Lord Highlander

Chapter 1256 1243. Challenge

In the morning, the sun shines on the mountain city of Hailansa. Standing on the top of the bell tower, you can hear the crowing of mountain eagles...

The city of Hailansa has changed from quiet to noisy. The deserted streets at night are full of small merchants and hawkers. The civilians hurried out of their homes and started a day of hard work. This is the life of most civilians in the city.

Many people are used to buying the first half of a wheat cake covered with jam on the street and eating it while walking.

The nobles also began to plan how to expand the family's industry. They needed to prove themselves in order to obtain a corresponding status in the family.

They sat in the magic caravan, with slightly swollen eye bags and sluggish looks. Some even dozed off, drinking refreshing black tea in the carriage.

Suldak was walking on Central Avenue, not far from the headquarters building of the security battalion. Aphrodite was not by his side. He looked at the roof of the headquarters building above the canopy of trees through the dazzling sunlight, and took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he strode towards the guard camp.

The guard battalion knights walked into the gate in twos and threes, and Suldak also walked quickly through the crowd. The guards at the gate wanted to stop him, but when they saw the noble badge on Suldak's chest, the guards immediately hesitated .

Just when the guard seemed hesitant, Suldak had already entered the headquarters building of the guard battalion, and he even greeted several familiar faces on the way.

After all, he had rescued many knights from the guard battalion. Although most of them couldn't call out their names, those knights were at least willing to wave to him with a smile on their faces.

Ms. Flora was wearing a decent uniform and was holding a parasol in her hand. When she walked up the steps, she suddenly found a familiar face beside her. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Surdak. Said: "Dark, why are you back? Shouldn't you be stationed in a border town on the Bailin plane?"

"I have a short vacation for now, so I'm back!" Suldak said vaguely.

"So you're just here to visit us?" Ms. Flora asked curiously.

"Well... that's right!" Suldak agreed.

The two walked into the security camp headquarters building side by side, and the receptionist standing at the front desk stood up and saluted Flora.

Ms. Flora is the manager of the security battalion. Flora personally handled Suldak's entry into the security camp. Now that the two of them meet again, they can chat casually.

When they reached the second floor, Ms. Flora signaled that she was going to the end of the corridor, while Suldak stopped, pointed to the office of Viscount Emmett opposite, and signaled that she was going to talk to Viscount Emmett about old times.

Lady Flora seemed to have something to say to him, but she did not speak until the two parted.

Suldak walked to the door of an office. The sign on the door said "Office of the First Captain of the Guard Battalion". Suldak stood at the door, knocked on the door, and then opened the door to leave went in...

He sat in Viscount Emmet's office for a long time.

In fact, it was not easy to convince the evergreen tree in the Hailansa guard camp. Viscount Emmett was quite prestigious in Hailansa city, and he didn't want to offend other nobles, so Suldak persuaded him for a long time. Finally Viscount Emmet reluctantly nodded.

Walking out of Viscount Emmet's office, Suldak let out a long breath.

As Carl said, Viscount Emmett is a supporter of the Christie family, and he is also a young nobleman who was promoted by the Marquis Bernard Christie. Now Suldak proposes that he can support Daxi, although Amy The Viscount hesitated for a long time, but finally agreed.

When Suldak came to the headquarters of the security battalion, his second goal was to meet the commander of the security battalion, Soren Aldington.

He was originally Captain Sauron, but now he has become the Chief of the Guard Battalion. It has to be said that the Aldington family in High Lansa City is still very powerful.

Knocking on the door, Suldak pushed open the outer door of Chief Sauron's office. The assistant inside raised his head to stare at Suldak, his eyes fell on his chest, and immediately recognized Suldak, Her eyes lit up, and she smiled at Surdak.

"Is Chief Sauron here?" Suldak asked.

The assistant quickly replied: "Yes, Squadron Leader Suldak! You have recently been promoted to an earl? I will report to you right away."

I have to say that the title of nobility is really a good stepping stone.

Soon the assistant came out from the inside, followed by Chief Sauron in uniform. He was still strong and burly, but he had lost the sharpness in front of Suldak.

Chief Sauron smiled gently and said to him, "Dark, why are you back? Shouldn't you be stationed in the Bailin plane?"

"I'm back to visit relatives this time! Come and see you by the way." Suldak said casually.

Chief Sauron smiled a little forcedly.

He saw the noble badge on Suldak's chest, and very politely invited Suldak into the chief's office.

As soon as Suldak sat down, he said straightforwardly to Chief Sauron: "I came to see you this time, and I hope you can stand by Darcy Christie's side, and in the future, you can stand firm Supporting her, I hope..."

Sitting on the chair, Chief Sauron smiled unnaturally, waved his hand to plan for Suldak, and said:

"Dark, how long have you been away from Hailansa? You know that the city of Hailansa here is no longer what it looked like when Marquis Bernard was in office. Do you know how many prom invitations I got this week alone?"

"How many people want to win me over!"

"Now that the power of Consul Daxi has been almost emptied, and she is very ill, how can I still put my chips on her, this is not in the interests of the Aldington family!"

After speaking, he shook his head again and again, and added: "This is impossible!"

"What do you think the city of Hailansa has become now?" Suldak sat opposite Chief Sauron and asked bluntly.

Feeling that there seemed to be some changes in Suldak's tone, Captain Sauron was slightly taken aback, and then his eyes fell on Suldak's chest again, his expression was a little relieved, and he explained with a laugh:

"The Marquis Bernard has left, and all the nobles who used to be attached to him can't get together like before."

"The Christie family alone has been divided into several factions. Darcy Christie currently belongs to the power-down faction and has been unable to control the Christie family. Now, her two uncles, Ryan Christie and Piaro Christie, are in control of the Christie family. Ryan controls the business of the Christie family, Piaro controls the lord army of the Christie family, and her younger brother Douam controls all the estates of the Christie family."

"These Christies don't support Daxi, that's why our female consul in Hailansa City is in a dilemma. Now she can lie on the sick bed safely, which is already the best result!"

Chief Sauron rubbed his hands together and rang the bell beside him.

The assistant outside pushed the door open, ready to accept the call of Chief Sauron at any time. Captain Sauron stood up directly, smiled and said to Suldak: "I know why you came, Dak, but now the city of Hailansa The situation is very complicated, so I can't promise you this matter!"

Suldak leaned back on the sofa and did not stand up.

Under the watchful eyes of the assistant at the door, Suldak took out a pair of silk white gloves from his pocket, and with a slight smile on his face, he threw the gloves on Chief Sauron's table and said, "I challenge you, Soren Aldington, I think you are despising the governor of Highlander."

"In order to defend the power of the consul of the Grimm Empire, I challenge you!"

there will be later

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