Lord Highlander

Chapter 1220: 1207. Plane Travel

Suldak positioned the consumers of the dining plaza as foreign business groups and urban commoners, not to say that nobles are not entertained here, but these restaurants are not high-end restaurants.

Unexpectedly, some tavern owners were the ones who responded most positively and prepared to lease the store.

Since the catering plaza restricts similar business projects, there can only be three taverns at most at the same time, so Baron Martino signed three taverns on the spot, and the owner of the tavern very readily agreed to prepay one year's rent as a deposit...

In Ruyt City, everything from a street girl to a liquor girl in a tavern is a legal profession.

The merchants who came from afar, as well as those businessmen who came all the way with the merchant group, are the consumer groups who often visit the tavern.

Restaurateurs in Ruyt City prefer to do their business.

Because they are richer than ordinary people, and they are willing to pay for some good food, but they are not as particular about nobles.

Sometimes, it is really annoying for nobles to eat in restaurants. Many nobles are decent people who would rather go hungry to save face. Regardless of eating or not, every procedure must be completed. After the whole process, the common people don’t know How many tables have been turned over.

The appearance of the dining plaza will probably avoid these nobles to a large extent, and there will probably be large hotels here, at least some merchant carriages will be parked in the surrounding areas outside the dining plaza, otherwise Suldak will not return Before the iron and steel workshop is completely demolished, the poor living in the surrounding area must be moved out in a hurry.

The scene of the food and beverage plaza exhibition was very lively, and many businessmen rushed to the front, and they were all staring at the models on the sand table carefully.

Everyone was discussing the direction of the city gate. The closer you are to the city gate, the more you can get in touch with those foreign businessmen first. At the same time, you must pay attention to the architectural pattern of the square, hoping to take care of the civilians in the city...

These people are no different from those grocery shopping ladies in the free market. They pick and choose and say a bunch of useless words. In the end, they have to put down the ones in their hands and go to other stores. The more someone chooses or grabs them, the more they feel That's the best.

Baron Martino, who was standing in front of the sand table, was a little confused. There were many restaurant owners who wanted to pre-let restaurants in the dining plaza, but Suldak only let go of a quarter of the houses. The announcement was for catering. The first phase of the plaza can only accommodate so many storefronts.

Many merchants who were slower to start failed to grab these stores that should not be lacking.

What Baron Martino didn't expect was that many restaurant owners who hadn't had time to rent a house, and those businessmen who were not very enthusiastic about opening a new restaurant in this square, saw the storefronts on the square Instead, they tried their best to get back the quota from other merchants who got the quota.

The scene was so lively that many bosses who got the lease agreement changed hands on the spot to make a small profit.


There was a row of magic caravans parked on the street outside the steel workshop. Sulda could see that the exhibition here was almost over, so he asked Baron Martino to invite the merchants who signed the store lease agreement to board the magic caravan on the side of the road. .

Ruyter City Hall actually has follow-up activities.

It was Baron Martino who wanted to lead these businessmen to visit Mucuso City to let them understand the current situation of Mucuso City, so as to build up the businessmen's confidence in the follow-up operation of the restaurant plaza.

In fact, not only the businessmen who got the lease agreement decided to visit Mukuso City, but even many restaurant owners who did not sign the lease agreement, many of them actually took their own magic caravan, slowly Follow behind the convoy and head to the central square of Ruyt City together.

A row of magic caravans crossed the portal in the central square, and the scene was very spectacular.

Merchants came to the central square of Mukuso. At least half of these merchants never came to Mukuso City after the demon army captured the Ganbu plane. The businessmen who came introduced Mukuso, the new city, but they always listened to other people's discussions.

Now, under the leadership of Suldak, the nobles and businessmen of Ruyt City came to Mukuso City to visit together, only to find that the city has changed a lot.

On both sides of the well-ordered street are newly planted street trees. There are wooden benches in each short section next to the low shrub wall. Trash cans and street lamps also appear on both sides of the street. From time to time, two guards can be seen The battalion knights passed by the street on horseback. The shops on both sides of the street were rebuilt. Those brand new shops were next to each other, almost all with large glass windows. The merchants finally looked at the street market in Mukuso City. To the shadow of the dining plaza.

The street market is crowded with shops, apparently the one-year tax holiday has attracted a large number of commercial firms to settle in Mukuso City.

Those low-level hell demons remaining on the Ganbu plane have become wild resources for adventure groups and mercenary groups to survive, and have also become goods operated by many business groups.

Supplies can be bought in Mukuso City, and the hunted monster materials can also be easily sold.

