Lord Highlander

Chapter 1251

When Suldak said that he was going back to Wall Village to have a look, the succubus Aphrodite also said that he would go back with him.

Since the two broke through that relationship, Aphrodite seemed to be a different person.

The succubus became a bit clingy, and she and Suldak rode two ancient Bolai horses along a straight and flat concrete road paved by volcanic ash.

A thick layer of volcanic ash fell on the cement road, and two Gubolai horses galloped across the road, making the whole road dusty.

But when she was about to arrive at Wall Village, Aphrodite let Suldak enter the village alone. She waited on a hillside outside Wall Village. When she lived in Wall Village, she often lived alone. Sitting alone on a hillside looking into the distance.

Suldak rode a horse along the bank of the artificial drainage channel dug by the kobold slaves, and walked towards Wall Village. On both sides of the drainage channel, some simple wooden houses were built, and some homeless people lived in these Inside the wooden house.

Walking a little further inside, you will see a free market derived from the entrance of the village, which looks like a market.

The head of Bright village actually built several rows of small two-story buildings around this lively market. There are a variety of commodities on the noisy market. Suldak even saw some living things in the market. Magic rune board.

This made him a little surprised. When the living standard of Wall Village has reached such a high level, they can afford such light luxury items!

Near the two-story buildings around the free market, Suldak could still see some adventure groups. He knew that this was the northernmost point of Pagros Mountain, but no adventure group was willing to come here before!

The road to the market was a bit crowded, so Suerdak could only lead the horse and follow the flow of people.

The villagers in Wall Village saw him riding back alone, and everyone who knew him greeted him familiarly. When he passed the dead tree in the village, he found that a stone monument had been erected beside the dead tree. Impressively written 'Wall Village'.

Suldak walked through the gate next to the dead tree. The village and the free market seemed like two worlds. It was very quiet here. The streets were cleaned and tidy. Drainage ditches were built along the street, and there were rows of small two-story buildings. They are all connected to water pipes, and the spring water flowing down from the top of the mountain is actually directly connected to the homes of every villager.

This engineering plan was indeed designed by Suldak at the beginning, but he did not expect that the old village chief, Uncle Brett, would actually realize it step by step.

Looking up, you can see the reservoir hanging on the top of the col above your head. The five dams give people a very strong visual impact...

Some old people in the village were sitting in the shade of the street. When they saw Suerdak, they didn't react at first. When they recognized Suerdak, Suerdak was about to walk along the street. Got home.


Knocking on the big painted iron door, a familiar voice came from inside, followed by the sound of light footsteps from far to near. Natasha pushed open the door, poked half of her pretty face out of the door, and saw To Suldak standing outside the door.

Her big shiny eyes blinked and blinked, and then she looked up at the sun in the sky, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, as if she was asking 'Why are you back at this hour? '

Suldak smiled, opened the door calmly, and stretched out his arms to Natasha.

Natasha was a little excited and joyful, quickly took off the apron around her waist, threw it aside, and rushed forward quickly into Suldak's arms.

Suldak put his arms around her waist and turned her around on the spot, and found that her waist was still so slender...

"Is it a little strange why I came back at this time?" Suldak asked in a low voice, sticking to Natasha's earlobe.

"Hmm!" Natasha snorted softly through her nose.

Suldak said affectionately to her in a very small voice: "I missed you all, so I couldn't wait to run back, just to see how you are doing!"

Natasha couldn't resist Suerdak's sweet talk anymore, she hugged Suerdak fiercely, buried her head on his neck, and said to him intimately: "We are living a good life. People in the village always salute me when they see me, and they don’t communicate like before, as if we are becoming more and more alienated.”

Hearing what Natasha said, Suldak could only sigh slightly, and he would not change anything about it.

"That's because you have become nobles, but they are still civilians, which is inevitable!" Suldak said casually.

Walking into the yard, I saw little Peter standing in front of the training wooden man, sweating profusely, practicing chopping.

Moreover, the wooden sword in his hand could already make the sound of breaking the wind. Suldak let go of Natasha and strode towards little Peter. Little Peter seemed to sense something, and turned around suddenly to see Suldak Walk across the courtyard to the practice field.

"Dark, you're back!"

Little Peter put the wooden sword back into the scabbard at his waist, and then ran quickly towards Suldak, like a cheerful fawn.

Suldak held little Peter's waist with both hands, and lifted him over his head violently.

Every time Suldak saw little Peter, he had to see how well he practiced his sword skills.

Now Peter's teacher is Knight Daniela. Although this uncle is only a knight, he is enough to be Peter's teacher.

Suldak could see that Daniela taught very carefully.

I haven't seen little Peter for a long time. This time, Suldak found that he has grown up a lot, and his body even has the ability to control power.

"Come on, Peter, let me see your latest practice results!"

Suldak put little Peter down, stretched out his hand and pulled out a wooden sword from the wooden stand, stepped back two steps, and assumed a defensive posture.

Little Peter pulled out the wooden sword from his waist very excitedly. First, he put on a posture, held the wooden sword firmly, and then took a step forward. At the same time, he controlled the wooden sword with both hands and slashed forward...

This is an offensive move that little Peter is most familiar with, and the posture is very standard.

Suldak raised his wooden sword horizontally and easily blocked Little Peter's attack.

In this attack, Suldak not only felt Peter's use of power, but also felt that there were some other more disordered elemental breaths in Peter's body.

If Suldak wasn't a Rank 2 powerhouse with powerful spiritual power, it is estimated that he would not be able to perceive those elemental breaths at all.

Suldak immediately pulled little Peter to sit down on the bench next to the training ground, because in the Grimm Empire, the status of a magician is much higher than that of a warrior. If little Peter has a talent for magic, He would rather let little Peter learn magic.

