Lord Highlander

Chapter 1261 1248. Persuasion

In the hall of Christie's Castle, Daxi was sitting in a wheelchair, her gaze fell on the leather sofa in the hall.

Mrs. Mariana stood behind the wheelchair, looking at Daxie's thin face. Mrs. Mariana was full of regrets. These days, she misheard Ryan Christie's nonsense and thought that Dacie was receiving treatment in peace in the castle. Unexpectedly, he would be imprisoned in a high tower.

On the leather sofa, in addition to Viscount Emmett, the new commander-in-chief of the High Lansa Guard Battalion, and Baron Carl Casement, there are also a group of generals of the Knights under Daqian, who were personally handed over by Bernard before his death. The army for Daxi is the most elite bodyguard group of the Christie family. It was ordered by Daxi to suppress the rebellion on the family plane, but now the main knights are still restrained in the family plane.

Sitting in front of Darcy Christie were the five captains of the Knight Legion. They were wearing the uniform standard magic-weave outfit, and they sat on the sofa without saying a word.

"Daxi, as long as I bring the cavalry regiment back to Hailansa, we can reshuffle the cards in Hailansa city in a week." The head of the first cavalry regiment, Viscount Cullum, looked murderous. Said.

Daxi shook her head, and asked Viscount Cullum, "Uncle Cullum, has the rebellion in the Oman plane completely subsided?"

"Uh, not yet!" Viscount Cullum touched his big nose and replied in embarrassment.

If it wasn't for the rebels holding back the cavalry regiment, the five regiment leaders would not be the only ones returning to Hailansa City this time.

When Daxi spoke, her voice was still a little weak, but the question she asked was very sharp: "Then you must know what it means for the Knights to withdraw from the Oman plane?"

Viscount Cullum looked at the four regiment leaders next to him, and said bravely: "The front facing the rebels will collapse, and the plane's anti-rebel army will retreat."

Daxi nodded slightly, and said seriously to Viscount Cullum: "Oman is not the plane of Christie's family. Since we have formed an alliance with other families, we must take up my responsibilities. Otherwise, why should we occupy there?" Territory, so I do not agree to withdraw troops from the Oman plane."

Viscount Cullum said a little unwillingly: "But the situation in Hailansa is rotten to the bottom!"

"I'll handle it, trust me!"

Darcy Christie waved her hand and said to Viscount Colum in a firm tone.

Mrs. Marianne and Karl looked at each other, and they saw the persistence in Darcy's eyes. The fighting Miss Darcy seemed to be back again.


Aphrodite, who was standing in the shadow by the window sill on the second floor of the hall, also snorted softly.

She didn't understand why Suldak liked this red-haired woman. She had an ordinary appearance and an ordinary figure. Could it be because of her red hair?

After two days of contact with Darcy Christie, Aphrodite finally figured out what the problem in Hailansa City was.

In fact, after Daxi became the consul, she carried out land reform on the vacant territory of Hailansa City. She was more inclined to incorporate this part of the territory into the public territory of Hailansa City, and then in the name of Hailansa City Lease it to civilians, so that the living standards of the civilians in Hailansa City can be improved.

However, as soon as the order was promulgated, it was strongly resisted by the nobles, and the re-enclosure was not going smoothly.

The aristocrats were obsessed with yin and yang, because of territorial disputes, many aristocrats blatantly questioned Daqian, and the members of the House of Representatives were almost all nobles from Hailansa City. Daxi's decree offended almost all the members. So much so that any of her later proposals in the House of Representatives could not pass.

Although Daxi is the speaker of the House of Representatives, the power here is completely emptied by the members.

These setbacks once made Daxi think that she was not capable of serving as the consul of Hailansa City, and felt that no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to do well. She also had the kind of stubborn character who was unwilling to cater to others. , Offended many nobles who were kind to her.

Later, even the elders and younger brothers in the family no longer supported her, and Daqy realized that the problem was her own. sick.

Later, I heard that Baron Armand Dacuni Bulwer married a wife in the city of Beina. Before the wedding, he didn't even follow the most basic etiquette. She ran to Hailansa City to watch the excitement, and Daqian finally fell ill on the bed under the rage.

It was also at this time that Daxi's two uncles, Ryan Christie and Piaro Christie, actually took control of Christie's Castle and imprisoned Daxie in the castle. They wanted to take control of the entire Christie during this period of time. family.

It's a pity that just reached the last step, and before they fully grasped the Christie family, the terminally ill Darcy Christie actually came back to life. On the day she was still sober, she mobilized a team of guard battalion knights to enter the castle to protect her. Safety, let all their follow-up methods fail.

In addition, the Knights of Christie, who were originally sent to the family plane to deal with the rebellion, finally realized that something was wrong. This army is the direct line of the Marquis Bernard. When the Marquis Bernard handed over this cavalry regiment to Daxi, it was also In order to allow her to completely control the Christie family, the five heads of the cavalry regiment secretly rushed back from the Oman plane, just to understand the situation here...

The heads of the cavalry regiment wanted to withdraw their troops from the Oman plane to stabilize the situation in Hailansa City, but Daxi refused.

Obviously, she is pinning part of her hopes on Suldak...

It was precisely because of this that Aphrodite let out a cold snort.

She has already sent the information to the town of Dodan. It is estimated that Samira should be on the way back to Hailansa. Aphrodite would like to see it very much. . What kind of attitude will people have when they have unforgettable old feelings.

Thinking of this, Aphrodite's black and purple lips raised slightly, curling up in a sexy and seductive arc.


Suldak has basically been dealing with the official affairs of Ruyt City in the morning these few days, and will go to Hailansa City in the afternoon. According to the list given to him by Earl Fornak, he will start visiting these and Fornak one by one. The Earl of Ke has a certain relationship with the nobleman.

Although these nobles did not explicitly express their support for Darcy Christie, at least they would not oppose her during this period, and everyone wisely kept on the sidelines.

Many nobles have keenly sensed that the Christie family is not normal recently. Ryan Christie and Piaro Christie, who had been participating in various noble activities recently, suddenly disappeared two days ago, and then unexpectedly in the past two days They began to have frequent secret meetings with Daxi's husband, Baron Armand Dacone, and they would also call some councilors from Hailansa City to hunt together in the manor on the outskirts of the city.

It was obvious that they were planning some big event, and the nobles of Hailansa City were more than happy to watch the current situation of the Christie family being torn apart.

Therefore, facing Suldak's invitation, most of the nobles did not directly agree, and some simply refused, but due to his status as a second-rank great knight, he said it very euphemistically in front of Suldak : Darcy Christie has no ability and is not worth following.

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