Lord Highlander

Chapter 1253: 1240. Tavern

The lights in the tavern were dim, but Karl rarely showed a smile.

When the proprietress saw Karl's friend arriving, she lit up a few more magic wall lamps around the bar, making the area around the bar brighter.

Mrs. Mariana Christie's face was a little reddish, and it seemed that she had drunk a lot of wine.

Seeing Suldak return to Hailansa, Karl looked very happy. He sat in front of the bar with his arms around Suldak's shoulders, and asked the proprietress to open a new barrel of ale. The two drank a lot cup.

"How did you get back from the big battlefield this time?" Karl asked Suldak, and punched him in the chest.

Suldak replied with a smile: "It's okay."

Carl asked with some concern: "I heard that this kind of transfer will happen every once in a while?"

"There should be a long period of rest, and the big battlefield is not as dangerous as rumored." Suldak said to Karl, taking a sip of the slightly bitter ale.

He described the Silver City and the Vajra Gate vividly to everyone, and immediately made everyone in the tavern cry.

Suldak said that it has been more than two months since he came back from the big battlefield, and he has been dealing with the affairs of the city hall in Ruyt City. look at everyone.

Hearing Suldak say that he has become the consul of Ruyt City, Karl is also sincerely happy for his friend.

"Is it going well in Ruyt City?" Karl asked Suldak.

"It's okay!" Suldak sat on a high stool, holding a wooden beer glass with both hands. He picked up a few ice cubes from the ice bucket and put them into the wine glass. He looked up and smiled at Karl: "The only one The deputy speaker of the House of Representatives who opposed me has already been sent to the military court in Bena province."

"So you became the real manager of Ruyt City?" Karl asked enviously, his eyes widened.

Suldak nodded slightly and said, "At least in Ruyt City, everything is up to me."

Mrs. Mariana Christie asked in disbelief: "The nobles over there didn't boycott you together."

Suldak didn't deny it, he just tapped on the table lightly and said: "There will be some who are unwilling to cooperate, but I will convince you soon."

Seeing his certainty, Karl knew that Suldak had firmly grasped the situation in Ruyt City, and then thought of the current chaotic situation in Hailansa City, stretched his forehead full of worries, and said to Suldak g says:

"It's great that you can come back. I'm afraid you don't even know that Daxie is ill, and she's very sick... How should I put it, as our friend, I hope you can go to see her." Carl proposed tactfully such a request.

He knew that Suldak and Daxi had been dating for a period of time in the Knight Academy, but they couldn't get together in the end.

But Karl didn't know what kind of emotion Suldak had towards this ex-girlfriend...whether he would be like other couples who would form a deadly feud if they couldn't get together.

"I want to know what happened during this time... Didn't the Christie family firmly control the city of Hailansa? Why did Daxi get seriously ill!" Suldak asked Karl with a serious face.

Hesitating to speak, he turned to Mrs. Christie and said, "Marianna, tell me!"

Mrs. Christie showed a trace of unconcealable hatred in her eyes, she drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then suddenly asked Suldak: "Dark, can you help me kill that guy Da Kuni? "


Faced with Mrs. Christie's sudden question, Suldak was a little taken aback, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"Marianna!" Karl put his hands on Mrs. Mariana Christie's shoulders, and forced her to face him, and then said to her: "Listen, the matter of Darcy and Da Cuni is their own business, I think Daxi probably doesn't want you and other people to intervene in her relationship. As her relatives and friends, we need to consider how to get her out of the current predicament, rather than help her cut off all grievances with one sword. .”

Marianne put down the empty wine glass weakly, and said weakly:

"During the period after Bernard's death, the nobles of High Lansa lost their trust in the Christie family."

"The main reason is that there have always been many conflicts within the Christie family. There are a group of people in the family who have continuously emptied the power in the hands of Daxi's supporters. When Daxi realized it, Daxi had lost the support of the family."

Suldak nodded.

He knew that this might be the real reason why Daxi couldn't control Hailansa City. After all, the Christie family was deeply rooted in Hailansa City. If there was full support from the family, even if there were voices of opposition, it would not be possible to form such a large-scale attack wave.

In the final analysis, it was the internal strife in the family, which gave those outsiders an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"In addition, many noble lords in the city are also very dissatisfied with the fact that Bernard gave up the position of Consul of Hailansa to Daxi." Mrs. Christie continued. "The main reason is that Daxi promulgated some new policies in the city before she could stabilize the situation in the city."

"These new policies have touched the interests of most nobles in Hailansa City."

"Almost all noble lords, everyone wants more oak forests."

"Daxi thinks that the oak forest can only bring a good amount of income to the nobles every year, and it can't change the lives of the common people in the suburbs, so she is going to issue a restriction order on the oak forest." Madam Mariana said weakly.

Obviously, she didn't approve of Daxi's approach, but she was also Daxi's staunchest supporter in the political situation of Hailansa City, so her heart was full of contradictions, and she even felt a sense of powerlessness.

Suldak didn't expect Daqian to be so bold, and asked with some admiration: "So...her actions were resisted by the Hailansa nobles?"

"This is just one of them, but it has become an opportunity for the nobles in the city to unite against her." Mrs. Marianne Christie said with a wry smile: "There is also the issue of the territorial rights of the Funac Manor and the Hoyle Manor. Well, the nobles want to divide this part of the land into their own territory, and everyone has been arguing about it for several years, but Daxi supports the division of this land as the public land of Hailansa City..."

When talking about these things, Mrs. Marianne Christie showed a look of helplessness.

It can be seen that she also thinks that Daxi does not have the ability to govern the city of Hailansa.

"Help me arrange to meet Daxi first!"

