Lord Highlander

Chapter 1215 1202. Merchant

Suldak looked at the owner of the Thunder Rhino Trading Company, patted him on the shoulder and walked down the city wall with him, saying as he walked:

"After nearly a year of rebuilding the old city of Mukuso City, the buildings in the inner city have basically recovered. This batch of wood is ready to enter the market in Mukuso. Some citizens will definitely want to add some furniture. , a lot of furniture needs to be custom-made after the house is built because of the layout of the house and the needs of the hostess, so I will write to ask you to bring a batch of good wood."

"There is no shortage of excellent carpenters in Mukuso City..."

"This batch of wood has been filled into the market in Mukuso City. It is estimated that Mukuso City will not need wood in the near future, so you can definitely transport some other things."

Ruyt's city walls are also somewhat mottled, and the traces left by the war two years ago are still there...

Malacolm said: "There are many pastures in the Bailin plane, and cattle and sheep are a specialty in Wilkes City..."

Suldak glanced at him and said casually, "Last year I drove 200,000 yellow sheep and 20,000 head of cattle from Bailin. Do you think Mukusuo City will be short of beef and mutton?"

Malacolm thought about it seriously, and then said:

"Uh...the southern part of the Bailin Plane is rich in some tree fruits. I will go back this time to search for some special products and try to transport them all here."

Suldak pointed to his forehead and said to Malakom:

"Malacomb, it's time for you to change your mind here."

"A lot of things can be profitable as long as they are transported from Wilkes to Bena City. Why do they have to be transported from Bailin to Ganbu?"

"After those goods are successfully sold from Bena City, I will buy some goods from Bena City and bring them here. After all, some things are still very cheap in Bena City."

Suldak went on to say: "The city of Mukuso is currently expanding its urban area. At present, there is a large demand for all infrastructure materials. In addition to a large number of wood materials, other commodities, such as bronze lamps, ironware, ceramic utensils, and lacquerware should be available. Have requests."

"Actually, the portal pass in your hand is a fortune in itself. You can bring in other business owners, let them operate projects you don't want to touch, and charge them a customs clearance fee and transportation fee." Sur Duck and Malacombe talked as they walked.

"I understand!" The merchant Malakom finally understood Suldak's thoughts. He also heard a lot of information about Mukuso City along the way.

At this time, Malakom finally got some thoughts, and he took the initiative to say to Suldak: "My lord, I want to go to Mukuso City to have a look..."

Suldak took out the water bottle from his magic pocket and took a sip of water.

Speaking of dry mouth, Malakom had the idea of ​​going to Mucuso City to take a look...

I never thought it would be so difficult to attract investment!

Malacolm was also impatient, so he had to do what he said. After walking down the city wall, he immediately rushed to the portal in the central square leading to Mukuso City with his two assistants.


When Suldak returned to the city hall in the magic caravan, he deliberately circled around the steel workshop.

Hamlin led the craftsmen of the steel workshop to move quickly. At this moment, the No. 4 steel furnace has already been dismantled. Since the No. 1 and No. 2 steel furnaces have been shipped out of Ruyt City, a large part of the wall of the steel workshop has also been demolished. Cut off, the area where the furnace was dismantled vacated a large area.

According to Suldak's request, the land vacated after the relocation of No. 1 and No. 2 melting furnaces has been completely separated from the steel workshop.

Only a few stone foundations are left in the area and are being removed.

Suldak came out of the compartment of the magic caravan, Siya was holding half of the sheepskin book, and quickly followed behind Suldak. stone platform.

Hamlin didn't know where he heard that Suldak had rushed to the steel workshop, and immediately took several supervisors in the steel workshop to rush to this ruin-like site.

The supervisors in the steel workshop were promoted by Hamlin from ordinary craftsmen. Seeing a nobleman like Suldak standing on the stone platform, his waist was almost level with the ground, he dared not Lift your head up.

Standing on the high platform, Suldak pointed to the steel furnaces that had not been completely dismantled, and asked Hamlin:

"Hamlin, how long will it take for your place to be completely demolished? At the end of this month, can you and the craftsmen leave for the Bailin plane?"

As the director of the relocation project, Hamlin has lost a lot of weight compared to half a month ago. His whole body looks like a layer of skin and bones, but he is very energetic and his eyes are still very bright. bright.

