Lord Highlander

Chapter 1214: 1201. Demolition

Looking at the molten iron continuously flowing out from the other side of the furnace, these molten iron flowed into the stone troughs one by one. As the craftsmen in the workshop pulled the stone troughs apart and put them aside for natural cooling, groups of steel ingots finally appeared In front of Suldak.

Although this furnace looks a bit old, the magic reaction device is still working normally, and kerosene is used to refine iron materials, and the cost of using kerosene is far cheaper than consuming magic spar fragments.

Suldak discovered that the furnace was still running, and after the iron ore was gone, the steel workshop used recycled scrap iron to smelt iron ingots.

The factory area of ​​the steel workshop is almost paralyzed, but there is still a group of craftsmen working hard here.

Probably because they saw Suldak and the others walking up and down beside the furnace in the workshop, two stewards with decent clothes came over.

The two saw the noble medal on Suldak's chest for the first time, and then saw the magic pattern structure on his body.

Immediately he became very respectful and asked:

"Lord Earl, do you need to purchase steel ingots when you come to our Ruyte Steel Workshop?"

Suldak glanced at the thin middle-aged steward who spoke, and replied casually:

"I heard that your workshop here has been closed for a long time. Why is there still a furnace working here?"

Hearing Suldak's question, the middle-aged steward showed a bitter smile, and stretched out his hand to invite Suldak to return to the furnace for another visit.

Just listen to him say to Suldak:

"This place was originally the property of Lord MacDonnell. When Lord MacDonnell returned to the Ganbu plane, it has been out of control."

"As for the fact that no one is willing to take over this iron and steel workshop, the main reason is that the iron ore field outside has been hollowed out, and this iron and steel workshop has been gradually abandoned. Refining iron ingots will also become a burden for those nobles..."

Suldak nodded slightly. Earl Lake Cushing also said at the beginning that because the iron ore on the other side of the iron mine was exhausted, the iron and steel workshop was declining year by year.

"Then why do you insist on staying?" Suldak asked curiously.

The thin middle-aged steward said:

"Those who have the ability to leave the steel workshop have already left."

"The rest are all metallurgists who don't know any life skills. They have spent most of their lives in this workshop, so now I organize these people, collect some discarded iron materials in the city, and re-smelt them. Turning into iron ingots is just to make ends meet.”

Earl Cushing didn't mention it back then, but there are still a group of craftsmen in the steel workshop.

Seeing that Suldak was silent, the middle-aged manager immediately said tentatively:

"My lord, if you need iron ingots, you can consider me here, the quality can still be guaranteed..."

Suldak shook his head, expressing that he did not want to buy iron ingots.

He turned around and was about to go outside, but the young man beside the thin middle-aged manager quickly stopped him, smiled and said to Suldak:

"If you think our iron ingots are a bit expensive and you need us to sell them cheaper, you can actually negotiate, but this kind of bargain-hunting transaction can't give you any favors."

Although this place used to be Lord MacDonnell's property, after Lord MacDonnell was arrested, it should be regarded as a spoil of war for the Benner coalition forces.

It's just that this iron and steel workshop has been losing money in recent years, and the noble lords naturally don't want to take over this money-losing industry, so they have been discarded here.

Now the entire city of Ruyt is under the management of Suldak, and this steel workshop is actually his property.

It's just that Suldak didn't know that he still had such a large steel workshop. He originally wanted to deal with the owner of the steel workshop, but now he realized that there was no need to talk about it.

Thinking that although the iron and steel workshop has been out of control, there are still a group of craftsmen in the steel workshop, Suldak secretly feels lucky. For other noble lords, this group of craftsmen is a bunch of burdens, but for him, these Craftsmen are technical talents.

He didn't reveal his identity immediately, and he wanted to hear some more information from Earl Cushing and others.

It's just that he didn't expect to be pestered by these people in the steel workshop for buying iron ingots, and Suldak also felt a little helpless.

The middle-aged steward saw that Suldak had no intention of buying iron ingots at all, but he still refused to give up, and said repeatedly: "Can you help me, our salary has not been paid this week..."

