Lord Highlander

Chapter 1225: 1212. Skeleton

"Where is she?"

Aphrodite stared at Hunter Krek and asked him.

Crake pointed his finger at the valley opposite the wild grass, and said in a deep voice:

"I've been living in a mine in an abandoned iron mine."

After speaking, continue to lead the way.

The weeds here are very dense, and these weeds are covered with thorns, and many thorns will stick to his clothes when he passes by, but he still chooses to move forward among the weeds.

The mountains on both sides still have some bare and gentle slopes, and Hunter Crake did not choose that side.

The magic robe worn by Aphrodite was made of very good material, and the thorns could not penetrate into the cloth at all.

"Do you think the disappearance of the villagers in the village is related to her?" Aphrodite asked tentatively.

Crake nodded and replied: "Well, there are many bones hidden in her mine."

Aphrodite continued: "But before that, you never told the knights of the guard battalion!"

Crake stopped, looked back at Aphrodite, and said, "I don't dare to expect those master knights to do anything. In fact, what they do most in Celia Village is to post notices." , and then ride away."

Seeing that Hunter Crake stopped, Aphrodite immediately urged: "Okay, take me to find her quickly..."

Crake walked forward without hesitation, Aphrodite reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said to him: "This time, you may die!"

There was no fluctuation in Crake's eyes, and he just said with a last hint of determination: "I know, but how can I save my wife and children if I don't do this, I want to try!"

There was a red light in Aphrodite's eyes, which was the innate ability of the succubus' bloodline 'charm', a magic that could be activated without spells and magic circles.

"Have you ever thought about how your other two children will live after you die?"

Aphrodite asked Crake with charm.

At this moment, Hunter Crake's body stiffened immediately, and he replied as if talking in a dream: "Although they are still very young, they can already face their own lives on their own. I am not worried about this."

The red light in Aphrodite's eyes gradually dissipated, and Crake's body trembled violently. Only then did he recover, unaware of Aphrodite's charm just now.

Crake walked ahead, passing through a piece of wild grass, and a bare mine appeared in front of him. Only in the valley was full of grass and bushes. The entire stone mountain seemed to have been turned over by someone. All the stones on the mountain They were all pried up artificially, and the abandoned ore was scattered all over the mountain.

"These are all lean iron ores. Although they contain some iron, they are not worth throwing into the furnace." Krek explained to Aphrodite in a low voice: "This is the last mine in the iron mine. I lost my job when the cave was abandoned..."

"So you became a hunter?" Aphrodite asked curiously from behind.

Crake pointed to the bushy mountains behind and said:

"There are many small animals in this mountain range, the most common ones are pangolins and yellow-tailed lynxes. The nobles living near here like to eat these small mountain animals very much. I happen to know their habits very well, and I know where to set up traps. Catch 'em, I've been living on it since I left the mine."

"Is this why you haven't left Celia Village?" Aphrodite continued to ask.

Hunter Krek nodded and replied calmly: "Yes, they can only be seen in the mountains deep in the mine, and Celia Village is the closest to this mountain, and I am used to the life here , although the transportation with the outside world is not very convenient, but it is very easy to live here, except for the necessary daily necessities, there is almost no expenses here."

Walking to the wild grass in front of him, Krek stopped, and did not continue to walk out of the grass, but pushed aside the thorny grass in front of him that blocked his sight. A man-made mountain wall appeared on the side of the Bald Stone Mountain not far away. At the bottom of the wall is a dilapidated mine.

"Here, that's the entrance." Hunter Krek said nervously.

After finishing speaking, Hunter Krek walked in the front cautiously. He carefully pushed aside the wild grass. It could be seen that he was extremely flustered, but he still gritted his teeth and approached.

Aphrodite knew that he was not moving forward under his own oppression, but wanted to go in to find his family, and it was driven by this motivation that he approached the cave step by step.

It's just that a woman with a thin face was leaning against the opening of the rock wall. She was so thin that she almost lost her human shape. If her eyes could not move, she would look more like a mummy.

Beside her is a war beast made of spliced ​​bones, which looks more like her mount, and there is a chair on the back of the war beast.

