Lord Highlander

Chapter 1263: 1250. Removal

The succubus walked into the night wearing a magic robe, and even Suldak didn't know how many people heeded Aphrodite's advice that night.

In fact, the "charm" that Aphrodite is best at is advanced hypnosis, which can make people lose their minds and fall into a hallucination instantly, but this is only the primary charm, and the advanced charm is lurking in the deep memory , can be triggered by certain conditions, such as hearing a certain ringtone, or seeing a specific item, the spell of charm will take effect unconsciously...

The succubus Aphrodite, who successfully advanced to become a second-rank magician, called herself a "conjurer", but Suldak has never felt that Aphrodite has become stronger, and she is still lazy every day look.

This time, if Aphrodite hadn't offered to persuade these noble councilors, Suldak would have never thought that Aphrodite would still have this ability.


While Suldak was busy dealing with the source of recruits from the Ganbu plane in Ruyt City, the recall meeting of the House of Representatives in Hailansa City was also held as scheduled amidst heated discussions.

In the chamber of the House of Representatives, Darcy Christie was wearing a set of bronze magic pattern structure, and walked slowly to the front of the podium. Although she walked very hard, she still insisted on walking up.

Afterwards, the parliament hall fell silent. The councilors who were all whispering and discussing, now all focused their eyes on Daqian.

Daqy's two uncles, Ryan Christie and Piaro Christie, were sitting on the rostrum behind Daxie.

Daxi's voice was always tough, and she said casually:

"A few days ago, I heard that you were going to dismiss me!"

Dacie Christie lowered her head and looked around mockingly, and found that wherever she looked, those councilors looked away and looked away with some guilt.

Daxi smiled very freely and said:

"For me, one of the biggest regrets of my tenure was not being able to incorporate those vacant lands into the Highlander public domain."

She raised her pointed chin and said: "You may think that I am just doing it capriciously. In fact, I have always wanted to raise the living standards of Hailansa's civilians to a higher level. You may think that this has nothing to do with the nobles. In fact, there is a great relationship between the two.”

"Because only after the living standards of the people of Hailansa are fully improved, the living comfort of our nobles will improve rapidly."

"The nobles have always been the owners of the vast majority of the land. Many nobles would rather have their territories abandoned than lease the land to poor and poor civilians."

"In my opinion, this approach will neither enrich your wallets nor increase your prestige."

Daxi likes to be straightforward when speaking, and this time she also finished in one breath:

"This meeting only needs to vote on one thing, and that is to remove me from the administrative position...the position of the Consul of Hailansa..."

"In order not to delay everyone's lunch, the voting has officially started!"

After finishing speaking, Daxi asked the service staff in the audience to push up the voting box, and then she took the lead in putting the prepared letter into the box, and then walked back to the middle of the rostrum.

Her two uncles looked pale, sitting in the corner of the rostrum, and would glance at Da Qian from time to time.

On the other hand, Daxi had a calm face, and didn't even take the initiative to look at those voting members.

Members moved quickly. They lined up in front of the podium in the parliament hall, and put their votes into the box in the order they acted. They didn't communicate with each other. They just threw their votes into the box and quickly returned to themselves. seat, for fear of getting into any trouble.

It is not until the last member of parliament puts all his votes into the box that the second step of the member's voting is completed, and the next step is to count the votes.

For this kind of removal of the city's consul, the number of votes cast by the members must be greater than two-thirds of the total number of members, then the meeting to remove Daxi can be considered a success.

Obviously, Ryan Christie and Piaro Christie are full of confidence in the congressmen's vote to recall the consul this time. They sit on the edge of the rostrum, and from time to time, congressmen come over to say hello to their brothers.

On the other hand, Da Qian was just sitting alone on the speaker's seat, her face was so calm that she could hardly see any emotion.

The two clerks responsible for counting the votes, under the supervision of four supervisors, took out all the envelopes in the ballot box and cut them open one by one with a peeling knife. The contents of the envelopes were quite simple, and only two words were allowed to be written on them: 'Agree' or 'Disagree'.

'Consent' means that the nobles who voted agreed to remove Dacie Christie from the position of consul.

'Objection' is just the opposite, it is to oppose Darcy Christie's resignation as consul.

As the first envelope was opened, the word 'agree' was impressively written inside. When the clerk blocked everyone from reading this word, the congressmen at the scene boiled over.

After opening ten envelopes in a row, only one objected.

These data were clearly recorded on a blackboard by a clerk. At this time, discussions began to appear in the conference hall.

As the second batch of ten envelopes were all opened, the clerk standing next to the blackboard was a little taken aback. He stood in front of the blackboard and turned around to get closer to the contents of the envelopes. His face was full of incomprehension. .

However, the clerk was quite straightforward. He just checked whether the ballots were genuine, and then he found no problem, so he wrote the data on the blackboard.

Ten sheets of letter paper were torn apart, and it was discovered that all of the letter paper had made a choice of opposition.

At the beginning, the members present didn't think it was a big deal, but when the votes counted by the clerks showed a one-sided trend, almost more than half of the members chose to oppose the removal of Daqian.

Almost all the councilors in the parliament hall stood up. They looked at the blackboard in front of the podium in disbelief, and whispered in their mouths.

Ryan Christie immediately continued: "What's going on. What's going on... Didn't we agree that we would push Darcy Christie off the stage together? When did you change your mind?"

"I didn't. Didn't you vote for those negative votes?" A group of councilors stood in a corner, and everyone was even a little flustered.

Even Daxi, who was sitting in the chairperson's seat, looked at a loss at this moment. She didn't understand how her supporters had become so many. Seeing that the number of votes against recall was increasing, Daxi thought of Sulda Ke and Aphrodite's contribution during this time.

No need to think about it, it must have something to do with them.

Darcy sat on the speaker's seat, looking coldly at the astonished congressmen, and waited for the clerk to take out all the envelopes before Darcy Christie slowly stood up from her seat...

At this time, the meeting hall was as noisy as a vegetable market.

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