Suldak squeezed the space between his brows with his hand, he didn't expect Daqian to be so radical, and her biggest problem was ignoring the uneasy factors from within the family, that's why she was finally pushed onto the cliff...

Mrs. Marianne Christie nodded, and then beckoned to the two maids hiding in the corner, telling them to come over and ordering: "Go and prepare the carriage for me, I want to use it right now."

"Yes, ma'am," the maid agreed.

Mrs. Christie said to Suldak: "I'll go to the castle to see Darcy first, and then I'll find a chance to arrange for you to meet."

It seems that she can't see Darcy anytime either...

Mrs. Mariana Christie left the tavern in a hurry.


Suldak has never expressed his opinion, and has been listening quietly.

He felt that the reason why Daxi fell ill was due to internal factors of the family on the one hand, and external factors on the other. Her power in Hailansa City was emptied, and most of the resources in the family were also lost. Archons in isolation.

If she hadn't fallen ill at the right time, I'm afraid she would have been kicked out by this time...

It wasn't until Mrs. Christie left and everyone sat down again in the corner of the tavern that Suldak asked Lance, "What's the attitude of the Magic Union?"

"To be honest, the magician aristocrats are happy to see the internal strife among the traditional aristocratic forces in Hailansa." Lance replied without any concealment.

Suldak nodded, and asked Lance, "Have you had a chance to persuade the Magic Guild to side with Daqian?"

Lance shook his head quickly.

Suldak asked Lance who was sitting on the side: "If I write to the two archmages Harper and Morrison, with their influence, will the magicians here change their views? "

"You actually know Harper and Morrison, two archmages. They can be regarded as the second of the top six giants of the Law Enforcement Corps of Bena Province. If they have their support, the Hailansa Magic Union will of course fully support Daxi!" Lan Said excitedly.

"Okay, leave this matter to me, I think I can convince them." Suldak said.

Without waiting for Lance to ask how Suldak knew these two giants, Suldak asked Carl again: "Is it true that the nobles in Hailansa City are basically against Daxi?"

Carl nodded and admitted without hesitation: "That's almost it!"

Then he added: "You also know that for those members of the House of Representatives, there are always some people who don't care about the essence of the matter, and the choices they make are often to stand on the opposite side of their political opponents, so Darcy still has some supporters !"


Suldak was speechless again.

In fact, he knows Darcy's character very well. When she was young, she seemed to be a bit unruly and domineering, but she encountered some setbacks after graduating from the Swordsman Academy. During the period of teaching at Hailansa Knight Academy, she thoroughly polished her edges and corners. character.

But in the final analysis, she is still an upright girl, so Suldak believes that she can do such a thing of betrayal.

Suldak didn't have any worries about treating Daxi's illness.

In fact, he hoped to help Daxi cure her heart disease, at least to help her reopen the road in this desperate situation.

Thinking about the friends I met in the city of Hailansa, there seemed to be no one else except Carl, Lance and Bird tax collector.

From the relationship with the military department of Bena Province, Suldak suddenly thought of the Goss family in Seablue City. If it wasn't for Captain Mond Goss who promoted him to become a knight, he probably wouldn't have had a chance at all. Come this far.

Commander Mond Goss should be in the Bena military system, so it may not be difficult to find a reason to visit him recently.

Suldak was thinking about how to help Daxi find some staunch supporters in Hailansa through various relationships...

I saw Tax Collector Bird and Miss Hoyle walk into the tavern. Now that Miss Hoyle has become Mrs. Bird, the two walked into the tavern only to find that there was one more person than before.

Bird tax officer saw Suerdak sitting in the corner and striding over, and the two embraced tightly.

Then Miss Hoyle also bowed to Suldak before everyone sat down.

"Dark, when did you arrive?" Bird tax officer asked excitedly.

His last trip to Bena City can be said to be the biggest harvest. In some respects, physical strength often represents mood.

Suldak said casually: "I just arrived here today, how have you been recently...?"

When friends get together, it is inevitable to reminisce about the old days.

The political situation in High Lansa City has no effect on small nobles like Byrd tax collectors, but after Miss Hoyle inherited the family property, she became Viscount Hoyle. Now she lives in High Lanza City, and the family territory has been completely released.

It is precisely because Daxi has dealt with a large piece of rich territory of the Hoyle family that the nobles in Hailan City feel more and more dissatisfied.

Then everyone talked about Daxie, and Miss Hoyle, who has become Mrs. Bird, also expressed a great degree of concern. She said to Suldak: "I just visited Daxie yesterday, and now her illness It has almost reached the point of being bedridden, and hardly eats anything, and can only drink some sugar water every day, and the person is already too thin!"

Suldak lowered his head and just sat there silently.

The friends in the tavern kept talking, and they seemed to never realize that there was a succubus sitting silently in the shadow of another corner of the tavern.

Aphrodite sat in the corner without saying a word...

Her high tied hair covered the devil's horns on her head, and she was wearing a magician's robe, hiding in the shadows, and she was completely integrated with the shadows.

Only Suldak occasionally glanced in this direction.

Aphrodite didn't drink any alcoholic drinks, just rested her chin with both hands, and listened to their chat in silence with an elegant posture.

Then he talked about Dacie's husband, Baron Dacuni. Everyone basically didn't have much impression of him, because he had always been a small and transparent existence in the Christie family. Since Daxie got married, the two The relationship has not been very good, and several quarrels broke out when they were newly married.

Not long afterward, Baron Dacuni left Hailansa City and disappeared for a long time...

No one thought that his second wife was from the Dunstan family. Now that Baron Dacuni has won the support of the Dunstan family, he actually wants to take over the management of High Lansa City from the hands of the Christie family. Absolutely unexpected.

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