Siya followed behind Surdak, and couldn't help asking, "Why don't you go to the city hall for help in a situation like yours?"

The middle-aged steward glanced at Siya, but said to Suldak: "How could I not go! The stone steps of the city hall have been cracked by me. Now as long as I appear at the gate, the guards over there will You can't help but fork me out..."

"We really don't buy iron ingots." Suldak reached out and patted the middle-aged steward's shoulder, and said to him calmly: "I heard that this place will be demolished, so I came here to take a look... "

The middle-aged steward was a little dumbfounded. He stood there blankly, pointed at the craftsmen working around the furnace, and said with a look of despair:

"If this place is demolished, how will they live in the future?"

Suldak said calmly:

"In this city, there will always be something for them to do!"

"Of course... you can also leave here with the steel workshop."

"In the future, there will be restaurants and hotels, and there may be a market, street shops, etc. In short, there will be no more steel workshops!"

The middle-aged steward was a little absent-minded, and said with a wry smile:

"Hehe, it seems that those big shots have already planned..."

"That's right."

Suldak said truthfully.

The supervisor stopped pestering Suldak and returned to the house opposite the furnace with a dejected expression on his face.


When Hamlin saw Suldak again, it was in the city hall consul's office.

He did not expect that the person who said those words to him that day was actually Earl Suldak, the consul of Ruyt City. There is still some prestige in the circle of craftsmen in the workshop. Many craftsmen are willing to discuss with Hamlin about anything that happens in their homes.

Therefore, Hamlin is also very familiar with the situation in Ruyt City, and he is also very clear about some rumors circulating in the city hall and the House of Representatives in the past few days.

Hamlin secretly glanced at Suldak, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a big shot who killed Deputy Speaker Glennis.

Seeing that he is still wearing the magic-weave structure, he is clearly dressed as a knight of the structure. It seems that his temperament is very compatible with a commander.

"Master Consul Suldak, that...I didn't know that you came to the steel workshop that day, and it was my idea to open the furnace No. 5 without permission. I know it belongs to your industry. Give those craftsmen a sum of money for living expenses!" Hamlin seriously explained to Suldak.

He is a bit thin, and in middle age, his hair has become less and less, and his hairline has almost receded to the top of his head.

Suldak said without raising his head: "I know, now I am going to move this steel workshop, but due to my previous negligence, I didn't consider how to arrange them. Now I think of two things temporarily. road……"

"Place us?"

Hamlin didn't expect that Suldak would say this at all, and that he wanted to house some clumsy craftsmen left over from the abandoned steel workshop.

"That's right, if they want, every craftsman can find a new job!" Suldak gave Hamlin a promise, and then said: "But right now I need to dismantle this steel workshop as soon as possible, At the same time, I don't want to hear any voices of doubt, including those leftover craftsmen of the steel workshop!"

Hamlin immediately stood up and replied seriously: "Please rest assured, I will take care of this matter!"

Suldak said to Hamlin: "In addition, I hope to hire you as the chief engineer of the steel workshop in Dodan Town, and fully assist in the relocation of the steel workshop!"

Hamlin didn't expect that the demolition that Suldak said was to move the seven furnaces away.

"Me?" Hamlin asked suspiciously.

Suldak said: "Yes, you are the most familiar with this place, and you have a group of craftsmen under your command. I think they should know better how to dismantle this melting pot!"

"Where will this steel workshop be moved?" Hamlin asked curiously.

"The town of Dodan on the Ganbu plane is a bit far from here, but there is a big iron mine there." Suldak said, "It's a very beautiful town. In the future... you can move your family In the past, of course, you could also leave your home here temporarily. I will pay you a settling fee, and when you restore the steel workshop to normal operation, you can choose to stay or It's back."

"Master Consul, do I still have the right to choose?" Hamlin asked Suldak with a wry smile.

"Of course! But I know you won't choose another one. This supervisor not only pays well, but also helps you arrange those craftsmen properly." Suldak lowered his head and signed a mountain of documents.

