispelled the trace of fear in his heart.

It's just that Earl Suldak's arbitrariness is also deeply imprinted in his mind, especially when he smashed the ballot box with his fist.

He was in a trance, and several followers quickly followed him, walking towards the gate of the House of Representatives.

The civilian staff who walked in from the outside all had strange expressions on their faces. Deputy Speaker Glennis was only thinking about his own thoughts and didn't notice the expressions of those people.

He didn't even notice that Xi Ya was following him slowly...


Just outside the gate of the city hall, the two infantry captains Ned Mosby and Edgar each led an elite infantry regiment to block the gate of the House of Representatives.

They led the heavy armored infantry regiment into Ruyt this morning. According to Suldak's order, they have been waiting in the central square not far from the city hall since the morning. In the morning, the two did not receive any information. According to the instructions, they have been standing by in the square.

It was only after lunch that they received the news from Suldak. Suldak asked them to have two heavy armored infantry regiments guarding the gate of the House of Representatives at one o'clock in the afternoon.

All nobles who enter the House of Representatives are only allowed to enter, not to exit.

Ned Mosby and Edgar waited at the gate of the House of Representatives for about half an hour, and saw a group of people surrounded by a nobleman, walking quickly down the high steps, and Siya followed quietly. Behind them, she stood on the steps and quickly gestured to Edgar to tidy up.

Edgar immediately stood up from the crowd. He winked at Ned Mosby, then waved his hand, and led a group of heavy armored infantry soldiers towards the nobleman.

The entourage around Deputy Speaker Glennis saw a group of infantry rushing towards them along the steps, and they all showed their weapons.

Deputy Speaker Glennis became even more frightened at this time. He pointed at Edgar who was walking in the front, and asked sternly, "Where did you come from? Who gave you the power to besiege the House of Representatives?"

Edgar ignored Glennis's questioning at all. As a rebel army on the Ganbu plane, he has always been not very interested in imperial officials.

"We are ordered to stay here. Without the pass signed by Commander Suldak, no one can leave the House of Representatives!" The bearded Edgar wore a dark heavy armor. He lifted the helmet visor and faced Glennis. The deputy speaker said with a blank face.

"Are you Earl Suldak's personal guard?" Deputy Speaker Glennis asked with an angry face.

"We are the garrison of the Ganbu plane!" The bearded Edgar replied.

Then Edgar saw Siya running down the steps and handed an arrest warrant to Edgar the bearded man.

The bearded Edgar saw Surdak's signature on the arrest warrant, so he pointed to Deputy Speaker Glennis, and asked Siya, "Siya, is he Glennis?"

Xi Ya nodded and took two steps back.

Edgar immediately waved his hand, signaling the heavy armored infantry soldiers behind to follow up, and said to Deputy Speaker Glennis: "Well, you are suspected of violating the imperial law, and I want to formally arrest you now, here is my arrest warrant .”

Before he finished speaking, a group of heavy armored infantry surrounded the Deputy Speaker Glennis.

The entourage around Glennis' deputy speaker immediately surrounded Glennis in the center, and they drew out their long swords to stop the heavy armored infantry...

These heavy armored infantry also set up tower shields and did not rush up easily.

Edgar's face sank, he pulled out the long sword at his waist, and shouted to the back: "The archers are ready..."

A group of heavy armored infantry immediately retreated to the sides, leaving the entire area in the middle.

At this time, Deputy Speaker Glennis saw that there were three rows of archers standing on the stone road near the street just below the steps of the House of Representatives. The first row of archers had already stretched the bowstrings, and almost all the feathered arrows were pointing in front of him. of these followers.

"I'm giving you a chance now. I ask you to put down your weapons immediately and accept our control." Edgar shouted.

A entourage next to the deputy speaker of Glennis was wearing a magic pattern structure on his body. When Edgar was speaking, a phantom of a crusader swordsman was released behind him, and then he raised his double-edged sword towards Edgar. Jia rushed over, trying to coerce Edgar...

Although Edgar is not a Constructed Knight, he is a very famous leader in the rebel army. How could he be so easily coerced by a Constructed Swordsman? Just as he took a step back , The heavy armored infantry soldiers on both sides rushed forward one after another.

A scuffle immediately broke out at the gate of the House of Representatives.

The heavy armored infantry fighters who followed Edgar the Bearded were almost all his most capable subordinates. The fighting qualities these fighters had cultivated in the Ganbu plane for a long time made them very proficient in team battles.

