Lord Highlander

Chapter 1219: 1206. Deposit

In the morning, the sun shines into the carriage through the window, which immediately reminds people of how hot it will be at noon.

Suldak was sitting in the carriage, flipping through the speech that was to be read to the nobles and businessmen later, and casually threw the speech aside.

On the street, there were many magic caravans converging towards the steel workshop, which immediately caused a traffic jam in Ruyt City.

Although the knights of the guard battalion had already made preparations, and under their command, the magic caravan of Suldak slowly moved forward in the traffic flow, but the entire main street of the city was almost a mess.

Xi Ya picked up the speech and thought about what Suldak was dissatisfied with. It seemed that the three clerks who wrote the speech for Suldak had to change positions immediately. It had been such a long time. I still don't understand what Suldak is thinking.

Although Suldak intends to sacrifice the interests of the nobles to improve the lives of the bottom residents in the slums.

But Suldak on the podium didn't want to say that.

The title of this speech should be 'Everything must be based on the interests of the nobles'.

And he is doing these things to seek a better life for the nobles. Only changing the city can be regarded as changing the living environment of the nobles.

Seattle stuck out his tongue and put the speech into the sheepskin booklet.

According to Suldak's request, the residents of the first batch of slums have gradually moved out from around the steel workshop, and they are temporarily living in the arena that is currently idle.

The construction of their resettlement community has already begun. The construction engineering team that built this community is Luke's craftsman team. Their construction speed is very fast. In just a few days, the foundations of the first row of small buildings have been completely completed. After pouring, just use some foundation stones and hollow bricks to build the building to a height of 1.5 meters, and the upper part is completely wooden structure.

The oak from High Lansa has arrived in Ruyt, and these oaks will be the load-bearing columns and main beams of the townhouses.

Suldak has very strict requirements on Luke's construction period. In fact, what Suldak doesn't know is that these poor people prefer to extend the check-in time, because if they live in the arena for one more day, they will get one more day of compensation The daily compensation can almost cover half a day's wages.

With this compensation, even if the man in the family gets sick occasionally and does not go to work, it will not affect his life...

In the eyes of these poor people, the consul of Ruyt City is willing to give a compensation to all the poor who have no place to live. This consul is simply crazy.

And they hope that such days will never end.

Suldak got out of the carriage, only to find that the steel workshop was crowded with people.

The officials of the city hall noticed his carriage and rushed towards him one after another. The knights of the guard battalion had already cleared a path. When Suldak and Siya got off the carriage, they were surrounded by a group of nobles and businessmen.

Suldak saw Baron Martino in formal attire, standing next to the wooden sand table reciting his speech, looking a little nervous.

For the officials of the city hall, there have been many changes in the city hall of Ruyte in recent times. Many things that seemed to be very normal before have become impossible to do now. The preferences of the consul.

After a few days of contact, everyone has also understood the strength of the consul's control over the city hall.

It was still ringing in everyone's ears... He pointed at the head of the head of logistics chief Allen Benton and cursed loudly: "If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, then let me go, I will find someone who is capable to come here!"

Although the Minister of Logistics, Earl Benton, wanted to turn his head and leave, he knew better in his heart that many nobles in Ruyt City were staring at his position.

As long as he sits in this position, the family can obtain better resources in many aspects.

So even if Suldak pointed his nose at him and scolded him, he didn't hand in his resignation letter. Instead, he restrained himself a lot in his work, and he began to understand that as long as he prepared logistics materials efficiently, he would basically not be scolded.

Kurt Latie really hoped that Suldak could yell at him so that he could directly deal with the challenge.

The gold coins left in the treasury in the city hall are not even enough for the salary of public officials in Ruyt City next month.

All the reserve funds that can be used have been raised by Suerdak to develop this restaurant plaza rebuilt from the steel workshop.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance currently still has some debts owed before, and there is currently no extra funds to fill them up.

The words that the Consul of Suldak said to the treasurer Kurt Latie were: "You can go, and before you go, plug the holes that don't belong to me to repay. I don't care if you use the money from the Finance Department. Or use your own money. '

Suldak's approach is very barbaric!

