Lord Highlander

Chapter 1247 1234. The Daily Life of the House of Representatives

Entering July, the Bena military department issued a notice to the lords of all planes in the Bena province:

The Duke of Newman and the Bena Army have been fighting in the Warsaw plane for the seventh year. The Bena Army stationed in the Warsaw plane Handanar County needs to be rotated again. The lords are unwilling to send private troops to fill Warsaw. In the bottomless hole of the plane, since it was impossible to draw enough troops from the province of Bena, the remaining part had to be shared by the lords of the plane.

Only when Suldak got the notice from the military department did he realize that he was now considered the great lord of the Ganbu plane.

So this problem was directly placed in front of Suldak, and now the lord's private army in the Ganbu plane has just been formed not long ago.

At this time last year, the military department transferred 20,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers from the Ganbu plane. Now the total force supported by Suldak on the Ganbu plane is just over 20,000, but the 20,000 troops are scattered in various towns Among them, the number of troops stationed in each town did not even exceed a thousand.

The notice from the military department requires seventeen sub-planes belonging to the province of Bena, and each plane lord must prepare 5,000 soldiers to rush to the Warsaw plane.

When he saw this transfer order, Suldak felt dizzy for a while.

Sitting in the study, he rubbed his forehead with his hands, and waved away the guards beside him. When he was the only one left in the room, he took out another letter from Marquis Luther who arrived in Ruyt City at the same time. Private letter:

'Dark, I guess you must be sitting in your study agonizing over this.

This time the army recruited troops to enter the Warsaw plane with the signature of the Duke of Newman, so this replenishment of troops is completely irreversible.

I know that it is very difficult to mobilize 5,000 fighters in the Ganbu plane. My suggestion to you is to form a brand new infantry team through recruits who have served in the military this year, and then recruit experienced veterans from various barracks to serve as captains. corps.

In addition, you can also apportion to other noble lords on the plane, so that you can easily gather a new army. '

Suldak scratched his hair. He knew what Marquis Luther's suggestion meant. It was to form a cannon fodder corps.

At the beginning, the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment was a cannon fodder regiment. After four years of fighting in the Warsaw plane, none of the entire heavy armored infantry regiment survived. The only soldier who returned to Helansa alive, Just him.

He scratched his head a little, closed his eyes and pondered for a long time...

On the contrary, Suldak had no psychological pressure to share the source of recruits with other noble lords.

Xi Ya walked in with a sheepskin booklet in her hand, and said to Surdak, "Dark, the magic caravan is ready."

Suldak pinched the sore corners of his eyes, and rubbed his face hard to show a relaxed smile, and said to Sia: "Okay, let's go!"

Sitting in the magic caravan, I only felt that when the wheels ran over the stone road, the car was constantly shaking and shaking, which made Suldak feel upset.

"What happened?" Xi Ya asked curiously as she sat across from him in a long skirt with shark pattern.

"A conscription order was issued by the military department, and 5,000 troops will be dispatched from the Ganbu plane, and the destination is the Warsaw plane!" Suldak turned his head out of the window after finishing speaking.

Xi Ya sighed lightly and did not continue talking.

The magic caravan drove past the gate of the city hall and stopped slowly in front of the gate of the House of Representatives. Dozens of carriages had already parked in the square in front of the House of Representatives. The carriage drivers were hiding in the shade of the carriages. Some were resting with their eyes closed, and some were chatting in the shade.

Suldak got out of the carriage and stepped on the steps to the chamber of the House of Representatives.

A group of lords were sitting in the hall discussing the call-up order issued by the military department. Obviously, everyone had their own news channels, and they knew the news no later than Suldak.

The lords were loudly talking about the defeat of the Warsaw plane in the past few years, and the crowd was excited for a while.

It seems that the nobles and lords expressed great dissatisfaction with this call-up order. At this time, some councilors hurried in from the outside. Everyone knew that Suldak didn't like the councilors in the audience. I'm late, so the congressmen who came in stepping on the timeline have to walk a few steps quickly.

When almost all the councilors arrived, Suldak went up to the rostrum, put down the manuscript in his hand, raised his head and glanced at the noble councilors around him, and suddenly the council hall became silent.

Then Suldak tapped the table with his fingers, and the air in the entire council hall seemed to condense.

"There are six things that need to be decided by everyone this time." Suldak began to speak.

Members of the House of Representatives secretly made eye contact below, all a little curious that there are really a lot of things that need to be voted on today.

