Lord Highlander

Chapter 1228: 1215. Angels and Demons

"How do you want to prove it?"

Naomi raised her somewhat haughty face. Although her face was covered with corpse spots, even skin and bones, which made her two eyeballs look very abrupt, she didn't care about it at all.

Maybe she hasn't looked in the mirror for too long, maybe she can't remember what she looks like.

"Of course, find those members of the Black Magic Priory, and everything will come to light." Suldak said directly, and then asked Naomi: "I don't understand, why did you intercept and kill Krek halfway?" ?”

"I didn't..." Naomi replied frankly.

Seeing that she was unwilling to admit it, Suldak said, "It's useless even if you don't want to admit it. My people saw it with their own eyes."

Naomi looked at Suldak indifferently, her eyes full of paranoia, and asked back: "Summoning skeletons is just a low-level summoning technique. Do you think I am the only one in this world who can do it?"

"It's very likely that they want to blame you for this incident, so they divert our attention and lead all the clues to you, just to make us conflict..." Suldak analyzed.

Just when Naomi was thinking seriously with Suldak's speculation, Suldak suddenly said:

"Hey, Naomi, do you want to join us? I think this matter has to be resolved anyway, and your neighbors don't seem to be very friendly to you. You should at least give them something in return!"

Suldak added: "Think about it, of course you can also stay in my barracks and wait patiently."

Naomi rolled her eyes. Although she was seriously injured, she still straightened her shriveled chest and said to Suldak:

"I choose to join you."

Suldak waved his fist and said excitedly: "What a wise choice! By the way, how did you become a necromancer?"

Naomi bent down, looked at the mine shaft extending straight down beside her, and explained to Suldak:

"Probably because of this mine, and it's hard for me to say the specifics. I met a wraith at the edge of this mine. It asked me to help him clean up his bones and rebury them according to his ideas. , probably because of an exchange of benefits, he left me some books, and I learned these undead magics by practicing according to the steps recorded in the books. It is the assimilation of undead, and now it has become half human and half corpse, I don't know how long this state will last, maybe I will slowly transform into a zombie in the future."

She pointed to the corpse spots on her body, then pulled the skinny skin, she seemed to have lost her sense of pain.

Suldak hesitated for a moment before saying: "Well, I have a friend who is a ghost lord, I can tell him about your situation, I hope he can help you!"

Naomi didn't expect Suldak to say that, and she didn't even expect that he would have an undead friend.


Now that Naomi has decided to join, Suldak thinks there is nothing worth staying here.

During this period, Aphrodite has already walked around the mine, and even checked the mine. As Naomi said, there are some bones buried in the waste ore in the shaft. , found nothing else at all.

While Naomi was packing her bags, Suldak sat aside and gave the old Avi's father a physical examination, and even helped the two old people comb their bodies with the power of the holy light.

"Naomi, why do you want to live in the mine?" Suldak asked.

The wound on Naomi's waist was wrapped with a linen strip like a shroud. She put some magic materials she could use into her bag, and then she raised her head and said to Suldak, "Except there, you say I Where else can I live?"

Suldak leaned close to her and asked in a low voice, "What's the relationship between Old Avi and the others?"

"They are my husband's parents," Naomi replied bluntly.

"Where's your husband?"

Naomi pointed to the shaft and said calmly: "In that mine just now, many people were buried there. I want to find his bones and bury them properly. Unfortunately, after searching for so long, I can't find them." Couldn't find it."

When the group of people walked into the mine tunnel and saw the pile of bones, Suldak said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry for breaking your big dog..."

Naomi shook her head helplessly, and said casually, "You don't know how much I paid to summon it."

Suldak, Aphrodite, Naomi and the old Avi couple walked out of the mine together...

Crake saw Suldak carrying the old Avi's wife on his back, and the old Avi and Naomi followed behind, so he couldn't wait to look behind them and found that there were only five people in this team, with hope on his face. Immediately turned into despair, ran over and grabbed Naomi who was seriously injured, and asked eagerly:

"Why are you the only ones out, where are my wife and children?"

Naomi knew that Suldak was brought by Crake, and at this time she also sarcastically said to Crake:

"Don't you use your ass to think hard? If I did it, why didn't you keep Arlene, but you? Is it just to let you bring the Bena City Guard Battalion to Where am I?"

It turned out that Naomi knew Crake's wife... It was only then that Suldak remembered that they were from the same village, so it was not surprising that they knew each other.

Crake stared at Naomi with his eyes wide open.

