Lord Highlander

Chapter 1249: 1236. The Noble Ball

The magic caravan that Suldak was riding in slowly drove into the front courtyard of the manor, and stopped firmly by the fountain full of people.

As members of the Ludwild family, almost all stood by the manor's fountain to greet them.

Around the courtyard in front of the manor, a group of nobles from Ruyt City also stood on both sides of the steps, and the nobles wore gorgeous dresses to welcome the consul of Ruyt City.

The two elders of the Ludwild family stood at the front, one of them was Aneurin Ludwild, the father of Councilor McMillan, and the other was his uncle Llewelyn Ludwild, Mike Senator Millen is only in third place, and it can be seen that Senator Macmillan is the second heir to the family.

"Welcome, Lord Consul Suldak, I am Aneurin Ludwild!"

Suldak strode forward, took the initiative to shake hands with the grey-haired but energetic old count, and said, "Thank you to the Ludwild family for the invitation, Count Aneurin."

"My lord consul, please!" Aneurin Ludwild said with a slight smile, very respectful.

Suldak held Hathaway and Beatrice in both hands and walked down the steps to the hall. The two of them were wearing exquisite low-cut evening dresses, revealing a large area of ​​white and delicate skin on their chests, setting off the delicate clavicle and The thin white necks made the two look noble and elegant.

The guests in the manor focused their eyes on the three of them, and the men set their eyes on Hathaway's delicate face and Beatrice's plump chest.

The ladies looked at the heroic Suldak in fiery red leather armor with a look of admiration on their faces.

"I heard that Lord Suldak is a great knight. He is really strong."

In the corner behind the crowd, among a group of huddled female relatives, someone held a small folding fan and covered his lips in admiration in a low voice.

Another rather bold voice said: "Carrie, what do you think it would be like to lie in his arms?"

The companion hurriedly and carefully reminded and joked: "Hey, you are married, don't get pussy there, do you know that you look like An Yaxi and her family's Persian cat in heat!"

The bold voice said with the tone of some conquerors: "Carrie, do you think Master Suerdak would like my type? Feelings are like shopping in a shoe store. How will you know if the shoes fit you if you don't try them on?" Doesn't fit?"


In the noisy dance hall, no one seemed to notice the conversation in the corner at all.

There are many more women than men in the ball, and they wear beautiful dance skirts and gather in several groups in the hall.

It seems that only this kind of occasion can show their youth and vitality. When chatting, they always show delicate smiles from time to time. Some people are bold and hot, while others pretend to be reserved and shy. Everyone on the field is immersed in the cheerful music .

At the invitation of Earl Aneurin, Suldak and Hathaway danced an opening dance with Earl Aneurin and his wife, and the ball officially began.

Suldak danced with Beatrice again, and sat down in a rest area at the corner of the ball. Count Aneurin quickly introduced several nobles around him to Suldak. This nobleman is also quite prestigious in Ruyt City. Everyone was talking about some major events in the Tarapakan area, and Suldak easily joined the topic of several people.

Hathaway and Beatrice also sat down among a group of ladies.

It’s just that the ladies around them are almost middle-aged ladies who can’t keep their youth, and the rouge can always fall from the wrinkles on their faces every time they laugh. They try their best to create topics, catering to Hathaway and According to Beatrice's preferences, they would ask them about their health, for example, they would ask them if they are used to the climate of Ruyt City, which is much behind the bustling City of Bena...

In fact, the two of them wanted to chat about young people with those young noble ladies around them.

Siya, who was wearing a shark-patterned dress, walked away from Surdak angrily, seeming a little displeased that he didn't invite her to a dance.

She was sitting by the fountain, fiddled with the water surface with her hands, and the goldfish in the pool were always circling around Xi Ya's fingers in the water.

A few young nobles were attracted by Siya's beautiful blue eyes, so they leaned over to invite her to dance. Siya turned her head and refused to talk to them at all. The young aristocrats thought this was very interesting, and stood around with playful smiles.

