Lord Highlander

Chapter 1258: 1245. Visit Goss Manor

The knights in the guard battalion probably didn't expect that Chief Sauron would fall down on the dueling field like this.

There were five more blood holes on his body, his stomach was almost completely cut open by the broad sword, and the blood dripped from his body on the stone floor in the front yard, and he fainted a lot.

Obviously before this, Chief Sauron was always on the winning side in the duel...

Chief Sauron's face was pale, his eyes seemed a little distracted, and he stamped his handprint on the parchment with his blood-red fingers with great difficulty.

Just when everyone thought that Chief Sauron would die because of this, Suldak squatted beside Chief Sauron, put the dripping intestines back into his stomach with blood on his hands, and then used the holy light technique to continuously pour into the body of Chief Sauron, and then re-sewed the wound on Chief Sauron's stomach with needles and threads, and rescued him from the ferry of the River Styx...

This is the headquarters of the guard battalion. Although the duel was too sudden and the battle only lasted for a short time, many knights still came together.

Seeing that Chief Sauron was lying in a pool of blood, and the murderer Suldak was the one who healed the sick and saved the lives, everyone was at a loss.

Moreover, according to an insider beside him, Chief Sauron and Suldak are engaged in a duel. According to the laws of the Grimm Empire, as long as the duel parties reach an agreement, the winner after the battle is protected by the laws of the empire. That is to say, Suldak Dak will not bear any criminal responsibility for this.

Suldak stood up, wiped the blood on his hands with a white silk handkerchief, and calmly ordered to the guard knight next to him:

"Hurry up and bring a stretcher over here, and send Chief Sauron home!"

The guard camp suddenly became chaotic, and the knights in the guard camp looked at Suldak with hostility, but no one dared to stand up and attack Suldak.

Only a few of Chief Sauron's cronies found a stretcher, carried Chief Sauron into a magic caravan, stared at Suldak with complicated expressions, and finally left the guard battalion headquarters in the magic caravan.

Suldak thought that there would be a chaotic battle, but he didn't expect that the knights of the guard battalion in Hailansa City would be so cowardly, or they obeyed the command of Chief Sauron, restrained their emotions and did not make a move.

During this process, Suldak has been standing quietly in the courtyard of the headquarters of the guard battalion.

The courtyard was full of onlookers, and even Ms. Flora from the personnel department was on the steps. She stood at the end of the crowd and looked at Surdak in surprise...

She recalled that in the morning, she and Suldak walked into the headquarters building talking and laughing together. How could he have a duel with Chief Sauron in the blink of an eye?

It wasn't until he pulled Chief Sauron's carriage away that Viscount Emmett came out of the headquarters building of the guard battalion to clean up the mess. As the No. It was given to Sauron because Chief Sauron received the full support of the Aldington family when he ran for the chief.

Compared with Sauron, Viscount Emmett was more supported by the knights in the Hailansa guard camp.

"Aren't you guys all free? Spread out! Saco, aren't you going to be on duty? Olgatown, what are you doing here..." Viscount Emmett stood on the steps and faced the onlookers The crowd shouted loudly.

"Captain, Suldak injured the Chief Commander!"

"Captain Emmett..."

Viscount Emmet looked at the surrounding knights with some dissatisfaction, pointed to their foreheads, and stood in front of the steps and read aloud:

"Just now Chief Sauron and Earl Suldak settled a dispute through a duel. This is a tradition that has been carried on by the nobles. When there is a conflict between them, the nobles will not magnify the conflict. , and will not provoke wars between lords, they use this most gentlemanly way to duel, so whether it is Chief Sauron or Suldak, whether it is the winner or the loser, it is worth our while Honorable!"

Suldak walked up the steps and handed the blood-stained parchment to Viscount Emmet.

He felt that it would be better to say a few words less at this time, so he turned around and walked through the crowd in the yard, leaving the headquarters of the guard battalion in full view.

Of course, Suldak was able to walk out of the headquarters of the security battalion safely, which does not rule out the deterrent effect of the second-rank powerhouses, but the root cause, Suldak believes, is that most of the Hailansa security battalion The knights have never experienced battle, and they lack the bloody desire to fight in their bones.

When Suldak left, he still had an orange flame-like halo under his feet. As the halo under his feet twisted and danced, some guard knights even asked the captain beside him curiously:

"Boss, what's under Suldak's feet?"

"It should be the advanced halo of the second-rank knight, I'm not sure..."

The surrounding knights also began to discuss this matter.

The guard battalion knights in the courtyard watched Suldak leave.

In the afternoon, a notice was sent to Karl, and Karl resumed his original job.

That night, a group of elite guard battalion knights, led by Karl, entered the castle of the Christie family in full armor. Sy Christie was actually sitting in a wheelchair, and was pushed by Mrs. Mariana to the high terrace on the top floor of the castle.

Darcy announced openly on the terrace that the guard battalion knights had entered the castle under her summons.

Although the Christie family has been rumoring that Darcy Christie is about to die of illness, and the guards in the castle are the personal guards of Count Piaro Christie, the uncle of Darcy Christie, but in this case, these guards failed to stop Karl. , this pair of guard battalion knights rushed into the castle almost arbitrarily, and directly occupied the high tower where Darcy Christie lived.

