Lord Highlander

Chapter 1222: 1209. Farewell

Furnace No. 7 has been dismantled, and all the parts that need to be transported to Dodan Town have been packed into large wooden boxes, and the details of the labels are written on the outside of the wooden boxes.

Hamlin was worried that when transported to the installation site in Dodan Town, all the parts would become extremely chaotic, so each wooden box had a unique number, and these numbers were carried out in a specific order. Part interfaces also have specific combination symbols.

Although there are no drawings for the disassembly and assembly of these furnaces, these serial numbers are their best construction drawings.

But these serial numbers can only be understood by Hamlin and his group of craftsmen.

All of these tasks were done by himself...

So he needed to personally lead the team to Dodan Town on the Bailin Plane for assembly.

The night before his departure, Hamlin gathered the craftsmen of the steel workshop together. Not all the craftsmen were willing to leave their hometown. This time Hamlin only took away 43 craftsmen of the steel workshop. These craftsmen were willing to leave their hometowns Rushing to the Bailin plane was purely to solve the embarrassing family situation.

With this generous income, at least for a short period of time, there is no need to worry about life.

Tonight is practiced for Hamlin and the craftsmen who are about to go to the plane of Bailin, so the Uncle Sam tavern in the entire slum area is full of craftsmen from the steel workshop. staring at the sky.

"Hamlin, don't forget to write to us when you get there." Several artisans who did not participate in the journey came over, hooked Hamlin's shoulders, and knocked the beer cup full of foam.

The wooden wine glass made a dull sound.

Hamlin took a sip of the ale that was slightly mixed with barley grains. Obviously, the ale was not filtered so well.

"Understood, I've settled down there, please take my family and rush to Bailin. Now those of us go to the front station, and we will bring you good news." Hamlin said to a figure The strong craftsman said.

The craftsman's face was a bit tangled, but there was nothing he could do without it. There were four children in his family who were waiting to be fed.

Although this trip can bring him a lot of income, he worries that it will be the last income in his life.

Then the small family that he worked so hard to build shattered like soap bubbles. His wife became someone else's wife, his children became someone else's children, and the house and savings he worked so hard to accumulate became the property of others—he didn't want to. bet.

Therefore, in the face of favorable conditions, although the strong craftsmen with good craftsmanship flinched.

An old craftsman next to him was very open-minded, and through his drink, he said to the craftsmen who gave up and rushed to the Bailin plane:

"The last time those thunder rhinoceros caravans came to our place, I inquired about it. Although it is a small town over there, there is a large forest belonging to Mr. Suldak Consul, and there are really mines over there. , and compared to our standard of living...how can I put it!"

He took another gulp of ale before he said:

"I earn a lot, and my daily expenses are very small. I usually live a rich life. It is said that ordinary families basically have nothing to spend there. They always buy baked wheat cakes in the bakery, two copper coins for each, and one for each." A piece of wheat cake is enough for an adult to eat for a whole day, and they only need four silver coins for a sheep, so life there is very comfortable..."

Hearing what the old craftsman said, those craftsmen who chose to give up the trip to Bailin felt a little regretful.

The old craftsman was stared at by so many eyes, and the little drunkenness dissipated at once. He blushed and said with some embarrassment:

"But there are also disadvantages. There will be a beast tide in that place every ten years. It is said that the beast tide broke out just last year. The Suldak Consul's army was stationed there. They resisted the beast tide. It is said that many people died in the town."

The craftsmen immediately became frightened, but then one of the craftsmen added the last sentence:

"There are also many people who made a lot of money in that beast tide..."

Hamlin went on to say: "We will help them assemble the furnace, and we need to carry out subsequent debugging and trial operation. When the furnace can operate normally, it doesn't matter whether you choose to leave or stay there..."

Uncle Sam, the tavern owner, asked Hamlin, "Have you bought the tickets?"

Hamlin added a piece of ice to the wine glass, put two pieces of pineapple, took a big sip, and said, "Tomorrow, I'm going to the airport pier to take the magic airship..."

A craftsman huddled next to Hamlin said expectantly: "To be honest, it's the first time in my life that I've been on an airship. I wouldn't be willing to buy a ticket for two gold coins."

Those craftsmen who gave up going to the Bailin plane surrounded them, raised their glasses to Hamlin and his party and said:

"Good luck everyone."

Hamlin also toasted with everyone and said loudly:

"Wait for the good news after our successful arrival!"


On a summer night, the cheers in the tavern can be heard far away...


