Lord Highlander

Chapter 1246 1233. Bustling Street Market

Although the merchant Malakom left with his thunder rhino caravan, several Bailin merchants who came to Ruyt City with the caravan chose to stay. They decided to look for business opportunities in Ruyt City , and rent a store here to open a firm.

For this reason, these merchants also went to Mukusuo City on the Ganbu plane to investigate the market there.

Since the Ganbu plane has been implementing a tax-free policy for merchants in the past year, it has attracted a large number of merchants to enter Mukuso. Stimulate local economic development to a certain extent.

With the gradual prosperity of Mukuso City, the one-year tax exemption period of Mukuso City has ended, and some businessmen who have no competitive advantage began to look for other ways out, so a large number of business groups came to Ruyt City.

It is under such circumstances that the restaurant plaza has developed.

Since Ruyt City is the portal exit of the Ganbu Plane in the Dagrin Empire, all materials from the Ganbu Plane entering the Green Empire must pass through Ruyt City, which occupies a unique geographical advantage.

Many businessmen are optimistic about the geographical advantage of Ruyt City, so they are willing to establish a trading firm here.

These businessmen on the Bailin plane also saw this point. These businessmen all have their own business firms in the Bailin plane. If they can open a branch of the business firm in Ruyt City, it is equivalent to combining the two planes. Connected in series, when the time comes, you only need to complement each other's needs, and you can bring yourself considerable benefits.

In particular, they can also get on the network of Earl Suldak. They heard that Earl Suldak is still the great lord of the Bailin plane, and they are more interested in establishing a branch of the company in Ruyt City.

With the start of the second phase of the restaurant plaza project, more and more restaurant owners in Ruyt City couldn't sit still and went to the property management office of the city hall to apply for a lease agreement. The restaurateur who came also joined the battle.

Almost on the morning of the day when restaurants in the second phase of the dining plaza opened for lease, the lease agreements for these restaurants were sold out.

And several restaurants leased to the first phase of the restaurant plaza have opened one after another in the past few days.

Charlie led nearly 500 craftsmen from the first construction team, and repaired the square in front of the restaurant plaza and the two alleys in the garden style of an aristocratic courtyard. These restaurants seem to be hidden in this gorgeous garden. .

Charlie even made great efforts to transplant twelve ginkgo trees over a hundred years old from outside the city to the restaurant square, forming a clear separation zone from the street. These century-old ginkgo trees are not so easy to transplant.

First of all, the trees are huge. If it weren't for the Thunder Rhinoceros of the Malacomb Merchant Group, these giant trees would not be able to be transported to the city at all.

Another crucial problem is that the transplant cannot survive. A ginkgo tree of such an age has a huge root system. Once it is dug out of the soil, it means that the ginkgo tree has been declared dead.

However, this is not absolute. For some wood magicians and druids, as long as there is enough original life, these giant trees can be transplanted into a new environment and brought back to life...

That's right, a deal between Suldak and the magician Arberk of the Law Enforcement Corps of the Ruyt City Magical Union.

He exchanged ten pieces of the heart of the tree of desire for ten bottles of the original life dilution, and then Suldak bought the original life dilution that was worth more than forty gold a bottle in the magic market. Used on these ten giant ginkgo trees.

Just overnight, all these trees came back to life, this is the biggest sign at the entrance to the east side of the dining plaza.

Behind these ginkgo trees is a huge outer corridor. A huge circular arched corridor composed of forty-eight Roman columns is hidden behind the tree. There are hundreds of long tables and chairs in the corridor. These tables and chairs are not only for free use by tourists , every 20 meters there is a round stone plate with clear water flowing continuously, and the clear water can be drunk directly.

That is to say, even if people do not choose to eat in these restaurants, they can still have a full meal in the square if they bring their own bread or baked oatmeal.

The construction of such free water supply public facilities in slums immediately caused a sensation in Ruyt City. Even in civilian areas, there are only six such water supply facilities.

Not only is there water supply facilities, but also a separate public toilet for men and women has been built on one side of the dining plaza.

