Lord Highlander

Chapter 1227: 1214. Necromancer Naomi

"You don't like undead?"

Suldak blocked a skeleton warrior with his shield, and smashed its arm with the holy light torch in his hand, and the rusty kitchen knife fell to the ground with a jingle.

The soul fire in the skeleton warrior's eyes was a little weaker, but the only remaining arm was still grabbing towards Suldak. The sharp bone fingers were blocked by Suldak's shield, and a holy light burst out from the shield. , immediately let the fire of soul in the skeleton warrior's eyes dissipate, and then the skeleton warrior turned into broken bones.

Suldak glanced back at Aphrodite, the succubus was still following where the holy light could not reach.

"For our succubus family, these guys are indeed very annoying. Fortunately, they usually live in the underworld, and they don't always think about running out..." Aphrodite followed behind and said casually: "The necromancer is in the green The empire is a heretic to the magic union, but you should bring the magician here."

"I suspect that the disappearance of the population in Celia Village is related to this necromancer." Aphrodite added afterward.

Suldak walked in front without saying a word. The mine was long and deep, and there was a decaying giant wooden arch supporting the mine not far away. This mine extended downward with some arcs, from the door to the After walking tens of meters in the mine, the inside of the mine became pitch black.

Suldak held the torch of holy light in his hand, and the fire of holy light was lit on the torch.

He rarely used this thing, but when he entered the mine, this holy light torch was very practical. The warm holy light not only drove away the darkness, but also drove away the chill and evil thoughts in the mine.

Aphrodite also felt a little uncomfortable with the warm light from Suldak's holy torch.

She tried to keep herself away from Suldak, she retreated to the edge of the light and darkness, Suldak then saw a few zombie hyenas in the mine, but these zombie hyenas and skeleton warriors had the light In front of the powerful Suldak, it was as fragile as paper.

Aphrodite followed behind in silence, and after a while she said to Suldak: "I have a feeling... as if someone led us here!"

The mine is very messy, and there are some broken bones everywhere on the ground.

Walking into the depths, you can also see some graffiti on the walls. These patterns seem to record something.

Going further inside, I finally saw an open mine in front of me, and the giant beast made of bones stuck its body in the mine. It was completely stitched together by some white bones and some messy things. The zombie monsters together, the soul fire in their eyes is extremely blazing, and a huge head is covered with fangs made of white bones.

Through this giant white bone beast, Suldak happened to see the necromancer sitting on the edge of the mine shaft, and she seemed to be treating the wound on her body.

Suldak raised the Goethe shield in his hand, and approached the giant bone beast...

The giant white bone beast raised its head, as if letting out a silent roar, and then rushed towards Suldak without hesitation.

A holy radiance lit up on Suldak's shield, and the magic-weave structure on his body also lit up with magical light. After possessing the power of the magic-weave structure, Suldak waved the holy light in his hand The torch fell down, and the magic pattern glowed in front of him.

'white heat'

The holy light torch in his hand brought out five afterimages, which hit the head of the giant bone beast almost at the same time.

The giant bone beast seemed not to be afraid of pain at all, and its head hit Goethe's shield fiercely. Suldak felt as if a bull had hit him, and the shield slammed into his shoulder. Under the pain, he took a step back.

The giant white bone beast looked much more embarrassed. The bones on its head were smashed by the holy light torch, and they were actually shattered.

The shield in Suldak's hand shattered his teeth to the ground.

In front of a second-rank knight, the giant bone beast was restrained to death by Suldak.

Aphrodite also took the opportunity to release two shadow arrows later, and the shadow arrows with black magic energy hit the head of the giant bone beast, immediately weakening its soul fire again.

At this time, Suldak poured the power of the holy light into the torch. The moment the torch fell, the soul fire in the eyes of the giant white bone beast dissipated, and the whole giant beast turned into a pile of bones, and was scattered on the ground in an instant. .

The woman was leaning against the mine, her eyes were full of resentment towards Surdak, she looked at the pile of bones with a look of desolation, just like looking at her own child.

There were some skeleton warriors around the mine, these undead were summoned by her, and the skeleton warriors approached Suldak slowly with stiff steps.

The thin woman also put her hand into her ribs again. Suldak held the sword and shield, blocked the skeleton warrior in front of him, and strode up to the necromancer. The living objects arranged in the cave should look like where she lives.

Although the environment was a bit dark and messy, what surprised Surdak was that there was no such rotten and bloody smell around him.

