Lord Highlander

Chapter 1248: 1235. Nobles in the City

"How can this work..."

Under Suldak's sharp eyes, the congressman didn't have the courage to continue speaking.

As for the recruitment order of the military department, once they veto it, for these nobles, they will be doomed to miss the glory for the rest of their lives.

Being able to become a member of the House of Representatives shows that their family has a place in Ruyt City.

Therefore, the more it is like this, the more difficult it is to express your position easily, especially this call-up order was signed by the Grand Duke Newman.

And Suldak is the great lord of the Ganbu plane. Everyone knows the current predicament of the Ganbu plane, and Suldak's inclusion of Ruyt City is considered a helpless move.

"Everyone, let's vote by showing your hands! Those who are willing to accept the call-up, or feel that this matter has nothing to do with you, you can express your attitude!" Suldak said lightly, and then glanced around.

"Sir, I don't know how much of the enlistment quota we Ruyt will share?"

At this time, the person who had the courage to speak up was Senator McMillan of the Ludwig family.

Finally, someone was willing to talk about this topic, and Suldak felt that the MP McMillan was very interesting, so he said calmly: "The quota of 1,500 fighters in Ruyt City will be shared. To everyone."

The congressmen took a long breath, feeling that this number is not a lot, after all, the population base of Ruyt City is here.

Councilor McMillan asked again: "Sir, how should the number of soldiers recruited be allocated to everyone?"

Suldak took a deep look at McMillan, feeling that in the House of Representatives, there is usually a lack of such a person who is willing to sing with him.

"According to the number of residents, one recruit will be recruited for every 200 residents in the jurisdiction. In addition, according to the number of soldiers in each private army, as long as the private army of each lord exceeds a squadron, a veteran will be selected to accept the recruitment... ..." Suldak continued to explain.

The councilors thought about it in private, only to find out that a small town of 5,000 people only needs to recruit 25 recruits. This number is far smaller than the number of new recruits who serve in the military every year, so it will be easier to handle.

And it is not unacceptable for a squadron to draw a veteran.

Many private armies of noble lords really only have the strength of one or two squadrons, which means that they only need to pick out one or two soldiers to accept the call.

"I am willing to accept the military call."

Some MPs expressed their views immediately.

The Macmillan MP also raised his hand in the crowd and shouted: "The Ludwild family is willing to accept the call..."

As he said this, the other members of parliament also expressed their agreement with the proposal.

Suldak didn't expect that the sixth resolution would be the easiest to pass. In this way, he could successfully recruit 1,500 fighters in Ruyt City, and only one person on the Ganbu plane would be able to recruit 1,500 fighters. It is necessary to mobilize 3,500 heavy armored infantry fighters. Of course, a large part of these fighters will also be allocated to the local nobles, so the actual army that needs to be sent by Suldak is not too much.

However, the noble lords of Ruyt City were resistant to this call-up order, and Suldak felt that it was justifiable.

After all, no one is willing to put this kind of thing on anyone's shoulders.

Once they arrived at the Warsaw plane, this kind of cannon fodder army basically sent out as many as they could and never returned. In this way, each leader was destined to pay a pension from his own pocket.


Regarding the relocation of the residents of the abandoned mining area, Suldak actually did not want to move the two towns out of the abandoned mining area, so even if the city hall's treasury was completely emptied, it would not be enough for the relocation cost.

Surdak mentioned this matter only to build a road in the iron mining area of ​​Ruyt City. After all, this road needs to pass through several noble territories. If someone obstructs it, the road may be at the border of the territory. It's such a big circle around the wire.

He didn't want that.

If Suldak only mentioned road construction, this matter is bound to be resisted by the nobles in the House of Representatives in Ruyt City.

Who would want their territory to be split in half by a road running from north to south?

Of course, the nobles must not be willing to spend money. Earl Lake Cushing wanted to move the residents of the abandoned mining area to the outskirts of Ruyt, but it has been delayed for several years and has not been realized. MPs are blocking.

It is not easy to build this road. Not only do you have to pass through the territories of more than a dozen lords, but you also have to overcome geological disasters such as landslides and ground cracks in the abandoned mining area. It is not a small amount of money to build a decent roadbed.

That's why Suldak came up with this idea. He suggested that the nobles who owned the territory of the abandoned mining area should bear a certain amount of relocation costs, so they were destined not to agree.

The city hall proposed to cut a piece of land from their territory for the resettlement of the residents of the abandoned mining area, and there would not be many people who raised objections. In fact, Suldak just wanted to use the land that was cut out to build roads, Suldak I feel that this road is destined to become a prosperous business road.

As long as some warehouses are built on both sides of this road, some merchants should be willing to lease them.

Of course, these mining area residents do not need to completely migrate to Ruyt City. After all, if so many people relocate, livelihood issues must also be considered. Once this road becomes prosperous, it is estimated that many people around will be supported.

This is the way Suldak thought of for the residents in the abandoned mining area to get rich...


After the nobles of Ruyt City gradually figured out Suldak's temper, they finally understood that as long as they didn't do things that touched the bottom line and followed the rules, the consul was still willing to reason.

Next, various forces in the city began to move around, and everyone was eager to establish a good personal relationship with the consul.

And after Suldak presided over several meetings of the House of Representatives, he also found that he still needs some supporters anyway, only in this way can certain New Deals be implemented smoothly.

In order to seek more supporters, Suldak also wanted to contact some nobles of Ruyt City who had offered olive branches in private.

During this time, Hathaway received visiting letters and invitations from the nobles in the castle, almost filling the basket that was usually used to hold bread.

For some old families in the city who have been handed over to Zhongluo, the most convenient way to restore their former glory is to find a way to get on the high-speed train of Suldak, so many families secretly select some capable families. Young people, tried every means to push these young people to Suldak's side.

Of course, some nobles wanted to introduce their daughters to Suldak...then the ball became a social event that Suldak had to attend.

From these invitations, Hathaway selected a few invitations to the ball that were worth attending, and placed them in front of Suldak.

"Count Moranod of the Ludwild family invited you to the summer night ball held in the manor on weekends. As far as I know, this Ludwild family is a newly rising noble in the city of Ruyt. The Zhi family doesn't have much heritage, but they just seized the opportunity and set up a lot of properties in Ruyt City." Hathaway pointed to the signature on the invitation letter and said to Suldak.

Suldak patted his forehead, remembering the congressman named 'McMillan', and then said to Hathaway: "I know the surname Ludwild, and their family has a seat in the House of Representatives."

"So? Do you want to try to get in touch with their family? After all, we also need supporters in Ruyt City." Hathaway put down the teacup in her hand, sat beside Suldak, and said to him with a smile.

Suldak nodded and said, "I'm very impressed with the member of their family named McMillan Ludwig, and I can get in touch with him."

"By the way, is the matter over at Yezipias Manor finished?" Suldak asked Hathaway.

Hathaway smiled and asked, "When will we go there for vacation again?"

Thinking of his road-building plan, Suldak replied with a smile: "Just wait a while, when I open up the road in the abandoned mine area, then we can take the magic caravan directly to the outside of the manor!"

The three of them sat on the terrace on the top floor of the castle, from which they could overlook the night view of the entire city of Ruyt.

Nancheng District, which used to be the darkest at night in this city, has become the busiest place in the city due to the successive completion of the dining plaza. wall lamp.

Magic caravans lined up on the street...

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