Lord Highlander

Chapter 1221: 1208. Midsummer

Suldak stood on the podium.

Originally, he wanted to go on, but after being interrupted, he felt that he should say a few more words to the citizens of Mukuso in the audience.

He looked at the fat businessman with a red face from a distance, and when everyone's laughter gradually stopped, he said:

"In the northern town on the Ganbu plane, I heard that there is a place rich in gold mines, and there is a plateau further north. There will be green-scaled horses, cattle and sheep for sale soon, and I heard that there are some demon hunters. Going deep into the snow mountain, I got some precious magic herbs, I think these are the precious resources of the dry cloth plane."

"The dry cloth plane is about to resume taxation. I know this will affect the income of many people present."

"But this is another thing that has to be implemented. The post-war restoration of Mukuso City still needs to continue to invest a lot of money. This money can basically be raised through taxation, and the operation of the entire city also requires a sum of money. Great expense."

"During this year, I believe that everyone has a clear understanding of the trade in Mukuso City."

"Later, the city hall will implement some new measures for urban development."

"Now that we have talked about urban development, I have to talk about some problems that hinder urban development."

"At the beginning, in order to occupy the Ganbu plane, the magicians of the Black Magic Retreat did not hesitate to spend a huge price to open the door of demons, and brought the hell demons here, causing the entire Ganbu plane to experience a catastrophe. Some people Relatives of many people died in this disaster, and some people's homes were razed to ruins in this catastrophe."

"Therefore, Mucuso Town Hall will offer a reward for any information about the Black Magic Priory."

"As long as the information is verified to be true, and it is unknown to us, the whistleblower will receive a bounty."

"Black magic hermits and black magicians are not welcome on the dry cloth plane. Whether you obey the law or not, please leave here as soon as possible before we find out, otherwise I don't mind nailing you to the stake."

"In the next three months, the Mukuso City Guard Battalion will thoroughly investigate the remnants of the Black Magic Retreat in the city."

After Suldak finished speaking, the whole square was whispering.

Everyone began to discuss whether there is a black magician around...

Suldak raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then began to say:

"I saw that many members of the adventure group came to the scene, so I will take this opportunity to formally inform you that the Ganbu plane welcomes the adventure group to legally hunt demons, but slave hunting is prohibited. Once found, I will punish you all for the rest of your life." It cannot be separated from the dry cloth plane."

Immediately there was awe in the square.

Although there has always been a ban on slave hunting in Mukuso City, few big figures have publicly expressed their opposition in public.

The adventure group had to consider how much authenticity and how much of a show there was in Suldak's words...

But then when they heard that the slave market in Ruyt City had been taken away, it was obvious that Suldak had made up his mind on this matter.

After saying this, Suldak stepped down from the podium, and then boarded the magic caravan.

Under the escort of a group of guard battalion knights, the magic caravan quickly passed through the portal and returned to Ruyt City.


The restaurateurs who failed to grab the storefront in the restaurant plaza felt a little regretful, and the merchants also felt that this place was worth investing in, and the citizens of Ruyt City were talking about it.

When people's eyes are focused on the steel workshop area, the land price here begins to increase rapidly.

In addition, the land price in the area around the restaurant plaza is also increasing steadily, and those areas that are not worth mentioning in people's eyes now have a basic price.

The houses in the slums around the steel workshop became the target of the merchants for a while.

And the Finance Department of Ruyt City got the deposit for renting the storefront, and it finally counted the salaries that the public officials of the city hall will need to issue next month.

The first batch of resettlement houses on the side of the slave market, under the rapid construction of the Mukusuo No. 1 Construction Engineering Team, have already seen their outlines in just one week.

The biggest advantage of these townhouses is that two households share a load-bearing wall, which means that each residence saves a quarter of the wall construction materials.

It is the first time for these citizens to see this kind of architectural style of small buildings in Ruyt City. Everyone thinks that the townhouses are designed in a very unique way. Crowded in one house, everyone has a separate apartment type, and because this kind of townhouse is basically two floors with an attic, there are actually three floors of usable area.

Even if it is the smallest type of apartment, the floor area of ​​such a household will not exceed 25 square meters. This type of apartment is basically three meters wide and six meters long. There is a living room and kitchen on the first floor, two bedrooms on the second floor, and an attic plus The terrace, a family of three living in such a house, is obviously very spacious, and there is a six-square-meter independent courtyard in front of each small building.

