Lord Highlander

Chapter 1244: 1231. Summer Night

On a quiet night, there is no hustle and bustle in the city of Ruyter, nor can you see the lights of the city.

For the people living here, Earl Petunia is just a name. They know that she is the owner of this mountain, but few people have seen her real face, so the lord has been changed here. Everyone just cares about whether the land lease fee will Will change, whether the new lord will take back the land that everyone depends on for survival, everyone doesn't care so much about other things.

The farmers in the manor all went to bed early, and they hardly lit candles at night, and every house seemed dark.

At night, there were almost no other pedestrians on the streets of the manor except for the patrolling sheriff.

As far as the eye can see, only the barracks and the yard in Suldak have lights. The bathroom in the house is very beautifully built, just like a large indoor swimming pool, and there are even very comfortable lounge chairs beside the pool.

During the day, it took a lot of time and manpower to clean the bathroom, but the effect is still very good. Now the pool is filled with clean water, and Suldak can even swim laps in the pool twice.

Without Sia by his side, Suerdak was still willing to swim laps in the pool.

Putting back into the magic pattern structure again, Suldak walked into the separate dining room next to the living room. Gulitum had already eaten more than half of the stewed beef in the big iron pot. He and Naohuaer were eating at the same time, with both hands With a large spoon, this stew is very soft, so it can be eaten very quickly.

On Suldak's dinner plate was an exquisite fried steak. It was a wise choice to take Hathaway and Beatrice with me during this trip to Yezipias Manor. At least three meals a day became Extraordinarily delicate, with a basket full of white bread beside the plate, and a glass of liqueur as bright as blood.

If it was Suldak himself, it is estimated that the dinner would be gruel cooked with luncheon meat and marching rations, or he could bring back a white radish from the field outside the manor, cut it into thin slices and put it in the pot.

Both Hathaway and Beatrice had already had dinner, and the two of them sat at the dining table just to spend more time with Suldak.

"How is the border of this territory?" Hathaway asked Suldak.

In fact, she was also a little amazed at the speed of Suldak's territorial expansion.

At the beginning, Marquis Luther transferred Suldak to the Bailin plane to garrison Dodan Town in order to allow Suldak to be promoted to the title smoothly. The town of Dodan opened up to the north, occupying the land of Invercargill Forest and taking over two mines.

Suldak's performance in Dodan Town was also quite good, successfully occupying the Invercargill Forest without relying on the power of the Luthor Legion.

Then Suldak occupied the Ganbu plane, which was something no one expected.

It was also because of this that the Marquis Luther took out the dowry prepared for Hathaway in advance.

Only by controlling Ruyt City can one fully grasp the Ganbu plane.

Hathaway originally thought that Suldak would be overwhelmed by the "reconstruction of the Ganbu plane and the revitalization of Ruyt City", but she did not expect that Ruyt City has now found an opportunity for development.

She glanced out the window...

It is said that Earl Petunia's territory can extend the border of Ruyt City ten kilometers north of the tower, and the territory owned by Suldak is actually still expanding.

It is estimated that many marquises in Bena Province may not have as many territories as Suldak.

Suldak cut the steak with a knife, and the blood in the steak immediately seeped out. He used to be unaccustomed to this kind of half-cooked fried meat. As his physique continued to change, now he felt that this kind of fried meat with plasma , the taste is delicious enough.

He spread some black pepper sauce on the steak and sprinkled some herbs before taking a big bite.

Suldak swallowed the fried meat, and then said: "It's not bad, the surrounding boundary markers are not damaged in any way, you just need to change the text on it later."

"Dark, how big is this land?" Beatrice asked curiously.

Suldak put his fingers into the water glass, dipped some water, and drew the shape of a pork loin on the dining table. Beatrice said: "This territory is probably shaped like this. It is a long and narrow piece of land. and slightly curved territory.”

"Most of them are mountains, and there are only some fields on the Yezipias Manor side."

"By the way, you must have never imagined that there is a small town in this territory, just further north, about seven or eight kilometers away from here. The small town is called Hammond, and there are not many residents in the small town. , I guess Earl Petunia should have the title of mayor, but in fact the manager of the town is someone else."

Suldak described it vividly.

Hathaway asked, "Have you gone to the town?"

Suldak nodded and said, "I just went to the town to buy stutterers and saw that the order in the town was okay, so I didn't disturb the local nobles."

Then he paused and said:

"However, I also made a preliminary inquiry. The trading houses in the town are all from Collins City, and I specially went outside the town to check. The road condition is very good. As long as the mountain road leading to the town of Hammond Widen it, and then build a road from here to Celia Village, which will connect Ruyt City and Collins City."

When the interest came, Suldak didn't care if it was on the dining table, anyway, the dining table was big enough, and he spread a parchment map on it, which had already marked the path with red lines.

This is the road map that he and Baron Martineau spent two nights discussing. Perhaps in the near future, this road will appear in the mountains of the abandoned mining area.

"It's not that easy to carve out a path between these mountains, right?" Hathaway said with some concern.

Marquis Luther trained her as his successor for a while, so she has dabbled in territorial management and construction.

Suldak raised his head, smiled and said, "Maybe there will be some difficulties, but I think we have a way to overcome..."

After eating the main course, Surdak drank a little rum.

The nights in the mountains are exceptionally cool and there are not so many mosquitoes.

Hathaway and Beatrice accompanied Suldak to cool off on the terrace. They both changed into pajamas, but now they felt a little cold, so they asked the maid to fetch the knitted shawl.

"Dark, can you take us to see the black magician's laboratory below tomorrow?" Beatrice came up from behind Suldak, wrapped her arms around Suldak's neck, and said in a tired voice. Said.

Suldak readily agreed: "No problem, but it's a big cave, and there are only a lot of rooms built in it, which is actually very boring."

Hathaway was on the wicker chair opposite him, turned her head and asked:

"I heard that a group of black magicians cultivated a big tree in the hell world?"

Suldak nodded and admitted: "Well, that tree can not only suck human flesh and blood, but also absorb human souls. Those black magicians will hunt mountain people everywhere just to cultivate that big tree. They think Sai Lia Village has been forgotten by the world, and no matter what happens there, no one will care about it. Recently, it has been a bit too unscrupulous, so it showed its feet..."

Hathaway said again: "Today, the magician from the law enforcement team came to visit you."

Suldak didn't seem surprised, he asked casually, "Did they say they wanted me?"

Beatrice interjected: "It is said that I want to buy some wood from you."

Suldak nodded and said, "Understood, I will deal with this matter tomorrow."

Hathaway turned over, lay sideways on the rattan chair, looked at Suldak quietly and said, "Dark, I heard that the higher the level of a fighter, the stronger the strength, and the less likely to conceive... "

"Uh, there is such a thing? Then what should I do to increase the success rate?"

Night, estate, terrace.

A cool mountain breeze blows, blowing the veil on the white arm...


The weather is getting hotter, everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down, and pay more attention to eating outside.

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