Lord Highlander

Chapter 1252

In Oak Ridge in midsummer, the forest is full of oak trees, and the dark green leaves are connected together, making the forest airtight.

It has just rained, and there are creeks that have just formed everywhere in the mountain.

The weather in Hailansa in July is humid, and some ferns will grow in Oak Ridge. In the past, the villagers of Wall Village often went into the forest to pick these ferns, and then boiled them in a large pot. Then dry them in the sun, and they will be very good dried vegetables in winter.

Even if the living standards of the villagers in Wall have improved, and everyone no longer relies on these dried vegetables to survive the long winter, there will still be villagers who go to the mountains to pick these bracken.

In the past two years, almost every year, the old village chief, Uncle Brett, would send someone to widen the mountain road. Now, except for the dangerous pass, other places on this mountain road can allow two carriages to run side by side.

Suldak still remembers that when he first returned to Wall Village, the villagers had to step on the deep and shallow snow in winter to go to the mountains to pick up the remaining trees and rice.

At that time, almost every household could not get enough to eat.

Suldak talked to Aphrodite about the days when he just returned to Wall Village, and the two rode horses and walked side by side on this mountain road.

I still remember the days when I just came back. There were almost no pedestrians on this mountain road. During the time when I was studying at Hailansa Knight Academy, Suldak still met a group of bandits here, and he even rescued them in the way of a straight man. Killed Miss Hoyle.

Now almost all four-wheeled trucks come and go on this mountain road. As the free market at the entrance of Wall Village becomes more and more prosperous, many merchants bring various supplies from Hailansa City.

"With so many adventure groups coming to Wall Village, will there always be some inexplicable people running into the territory?" Suldak asked Aphrodite beside him, pulling the rein.

She didn't wear the mithril mask, and with a hint of intoxicating coquettishness on her delicate face, she smiled at Suldak and said, "It's rare, they can see the boundary markers at the border, and besides touching the knees near the volcano, There is nothing but volcanic ash, what can they do here?"

"And they also know that it is the territory of Earl Suldak."

"There is a sulfur mine in the territory, and the supervisors of the mine have to patrol along the boundary markers every day, so basically no one will want to hang out in your territory."

Suldak asked her, "Is it boring to live alone in the mountains?"

Aphrodite smiled slightly before saying, "How could it be a person? Isn't there so many kobold slaves over there... and the overseers of Wall Village."

The two climbed over the last mountain, and the city of Hailansa on the mountainside finally appeared in sight.

Seeing that the city in front of him was still the same, Suldak was deeply moved. This mountain city hidden deep in the oak forest has hardly changed in recent years.

Walk into the familiar mountain city.

When passing through the city gate, Suldak also met a group of guard battalion knights, and the officer leading the team on horseback at the front was also a familiar face.

However, few of these young guard battalion knights knew Suldak. When they saw the earl's badge on Suldak's chest, they immediately pulled the reins of the horses and stopped the cavalry. The knights were all saluting Surdak.

Suldak also formally returned a military salute, walked over on his horse, and asked the guard battalion officer at the front of the team with a smile: "Why... Is it too long since I haven't seen you, and I forgot about my old friends?" gone?"

"You are Suldak... Earl?" Jasper looked at Suldak in surprise, and he didn't know what to say at the moment. "Dark, you... When did you become the Earl?"

Suldak laughed and said, "It was about this time last year... Hey, Jasper, congratulations on your promotion to become a squadron leader!"

Jasper smiled wryly. He and Karl were competing for the position of squadron leader in the guard battalion. It was because Karl took the position of squadron leader from him with the help of Suldak.

Unexpectedly, Suldak became an earl in just two years after leaving Hailansa.

Suldak's friendship with Jasper was average, so he asked him, "Is Karl in the city?"

Jasper immediately replied: "Yes, but he is resting today, I guess you should know where he is."

"Understood, thank you!" Surdak nodded his thanks.


After entering the city, Suldak checked into the hotel in Garden Square as usual.

When I came to the square garden, I found that the low shrub wall in the flower pond in the garden was removed at some time. Now there are small yellow flowers planted in the flower pond, which makes the area of ​​the garden square look much more open. .

There are a few more small vendors on the street, but the hotel is still the same. Surdak rode around the main entrance and walked into the backyard. Looking through the arched doorway, he saw the owner Cohen and the groom cutting hay in the yard. The stable next to it was actually full of horses.

The boss, Cohen, looked up at Suldak, and he didn't pay attention to the noble badge on his chest at all in his busy schedule.

With a simple and honest smile, he said to Surdak, "Dak, leave the horse here!"

After hearing the words, Suldak agreed, and handed over his and Aphrodite's two horses to Boss Cohen, and then took Aphrodite to the reception hall on the first floor of the hotel.

Mrs. Cohen, the proprietress, saw Suldak walking in with Aphrodite, she first showed surprise on her face, she couldn't wait to get her plump body out of the chair, her snow-white chest was even moving back and forth in the thin gauze Shaking, but when she saw clearly the noble badge on Suldak's chest exuding a golden light, and the mithril mask of Aphrodite behind her, the silver cup full of ale in her hand shook violently, fell to the ground.

Ale spilled on the counter, and she hastily wiped it with a rag.

"Dark... Lord Earl!" Mrs. Cohen immediately realized something was wrong after speaking half a sentence, and immediately changed her words.

Suldak didn't even stop, and walked directly in front of Mrs. Ke En, gave her a big hug, and said kindly to Mrs. Ke En, who was a little at a loss: "Mrs. Ke En, long time no see..."

Afterwards, Mrs. Ke En's movements became a little fluttering. She felt like she was a little drunk. When climbing the stairs, she even didn't know which foot to take first...