"Craek, you really should try to be smart..." Naomi patted Crake on the shoulder, unwilling to talk to him again.

Suldak and his team returned to the empty Celia Village. This village among the weeds was about to be abandoned. Many houses were either collapsed or overgrown with weeds. The roads in the village were only a few intestines Trail, if he didn't know that there are still people living here, and seeing so many weeds, Suldak would never think that there are people who are willing to continue to live here.

Crake's house is right next to old Avi's...

Old Avi's house was built of stone. The planks and roof tiles on the house had become extremely decayed, but the stone house was very strong.

In contrast, Crake's house is made of wood panels, covered with a new layer of wood on the outside, and the wood panels have been painted with varnish, so it seems that the log house looks good.

Suldak sent old Avi home to rest, and was waiting for the heavy armored infantry regiment from Mukusuo City to join here.


Suldak was sitting in the tent and had already drank two water bags of cold water, but he still couldn't suppress the hotness in his heart.

When looking at Aphrodite, his gaze would involuntarily fall on her bulging breasts, and he would use his willpower to keep his gaze away.

When Sia appeared in front of him, it would remind him of how he hugged Sia tightly on Lake Bellanoma, and with her swimming in the lake, it seemed that he had been lurking in the water for too long, and could bear it. When he couldn't help but want to breathe, he even kissed Xi Ya's sweet little mouth.

He simply poured all the water in the water bag on his head, but unfortunately he still couldn't relieve the hotness in his heart.

It was a kind of dry heat that even the power of the Holy Light could not purify...

Suldak felt that he must have been poisoned by some kind of chronic poison.

In the evening, the heavy armored infantry regiment had already trekked all day, and they needed a good rest, so Suldak asked Edgar the Beard to arrange for the heavy armored infantry regiment to station.

It has been nearly two days since Aphrodite was summoned. Although after becoming a second-rank powerhouse, this summoning can last longer, but in any case, it is also a burden for Suldak, so Aphrodite Di went through the Nether Gate and returned to the Lava Mine.

Unexpectedly, Suldak then stepped through the void gate and followed Aphrodite back to the lava mine.

He told Aphrodite the speculation in his heart...

Aphrodite let him sit by the lava pool and tried to check him with magic, but the black magic energy in her body and the power of holy light in Suldak's body were like ice and flames. Together they dissolve each other.

Aphrodite's fingers were even burned by the power of the holy light.

She couldn't help screaming, and retracted her hand. The innate ability of the succubi clan is charm, so her voice naturally carried a faint charm.

Hearing that voice, Suldak's mind buzzed...

Aphrodite's face expanded infinitely in his sea of ​​spirits, that almost exquisite face with a touch of charm, and the uneven figure seemed to be some kind of fatal spell!

Suldak threw Aphrodite onto the wicker chair...

Aphrodite was taken aback by Suldak's rude actions, and then saw the burning desire in Suldak's eyes, and then turned the fright into a faint smile, and then she stretched her body as hard as she could , wrapped his hands around Suldak's neck, and when Suldak was trying to struggle, his soft lips were like the most delicate rose petals, imprinted on Suldak's face.

The two kobold slaves guarding the lava mine cave heard strange movements in the lava mine cave, so they peeped in from the cave entrance.

Suldak didn't expect that he would break through the last layer of relationship with Aphrodite, but that realization also gave him a feeling of taste.

He was almost exhausted, but the hotness in his body had completely dissipated.

On the contrary, Aphrodite was still sitting by the lava pool, with a victorious attitude on her face, and an unconcealable pride on her face.

"What are we?"

Suldak said with some embarrassment.

Aphrodite put her petticoat on her body, turned around and lay comfortably next to Suldak again, and said indifferently: "It's not like there was no love across races before, when Inaris and His Royal Highness Lilith Isn't the love affair recorded on the historical monument?"

Seeing that Suldak was a little dazed, he explained:

"Inaris is a high-ranking twelve-winged holy angel. He met His Royal Highness Lilith on the battlefield. The two quickly fell in love. It is rumored that many Nephalem among humans are their descendants. In fact, this This statement is not so absolute, they may really be the first couple between angels and demons, but they will definitely not be the last couple..."

Then Suldak asked with some concern: "Is your succubus family monogamous?"

"No... what do you want?" Aphrodite stared at Suldak with a strange look in her eyes.

Suldak didn't want to accidentally cause a murder or something.

He tried to wrap his arms around Aphrodite's soft and slender waist from behind, and said in a daze on the wicker chair, "Isn't that good... sleep, sleep for a while and it will be dawn..."

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