Lord Highlander

Chapter 1242: 1229. Road Construction


It is said that Mickey Mende, the commander of the City Anti-Security Brigade, heard that Mukuso No. 1 Construction Team had successfully won the bid and undertook the task of repairing the city wall of Ruyt, and was so angry that he smashed his most beloved crystal wine glass to pieces.

This also means that the city wall repair project is completely out of the control of the city security brigade, and has become the responsibility of the logistics department.

Of course, the logistics department is only responsible for the bidding and acceptance of the project. If you want to get the money after completing the task, you need the signature of the financial officer Kurt Latie.

As a result, the procedures for the city wall repair project became extremely cumbersome, and the project team needed to advance funds in the early stage of the project, and everything had to be checked and accepted before the project could be paid.

This harsh condition alone almost shuts out most of the newly formed engineering teams.

Just as Suldak hoped, the Mukuso First Construction Engineering Team has now developed into a huge group of more than 3,000 craftsmen.

And the two speakers of this construction team are exactly Charlie and Luke, these two young people who came out of Wall Village, have been struggling since the beginning of building the Wall Village reservoir. Later, Charlie took the craftsmen out to build villas for the nobles in High Lansa City, and Luke took a large number of kobold slaves to build cement roads in Wall Village, and at the same time managed the sulfur mines in Pustbag Mountain.

It took them three years to accumulate rich management experience, and now they have become the bosses of Mukuso No. 1 Construction Engineering Team in one fell swoop.

They not only undertook the construction of the underground drainage system of Mukuso city, repaired the city wall, but also led the repair and reconstruction of the residential quarters in the city.

Now Suldak recruited their brothers to Ruyt City, initially for the reconstruction project of the restaurant plaza, the resettlement project of the slums, etc., and now he has to entrust them with the repair of the city wall.

Although the two brothers still wear linen clothes and live in a rented house in a civilian area, their savings over the past few years are enough to allow them to live a better life.

Charlie's subordinates managed a total of ten engineering teams, and Luke managed five engineering teams. These engineering teams had a large number of experienced craftsmen.

The two of them were also officially granted knight status by Suldak...

In fact, this city wall repair project is not a necessary project for the busy No. 1 Construction Engineering Team.

But Suldak intends to use his own people to set a benchmark in the matter of city wall repairs. In the future, city wall repairs of the same scale will at least know how much it will cost, instead of the commander of the city security brigade slapping his forehead and casually Fill in a number and send it to financial officer Kurt Latie.

It was for this reason that Suldak asked Charlie and Luke to take charge of this matter.

Today, the urban construction and commerce of Ruyt City are completely in the hands of Suldak, and the restaurant plaza has gradually become familiar to the residents of Ruyt City.

As the second batch of steel furnace components are gradually shipped out of the city, the steel workshop has freed up most of the land for the construction of this dining plaza.

Charlie quickly built a sample room on the dining plaza, which accommodated nine restaurants with different styles. Even the interior decoration of the restaurant was designed and constructed by the first construction engineering team.

Although these nine restaurants have not officially opened yet, they have attracted a large number of visitors.

These buildings were all designed by Baron Martino himself, and some bold ideas put forward by Suldak were incorporated in them, which now look very different.

All of a sudden, the lease contract of the restaurant plaza was snatched up by the merchants...


On the day the magic union law enforcement team arrived at the manor, Edgar the Bearded sent a message from Yezipias. The magic union law enforcement team determined that it was there, and the report had been sent to the headquarters of the magic union in Bena City overnight.

Although Suldak's letterhead was sent out first, the Magic Union should have a way to make the report arrive first

The Marquis Dickens, the governor of Tarapakan, received the letter from Suldak two days before the House of Representatives in Bena City, which means that Earl Dickens has sufficient time to prepare. This matter is very important for Tara For the Pagan area, it has a wide range of influences...

After all, it is a black magic research institute hidden under the eyes of everyone. Since Lord MacDonnell was captured back to Bena City, and the Ganbu plane was successfully recovered by Suldak, these black magicians have long been in the Ganbu plane. There is no shelter.

The Tarapakan area is also looking for black magicians everywhere. I didn't expect that Earl Petunia would hide members of the Black Magic Order in his manor.

Due to the strong support of the Ruyt City Magic Union for this matter, the Marquis Dickens was also worried that this matter would affect him, so he immediately sent someone to find Earl Petunia.

It's just that when the courier responsible for delivering the letter arrived at Earl Petunia's manor, he discovered that the manor had dismissed all the servants two days ago, and no one knew where Earl Petunia had gone.

So this matter was determined by the Marquess Dickens as Earl Petunia absconding in fear of crime. In this way, Earl Petunia became the remnant party of Lord MacDonnell, and he also had the brand of a rebel on him.

The House of Representatives of the Bena Province defines the rebels: All territories that fight against the rebels and take back from them will be implemented in accordance with the four-three-three land distribution law.

This is equivalent to the heavy armored infantry regiment of Suldak capturing Earl Petunia's Yezipias Manor, so a large piece of territory around Yezipias Manor that belonged to Earl Petunia was inexplicably drawn to Sur Dak's name, of course, also includes this manor.

Suldak's becoming the new owner of this land also means that the inter-city boundary line north of the iron mining area in Ruyt City will continue to extend ten kilometers north.

According to Aphrodite's two-day investigation, although the land around Yezipias Manor is not fertile, it is not as barren as the two small towns in the iron mining area.

The reason is also very simple, that is, although the manor is separated from the city of Ruyt by the criss-crossing mountains of the iron mining area, there is a clear road to the north of the manor leading directly to Constantinople, and the road to the west leads to the city of Collins. , that is to say, although it is adjacent to Ruyt City, due to traffic problems, there is actually no connection between them.

But in terms of straight-line distance, Yezipias Manor is relatively close to Ruyt City.

This also gave Suldak a very bold idea. Standing in front of the map, he seemed to be studying the mountain roads in the abandoned mining area. In order to be able to continuously transport iron ore to Ruyt City, the abandoned mining area and Ruit There was also a light track for mine cars to pass between the special cities. Now this road is almost deserted, but the roadbed is still intact.

If the road is reorganized and the mountains between the abandoned mining area and the Yezipias Manor are opened, then the city of Ruyt will be completely connected with the Yezipias Manor. The road to Constantinople will also be shortened a lot.

For this reason, he called Baron Martino into the office, and the two studied for a whole day, and then Baron Martino decided to go to the abandoned mining area to conduct a field investigation...

After all, this involves various matters related to the northward expansion of Ruyt City.

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