Lord Highlander

Chapter 1257: 1244. Fierce Battle

"Dark, you..."

Chief Sauron pointed at Suldak who was sitting safely on the sofa, with a ferocious scowl on his face.

Suldak picked up the teacup, poured himself a glass of water and drank it down, and said to Chief Sauron, "I need a guard battalion that supports Daxi unconditionally."

"I can't do it!" Sauron said firmly when he said this.

"So I need you to give up your position." Suldak said without hesitation.

And after the smile on his face disappeared, his body continued to swell.

Many muscle groups are clearly outlined under the tight leather armor. The aura of a strong man on his body is constantly rising. He is not wearing the magic pattern structure. The magic pattern structure on the body.

At this time, there were two magic-weave structures lit up with magical halos. Suldak guessed that it was the magical power of one of the magic-weave structures that allowed Sauron's long muscles to continue to grow. In addition, his body was strong. The breath of the attacker keeps rising, and it should also have some connection with the magic power of another magic pattern.

Chief Sauron glanced contemptuously at the white gloves on the table, pinched them in his hands, and his voice became extremely indifferent:

"If I disagree, Duck, you're not kidding with those white gloves you're throwing, are you?"

"Hmm!" Suldak said calmly without raising his head.

Chief Sauron walked to a bookshelf, and lifted the magicweave cloth on a wooden figure from the side of the shelf, revealing a magicweave structure that had been wiped clean.

The panicked assistant at the door quickly ran over and skillfully helped Chief Sauron put on this gorgeous magic-weave outfit on his body.

When Chief Sauron took the big black double-edged sword on the bracket by the wall in his hand, his aura had gathered to the peak, he put the double-edged sword in his hand across his chest, and slammed on the big sword. A burst of flame-like sword energy exploded from the ground.

"Okay, I also want to see what kind of abilities you have after being promoted from a knight to an earl in just a few years!"

Chief Sauron said coldly to Suldak.

After finishing speaking, he stopped waiting, and raised the two-meter-long black double-edged sword above his head. The sword was filled with flame-like sword energy, and the killing energy rushed directly from the tip of the sword. to the ceiling.

Almost in the next second, three sword shadows suddenly appeared from the great sword and struck towards Suldak.

In a panic, Suldak kicked away the tea table in front of him with his foot, and as his other hand groped through the space, a Goethe shield appeared on Suldak's right arm.

Suldak greeted him with his shield.

A silver mask instantly appeared on the shield.

The black double-edged sword fell down in an instant, and a dazzling silver light erupted from Goethe's shield, and three torrents of sword energy hit the shield.

"Holy Shield!"

Although the shield protected Suldak, the destructive power of the three sword shadows was extremely strong, and immediately smashed the sofa where Suldak was sitting, and the remaining sword energy rushed outwards as a wave, unexpectedly Smashed two windows in the chief's office.

Scattered glass and sawdust flew out and scattered all over the place.

Suldak quickly ran to the window, and jumped from the third floor to the front yard of the headquarters of the guard battalion.

Chief Sauron glanced at the white gloves on the desk, and chased after him with gritted teeth.

One step, two steps, three steps... Every step is full of momentum.

Holding the big black double-edged sword with both hands at the same time, the whole person turned into a white light, chasing behind Suldak, the big black sword slanted its shoulders and slashed towards Suldak's shoulder.

Suldak was holding the broadsword in his hand. At this time, he no longer retreated, but stopped and turned half a circle with the inertia of the shield. The broadsword hit the black double-edged sword at once, The two swords suddenly burst into the sound of gold and iron.

Suldak took a few steps back again, and almost every step crushed the flagstone floor in the front yard of the guard battalion headquarters, and he fell into the flower bed in embarrassment, and even hit a section of bush wall.

A group of knights from the guard battalion saw Chief Sauron jumping down from the upstairs with a double-edged sword in hand, and they all drew their swords and chased after Suldak.

Chief Sauron raised his hand and shouted angrily, "Stop it all, this is a duel between our earls, and no one is allowed to participate until the winner is determined!"

At this time, Suldak was also holding a sword and shield, covered with leaves, and turned out from behind the low bush wall.

