Lord Highlander

Chapter 1224: 1211. Abandoned Mine

On the evening of the second day after Aphrodite left, Suldak was having dinner in the restaurant of the castle.

Today is a very special festival in Ruyt City—the day of divine revelation. It is said that a great swordsman who lived in Ruyt City received God’s revelation, and finally successfully stepped through the shackles of the three-turn peak period and became A sword master who can roam the stars.

The name of this Juggernaut is Gambo McDonnell. This Juggernaut has been wandering in the Outlands for many years, and has found several planes, and left the coordinates of one of the planes in Ruyt City. Known as the dry cloth plane.

The people of Ruyt City are dedicated to Juggernaut Gambo, so the day when he received divine revelation became a special festival in Ruyt City.

Only after returning to the castle did Surdak realize that today is a unique festival in Ruyt City.

Since it is a festival, of course you can't just eat on the tea table in the bedroom, and Hathaway has made some careful preparations in advance. Not only is there a huge flower basket on the dining table, but she also bought a piece of neck of a plesiosaur in the magic store. Meat, made Warcraft barbecue for Suldak.

As a second-level immigrant strongman, eating some magical beast ingredients usually has many benefits for maintaining physical condition.

Many aristocrats also like fresh magic beast ingredients, and the neck meat of plesiosaurs is one of the more expensive monster ingredients. I didn't expect Suldak to see it on his dining table.

Hathaway almost forked more than half of the plesiosaur meat into Suldak's plate.

After this main course, there is a chowder soup with blue ice deer whip.

This is the dish that Hathaway ordered half a month ago in order to allow Suldak to play a stronger role in the evening. Even the chef who cooked this chowder was invited back from a high-end restaurant in Ruyt City. of a chef.

Suldak was already full after eating a large plate of plesiosaur meat. When he saw a bowl of broth with light oily flowers being served by the maid, he thought the soup tasted really good, just enough Relieve the greasyness of the plesiosaur barbecue, and there is no greasy milky taste in this soup, which is more in line with the taste of Suldak.

Seeing Hathaway and Beatrice staring at him intently, Suldak lowered his head to see if there was anything wrong with his body, and then asked in surprise, "Why are you both looking at me?" looking at me, what's wrong with me?"

"No...it's nothing, Duck." Hathaway's pretty face blushed slightly, and she quickly took a sip of rum to cover it up.

But Beatrice asked without hesitation: "Dark, do you have any other entertainment tonight?"

"No!" Suldak replied, looking up at Beatrice.

Beatrice smiled happily, took out a bottle of golden cider from the basket on the dining table, and said to Suldak:

"I've got a nice bottle of golden cider ready, we can kill it tonight..."

Before Beatrice could finish speaking, she saw a lavender magic circle spreading out from under Suldak's feet. The lines of the magic circle continued to spread outward, forming a huge and complicated pattern in the restaurant.

Hathaway ordered to the maids on the side: "You go back first!"

A row of maids immediately walked out of the restaurant.

At this time, a void door appeared behind Suldak.

After hesitating for a moment, he put down the knife in his hand, stood up from the table, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and said apologetically, "Aphrodite must have encountered some trouble, sorry, I'm afraid I have to go out A trip..."

Hathaway and Beatrice hadn't had time to tell Suldak 'must come back as soon as possible'.

Suldak waved at them and stepped into the void gate.


Suldak came out of the ruins. The ground was full of waste ores, and weeds grew in the crevices of the rocks.

A dark mine hole appeared in front of Suldak. Aphrodite and a middle-aged man dressed as a hunter stood in front of the hole. The hunter didn't expect someone to come out behind him. And he didn't feel the slightest, when he saw Surdak, he was startled.

The hunter looked at the badge on Suldak's chest, and his pupils shrank inexplicably.

"Where is this?" Suldak stepped forward and asked Aphrodite.

Aphrodite signaled the hunter to guard the entrance of the cave.

He pulled Sulda farther away and said to him:

"The abandoned mine outside Celia Village, this is the last mine in the iron mine..."

Suldak raised his head and looked at the barren mountain above his head. There were two railroad tracks that had rusted out of shape among the weeds in the valley.

The hunter stared at the entrance of the mine very carefully, and glanced this way from time to time.

Suldak looked at the barren mine entrance and asked Aphrodite:

"How's the situation here?"

Aphrodite spread her hands and said helplessly:

"As you can see now, the current situation is a bit complicated. I can't handle it alone, so I called you over."

