Lord Highlander

Chapter 1250: 1237. Night

Sitting on the magic caravan, Suldak squinted his eyes. There was no light in the caravan, and the watery moonlight shone in from outside.

The street lamps on the street followed the magic caravan, like fireflies darting backwards.

Hathaway and Beatrice may have gotten up too early in the morning. After the dance, they boarded the magic caravan and fell asleep on the sofa.

Suldak was thinking over and over the words of Congressman McMillan.

As Hathaway analyzed, the Ludwild family can be regarded as a new force that has just risen in Ruyt City, and their family business has even spread all over the province of Bena. Dak didn't even know that there was such a chaebol hidden in Ruyt City.

At present, whether it is the development of the family territory or the formation of the lord's private army, the Ludwild family cannot keep up with the development speed of the family industry. After all, the former two complement each other. Only when the territory continues to expand and the number of residents in the territory continues to increase, can more lords' private troops be recruited. Only by establishing a sufficiently large lord's private army can a larger and richer territory be obtained.

The Ludwild family seems to have reached a bottleneck in their development. Their family has accumulated enough wealth, but they lack the background of aristocratic families. It is impossible to convert money into private troops and territories for a while, so the Ludwild family is currently extremely There is an urgent need to establish a private army and enter other planes to open up more territories. Only in this way can the family heritage be gradually enriched.

But under the current situation, the frequent outbreak of plane wars in the Green Empire seems to be a good time for the Lord Army to make great achievements.

Actually! The planes of various places were frequently lost, and the lords of the various provinces did not even dare to send private troops to the battlefield easily.

For the lords, war is indeed the most lucrative industry. There is nothing faster than war to make money, but the biggest prerequisite is that they must win. A complete victory can achieve the greatest result, and a miserable victory will not be too bad, but a defeat in a war means losing a big gamble and leaving no pants left!

Therefore, the lord armies in various places could not bear a few defeats at all.

It was precisely this embarrassing situation that the Ludwild family had to face. They needed to expand their territory, so they had to form a lord army, but the newly formed lord army had no combat power at all, and entering the battlefield rashly would be nothing.

They needed a leg up for the lord army they were about to form, and it was under this premise that they approached Suldak.

Along the way, Suldak figured out that the real opportunity for him to form an alliance with the Ludwild family was based on his outstanding commander and a second-ranked great knight. The most important point was Has a very dazzling record.

Therefore, this time the Ludwild family dared to place their bets on Suldak.

Once the alliance of lords is formed, the lord's private army of the Ludwild family will join Suldak's army and obey Suldak's command and dispatch. Full support for Suldak.

Only in this way can they share the fruits of Suldak's victory when the war is won.


On the way back to the castle, Suldak was even thinking about the future development of Ruyt City.

Suldak felt that he had put all his energy into Ruyt City recently, and he only went back to Mukusuo City after coming back for so long. Although the Ganbu plane has entered a healthy development, he should still care about it. one time.

Thinking of Ganbu Plane, and Mukuso, the one-year tax exemption will be completely ended this month. Suldak feels that he will return to Mukusuo City to formulate the Ganbu Plane's tax collection plan for this year. It depends on the development of industry, agriculture and commerce over there.

Moreover, the recruitment order of the military department must continue to be implemented, and he still needs to bring back 3,500 soldiers from the Ganbu plane...

Thinking of the Warsaw plane that he never seemed to want to think of again, Suldak's squinted eyes seemed a little moist again.


After returning to the castle, Suldak locked himself in the study, sat on the stone platform by the window, his feet were suspended outside, and looked up at the bright moonlight outside the window.

The study is on the side of the rock cliff, and outside the window is a cliff hundreds of meters high.

He was holding a glass of ale in his hand, shaking the ice cubes in it gently, and the ice cubes slammed into the glass, making a clinking sound.

Letting the ice cubes mix with the wine flow down his throat and into his stomach, he felt much more refreshed in his heart.

Suldak was a little homesick.

So he began to try to call Aphrodite, and then, with a bit of drunkenness, he boldly jumped out of the window...

Outside is a cliff hundreds of meters high, like a bottomless abyss under the cover of night.

As the summoning circle appeared under his feet, a purple void gate appeared in front of him. The moment his body fell, Suldak fell headlong into the void gate.

The weightless state in the void caused him to lose control of his body for a short time. It was precisely during this gap that Suldak fell out of the void gate.

In the next second, he fell firmly on the stone floor of the lava mine.

The wine glass in his hand also fell to the ground and turned into pieces of broken glass. He was as embarrassed as he was like that...

"Hey, why did you change your appearance this time?"

Aphrodite squatted beside Suldak, teasing him in a low voice.

Suldak was lying face down, turned over and became lying on his back, then smiled at Aphrodite, and stretched out his hand to pinch her slippery face.

this night...

At dawn, Suldak took a bag of red crystals to visit the red dragon Iser, so that the red dragon, who put his head into the treasure room to sleep, opened one eye and looked at the red dragon lightly. Suldak asked, "Dak, do you know how long it's been since you came to see me... I thought you were going to forget about me!"

Suldak sat down on the opposite side of Iser, and the hot flame from the nose of the red dragon just sprayed in front of him.

"How is it possible! Iser, how are you doing in Istanbul?" Suldak said.

The red dragon Iser shook the huge dragon head, and said helplessly: "It's okay, as long as you don't meet those enemies, your daily life is quite comfortable..."

Seeing the look in the red dragon's eyes, Suldak knew that its life was not so happy.

After sitting down, stuff a large red crystal into the innermost part of the red dragon.

Iser was chewing on the biscuit-like red crystal, and his expression was a little dull, but he was still lying there motionless, showing no energy.

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