There was also a group of archers behind the cummer. The battle had just started, and a group of entourage of the deputy speaker of Glennis was immediately completely suppressed by the heavy armored infantry regiment brought by Edgar.

All these attendants were beheaded on the spot, only the Deputy Speaker Glennis was left behind.

Edgar knew that no matter when, in public, a civilian commander like himself could not kill a nobleman.

Seeing eight corpses lying on the steps, with a large amount of blood flowing out from the corpses, Glennis felt a little cold all over. Under the pushing and shoving of these heavy armored infantrymen, he didn't dare to make any changes at all. Guarded by infantrymen, they returned to the House of Representatives in a panic...


Suldak walked out of the hall of the House of Representatives with a group of councilors from Luyter City.

I happened to see the distressed Deputy Speaker Glennis, who was grabbed by a group of heavy armored infantry soldiers, and was pushed towards the hall of the House of Representatives under the push of the group of infantry soldiers.

Now that his face has been torn apart, Suldak is not going to give Deputy Speaker Glennis any chance to relax.

Suldak nodded to Edgar and Ned Mosby, and then publicly announced on the steps:

"Deputy Speaker Glennis is suspected of participating in the rebellion in the Tarapakan area, and now needs to be detained in the prison in Mukuso City for the time being. I will send the evidence of Deputy Speaker Glennis to the Bena Military Headquarters as soon as possible, waiting for the military Disposal order issued by the Ministry."

"I announce that the manor and territory of the deputy speaker of Glennis will belong to the area occupied by the rebel army, and I will send the four heavy armored infantry regiments of the 13th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Ganbu planes to fully occupy Glennis In the territory of the manor in Ruyt City..."

He handed a note in his hand to Ned Speedy and the other to Edgar, and whispered a few words in their ears.

The commanders of the two heavy armored infantry regiments gave a military salute to Suldak at the same time...

A group of legislators from Ruyt City saw the two commanders escort the Deputy Speaker Glennis down the steps, and each of them hurriedly left the House of Representatives with two heavy armored infantry regiments.


Before dinner, the two houses in the city of Speaker Glennis and the three manors outside the city were completely sealed off.

The lord's private army of Deputy Speaker Glennis was suppressed in the manor by the soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment, and they didn't dare to make any rash moves at all.

All the members of the Glennis family were arrested in the prison of Mucuso City, and all their property in the house and manor had not had time to be transferred out. It took a whole night just to check these items.

When the Glennis Manor was searched, the Chief of Police and the Minister of Logistics were present.

The two of them watched the well-trained heavy armored infantry fighters shuttle through the streets and alleys of Ruyt City, and they were both in a cold sweat. If Deputy Speaker Glennis was not the first to jump out, the person who treated him like this was probably one of them.

That night, many of the nobles in Ruyt City who had close ties with Deputy Speaker Glennis almost stayed up all night, because they were afraid that those heavy armored infantry soldiers would knock on the door that night...

It wasn't until dawn that news came from outside the city of Ruyt that the private troops of the Glennis family's manor outside the city had given up their resistance and chose to surrender to the garrison on the Ganbu plane.

Only then did the nobles in Ruyt know that although the direct subordinate of Marquis Luther is a young earl, he is not the gentle Earl of Lake Cushing, but a decisive battlefield commander who has become a After being the consul of a city, his acting style is also fierce and murderous...


The next morning, Earl Lake Xin convened the members again to hold a voting meeting for the re-election of the speaker in the House of Representatives.

At the meeting, the members voted unanimously, and Suldak officially became the speaker of the House of Representatives in Ruyt City.

That night, a celebration banquet was held in the castle of Ruyter City. Suldak, his wife Hathaway, and Beatrice jointly entertained the nobles in Ruyter City.

At the banquet, the aristocratic ladies of Ruyt City discovered that the hydrating mask that was popular in Bena City was actually made by the two wives of Earl Suldak, and immediately surrounded them, accompanied by a group of women carefully. , I just hope to get an appointment order.

You must know that this kind of magic mask is also a good thing that money can't buy in Bena City. It is said that many water magicians have failed to imitate this magic mask.

At the banquet, Siya wore a simple dress and followed Suldak all the time. This beautiful and innocent little assistant had officially entered the sight of the nobles in Ruyt City.

And everyone found out...

The relationship between this little assistant and the two wives of Suldak is also quite harmonious.

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