Suldak replaced the torch in his right hand, and held the broadsword in his left hand to the woman's throat.

The eyes of those skeleton warriors were filled with soul fire, and they did not dare to approach Suldak again.

At this time, Suldak began to carefully look at this mine that was only tens of square meters square. Except for a vertical mine shaft in the middle that looked bottomless, the surrounding stone walls were actually full of magic spells. The symbol looks like a blackboard for studying the magic matrix of the undead, and on the other side it looks like there is a wooden house built.

Many bottles, jars, and magic materials are placed on the wooden shelves outside the wooden house, and they seem to be quite diverse.

Surdak stood in front of the woman, looking at her face already covered with corpse spots, the skin almost covered the bones, and her shoulder and left side had some wounds, her right hand was not covering it. Instead of a wound, he wanted to pull a rib out of the body again.

Suldak passed the long sword in his hand forward, forcing the woman not to move. Before he could ask, he saw two old people rushing out of the wooden house in the dark corner, looking at them Wearing patched clothes, it appears to be a nearby villager.

"You can't hurt her, she didn't do anything bad, she's just a poor child, please let her go!" A hunched old woman threw herself directly at Suldak's feet and fell to the ground Holding Suldak's shoes, and pressing his forehead against his shoe upper, his tone was full of pleading.

Surdak was a little stunned, seeing that the white-haired old man was still holding a fork in his hand, but his body seemed to be bound by something, and even though his face was flushed, he couldn't move.

"Are you the old Avi's family?" Suldak asked subconsciously.

Both the old woman and the woman looked at Suerdak with doubts on their faces, raised their wrinkled faces, she was too old to keep her eyes open, but asked tremblingly: "Do you know us? "

"I came from Ruyt City to investigate the disappearance case of Seria Village. Before I arrived, there were only your family and the Creek family left in Seria Village, so I just made a random guess. "Suldak said: "You said she didn't do anything bad, so didn't she do the disappearance of people in Celia Village?"

"I swear, it wasn't Naomi who did it, she wouldn't do that kind of hurtful thing to the villagers..." the old woman said while crying.

Suldak did not relax his vigilance, but looked back at Aphrodite behind him. He felt a little thirsty, maybe the barbecue at night was a little salty, so he picked up the kettle and took a sip of water.

Only then did he look at the woman whom the old woman called Naomi, and asked, "What happened to the disappearance in the village?" You must know that, so you brought old Avi and the others here... ..."

The old woman looked at the thin woman with pleading eyes and said:

"Naomi, you tell them!"

"What do you want to know?" The woman's voice seemed to be stuffed with coal, her voice was hoarse and had a metallic texture, and she continued to ask aggressively: "Or you can let me go if I tell you? Can I trust you? "

"Why can't I? I'm not the law enforcement officials in the Magic Union. I won't be hostile to you until you confirm that you have violated the law of Ruyt City. Now you are only attacking the population of Celia Village this time." There are certain suspicions in the disappearance case, but now, I am afraid that only you can help you clear the suspicion." After finishing speaking, Suldak raised the broadsword in his hand, allowing the woman to lean against the side of the mine so that she could sit more comfortably .

Naomi closed her eyes and leaned against the well without saying a word.

"Naomi..." the old lady begged again from the side.

Naomi finally opened her eyes, and when she looked at Suldak, her eyes were full of distrust.

"Okay, but you can't tell others that I said these things, and I can't offend you, nor can I offend them." Naomi raised her proud neck, although her face looked a little scary, But she was very calm, and she continued to say to Suldak: "Also, keep your holy light away from me..."

"They are scholars of the Black Magic Priory Academy, a group of fanatical black mages. I thought your companion was one of those black mages, and that's why there was a fight at the entrance of the mine." Na Omi said weakly, and after finishing speaking, he picked up a bottle of light green potion and drank it for himself.

Suldak didn't expect that there were research institutes of the Black Magic Priory around the city of Ruyt, so he couldn't help but say:

"I didn't know that the vicinity of Ruyt City is so lively, and there are actually strongholds of black magicians. Do you know where they are hiding?"

Naomi nodded slightly. She struggled to stand up from the well, helped the lying old woman up and said:

"Well, but before you have enough strength, I advise you not to provoke them, and since I have told their news, I think I should leave here too... You will let me go, right? "

"Of course, but there is a prerequisite, that is, it must be verified that what you said is true..."

Suldak smiled very gentlemanly, and said to Naomi.

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