"The first thing is that the noble lords of Ruyt City are not allowed to have any contact with black magicians!" Suldak's eyes became extremely sharp, looking at the members of the council hall, he continued:

"I repeat again, I don't care about any private transactions between the nobles of Ruyt City and the Black Magic Priory, but... don't let me get caught, otherwise I won't be like the Consul of Collins City. Soft-hearted, even if I abandon my territory and abscond to other planes, I will send people to catch everyone and hang them on the cross with those black magicians to bask in the sun..."

Suldak waited for a while, and saw that everyone in the congressman's seat looked at each other, and no one raised any objections.

After waiting for a while, members of the council raised their hands one after another, with their palms up to express their agreement. Someone took the lead, and other councilors followed suit, and the first resolution was successfully passed.

After waiting for a while, Suldak handed over a parchment document to a clerk, which required the signatures of all members of the House of Representatives.

Then he lowered his head again, looked at the manuscript and continued:

"The second thing is about the relocation of the abandoned iron mine area. I want everyone in the House of Representatives to actively cooperate with this initiative. I know that some of you here have some territories in the abandoned mine area. I invite you to guide the people in the territory. Residents need to move out of the dangerous area, part of the cost of the relocation process will be settled by the financial department of the city hall, and the other part will be raised by itself..."

Before Suldak could finish speaking, someone in the congressman's seat immediately stood up and objected:

"Sir, I have some opinions on this matter. Our Jowett family owns half a mountain in the abandoned mining area. Since the iron ore in the mining area has been mined, this territory has not produced any output. For As far as our family is concerned, this territory has become a huge burden, and the residents there do not pay us any tax every year. But now one of your resolutions requires us to help them move out of our own pockets. I think this is unfair !"

The congressman looked very young. After he said these words, he was also a little emotional, and his fair face was flushed.

Suldak stood in front of the rostrum, listened carefully to his speech, and then asked other congressmen:

"Member Jowett raised this question, is it common for nobles who own territories in the abandoned mining area?"

Seeing that Suldak didn't speak up, the congressmen in the audience were a little bit astonished for a while, but then they immediately reacted and stood up and said:

"That's right, that's how it is. Sometimes when disasters happen, we even have to subsidize those civilians..."

"That's right! It will cost a lot of money. In the past few years, we have been fighting wars and supporting the economic construction of Mukuso City. We, the lords of Ruyt City, don't have any extra money for the civilians over there. Build a new home!"

"Sir, our Glenn family really doesn't have this budget this year!"

There were actually seven or eight congressmen who stood up and complained about this matter. Suerdak knocked on the table to calm everyone down, and then said:

"Then I have a compromise plan. These abandoned lands are a burden to you, so I will expropriate part of the land from you as the governor of Ruyt City. I promise that this part of the land will only be used for building civilians. The resettlement area will definitely not be too large, but for the requisitioned places, Ruyt City will compensate the lords with a certain amount of compensation. At the same time, the requisitioned land will become a public area and will not separate your territories. If If you can actively cooperate with this matter, then the resettlement fees for the civilians in the abandoned mining area will be borne by the city hall, what do you think?"

The congressmen in the audience couldn't help but look at each other, and someone boldly asked:

"Sir, does this need to be voted on immediately?"

Suldak waved his hand and said, "Of course not. I'll give you a week to think about it. If this kind of plan can't go ahead, you have to consider the issue that the lords who own territory in the abandoned mining area should bear part of the relocation costs. "

After talking about this, Suldak continued:

"The third thing is to formulate a code of conduct for the aristocrats of Ruyt City. At present, a large number of business groups have entered the Ganbu plane through Ruyt City. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, I need the House of Representatives to formulate a lawful code of conduct. , not only for the common people, but also for restraining the nobles."

After Suldak finished speaking, the council hall immediately fell silent again.


However, this proposal, Suldak, did not let the members vote on the spot, but gave them some time to discuss.

Then began to announce the fourth proposal and the fifth proposal, and it was not until the sixth proposal that the nobles in the House of Representatives became silent.

Suldak continued: "The sixth thing is about the military department issuing a call-up order, which requires the lords of the planes to provide a certain amount of troops to the Warsaw plane. The Ganbu plane and the city of Ruyt are an inseparable whole, so I need everyone to pass the noble call of Ruyt City..."

Hearing what Suldak said, almost all the members of the council stood up.

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