The woman looked indifferent, her eyes showed deep hatred and resentment, her voice was more like a piece of sandpaper rubbing against the bottom of a pot, and there was a weird metallic sound in her voice: "Krek, I knew you were unreliable , one day you will bring people from outside, I have already given you a warning, but you still insist on going your own way, you will be punished by me, that is now!"

Hunter Krek finally couldn't bear it at this moment. He almost collapsed and rushed forward, but was caught by a bone hand protruding from the gravel. He couldn't react in time and fell hard on the ground. Gravel ground.

His forehead hit a piece of gravel, and blood came out all at once.

Crake wanted to struggle to get up, but two bone hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed Crake's body fiercely.

Hunter Krek yelled at the woman in despair:

"Where are my wife and children, please release them quickly, otherwise once I get out of trouble, I will go outside to find those adventure groups and mercenary groups, and I will spare no effort to find a way to get rid of you."

"Hahaha, are you threatening me?" The woman let out a shrill and hoarse laugh. She looked at Krek, but she was always on guard against Aphrodite, so she said, "No one has used it for a long time. Talking to me in such a tone, this feeling is really nostalgic."

At this time, Aphrodite also came out of the weeds, holding a whip in her hand, and remained silent the whole time.

The woman stared at Aphrodite, saw the magic robe she was wearing, her pupils narrowed slightly, and asked coldly, "Are you the helper Krek found from outside?"

Aphrodite shook her head slowly, and said frankly: "I am here on behalf of Ruyt City to investigate the case of missing persons in Celia Village."

The skinny woman looked at Aphrodite with a half-smile, and said, "Then you found me, and you suspect that I did it?"

"That's right, that's it, so I'm going to take you back to the Ruyt City Guard Camp for review!" Aphrodite said unhurriedly.

"Hahaha, it's up to you?" The woman's tone was full of disdain.

Aphrodite didn't even see any movement from her, and suddenly there was a wave from behind, and two pale skeleton warriors came out from under the stone, stretched out their bone hands, and tried to hug Aphrodite tightly.

Aphrodite seemed to have a pair of eyes behind her. She didn't even look back. She took half a step forward, tilted her body a little to the left, avoided the grasp of the skeleton warrior on the right back, and threw out the long whip with her backhand. The whip is like a spirit snake pointing back to the soul fire of another skeleton's eye socket.

The skeleton warrior instinctively raised his hands, trying to block the whip for a while, but unexpectedly, the long whip seemed to be a living spirit snake, and it changed its path halfway, turning slightly, and tied the skeleton warrior's hands tightly .

Aphrodite did not neglect at all, and quickly drew a magic circle with her left hand on her chest. A dark shadow arrow was shot from Aphrodite's hand, piercing through the eye socket of the skeleton warrior in an instant, and the eye socket of the skeleton warrior The fire of the soul in the body was suddenly extinguished.

Losing the fire of the soul, these bones immediately scattered all over the place.

At this time, another skeleton warrior quickly rushed towards Aphrodite, trying to hold Aphrodite in his arms, but unexpectedly, Aphrodite turned around sharply, lifted the mask with one hand, and unfolded the sexual... lips, a black flame spewed out from her mouth.

A strong flame burned immediately on the skeleton warrior's body. In the black flame, the skeleton warrior's bones immediately began to shatter.

"You are not human..." the skinny woman exclaimed.

A few healthy zombie hyenas rushed out from her side immediately. Those zombie hyenas exuded a faint smell, and the fur on their bodies seemed to be eaten by moths. to see the skeleton inside.

The eye sockets of these zombie hyenas are also filled with light blue soul fire.

At the same time, around the mine, even in the wild grass outside the mine, there were chattering sounds, and some skeleton hands pushed aside the grass and slowly came out from inside.

On the gravel-covered ground, more bone hands stretched out. These bone hands seemed to have no vision, and they just scratched at the sky indiscriminately.

In an instant, the entrance of the mine turned into a ghostly place.

Hunter Krek was even more severely pressed to the ground by those bone hands, and some bone hands even scratched his body, bleeding profusely...

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