Probably spent all day on the construction site, his skin was tanned to a wheat color.

"My lord, the time is too short. Please give me another month. I can dismantle this place so that there is not even a single screw left..." Hamlin said to Suldak.

Suldak shook his head and vetoed without hesitation, and then said:

"Then I will give you another 20 days, no more. After 20 days, you will immediately take these craftsmen to Bena City on a magic airship, and then enter the Bailin Plane through the portal of Bena City. , in the middle of next month, I hope to see you and these craftsmen standing on the construction site in the north of the Dodan Canyon, directing the aborigines there to start building the first furnace!"

Hamlin heard that the craftsmen in the workshop here can go to the Bailin plane and continue to install the furnace. It seems that this group of craftsmen will not be unemployed for the time being, and immediately agreed: "Yes, Lord Consul Suldak .”

The news that Suldak came to the steel workshop spread quickly, and some merchants came here in magic caravans.

During this period of time, many businessmen are asking about the purpose of the land between the workshop area and the slum area after the relocation of the steel workshop. Many businessmen want to rent this land, even if it is transformed into a warehouse. Now there are countless merchants in Mukuso City. After they transported the goods into Ruyt City, those trucks could only be parked on the street at night.

The inner city of Ruyt City has a small space, and in the slums, several families are crowded into the same small building at the same time.

If you want to rent a cheap warehouse in Ruyt City, at least in the inner city area, it is very difficult to find.

Merchants want to buy some land here, but the Land Management Bureau says that the iron and steel workshop belongs to the private property of the Suldak Consul, and the businessmen want to buy the land here, they must ask Mr. Suldak Consul agreed.

They didn't dare to enter the empty space of the steel workshop rashly, because this was regarded as private land, and entering here rashly was an infringement of private territory, and if they were investigated, they would be sentenced to whipping.

So a group of people could only wait quietly on the side of the street, and when Suldak came out of the empty space of the steel workshop, they found that many people had gathered outside.

At the beginning, Suldak didn't pay much attention to it, he just lowered his head and walked outside. When he passed by the crowd, these merchants boldly asked Suldak loudly: "Mr. , is the land here for sale?"

"Master Consul, we want to buy land in Ruyt City, is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

Suldak stopped in his tracks, looked at a group of people crowded on the street, thought for a while before saying:

"First of all, I don't agree with you buying their houses from the poor. Although selling the house, several poor families can get a sum of money, but at the same time it means that they have become homeless in the city of Ruyt. Not what I expected to see."

"Compared to buying houses in slums, I would rather you build warehouses outside the city."

"Now Ruyt City is only so big. Due to its unique geographical location, it is impossible to expand outwards, so I still hope that the urban area can accommodate more residents."

"In addition, let's talk about the land of the steel workshop. I have no idea to divide and sell it for the time being. It will not be a warehouse in the future."

"I will build a warehouse area on a piece of land outside the planning office of Ruyt. My suggestion is that you can consider choosing a warehouse there."

After saying this, he nodded in a very gentlemanly manner to the onlookers around him, then turned around and got into a magic caravan on the side of the road.

As Sia boarded the magic caravan and closed the door, this blocked the sight of the businessmen, and then the magic caravan left slowly.

Suldak looked out of the window. This is the lower city of Ruyt City. Many streets are very narrow. In order to add some rooms to some houses, some wooden houses like pigeon cages are added to the walls. These wooden houses are almost suspended on two sides. On the first floor or the third floor, the eaves protruding from the wooden roof are almost connected with the opposite eaves.

The pedestrians on the street are almost all plainly dressed civilians.

This group of people is in a hurry, and it can be seen that they are working hard to make a living. Some women are sitting on the steps of the house, some women are holding children in their arms, and some women are holding wooden basins, picking out the rotten things inside. Greens with leaves.

This is almost the poorest street market in Ruyt. Surdak walked through the street along the fringe blocks, clearly seeing the lives of the poor sitting here.

On the streets where the sewage flows, you can still see some vendors pushing trolleys, walking on these streets.

Surdak was surprised to see that in a stall selling head ring accessories, there were actually strings strung together with hellhound teeth, hanging casually on the stall.

That's all for today, if you owe something, try to make up for it tomorrow

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