Lord Highlander

Chapter 1213: 1200. Measures

The furnishings in the office remained basically the same, Xi Ya moved the flower pots on the desk and the wall to the terrace.

The euphemism is that summer is here, let these green plants go outside to bask in the sun.

And she chose two styles of fish tanks for Suldak, one is floor-standing and placed by the wall, and the fish in it are also one-foot-long silver scale cod, and a lot of fish tanks are implanted in it. aquatic plants.

Another bathtub is placed on his desk. The fish tank is not too big, but the small fish inside are colorful.

Occasionally, when she has free time, Xi Ya will teach Surdak how to appreciate fish correctly...

Count Lake Cushing sat on a chair, looking at Suldak opposite him with a pair of slightly cloudy blue eyes.

Suldak signed the document in his hand, handed it to Siya who was standing aside, and smiled slightly at Count Lake Cushing.

Count Cushing was very curious about the arrest of Deputy Speaker Glennis, so he came to chat with Suldak this time, and also wanted to know the specific situation here, so he asked Suldak:

"Dark, how do you know that Deputy Speaker Glennis will stand up against you, and have prepared the means to deal with him in advance?"

Suldak smiled and said frankly: "I'm not the goddess of fate. Of course I don't know who will stand up against me. I didn't even think about why Deputy Speaker Glennis would be so impetuous!"

"Then why did you prepare the evidence against Deputy Speaker Glennis and give him the most fatal blow when he jumped out?" Earl Lake Cushing asked with rounded eyes.

"The evidence I have prepared is not limited to Deputy Speaker Glennis. In fact, I have many criminal evidence above the ministerial level in Ruyt City." Suldak said in a low voice.

Earl Lake Cushing was a little dumbfounded. He listened attentively, but he did not expect such an answer.

In fact, only Suldak knew in his heart that strictly speaking, the materials in his hands were not criminal evidence.

"Lord MacDonnell was originally the consul of Ruyt City, and also served as the speaker of the House of Representatives. Whether it is the city hall or the House of Representatives, almost all the upper nobles of Ruyt have some relationship with Lord McDonnell. And these were recorded by one of Lord MacDonnell's living officers."

"He regarded himself as the master of the plane on the spot, and he also recorded his glorious life completely."

"Marquis Luther obtained this information from McDonnell. He was worried that I would not be able to control the situation here after arriving in Ruyt City, so he copied this information for me."

"So I want to take this opportunity to clean up all the obstacles in front of me."

As he said that, Suldak pulled out a box from the magic pocket, opened the lid, and it was almost full of documents recording the criminal evidence of the big men in Ruyt City.

Earl Cushing looked at these documents with mixed feelings, and said to Suldak seriously:

"He regards you as his successor!"

"I'm also very grateful for what Lord Marquis has done for me." Suldak said.

"As long as you treat Hathaway a little better in your daily life, then everything will be worth it." Earl Lake Cushing said with a smile.

Suldak smiled.

Only when you become a person in power will you deeply feel how tolerant the world is to men, it means how harsh it is to women...

Suldak has never been able to really integrate. No matter what happens, he will compare it with the world in his memory. It is because the moral code deep in his heart is still from the previous world. It is deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul, so he has When faced with some things, it is often difficult to make a choice...

Right now, Suldak's life looks as if he's been divided into three parts, but he hasn't felt the agonizing sense of division so far.

Whether in Wall Village, Dodan Town, or Ruyt City, he is surrounded by gentleness like water.

They knew each other's existence, but they would not touch those topics in front of Suldak, nor would they let Suldak make unreasonable multiple-choice questions.

This is the place where Suldak feels most comfortable, and it is also the place where he feels the most guilty.

So he wanted to compensate them in the most gentle, perfect, and considerate way, which in turn made them get more.

Count Lake Cushing patted Suldak on the shoulder, and asked, "Dak, what do you want to do next?"

"Of course, everything must be prepared according to my rhythm. As I said, I want to move the steel workshop in Ruyt City. This is also my plan in the near future."

Suldak replied casually.

Then he carefully sorted out the information in this wooden box. After reading these documents, he can also indirectly understand the true thoughts of the nobles in Ruyt City.

He flipped through one after another, not even noticing when Earl Lake Cushing left.


Miss Sia's name quickly spread throughout the city hall of Ruyter City, not entirely because of her beautiful face.

