Lord Highlander

Chapter 1243: 1230. Yezipias

Earl Petunia fled in fear of crime with his cronies. Although he took a large amount of jewelry, gold coins and magic spar, he left behind several manors and a large area of ​​territory.

The countess was born in a very prestigious noble family in Collins City, and inherited the title from her father. Although she is a female, she also led the family's private army to participate in the war of planes, and with the bravery of the family army, she has not yet He spelled out the identity of the Earl himself.

This Earl Petunia had many lovers when he was young, and his husband was a declining nobleman. Such an unequal status made it impossible for him to restrain Earl Petunia, which was also the main reason for the final breakup between their husband and wife.

The middle-aged Earl Petunia suddenly changed her character. She gave up her luxurious life, and then went to the manor to live a secluded life in seclusion. Some people said that Earl Petunia's life had settled down.

No one expected that in one of her most remote manors, she would actually support this group of black magicians to conduct academic research.

If in normal times, Earl Petunia's behavior is at most judged to support the Black Magic Priory, and will be blacklisted by the Magic Union, the House of Representatives in the province of Bena will not be so boring as to punish a countess because of this. .

But Earl Petunia didn't catch up at a very good time. The aftermath of Lord MacDonnell's collusion with the Black Magic Priory to independently dry the cloth plane has not subsided, and her research institute has been exposed, not to mention that she is just a An earl, even if her surname is changed to Newman, she may not be able to escape from this kind of thing.

Suldak did not expect that Earl Petunia would be so decisive, abandon such a large property, and then embark on the road of escape.

Suldak personally rushed to Yezipias Manor to take over all of Earl Petunia's property here. In addition to the manor, there is also a large area of ​​land, mountains, two rivers and a not-so-big lake. There are more than 600 farmers living in Zipias Manor, and they all leased the land of Earl Petunia. The crops on these lands are not mature yet, but the land has changed hands, so this time Hathaway, Benny Beatrice also came to Yezipias Manor with Suldak.

They are responsible for taking over the property, and Suldak needs to inspect this new territory.

The moment Hathaway and Beatrice arrived at Yezipias Manor and stepped out of the magic caravan, Aphrodite stepped into the gate of the void, ending the long call that lasted for more than a week journey of.


The carriage was parked in the courtyard that originally belonged to Penny in the manor. This courtyard occupied almost a quarter of the entire manor. It was located at the corner of the manor near the cliff. These houses were surrounded by four domed watchtowers. Unfortunately, due to the long Time flies, and weeds grow among the rubble of the walls and roof.

Desolation is the biggest feature of the whole yard.

Although Hathaway and Beatrice were already mentally prepared, when the two of them stepped into the yard, they still couldn't help covering their mouths with their hands.

The weeds in the front garden have grown as tall as a person, and even many trees and bushes have been swallowed by the weeds.

"This place is more desolate than we imagined, I would rather stay in a tent for one night!" Beatrice whispered to Hathaway.

A group of people walked to a statue in the yard, and Suldak cut off some weeds in the crevices of the stone with the broad sword in his hand. The coachman had already pushed open the door of the house, and the dust on the door 'It fell down and immediately sprinkled on the coachman's head.

This house is located in the northwest corner of the manor. The front yard has been completely deserted, and the back wall is built directly from the edge of the cliff. Many windows have semi-circular terraces. From the terrace, you can just see the stone cliff below. hunting grounds.

Now the heavy armored infantry regiment led by Edgar is stationed under the cliff.

The furniture in the living room was covered with linen, and it was covered with dust everywhere. Hathaway and Beatrice could only let the maids follow behind, lifting up the loose skirts with lace.

The inside of the house was so dirty that it was almost impossible to set foot in it.

"Dark, how long are we going to stay here?" Beatrice asked with some concern.

Hathaway took Beatrice's hand, and said to the maid behind her, "Go outside and ask someone to gather all the farmers in the manor..."

A maid hurriedly saluted and walked out of the yard.

Hathaway rolled up the dusty curtains, opened the window and saw the rolling mountain scenery in the distance, and then said: "When I get someone to clean this place, it will definitely be a nice villa, come on, Let's go and see where we can sleep."

Apart from being dusty, the rooms have no other downsides, and the terraces with mountain views are the real plus.

Not long after, the maid came in and said that all the farmers were already waiting outside the yard...

The farmers also heard that the manor had changed to a new owner. When they saw a magic caravan rushing here, they all ran back from their fields, waiting for the call of the new owner of the manor.

After Suldak inspected the house, he left the manor with Gulitham and a few cavalrymen. He needed to look around along the boundary markers of the territory.

Hathaway asked people to open the gate of the house. She and Beatrice stood at the gate of the house, looking at the farmers who kept gathering in a hurry. She waited for a while before walking to the front and facing the crowd. Hundreds of farmers at the gate of the house said:

"The land, forests, mountains, rivers, and lakes here all belong to Earl Suldak."

"You will also lease these lands from us in the future. I hope that your harvest on this land will be enough for us to live on, but you don't have to worry, the land lease fees here will remain the same."

"In addition, I have to explain that in my manor, I don't want to see theft, fights, fraud, and seizing other people's property. If someone punishes these regulations, as long as they spread to my ears, I will not be polite. Get him out of the estate."

"Four maids, a gardener and a craftsman are needed here."

"The maid only works here while we're here."

"The gardeners and craftsmen usually only need to come here once a week to trim the grass in the garden, repair those grassy stone steps, damaged walls and roofs, etc."

"Who among you would like to come?"

Hathaway looked at the farmers and peasant women in front of her. Everyone was relatively new to Hathaway, and they didn't know what to do for a while, and they were all hesitating.

"I need someone to clean the place for me. Whoever is willing to come to work can exempt the land rent at home..."

Hathaway said this casually, and there was some commotion in the crowd immediately.

Then a group of women scrambled to get out of the crowd, and even pulled their own daughters. They looked at Hathaway eagerly under the steps, and expressed their willingness to work for Mrs. Hathaway.

Hathaway selected four young girls from among them, and then selected ten peasant women and ten peasants who looked very strong, and let them enter the house.

Farmers are responsible for clearing the weeds in the yard, and peasant women are responsible for cleaning the house.

These twenty farmers and peasant women were only temporarily hired to clean up. Hathaway planned to select a gardener from among these farmers who was suitable for managing the garden.

As for the four young girls who are the maids here, they can usually live at home, only when Hathaway and Beatrice come here for vacation, they will come to the house to do things.

After a whole day of cleaning, ten peasant women and seven maids cleaned up the living room, kitchen and four bedrooms on the second floor. At night, Hathaway also used the kitchen in the house to prepare a very good meal. dinner.

Suldak came back very late...

The two-headed ogre Gullitum returned to the house and found a large iron pot filled with soft boiled beef and potatoes. His fatigue disappeared instantly. He praised the cook's craftsmanship and thanked Hathaway for preparing sumptuous dinner.

Suldak tied the horses to the stables on the west side of the yard, and the coachman hurriedly gave the horses water and fodder.

At night, the stars in the night sky of Yezipias Manor were shining, and there was a noisy sound of insects in the forest.

Suldak looked at the front yard garden that had been cleared to a rough appearance. The smell of earth was everywhere, and some weeds were piled up in the yard, which hadn't been cleared out in time.

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