It is said that some time ago, an adventure group picked up the remains of a constructed knight in the Groft Mountain Ridge. There were only three damages to the magic pattern structure. Such a large amount of income immediately cost everyone in the adventure group All got a lot of money.

The adventure group began to realize that in the mountains where Lord MacDonnell's army finally fell, there might be treasures left by this army of Lords.

After a series of searches, the treasure was not found, but the hellhounds hidden in the Groft Mountains were cleaned up.

The luckiest adventure group even found a three-headed hellhound that had completed its second evolution. The monster material on this hellhound alone was worth dozens of magic crystals.

Baron Martino led the convoy around the busiest market in Mucuso City.

Suldak also saw the restored scene of Mukuso City for the first time in more than half a year. It looked really clean and tidy, full of vitality everywhere.

The convoy circled around the main street in Mucuso City, and then returned to the central square where the portal stood.

The clock chimes the hour from the clock tower in the distance...

After the central square was embroidered, a huge curtain wall was erected not far from the portal, and the entire stone wall was covered with a cloth curtain.

The shape of the entire dry cloth plane is drawn in a somewhat exaggerated way on the huge cloth curtain, which looks like a lady's high-heeled dancing shoes from a distance.

However, there are also extremely detailed mountains and rivers drawn on the above. In addition to these, there are some detailed explanations of many places in the dry cloth plane. Suldak can tell at a glance that this curtain wall is the dry cloth he proposed half a year ago. Cloth plane whole territory guide map.

Unexpectedly, Earl Ian, the logistics minister, actually made it. Although it is somewhat different from the sand table panoramic model I imagined, at least it allows people who have just entered the Ganbu plane to understand at first glance whether this plane is. What's it like.

Suldak took Sia out of the carriage, and under the leadership of Baron Martino, he walked to the high platform with the guide map as the background.

At this time, the nobles and businessmen in Ruyt City, and a large number of citizens of Mucuso City who joined in the fun almost crowded the central square.

Only the portal left a passage.

Suldak strode onto the high platform.

Many ordinary citizens of Mukuso City know Suldak. When he captured Mukuso City from the demon army, many people have seen this young city lord. Suldak also took Charlie and Luke through the streets and alleys of Ruyt City.

Now when he walked onto the stage, there were immediately cheers from below.

The warm cheers continued to spread outward, like a huge tide.

Waiting for people to express their excitement, Suerdak raised one hand high, and the central square where thousands of people gathered quickly fell silent.

Suldak glanced at the black crowd at his feet, and said on the podium:

"I hope more people will come to Mucuso to have a look around, it's really a beautiful city."

"To the north, you can go to the Sai Ruoman Plateau and take a look at the beautiful Bellanoma Lake there. If you have the conditions, you can also go north along the Noma River to see the river water formed by the melting of glaciers. In the upper reaches Several waterfalls are formed."

"To the south, you can see the end of the world on the Ganbu plane - the collapsed mountain range. If you are lucky enough to meet the rock Gaolun, don't let it escape. Just sell the information to the local adventure group. Even if all the expenses are settled."

When Suldak said this, the crowd below laughed happily.

Surdak waited for the laughter to stop before saying:

"There is also a vast tropical rainforest in the southwest. If someone can pass through the entire rainforest, they will arrive at Canyon Town, the most beautiful town in the Ganbu plane."

"I believe that you will make this trip worthwhile."

At this time, a loud voice from the audience shouted loudly among the crowd: "Master Consul, after hearing your introduction, even I, a native of Mukuso, want to go out for a walk."

Suldak pointed at him from a distance, and said loudly: "Then I want to remind you, you must pay attention to safety when you travel."

"No matter in any small town on the Ganbu plane, if you encounter trouble, you can go to the local guard battalion. If any guard battalion knight is unwilling to help you, you can come to Ruyt City to find me , Of course, I may be very busy, and it is impossible to summon everyone who visits me, but you can drop your complaint letter in the mailbox at the gate of the city hall, and I promise that my assistants and I will read every letter. "

A speech turned into a question and answer in this way. Suldak only answered a few questions, and Sia, who was standing in the audience, signaled to Suldak that the time was almost up.

Baron Martino quickly stood up and said to the crowd in the square: "Due to time constraints, the speech of Mr. Consul Suldak ends here."

At this time, a fat man with the appearance of a businessman squeezed forward and asked loudly: "Master Consul, the tax-free period here is coming soon, what will we businessmen do in the future?"

Suldak had already walked off the stage, so he could only stop at this moment, staring at his oily face, and replied, "Could it be that you can't do business without tax exemption?"

There was laughter again in the square.

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