Suldak looked around in surprise. He knew that with Aphrodite's strength, things that Aphrodite could not handle must be very difficult.

"When I arrived at the village, the two old couples had disappeared." Aphrodite said standing beside Suldak.

Although he had a premonition, Suldak couldn't help complaining when he heard the news.

If the Ruyt City Guard Battalion hadn't closed the matter hastily, even if they were ordered to leave Celia Village, maybe they would have had a chance to avoid disappearing...

Aphrodite pointed to the hunter guarding the entrance of the mine in the distance, and introduced to Suldak:

"This is Crake. He was taking his two daughters and wanted to leave here. His wife and eldest son disappeared the night before. He was going to leave the village with his two daughters last night. The second daughter is about twelve years old, and the youngest daughter is only seven or eight years old."

"I just arrived at Celia Village at that time, and I rushed to the old Avi's house first, and found that they were also missing, so I followed Krek secretly, hoping to see if the murderer would appear again... "

"What did you find?" Surdak couldn't help asking.

"Skeleton warrior." Aphrodite said in a low voice, "I saw a skeleton warrior with a rusty long knife running out of the woods and stopped the three of them."

"I'll get rid of that skeleton warrior..."

She told Surdak what happened last night.


Crake sat, staring at Aphrodite with a cloudy expression on his face.

His two daughters hugged each other, or rather supported each other and hid behind Hunter Crake.

In the woodland, the eye sockets of the two skeleton warriors had lost the fire of their souls, and their bodies were shattered into white bones. The two rusty iron knives looked like kitchen knives stolen from a certain kitchen.

Aphrodite just used 'mental whip' and directly killed a skeleton warrior with mental power.

For succubus, the means to deal with undead warriors is relatively simple. Many magics have little effect on these undead warriors, such as 'charm', 'hypnosis', 'seduction', 'psychedelic' and so on.

These low-level skeleton fighters are only acting with this instinctive soul fire.

Aphrodite stared at Crake, neither speaking nor leaving, she was waiting for Crake to speak on his own initiative.

When facing humans, the succubus has more methods.

The woods were pitch black, and Aphrodite was wearing a mithril mask. Krek was only stared at by Aphrodite for a while, and under Aphrodite's gaze, his mental defense was completely defeated...

"Are you the magician sent from above to investigate this matter? I know something, but I need you to send my two daughters to a safe place!"

After hesitating for a long time, Crake finally said.

Aphrodite said readily: "Okay, I promise you!"

Then she followed behind Hunter Krek.

Under the protection of Aphrodite, the hunter Krek took his two daughters through the mountains, and finally arrived at a small town in the middle of the night. This is one of the only two small towns left in the abandoned mining area. The town has a population of nearly several thousand, and it is not too big a small town.

There are grocery stores, hotels and taverns on the streets in the center of the town.

Crake is very familiar with this place. At midnight, even the tavern is closed.

He knocked on the door of the hotel, settled his two daughters in the hotel, and returned to Celia Village with Aphrodite almost without stopping.

Looking at Crake who was frowning, Aphrodite didn't speak all the way.

It wasn't until he settled his two daughters that Crake showed any anxiety.

Crake took Aphrodite directly to the ruins of a mine that had been dug up. Aphrodite stepped on a piece of waste ore and stopped.

As the sky gradually brightened, she asked Crake:

"Do you know what's going on?"

Crake lowered his head, and he could see that he was struggling inside, and he didn't want to say the answer.


Aphrodite said casually: "I know you need help. If I don't help you, your wife and eldest son will probably die..."

Before Aphrodite finished speaking, Hunter Krek said:

"She has lived here for a long time. I guess she may be a magician. She usually lives in an abandoned mine. She is very thin and never interacts with people. The first time I saw her, she was It happened to be injured on the cliff outside the mine, so I sent her back to her residence."

"From then on, I will send her some daily necessities every month, and she will pay me a sum of money."

"Oh, by the way, she's very rich, and I've never seen her make a living, but that purse of hers is always full of silver coins..."

"Sometimes she would ask me to do some strange things. Some things can be bought from magic grocery stores, and some don't need to be bought at all. I will go hunting in the mountains and send them directly if I catch them. I went to Ruyt City to buy the things I got, but this job only lasted for a while, and then the things she wanted became more and more difficult to find, so I was only responsible for some daily necessities.”

"It wasn't until one time I saw some skeletons in that cave, various animal bones, and human... there were a lot... yes... a lot, I was a little scared, I was terrified, but I was also worried that she would find out , someday, my family and I will be a part of those bones,"

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