Afterwards, he injected traces of sacred power into little Peter's body, and carefully probed the naturally formed elemental breath in little Peter's body.

Although it is very weak, it is concentrated near the forearm. Although little Peter can't perceive these elemental breaths yet, they are real. With proper guidance, then he can easily become a magic swordsman.

But Suldak's thoughts in his heart now are not just to make little Peter a magic swordsman.

He hoped that little Peter could become a magician...

Natasha didn't have any ideas in her heart, so Suldak was going to discuss it with old Sheila.

Natasha saw Suldak and Little Peter tossing about on the practice field, so she returned to the villa and began to ask the cook to prepare a hearty lunch.

Suldak took little Peter and ran to old Sheila's room.

At this time, the obviously older Sheila was lying on the rattan chair, she was lethargic again, and there was another layer of age spots on her face.

Little Peter ran over and called out to old Sheila twice.

It seemed that only the voice of little Peter could wake up the sleeping old Sheila. She lifted her eyelids with difficulty, and saw that it was little Peter in leather armor calling him, with a soft look in her eyes.

Then she saw Suldak standing behind Little Peter. She was slightly startled, almost having the same look as Natasha.

'Why are you back? '

It's just that old Sheila's eyes are more pure and direct.

Suldak found a chair, moved it to the old Sheila, and then sat down and said to the old Sheila: "I promised, I will come back to see you every once in a while."

Old Sheila waved her hands feebly, matching her weak eyes.

Suldak understood that old Sheila wanted to say, 'There's no need for that! '

"Knowing that you are busy, Rita and Natasha have taken good care of little Peter and me here!" Old Sheila said out of breath.

Suldak quickly sat down beside the old Sheila, and sent a force of holy light into the old Sheila's body. The old Sheila appeared to be in good health, but her body was a little old, and the functions of all the organs in her body were probably weakened. .

Although the power of the holy light is a healing power, it has little effect on old Sheila who is naturally aging.

"Don't waste your efforts, I know my body..." Old Xila said looking at Suldak.

Suldak withdrew his left hand, hugged little Peter in his arms, and said next to old Sheila: "I found traces of magic elements in Peter's body. If he is properly guided, he may become an outstanding player in the future." magician."

When old Sheila heard what Suldak said, her slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, and she stared at Suldak with hope.

Suldak nodded to old Sheila, and then said: "Lance, a good friend of mine in Hailansa, happens to be an excellent magician. I can entrust little Peter to him and ask him to help you now. He conducts spiritual guidance, and then learns to meditate, so the chances of becoming a magician are greater."

Old Sheila wanted to sit up, but her arms were unable to support her body. She tried and failed in the end, so she could only lie powerlessly on the wicker chair.

Suldak immediately said: "I am going to let him participate in the magic awakening ceremony at the age of 12. If he is lucky enough, he can awaken the magic pool in his body, so that he can become a noble magician."

"Even if you can't wake up, it doesn't matter, you can just go to Zhanzheng College."

Suldak added another sentence.

Old Sheila nodded to Suldak, indicating to him that this decision is fine.

Suldak stroked little Peter's head happily, and said softly to him: "Peter, you must study hard when you get to the city, this place will belong to you from now on! The whole barren land..."

Although old Sheila had some preparations, she was still shocked by Suldak's words. She stared at Suldak with her eyes wide open.

Natasha came in with a fruit plate... her eye circles were also red, as if she had secretly wiped away her tears when she was at the door.

Suldak smiled frankly, and said: "When you have seen my plane territory, you will know that this territory is the smallest piece!"

While the family was having lunch, Rita and Daniela also ran over from the next door.

When Suldak met Rita this time, she was already pregnant.

She was wearing a loose dress, Cavalier Daniela carefully accompanied her, and the dining table was full of joy.


Hearing the news of Suldak's return from outside, the old village chief, Uncle Brett, came to Suldak's house in the afternoon.

Suldak had just taken a shower, and Natasha told him that Village Chief Bright was waiting in the living room on the first floor, so Suldak hurried down, greeted Village Chief Bright, and said:

"Uncle Brett, why are you here!"

Village Chief Bright pulled Rasuldak and said to him, "Let's go to your study to talk..."

Suldak understood immediately, and led Village Chief Brett to the study that he seldom used. Fortunately, this study was often cleaned and there was no dust to be seen.

The old village chief Brett waited for Suldak to close the door before he said, "I heard a new news from Hailansa..."

"What happened to Hailansa City?" Suldak asked immediately.

The old village chief, Uncle Brett, immediately approached Suldak and said in a low voice: "Countess Darcy of the Christie family is seriously ill. Her husband, Baron Dacuni, wants to become the acting consul of Hailansa. Now he is with the Christie family. It was a very tense situation, and now the whole city of Hailansa knows about it."

"Why didn't anyone write to me?" Suldak asked in surprise.

Village Chief Brett sat back on his chair, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down in one gulp.

He put down the teacup in his hand before saying to Surdak:

"If it weren't for your sudden appearance this time, we would have thought you hadn't come back from the battlefield. Charlie wrote last time saying that you had gone to the big battlefield. They wrote several times, but they didn't mention you..."

Suldak quickly admitted, "Yes, I just returned to Ruyt City last month, and I came back directly before I had time to write a letter."

Uncle Brett also sighed: "Speaking of which, Charlie hasn't written to me for more than two months. He doesn't remember to write when he's not busy. He doesn't have time to write when he's busy. He always has a lot of letters in his mouth." The reason..."

Suldak didn't wait for Uncle Brett to finish, he interrupted him, stood up and walked towards the door, saying, "I'm going to visit Hailansa City right now."

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