But it was very effective. Earl Kurt Latie could only hold his nose and continue to deal with the affairs of the Finance Department, not daring to relax in the slightest.

now. The guard battalion and city security brigade in Ruyt City have long been in the hands of Suldak.

The hardest fist in the entire city of Ruyt is the consul Suldak. After the deputy speaker of Glennis was sent to the city of Bena, there is currently no noble family in Ruyt city who dares to fight against Suldak. do it.

Surrounded by these nobles, Suldak walked up to the high platform next to the sand table.

"Everyone!" Surdak said loudly.

The scene became quiet in an instant, and all the chatterers closed their mouths and focused their eyes on Suldak.

"Welcome everyone to come to the construction site of the steel workshop and participate in the exhibition in the restaurant plaza!"

Suldak reached out and patted the wooden model with the magic mask, and then said:

"I'm here to hold this exhibition publicly, because many people can't understand how much benefit can be brought to everyone by transforming this place into a restaurant plaza, so I need to explain to everyone."

His eyes fell on Baron Martineau who was on the side, and he asked:

"Baron Martineau, can you tell us about this square?"

Baron Martino was naturally prepared, and immediately stood up and saluted Suldak, saying:

"It is a great honor, Your Excellency the Consul."

Baron Martineau still held a baton in his hand, pointed at the model of the square in front of everyone, and said loudly to a group of nobles and businessmen gathered in the front:

"As we can see, the model on this table is what our dining plaza will look like when it is finally completed."

"In the future, its main function will be to provide dining places for urban residents and foreign businessmen."

"At the same time, there will be some hotels here. Caravans who want to go to Mukuso in the future don't necessarily have to go through the portal and enter Mukuso immediately. There are also good hotels in Ruyt City. choose."

"This is a diverse dining plaza, and the Consul wants all the restaurants here to have their own characteristics."

"So our design concept is also that no restaurant has the same architectural style from the outside, so that the dining plaza will look like a whole, but from the inside, it has its own characteristics. With different decorations."

"The first thing I need to emphasize is that the main target of this restaurant plaza is not the poor nearby, but the businessmen who came here from outside."

"There are also ordinary citizens in the third and fourth districts."

"We accept customized restaurant interior design in advance, that is to say, when we build this restaurant plaza, if you are willing to sign a lease agreement with us and pay a deposit, we will carry out the interior design according to your ideas during the construction process. layout."

"It is worth everyone's attention that this restaurant plaza has some regulations that are too late to be released, one of which is more stringent: there will never be more than three restaurants of the same style, which means that when you rent a restaurant here, you need to think about the future of the restaurant What to do, once decided, cannot be changed at will.”

"So... those who want to open a restaurant in this restaurant plaza, you can make an appointment here in advance. As long as there are three restaurants with the same style of food, we will not accept the fourth one to enter the plaza."

"Another thing worth mentioning is that the storefronts in this square are only for rent and not for sale."

"Now if you have any questions, you can also ask me in person..."

After Baron Martino finished speaking, he looked at the nobles and businessmen around him.

After listening to Baron Martino's explanation, many merchants were about to discuss it. Suldak stood on the high platform in the middle and continued:

"As we all know, starting from June this year, the one-year tax exemption system in Mukuso City will be successfully concluded. Next, commodity trading, whether in Ruyt City or Mukuso City, will In the days to come, I believe that all merchants have already made a choice..."

Before Suldak finished speaking, a businessman shouted loudly from the audience:

"Master Consul, do you accept advance reservations for the lease of restaurants in this square?"

Suldak immediately admitted: "Of course, the ones at the top have the priority..."

"Then I want to book..."

"I also ordered..."

For a while, businessmen kept shouting in the crowd.

"Those who want to sign the lease agreement can make an appointment with Baron Martino alone after the exhibition is over!"

Suldak shouted to the excited businessmen around him.

But there was one thing he didn't say.

That is……

‘Those who want to book a rental restaurant, please prepare a deposit! '

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