Lord Highlander

Chapter 1262 1249. Aphrodite's Expectation

Recently, the nobles in the city of Hailansa have seen a big show in the city.

After the death of Marquis Bernard of the Christie family, Darcy Christie failed to establish enough prestige in the family, and then the Christie family began to fall apart, and the three most powerful branches were Darcy's. An interest group formed by two uncles, Ryan and Piaro.

In addition, Daqy's half-brother, Du'am, did not agree with Daqy's status in the family, and had been hiding in the manor outside the city.

Suldak visited the nobles in Hailansa frequently this time, hoping that they would support Daci Christie.

Only a small number of nobles expressed their willingness to support Daxi in front of Suldak, but most of them held a negative attitude towards Daxi's new policy.

Suldak was sitting in the magic caravan, pinching the corners of his eyes wearily, this is really a mess.

He had just received a message from the Cavaliers of the Guard Battalion telling him to return to Christie Castle as soon as possible, so he knew that there might be a new change in this matter.

Returning to the castle in a hurry, the castle of the Christie family was heavily guarded. Since Daxi's two uncles had moved out, the castle became extremely deserted. There were not even a few servants left in the hall.

Darcy and Mrs. Mariana were sitting in the living room, only a few maids stood behind Mrs. Mariana, and Darcy was sitting on the sofa wearing a light leather armor with a sallow face. Suldak knew that her condition had only slightly improved. It takes a while to recover.

Miss Hoyle happened to be at the castle too.

Suldak walked up to the crowd and asked, "What happened to call me back so urgently?"

"Ryan and Piaro must be crazy. They actually teamed up with outsiders to cheat their own niece..." Mrs. Mariana burst into tears as she spoke.

Mrs. Mariana obviously never thought that her trusted brothers would actually do such a thing.

"They united two-thirds of the members of the House of Representatives, and they jointly proposed to convene a recall meeting for the Consul of Hailansa." Carl added from the side.

Daxi, who was sitting on the sofa, closed her tired eyes, as if she was exhausted by these things.

"When will the recall meeting of the House of Representatives be held?" Suldak asked Karl.

"Next Monday morning." Carl replied, "That's the day after tomorrow!"

Karl nodded, and a strange officer standing beside Karl stood up and said:

"Miss Daxi, I think it's time to mobilize the army from the Oman plane to return to Hailansa. As long as we can control the nobles in the city, they won't dare to publicly announce those decisions."

Suldak turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged officer, his idea was in line with Suldak's temper.

"Suldak, how have you contacted the nobles in the city recently? Do you have any good news?" Seeing Suldak walk in, Karl asked impatiently.

Suldak took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and said to Karl, "Here is the list of nobles who are willing to stand by our side."

Karl, Mrs. Mariana, Miss Hoyle and others all came together and began to count the nobles on the list, but the expressions of the last three people were still solemn. Mrs. Mariana said: "In this way, even if all those who choose to wait and see The nobles are willing to support us, and less than half of the councilors can stand on our side."

"Since they openly held a recall meeting, more than two-thirds of the members should be willing to support them..." Miss Hoyle also sighed.

On the contrary, Daxi, who was sitting on the sofa, looked very calm, and chatted with Suldak about what happened to the Christie family in the past few days.

The two Dacie's uncles, Ryan and Piaro, had hurriedly moved out of the castle the morning before yesterday, and then they came together with Armand Dacone.

In the past few days, they have united with most of the noble members of the Hailansa House of Representatives, and are planning to hold a recall meeting. They decided to remove Daxi Hailanza from the post of Consul in this parliament, and then re-elect the city of Hailansa. The new consul.

Surdak didn't expect that the other party was also actively preparing, and now counting the number of members willing to support Daxi, it is not even one-third of the total number of members of the House of Representatives.

Unexpectedly, the current situation would be so bad, and Suldak felt a little headache looking at this list.

Dacie Christie has experienced so many changes, but she sees it very openly, and said to Suldak with a smile: "It's not a big deal, if the Christie family can't take control of Hailansa, then I will move to the Oman plane , one-seventh of the territory there belongs to the Christie family."

"Don't be discouraged, there will always be a solution." Suldak sat down opposite Dacie Christie, and comforted her.

"I'm not ready to be a qualified consul. I'm not prepared at all, and he left in a hurry!" Daxi covered her face, her voice was full of sadness, she was like a bird hiding in the bushes Injured fawn.

Suldak didn't know what to say, he didn't expect that the death of Marquis Bernard would hit Daxi so hard.

Darcy Christie covered her eyes with her hands, leaned her head on the back of the sofa, her nose was red, and her voice was full of a nasal voice, as if she had just cried: "Many thoughts are from him. He told me about it when he said that it would be very difficult for the aristocrats in power to do something for the common people, even if it is a little bit."

"At that time, I didn't quite understand. He has the highest decision-making power in Hailansa City. If he wants to do something, why can't he do it?"

"Now I know that some things are so difficult..."

'This may be the price of growth, but this price is too much for Daxi. ’ Suldak thought to himself.

"Dark, are there any nobles from Hailansa that you haven't been able to visit?" Aphrodite leaned over to the hall on the first floor while supporting the railing on the second floor with both hands.

Suldak pointed to the names with red lines on the list, lifted the list, shook it towards Aphrodite, and said, "They're all here, almost all those with red lines don't want to see me... "

Aphrodite pursed her lips, with a strange smile on her face, but her face was hidden under the mithril mask, and no one else could see her expression at all.

Only Suldak could feel that Aphrodite's heart seemed to be about to move. The uncontrollable shaking of her body was not because she was nervous at all, but because there was an uncontrollable excitement deep in her heart.

'Yes, she is excited! '

Suldak had just had this idea when he heard Aphrodite say to Suldak with a smile:

"It's my turn to meet them this time, I believe they will be willing to follow my advice..."

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