It was still the room on the top floor. The room was clean and tidy, and the window sills in the attic were full of flower pots.

Mrs. Cohen opened the door of the room and gave the key to Suldak. After confirming that they didn't need afternoon tea, she went downstairs slowly.

Seeing that there was only a large double bed in the room, Suldak lay down on it.

Aphrodite opened the window, smiled and said to Suldak: "I have always suspected that this is the place where Mrs. Cohen and her lover secretly dated. Only when you come, will you take out the key to open this room." , but now it seems that it should be an ordinary VIP room."

The succubus, who was in a good mood, gave Mrs. Cohen a very pertinent evaluation.


When I came to the magic union in Hailansa City again, I realized that this hollow magic tower like a shopping mall looked so old.

When Suldak reported Lance's name, it didn't take long for him to wait. Lance hurriedly ran down from upstairs, rushed into the reception hall of the lobby on the first floor, and came to the magic tower. There were a lot of people doing business, so he avoided the crowd and ran to Suldak quickly.

The two hug each other tightly... There is always great joy when old friends meet each other.

"Dark, you're back!"

Lance knew that Suldak was drafted into the big battlefield, so when he saw Suldak this time, he was so surprised. After all, it is called the grave of the second-rank powerhouse

"Well, Lance, how are you doing recently?" Lance pulled Suldak to sit down on the sofa in the corner, and Suldak took the opportunity to ask.

"Not bad, have you seen Karl?" Lance forced a smile, and then asked Suldak.

"Not yet, I heard that he is resting today, so I didn't go to the guard camp to look for him." Suldak said.

Lance rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and then explained to Suldak in a low voice: "Actually, Karl has been resting for a few days. To be precise, he has been suspended for a while."

Suldak looked surprised. Although Karl was only a noble baron, the Casement family behind him was considered a famous family in Hailansa City. Even if he made some small mistakes, he shouldn't be suspended!

"What's going on?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

Lance continued to whisper, "Mrs. Mariana Christie is no longer in charge of managing the affairs of the Christie family, and Carl was also targeted, so he was suspended."

In Lance's tone, this involved the internal struggle of the Christie family. It was obvious that Mrs. Mariana Christie had been seized power.

Moreover, in order to attack Mrs. Christie, her lover Karl was also implicated, and even the guard battalion was suspended.

"Where is Karl? Take me to him." Suldak said with a gloomy face.

He clearly remembered that when he came to Hailansa City alone, it was Carl who was the first to reach out to him.

"He should be hiding in the tavern now..." Lance stood up after finishing speaking.

Suldak also stood up with Lance. The two walked out of the magic union and found a magic caravan on the side of the street. Suldak tied the horse to the back of the magic caravan. Introduce him to the recent situation in Hailansa City.

In fact, when Marquis Bernard Christie was seriously ill, Marquis Bernard couldn't wait to give up the position of Marquis to Dacie Christie, and Dacie also hastily took the position of governor of Hailansa City, Bernard When the Marquis De was alive, none of the nobles in the city dared to stand up against Darcy Christie.

In the past two years, Marquis Bernard's health has been deteriorating. Last winter, he finally failed to survive the severe winter and ran to see the Statue of Liberty.

After the death of Marquis Bernard, Dacie Christie's life in Hailansa City was not so easy. Due to various distrusts, the nobles in the city refused to hand over Hailansa to Dacie Christie's management.

In order to convince the nobles in the city, Dacie Christie did everything by herself. Although she worked very hard every day to deal with Hailansa's daily work, there were still a few mistakes. In order to make up for the mistakes she made, Dacie Christie Collapsed in endless anxiety and over-tiredness.

In this way, the nobles felt that Darcy Christie did not have the ability to manage a city.

At this time, someone in the Christie family took the opportunity to take over the position, and emptied Dacie Christie's power in the family.

And Darcy Christie's husband who disappeared for a long time suddenly appeared in High Lansa City, and his second wife turned out to be a widow of the Dunstan family, a nobleman in the city of Bena, because Darcy's husband was from the Dunstan family. With his support, he actually wants to become the consul of Hailansa City this time.

Suldak was a little stunned when he heard that, he didn't expect the management of Hailansa City to be so rotten...

The magic caravan stopped at the entrance of the tavern. The tavern also had a closed sign, and the door was also tightly closed.

Lance led Suldak in through the back door familiarly. There were almost no lights in the tavern, and all the windows were closed with wooden boards, so the room was very dark. There was only a candle lit by the bar, Karl Sitting side by side with Mrs. Christie on the high stool, the proprietress of the tavern was drinking with the two of them.

Hearing footsteps, Carl looked back drunkenly.

Lance was leading the way. Carl recognized Lance at a glance, and asked him, "Lance, why are you here at this hour? Don't you have some important experiments to do today?"

Lance moved his body away, revealing Suldak behind him, and then said to Carl, "Look who I brought..."

"Dark, are you back?" Karl shook his head first, then felt that he was not awake enough, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then asked suspiciously.

Suldak walked up to the drunk Karl, hugged Karl tightly, and then said to Karl, "Yes, I'm back!"

He snatched a wine glass from Carl, and then asked Carl: "You can drink the wine later, come on, tell me first, who stopped your position, let's talk to him!"

"Hey, Duck, when did your temper become so big?"

Karl patted Suldak on the back hard, signaling him to sit down first...

"It's good that you come back, otherwise I plan to write to Selena to see if he has any news about you..." He had a relaxed look on his face, and put one hand on Suldak On the shoulder, said with a relaxed look.

Then he turned to Mrs. Christie and said: "Now Suldak is back, Marianna, now you don't have to worry about Daxi, let Dak heal Daxi, his Holy Light spell is multiple wounds can be saved..."

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