Before leaving, Count Lake Cushing left a letter to Suldak:

(Dear Duck:

I'm very sorry, but this time I have to leave without saying goodbye. The old Earl Bertkamp asked me to help him as a lobbyist. He helped me a lot before, so I couldn't refuse. If the conditions are the same, please let the balance of Lady Luck slightly tilt He leaned in. He wanted the nephew in the family to run a hotel and needed a piece of land around the steel mill.

There are only so many intercession words. In order to avoid other people continuing to talk to me about these things, I decided to go to Bena City for a vacation, and when everything calms down, I will return to Ruyter.

When you have time, remember to help me pay attention to the residents in the mining area. I have been trying to move them out of that dangerous area for the past two years. Unfortunately, due to the poor financial situation of Ruyt City, this idea has never been realized.

Earl Lake Cushing's own handwriting...)

Suldak knew that the nobles would be keen on the restaurant plaza project, but he didn't expect Count Lake Cushing to be involved.

But he didn't even expect that Earl Lake Cushing decided to go to Bena City in order to avoid causing trouble for him.

Looking at the street scene flying backwards outside the window, Suldak stopped the magic caravan, and decided not to see off the craftsmen of the steel workshop, otherwise seeing Count Lake Cushing on the airport pier would make everyone very upset. Awkward.

The magic caravan was parked on the side of the street, and it was not too far from the airport terminal.

At this time, he opened the door and jumped out of the car, and turned into a back alley with almost no people on the busy street.

After a few steps of run-up, Suldak leaped onto the roof briskly.

This building is the highest place nearby. He stood on the tallest building a few hundred meters away from the airport terminal, waited for a while, and then waved towards the slowly rising magic airship.

On the magic airship, Hamlin and a group of craftsmen stood excitedly on the deck. They were very curious about everything on the magic airship, and they desperately hoped that some of the parts on it were made by the steel workshop. Make them very proud.

So everyone is looking around, and looking for places that only have metal.

Unfortunately, the magic airship is a high-end magic product... So even a screw on the airship was not made by Benner.

Although everyone did not find the parts produced by the steel workshop, some people saw Mr. Suldak Consul standing on the roof.

So the excited craftsmen began to approach the edge of the ship's gunwale. Everyone stretched their upper bodies out of the ship and waved goodbye to the Suldak Consul at the same time.

The person on the magic airship shouted: "It's the Consul, it's the Suldak Consul who is waving to us over there."

There was a burst of joy on the deck...

The deck of the magic airship was so noisy, Count Lake Cushing, who was standing on the watchtower of the ship building, followed the direction they were looking at and saw Suldak at a glance.

Earl Lake Cushing was a little sad, but also a little relieved...

The sad thing is that he left Ruyt City in a hurry this time, and no one at home came to the airport pier to see him off. What was gratifying was that Suldak rushed over after seeing the letter.

Count Lake Cushing waved his hand towards Suldak with a faint smile on his face.


After Earl Lake Cushing left, Suldak returned to the city hall and asked Siya to find a map and related information about the iron mine area.

There are many problems left in the iron mining area, which is also the heart disease of Earl Lake Cushing in the past few years. The only contribution he wants to make to the city of Ruyt, and because of the distressed Finance Department, has not been able to bring the residents of the mining area from the abandoned Received from the mine to the outside.

There were originally thirty-two villages and three small towns in the mine area, but that was when the iron mine was in its best operating condition.

Later, the iron mines on the outskirts of Ruyt were gradually hollowed out, and these dense villages and small towns disappeared little by little. So far, there are still six villages and a small town in the abandoned iron mine area, and other villages and small towns The town has become a deserted ghost village ghost town.

There are some collapses in the iron mine area every year. Every time it rains, the ground subsidence and ground fissure in the mining area have long been commonplace, and occasionally people are missing.

The old people living in the village often say that this is a punishment for the residents here by hollowing out the ground.

For this kind of thing, Suldak also felt a little helpless, because the abandoned mine was simply worthless, and the financial situation of Ruyt City was extremely tight at present, and there was no money to help these villagers relocate. Out of the iron mining area.

That's not to say how expensive it is to build a house, and moving them out of the iron mining area has its own set of complications.

For example, if they are allowed to live outside the city, they need to help them buy a piece of land. If they live in Ruyt City, they need to help them find a simple job that can support their families, as well as a house to live in. At this stage food and more...

Holding the file, Suldak rubbed his forehead in pain...

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