Some of these documents belonged to Ruyt City, and a large stack belonged to Mukusuo City. Basically, they were checked by multiple parties and were correct, and he had to sign them in person to take effect.

"Okay, I promise!"

Although he became the chief engineer of the steel workshop, Hamlin did not feel the slightest joy.

Suldak, who was sitting at the desk, put down the quill in his hand at this time, stretched out his hand and said to Hamlin with a smile:

"Welcome to Dodan Town, Director Hamlin!"

Until now, Xi Ya was willing to bring a cup of black tea to Hamlin and put it in front of him.

Hamlin was staring at the teacup cautiously, not even daring to lift his head...

The rumors about this beautiful assistant were almost known to all the citizens of Ruyt City. Just because she was unhappy, Mr. Surdak Consul kicked out the head chef in the staff canteen of the city hall.

Just because the Deputy Speaker Glennis took a second look at this beautiful assistant and said a few frivolous words, the Suldak Consul even sealed up Glennis Manor.

He was just a bug in the slums of Ruyt City, and he dared not take any offense to this beautiful assistant.


After finding a person in charge who is fully familiar with the situation of the steel workshop, the subsequent relocation work became very smooth.

The craftsmen in the workshop not only cooperated very well, but also joined in the dismantling work one after another. These craftsmen are the ones who are most familiar with these furnaces. It may not be easy to build such a furnace, but dismantling these equipments, the craftsmen only need to It took three days, and only the homestead of the workshop and a tall chimney remained in Furnace No. 1.

The courtyard of this steel workshop is large enough, and the entire chimney was blown down by Gullitum with buried black powder.

As the first tall chimney that towered over the city crashed down, the residents of the slums noticed what happened in the steel workshop...

Immediately after that, the second big chimney fell on the tenth day in the courtyard of the steel workshop. The moment the chimney fell, the huge earthquake was felt by almost half of the city.

As No. 1 and No. 2 melting furnaces in the workshop were disassembled bit by bit, Hamlin marked them one by one...

A Thunder Rhino caravan finally appeared on the mountain road far away from Ruyt City. This Thunder Rhino team consisted of a total of 132 Thunder Rhinos. Each Thunder Rhino looked like a huge hill.

A row of hills walked together on the mountain road, and the momentum was extremely powerful for a while.

The shelves of these Thunder Rhinoceros are filled with all kinds of precious and huge wood. These woods are basically transported from the Invercargill Forest in the Bailin Plane. There are not many iron woods, and they are all more suitable for making Indigo wood for furniture.

In order to plan this trip, the businessman Malakom collected almost all the indigo wood stored in the indigenous tribe into his hands.

Huge wooden shelves are filled with these lumber...

These Thunder Rhinos camped together outside Ruyt City. Looking over the city wall, it seemed that a small town had popped up outside the city overnight.

The timber piled up like a mountain outside the city, but only one night later, a large number of merchants from Mukuso flocked, and some merchants parked their four-wheeled trucks directly outside the merchant group. It took two days to finish.

Then the firewood was transported to Mukuso city day and night.

And these idle Thunder Rhinos also entered Ruyte City in an orderly manner, and then slowly walked out of Ruyte City with the large parts of the furnace that had been dismantled from the steel workshop.

When these thunder rhinos passed the gate of the city, the tall platforms on their backs almost all rubbed against the ceiling of the gate and went out.

Malakom and Suldak stood on the city wall together, watching a team of thunder rhinos walking out of Luiter carrying large steel parts, they almost breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Suldak looked at the Thunder Rhinoceros in the distance, and said to the merchant Malakom, "Malakom, the Thunder Rhinoceros caravan you brought this time is only enough to transport away the No. 1 and No. 2 steel melting furnaces." ...I have a total of seven such large furnaces here, I hope you can transport some more next time..."

"Understood! After I go back, I will organize a larger caravan. Sir Earl Suldak, will you bring indigo wood over next time?" Malakom asked seriously...

sorry for the lateness...

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