The actions of the young nobles immediately frightened the officials in the city hall, and some people ran over to drive those young people away...

Suldak chatted with Earl Aneurin for a few words, and seeing Hathaway and Beatrice surrounded by a group of ladies, with such forced smiles on their faces, he fought everyone He said hello, left the rest area gracefully, walked to the side of the group of ladies, and pulled the two of them out of the crowd.

"Look, I knew Duck would find a way to get us out." Beatrice, with a round face, was always so optimistic.

Hathaway also glanced at Suldak gratefully.

This is the ball of the nobles. If you don't have the idea of ​​dancing with other ladies in your heart to exchange ideas, in fact, this kind of ball is quite boring.

And everyone likes to talk in circles, every sentence is so careful, not only worrying about the traps of other people's last sentence, but also thinking that the sentence you say must be decent...

Apart from getting to know more nobles of Ruyt City, Suldak actually gained nothing from participating in this ball.

It was the first time for everyone to meet, and they were cautiously probing each other, so they didn't talk about any real content, which disappointed him a bit.

Suldak was about to find two pastries to eat when he saw Mr. McMillan and his wife approaching with wine glasses. Mr. McMillan said with a smile:

"Master Consul, if you feel a little tired, please go to the VIP lounge upstairs to rest..."

Suldak glanced at Hathaway and Beatrice, saw the expressions of interest on their faces, and said, "I'm really tired, and I want to rest for a while."

"Please follow me..."

From the hall to the upstairs, the stairs are designed like huge shells spread out, and even the handrails of the stairs are inlaid with gold patterns on the iron wood, which is very luxurious.

Walking up to the second floor and passing through a corridor, you can see the landscape oil paintings hanging on the walls.

The guest room on the second floor is a suite structure. In the semi-open living room, you can see the dance floor in the hall on the first floor, and you can clearly hear the melodious music. There is a dessert shelf at the door of the bedroom.

Earl Macmillan invited everyone to sit down, and the waiter brought drinks and exquisite snacks.

The cheerful rhythm just happened to come from downstairs.

"The Silver Moon Elves can always compose the most moving melodies. Do you like the music of the elves, Master Suldak?" McMillan said with narrowed eyes. He seemed to like this style of music...

"Oh, I usually don't have much chance to come into contact with elves, and I don't know how to appreciate music, but I was lucky enough to hear the singing of the Naga banshee twice..." Suldak said.

This reminded him of Samira, the half-elven archer who seemed to have no musical talent at all, and then thought of Siya's singing, which sounded really terrible.

Councilor McMillan thought that what Suerdak said was a joke, so he smiled admiringly and said:

"The family has been trying to expand their territory in recent years, but there are only a few mountains around Ruyt City, and there is no suitable land at all, so they plan to expand to the plane and want to find some resources-rich land. territory……"

Suldak thought for a moment before saying:

"Do you want to develop on the plane? But in those open planes, the rich land is basically occupied by the lords, and this kind of rich land is rarely sold to outsiders, and the rest are ordinary land and barren land .”

"Just talk about the Ganbu plane. There are still many barren mountainous areas remaining, but the fertile land is basically invisible, and the Ganbu plane is a completely occupied plane, and there is no room for development..."

"If you only want a rich land, it is estimated that you will have to form a private army to occupy other unknown areas that have not been fully developed."

Councilor McMillan asked Suldak: "Is there no piece of fertile land that can be purchased directly with magic spar?"

"There should be, but it requires patience..." Suldak said.

What Suldak said was a bit vague, because the lords willing to sell the rich land should be nobles who are extremely embarrassed.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not sell this kind of territory, unless they are defeated in the plane war and continue to receive a high pension...

Councilor McMillan originally wanted to ask Suldak if he would sell some of the rich land on the dry cloth plane, but now it seems that Suldak has no intention of selling the territory at all, so he can only continue to ask:

"My lord, do you have any good recommendations?"