Many knights of the guard battalion knew Suldak. Seeing that he was actually dueling with Chief Sauron at this time, they all stood there in astonishment.

Commander Sauron had the upper hand twice, and he couldn't help showing a trace of contempt on his face: "This is your ability? If it's just these things, it's not enough to challenge me! Dak."

As he said that, the set of magic patterns on Chief Sauron's body also lit up complex magic patterns, and Chief Sauron's speed increased a lot.

A flickering halo lit up under Suldak's feet, the orange halo was like a cluster of burning flames, and the shield in his hand seemed to be coated with a layer of mithril.

Chief Sauron's aura rose to its peak.

He rushed towards Suldak, and jumped up far away, which was absolutely impossible to jump and cut, but when he jumped to the highest point, a phantom of a giant suddenly appeared behind him, and then With Chief Sauron's roar, the phantom of that giant instantly became extremely solid...

And that giant happened to appear at the feet of Chief Sauron. The giant stretched out his hands and grabbed Chief Sauron's ankles, swung his arms round, and threw Chief Sauron in his hand, and the throwing direction happened to be Suldak here.

Chief Sauron flew towards Suldak like a cannonball holding a giant sword in both hands.

Suldak didn't dodge or dodge, put on a defensive posture and held the shield in front of his chest, facing Commander Sauron's broken army, the broadsword in his hand also shone with holy light.

Just when Sauron's long double-edged sword struck Suldak's shield, both the Suldak and the shield were almost thrown away by the sword, and Suldak crashed into the flower pond again.

There were cheers all around...

It wasn't until Suldak walked out of the flower bed again that the atmosphere around him became extraordinarily solemn.

He looked very embarrassed, but he didn't suffer any injuries.

On the other hand, Chief Sauron threw out two moves, and the strength in his body seemed to be hollowed out, but he was still riding a tiger at the moment. Obviously he had gained such a big advantage, so there was no need to stop, but these stunts consumed him too much. big.

The big black sword in his hand burst out countless sword lights again, and the sword lights were like a mountain, enveloping Suldak.

But that's just countless sword glows...

Amidst the rain of sword lights, Chief Sauron leaped, and under the light and shadow of the sword lights, he jumped high again.

This time, Chief Sauron was almost integrated with the double-edged sword in his hand. Taking advantage of Suldak's dashing from left to right to avoid the rain of arrows, he silently slashed at the top of Suldak's head. Countless swords rained down. With the shield in his hand, Suldak had difficulty dodging in the rain of swords.

Seeing Captain Sauron rushing over, the phantom of an angel appeared behind Suldak again, the pair of flawless and clean wings surrounded by a strong holy light that could almost completely purify people.

The moment Chief Sauron fell down, the angel suddenly spread its wings and completely wrapped Suldak in it.

The big sword slashed down again, only to shatter the phantom of the angel, and there were some holy feathers of light scattered around.

Suldak held the broadsword in his backhand, and inserted the sharp blade into Chief Sauron's lower abdomen.

Stepping forward, drawing out the sword, and releasing the white-hot sword glow were almost done in one go.

In the midst of exclamations, Captain Sauron fell with his head up.

At this time, Suldak put away the broadsword, squatted next to Chief Sauron again, and said to him: "You will probably lie in bed for half a year, and I hope that someone in the Aldington family will be willing to help you. Inject some resources into your injury, so... your injury can heal quickly."

Chief Sauron was lying on the ground with a pale face, coughing up blood from his mouth, and there were actually five mountain passes of different shades on his chest and abdomen...

"Dark, you used force to force me to give up this seat. There are so many nobles in Hailansa who oppose Daxi. Can you fight them one by one?" Sauron lay on a stretcher and turned to Sulda with a lonely face. K asked.

"Of course not!" Suldak said firmly.

Then he took out a piece of magic parchment from his body, and said to Chief Sauron:

"This is a recommendation letter for you to recommend Emmet to the city hall to replace the chief of the guard battalion. You can write it yourself, so that you can at least maintain your last bit of decency, or you can wait for me to ask Daxi to write a new one. letter of appointment."

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