The craftsmen led by Luke have already built many small western-style buildings with this layout. The first model room appeared in people's sight in just ten days. It was built at the entrance of the slave market. Tables and chairs, kitchen supplies, beds, etc. are placed, and a warm and simple small home appears in front of the poor.

Finally someone began to marvel: it turns out that the home can be arranged like this...

It doesn't cost much, but it looks very warm.

With the joint efforts of Luke and Charlie, after several optimizations and improvements in the construction process of this small townhouse, the speed of starting a house has been reduced to almost one month.

Those poor people living in the small black house in the arena finally began to think about how to arrange their new home.

On the other side, Charlie led a construction team of more than 200 people to station at the restaurant plaza, and the progress of the project here was also very fast.

Finance officer Kurt Latie was surprised to find that, in the reconstruction of the restaurant plaza, in fact, the city hall paid a sum of money for the demolition of the steel workshop, and almost all the expenses were first paid by the construction team, and then The money will be returned to Mukuso No. 1 Construction Engineering Team in installments from the rent of the store.

Some time ago, the treasury of the Ministry of Finance was completely emptied, and almost all of it was invested in the resettlement housing project for the slave market.

As the value of the land around the restaurant plaza continues to rise, as long as these lands are sold, the profits will be doubled immediately. However, Suldak is not in a hurry to sell these lands. He also divides the surrounding land into several areas. The merchants If you want to buy it, you need to build some buildings according to the requirements of the city hall.

At the beginning, Kurt Latie didn't think that with the poor financial situation of Ruyt City, Suldak could come up with any decent urban projects.

But the rudiments of the restaurant plaza have already formed, and even a trend has formed, making businessmen feel that as long as they can get a storefront in the restaurant plaza, they will definitely make money...

Moreover, the city hall also holds a large amount of land with increasing value. This series of dazzling operations made the financial officer Kurt Latie a little confused.

He was a bit puzzled, since there was still not much money in the treasury of the Finance Department, and he still had to repay the construction funds of Mukusuo No. 1 Construction Engineering Team in installments, how could he still have the feeling that the city hall had made a fortune this time?


Count Lake Cushing has some headaches recently. Many nobles have come to him. These people basically come to ask him to intercede in front of the Suldak consul. Take a share of the action.

In fact, when the iron and steel workshop was just demolished, this group of people watched a good show from the sidelines.

He also said that although the Consul of Suldak was good at fighting, he was a country bumpkin who ran from the countryside. Not only did he take a fancy to this pile of scrap iron, he actually wanted to transport it across planes to another territory of his own.

How is it now... The land of the steel workshop has now turned waste into treasure, and has become an unattainable sweet pastry in the eyes of many people.

In the study room, the black tea brought by the maid was no longer warm.

Earl Bertkamp frowned, with an impatient expression on his face, and shouted at Earl Lake Cushing:

"Old Lake, just say something bluntly, do you want to help or not?"

Earl Lake Cushing frowned, thinking of Earl Bertkamp's support for him at the beginning, he had resisted pressure from all sides countless times, and led members of the House of Representatives to support him.

Now how could I open my mouth to refuse such a 'little thing'.

"I'll go and talk to Lord Consul Suldak about this!" Earl Lake Cushing paused and asked, "What's the current market value of that piece of land?"

"Now one square meter has risen to about one gold coin! If half a month ago, one gold coin could buy ten square meters." Count Bottkamp said with a sigh: "My nephew voluntarily gave up the right of inheritance, but he wants to To build a hotel next to the steel workshop."

"So, the land you encircled costs more than a thousand gold?" Earl Lake Cushing's eyes widened.

"There are no first-rank swordsmen among the juniors, so I plan to sell a set of elementary magic pattern structures, and I guess I just bought such a piece of land..."

When the old Earl Bertkamp said this, he was a little melancholy.

"Understood, there may be some restrictions, but I will try my best!" Earl Lake Cushing gave an affirmative answer.

The old Earl Bertkamp left satisfied.

Earl Lake Cushing sighed softly. Once no one in the family fights on the battlefield, no matter how many generations of experience the family has accumulated, it will be slowly exhausted.

He glanced at the letterheads piled up on the desk, and then said to the housekeeper, "Prepare the magic caravan, I'm going back to Solusi Town..."

Speaking of this, he paused, immediately changed his mind, and said:

"No, you go and buy a ticket to fly away from Ruyt City. I'm going to see my daughter in Bena City. Before I leave, I have to write a letter to Dak..."

Count Lake Cushing was sitting in his study, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the yard was lush with greenery.

It's midsummer now, and it's a good time for everything to grow wildly.

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