Mrs. Mariana also brought a few maids around her and began to take care of Darcy's food and daily life.

The news that Daxi's body was recovering gradually spread throughout the city of Hailansa overnight.


After Suldak left the guard camp, he left Hailansa, returned to the City Hall of Ruyt to handle some official duties, and then returned to the castle to have dinner with Hathaway and Beatrice. Only then hurriedly left the castle with Xi Ya.

Although Hathaway felt that Suldak seemed a little mysterious these two days, she only knew that he was busier than before these two days, and seemed to be having a headache for the call-up order issued by the military department.

At night, Suldak walked through the void gate again and walked into the room on the top floor of the Garden Hotel.

Aphrodite was wearing a long black dress, sitting in front of the vanity mirror, wearing a pearl earring on the side of her head, her skin was not fair, but her figure was extremely voluptuous, and the long dress almost exposed most of her back skin On the outside, the scar on her back was concealed by the magweave attire, which looked like a delicate and symmetrical wing tattoo.

She brushed her long hair up so that it could cover the devil's horns on top of her head.

In the past, she was used to wearing magic robes that covered her whole body. She seldom wore such long dresses with strapless backs. Now she has painted some light makeup on her face and changed the color of her skin with foundation, making her skin look like a natural pearly white , just stood up, turned around and spread his hands, waving a long black dress in front of Suldak, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's beautiful..."

Suldak felt that if he didn't boast at this time, he might be killed by Aphrodite with a spell.

Hearing Suldak's praise, Aphrodite contentedly picked up the magic robe from the side and covered the delicate dress inside. She is going to take care of Darcy Christie tonight. To cover the beautiful clothes under the magic robe, Suldak felt that it was better not to ask.

Suldak is going to visit the Goss family tonight, and the Goss family has already given a clear response to the visit letter they handed over during the day.

This is the second supporter that Suldak is going to win for Daxi.

The Goss family has fallen from the top nobles to the second echelon in Hailansa City. The main reason is that the private army of the lord of the Goss family was almost wiped out on the Warsaw plane, and the family's vitality was also severely damaged. However, Mond Goss Earl S still followed Duke Newman, so the prestige of the Goss family in High Lansa City plummeted, but there was no lack of opportunities for the family to revive.

For Suldak, Earl Mond Goss was his guide. If Earl Mond Goss hadn't granted him the status of knight, I'm afraid he wouldn't have had the opportunity to enter the guard camp, let alone be lured by Lu. The Marquis noticed.

The horse fork that Suldak was riding on stopped at the gate of a gorgeous manor in the northeast corner of the city. In Hailansa Mountain City, there is a manor-like mansion, which shows the profound heritage of the Goss family.

Suldak jumped out of the carriage at the door, walked to the big iron gate and revealed his identity, and the guard immediately opened the gate.

The hired carriage left directly at the gate, a carriage of the Goss family drove out from the manor, followed by a group of attendants, and the young Laurent Goss stepped out of the carriage, wearing a brand new leather armor , but it wasn't a magic pattern structure. He jumped off the magic caravan and only smiled faintly when he saw Suldak.

Laurent looked much more mature than three years ago. He was still a noble baron. When he saw Suldak, he took the initiative to salute and said with a smile:

"Count Suldak, long time no see!"

Suldak was very impressed with him. This Laurent Goss, Cole Norton, Hathaway Luthor, Beatrice Gophero, and Darcie Christie all came from Bena High School. A classmate who graduated from Swordsman Academy together.

He has a very good relationship with Cole Norton, and he even invited Cole Norton to Hailansa City as a guest.

But now the Goss family can't be regarded as a top-ranking nobleman in Hailansa City, let alone squeezed into the noble circle of Bena City.

Cole Norton is doing well in Benar City now, and together with Edie Newman and other noble sons, he can walk sideways in Benar City, and the Norton family has been growing in strength in recent years, and has Pulled a few steps with the Goss family.

"Yeah! I remember when I first met you, you were still in Handanal County!" Suldak stretched out his hand to Laurent and said to him with a smile.

Laurent asked Surdak to board the carriage, and the two talked and laughed all the way into the manor.

In order to welcome Suldak, the Goss family spent an entire afternoon preparing meticulously, obviously paying special attention to Suldak's visit.

Suldak walked into the magnificent reception hall of the Goss manor, and saw a row of oil paintings hanging in the semi-open corridor on one side of the hall, almost all of which were the successive patriarchs of the Goss family. From the oil paintings, it can be seen that almost Every Earl of Goss wears the swordsman's magic pattern.

Laurent Goss stood aside and introduced to Suldak: "Every generation of the ancestors of the Goss family is an officer of the Bena Legion, and the family's private army has always had a formal establishment in the Bena Legion. I heard that Last year, you successfully regained the Ganbu plane, and gathered 20,000 heavy armored infantry regiments from the Ganbu plane to support the Warsaw plane. Many people in the Bena Legion have heard your name and know that you have been there Silently support Warsaw Plane War..."


Suldak was speechless. He never thought of supporting the war on the Warsaw plane. If possible, of course, he should hide as far away as possible.

Otherwise, who knows if they will meet an old face and immediately recognize his identity!

there is another chapter tonight

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