On the day when the first phase of the restaurant plaza was officially opened, the entire plaza was crowded with citizens, and the crowded crowd once caused the second phase of the plaza to be shut down...

After three days, this square is also very lively.

After Hathaway and Beatrice returned to Ruyt City from Yezipias Manor, they heard that the restaurant plaza was very lively at night, so they asked Suldak to take them around, to go to such In a plaza where civilians and businessmen are the main consumers, they cannot wear aristocratic clothing. Even if they walk in it wearing a noble badge, they will look out of place with the surrounding environment.

Just imagine, a nobleman walks into the dining square, civilians and businessmen avoid him in order to avoid offending, then a big circle will be formed around him, in such a lively square, it will look like It's an animal show in a circus.

So Suldak asked Hathaway and Beatrice not to wear aristocratic badges, nor to wear cumbersome aristocratic costumes, so the two dug out the tight leather armor they often wore in the Swordsman Academy and became two A heroic female swordsman, and Xi Ya is also wearing a black robe, she looks like a magic apprentice, but she really doesn't even have a magic apprentice badge.

It is also rare for Suldak to take off the magic pattern structure, put on his very old salamander leather armor again, get rid of the double-headed ogre Gulitum, and arrive in a magic caravan. In the commercial street of Ruyt City, I randomly found an ordinary magic caravan and rushed to the dining plaza at dusk.

The streets around the entire dining plaza have almost become the most congested area in Ruyt City.

The magic caravan drove forward on this street at a slow speed. In the last section of the road, the three ladies who had already been sitting impatiently jumped out of the carriage and walked quickly on the pedestrian sidewalk to the dining plaza.

Many girls on the street wore their female swordsman attire, but few of them hung their sabers around their waists. At most, the wooden handle of the dagger could be seen outside the calf boots.

Of course, there are also some girls who wear long skirts and squeeze into the crowd, sometimes they will inevitably be taken advantage of by others.

This time shows the importance of the male companions. Usually these male companions will stand at the outermost edge, and two or three people can surround the female companions in the middle...

But Suldak seemed a little embarrassed here. He was the only man in the team, and Gulitum, who usually followed him, was thrown away by him.

Because Sia was wearing a skirt, everyone hugged her in the middle, while Suldak and Hathaway were on the left and right sides.

Feeling apprehensive and excited, the ladies squeezed into the crowded dining plaza.

When everyone really squeezed into the crowd, they realized that there were no dishonest people at all. Although the square was a bit crowded, no one would crowd them, and everyone would avoid physical contact as much as possible...

"It's not as chaotic as the rumors say!" Beatrice held Sia in one arm and Hathaway in the other, looking around in the crowd.

Surdak stood on the other side of Xiya, and the four of them entered the dining plaza with the crowd.

As the flow of people walked in, everyone found that the nine restaurants were almost full of diners, and there were even long queues outside several restaurants. Hathaway had no plans to eat in the restaurants, but was interested in the mobile stalls on the square. I became very interested and tried to buy a little of everything I saw.

The delicious ones will be shared with Beatrice and Xiya, and the bad ones will be thrown to Suldak...

Xiya is a picky eater. They only eat fish-related food, and they also need light seasoning. This kind of food has high requirements on the quality of the ingredients, so there are almost no food stalls, so after walking around, Xiya Ya ate the least and Surdak the most.

At the end, there were still a few snacks in paper bags left in my hand, but I had finally seen the lively dining plaza, and everyone returned to the castle contentedly under the moonlight.

Finally, when discussing why everyone didn't encounter those people's hands and feet, both Hathaway and Beatrice said that the quality of the citizens of Ruyt City is not bad, and they are not as chaotic as the maid said!

Suldak, who was wiping his wet hair with a towel, came out of the bathroom and said to them with a smile:

"They just like to find some excitement, squeeze in the crowd, and take advantage of those ladies. They are not blind. How could they go after a girl wearing a crystal lion leather armor?"

Hathaway and Beatrice glanced at each other, then reached out and blocked Suldak's mouth...

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