Suldak thought about it seriously before saying:

"I haven't come into contact with many planes. As for the planes that have not been fully explored, I have only come into contact with the Bailin and Maca planes. I personally think that these two planes are very good. Bailin has a large Pastures, maca have large forests, and both have large undeveloped areas.”

When talking about these things, Suldak thought of the Wojmara city full of Taro trees.

Mrs. Macmillan was sitting beside Hathaway chatting secretly, and she didn't know what topic was discussed, but Hathaway and Beatrice were listening very seriously.

Councilor McMillan asked again: "Sir Suldak, I would like to ask you, where did you buy the armor weapons and horses in your army?"

Suldak said directly without thinking: "There is a big trading house in Constantinople, which sells a lot of armor products. As for weapons, I just found a weapon shop in Bena City. To buy war horses, I personally recommend that you go to the Bailin plane, where there are a large number of ancient Bolai war horses."

After finishing talking, I remembered one thing. I also have a large pasture on the Ganbu plane, and the resources of war horses are very abundant.

"Where's the scale horse?" Senator Macmillan asked in a low voice.

Suldak laughed dumbfounded, and replied, "Scale horse? I guess you're going to the western provinces to take a look."

Hearing what Suldak said, Congressman McMillan inevitably showed a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

"Master Consul Suldak, do you have a purchase channel for the magic pattern structure? Even if you buy it at a premium, you can sit down and talk about it." Councilor McMillan asked Suldak again.

"I have..." Suldak said frankly.

Senator McMillan's eyes lit up, he couldn't wait to interrupt Suerdak, and hurriedly asked: "Can you..."

Suldak waved his hand and said, "That trading market is very special. The currency circulating in the market is unidentified black magic crystals, unless you have enough unidentified magic crystals."

Councilor McMillan sighed again, and then said: "The family's business has been doing well in the past few years, and they have accumulated some capital, so they want to use the resources accumulated in their hands to purchase some territories, or form another private army. , Go to a certain plane to open up a new territory. I heard that you have a garrison stationed in the Bailin plane, and you have also opened up a territory in the Bailin plane."

"In the Invercargill Forest on the Bailin Plane." Suldak replied.

Councilor McMillan leaned forward and said eagerly: "If possible, our Ludwild family hopes to form a lord army to enter the Bailin plane and follow you to open up the Bailin space. In order to open up the territory..."

Suldak didn't expect that Congressman McMillan not only wanted to learn about his experience in forming the lord's private army, but also set his sights on the Bailin plane.

Thinking about having an ally next to the territory in the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin Plane, it would be better than the situation where the neighbors are ghost-striped red ants and rocs.

Thinking of this, he said:

"There's nothing wrong with this, but since it's the coalition of lords, whether it's weapons and equipment or logistics, including post-war pensions, they are all responsible for their own, and when opening up new territories, it also depends on combat achievements. The newly formed new army is not It will be a great harvest, if you have sufficient funds, I suggest you recruit some mercenary groups to increase your combat power."

"Now that we are entering the Bailin plane, just as the once-in-a-decade beast tide has just ended, the northern area of ​​the Bailin plane is ushering in a new ten-year development period."

"There is a vast Three Rivers Plain in the east of the Thorn Mountains. Even if it is used to open up the area, the Anya Swamp in the west is also a good land. If you want to develop in the Bailin Plane, now is indeed the best time."

Councilor McMillan hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "I also want to ask you, Mr. Consul, is the plane you plan to explore next in Bailin?"

"There is indeed such a plan. When the matter here comes to an end, I am going to continue to develop north along the Invercargill Forest." Suldak admitted frankly, but did not go into too much detail.

Councilor McMillan obviously got a fairly satisfactory answer, so he prepared to end this conversation.

He waved to the butler who was guarding the door, and the butler immediately understood, took two waiters, and placed a magic sealing box in front of everyone.

Councilor McMillan took the initiative to open the magic sealing box, and inside was a piece of cloth with a blue magic luster, and then he said very earnestly: "These two pieces of moon cloth are for Mrs. Hathaway and Beatrice. Madam's gift, please accept it, my lord consul..."

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