Those who are qualified to serve in the city hall are basically the nobles in the city, whose family does not have a few beautiful women...

There are many rumors about her, but the most exaggerated is this rumor:

Lord Consul Suldak is not that picky about life, but Miss Siya has some new ideas about her life in the city hall.

I heard that she wants to take a bath during her lunch break, in order to replenish the skin on her body in time, but few people in the city hall know that she is from the Naga Sea tribe.

Xi Ya had someone install a bathtub in the small lounge, indeed to be able to take a bath at noon.

But many officials in the city hall could not understand this matter.

Many people think that:

"For a lunch break, it's good enough to put a simple bed in the lounge. After all, considering the consul's hard work day and night, as the consul of Ruyt City, it's understandable to take a break at noon." of. '

'But now, it's a bit too much to put a bathtub in the lounge. Do the two have to take a bath in the lounge before...or after that? '


As for Xi Ya, there is another rumor: it is said that Miss Xi Ya has always been dissatisfied with the dishes in the cafeteria, especially that she likes to eat fish and seaweed, but there are few such dishes in the food area of ​​the hall here.

Because of this, Miss Siya became dissatisfied with the head chef of the canteen, and Suldak then directly drove away the head chef in charge of the canteen of the city hall.

In this regard, the Minister of Logistics, Earl Allen Benton, also raised objections to Suldak in the morning, thinking that the chef did not do anything wrong.

But Suldak was the head chef who stubbornly closed down the cafeteria, ignoring Minister Alan Benton's opinion at all.

That afternoon, the head chef in the canteen of the city hall left with a salute.

The staff canteen of the city hall was immediately paralyzed because of the lack of a chef.

For a while, Suldak couldn't find a new head chef, so he appointed the two-headed ogre as the head chef of the staff canteen...

Gullitum, wearing an oversized apron and two chef hats, stood inside the cafeteria and discussed the evening's menu with the cafeteria staff.

These public officials in the city hall simply don't care what kind of food the two-headed ogre can make.

On the contrary, many people joked in private: 'Could it be that the staff canteen is going to start eating human flesh? '

The two-headed ogre Gullitum took over as the head chef of the staff cafeteria. He did not take any new measures, but directly promulgated a benefit, that is, the masters who cook the big pot dishes in the hall, after making each dish , not only he wants to eat, but his whole family wants to eat... for free!

This benefit of the ogre immediately made the chefs in charge of the various dishes in the cafeteria hall cook some... at least the dishes that Gullitum would not find too unpalatable.

The only bad thing is that the cooking style of the small canteen where you can order food has become a bit rough... ok! Not at all, you can divide Gulitum’s best dishes into three types, cooking porridge, grilling meatloaf, and sashimi!

The ministers in the city hall were not quite used to the ogre's delicious food, so they rushed to the cafeteria to eat. At this time, the logistics minister Alan Benton finally figured out what the problem was.

And Suldak and Siya also came out of the cafeteria with small cubicles, and the two sat in the corner of the restaurant. Suldak did not dislike the meat pie cooked by the ogre, and Sia also There is an exclusive grilled fish.

Those public officials in the city hall are less talking about Xiya in private, and some people are even willing to support Xiya. At least the change of the head chef in the canteen is understood by more people than misunderstood...


Suldak took Siya in a magic caravan and went straight to the street connecting the slums and the workshop block. At the end of this street, a ruin-like steel workshop was sealed in a high wall. Through the glass windows of the magic caravan, Suldak could smell the smell of rust wafting from the wall.

These seven huge chimneys are erected in the steel workshop, but at this moment there are still two chimneys that can discharge billowing smoke into the sky.

Suldak let the magic caravan go around the gate of the steel workshop. The steel workshop didn't seem to be completely closed down yet, but the guards at the gate of the workshop were sitting listlessly in the dilapidated awning, as if it was not closed. He didn't pay much attention to the pedestrians coming and going at the gate of the workshop.

Even when Suldak's magic caravan stopped in front of the steel workshop, the two guards didn't look up.

Suldak jumped out of the magic caravan with Siya, and walked into the gate of the workshop, but no one stopped him, and no one stepped forward to ask...

In front of a big chimney that was still emitting thick smoke, Suldak saw a huge furnace that was still pumping out flames, and workers lined up to throw scrap iron into a crucible.

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