Lord Highlander

Chapter 1266 1253. Garden

Feeling the cool wind of the night, Suerdak took a sip from the water glass, and his eyes fell on the annual report of Mukuso City again.

Who would have thought that Mukuso City would not have any tax revenue this year, and only relying on the auction of the restored buildings in the city and the rental of shops in the commercial street, these two incomes alone would make the Mukuso Finance Department have a surplus.

In particular, the three commercial streets in Mukusuo City are now almost sold to the point where every inch of land is worth a fortune.

This report means that Suldak no longer needs to pay out of his own pocket to subsidize the distressed financial situation of Mukuso City.

Xi Ya was sitting on the sofa opposite, with her chin resting on her hands, looking at the street lights on both sides of the central square.

She pursed her lips slightly, after a busy day, she couldn't see any fatigue in her eyes, and the reflection of Suldak could be clearly reflected in her eyes that were as bright as stars.

There are many caravans lined up around the square, and the carriages of these caravans are almost full of supplies. The portal will not allow these caravans to pass until after midnight.

Every truck is covered with tarpaulin, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

The coachmen either washed the horses or slept on the roofs of the wagons.

There are also some people squatting under the street lamps, square grids are drawn on the flagstone floor, and some stones are placed on it, it seems that they are playing chess.

Leaving the central square, you can still see that the alleys near the central square are full of newly opened hotels...

The restaurant plaza in Ruyt City has been hot in the city for nearly a month. The third phase of the project has just begun to lay the foundation. Those businessmen who run restaurants go to Charlie almost every day, hoping that Charlie can complete the third phase of the project as soon as possible. .

Suldak put down the report in his hand, and now he is in a very good mood.

During the previous period, what he was most worried about was rebuilding Mukuso City, which would be a huge hole that could never be filled. Given the economic situation of Suldak, it was difficult to maintain it, but now it seems that after a short period of The dry cloth plane during the one-year tax holiday has basically realized its own profit and loss, and it is likely that there will be some surplus.

He looked up just in time to see a caravan passing by the enchanted caravan, with slaves in the rearmost carriage.

Although the slave trade was banned in Ruyt City, it was still legal for the nobles to own slaves, which led to the emergence of many purchasing agents.

Suldak tapped his head and said to Siya with a smile: "I heard that you bought a batch of Naga slaves in Bena City a few days ago?"

Siya withdrew her gaze, looked at Suldak and asked in surprise, "You know all about this?"

Suldak smiled slightly. Beatrice told him about this matter last night. Occasionally, they would lie down and chat about trivial matters in life after some exercise.

"Of course." Suldak said, "Have you thought about how to arrange these Naga slaves?"

Sure enough, Xi Ya had already thought about the next step, and said casually: "I will send them directly to Bellanoma Lake on the Sai Ruoman Plateau, and let them stay there for a while."


Suldak didn't expect Siya to actually do what she said. She said at the beginning that she would send the redeemed Naga people to Bellanoma Lake to live.

Suldak said to her again: "I think it's better to think carefully. In summer, it's better to say that in winter, the lake over there will freeze."

Xi Ya rolled her eyes, and said to Suldak: "Didn't I also come here in the cold winter when I was in the Dodan River?"

Suldak thought to himself: 'At that time, you lived downstairs in the wooden house, and Signa and Nika even installed a heating device under your bathtub, so it wasn't cold at all. '

But he didn't say that, but changed the subject and asked Xi Ya: "Okay, then when do you plan to give them freedom?"

Xi Ya said as a matter of course: "Of course, they have to wait until they earn enough money to redeem themselves. Of course, they also need to earn a toll for themselves. You must know that taking a magic airship to Qiyan City is very expensive. Yes, as long as they can save enough money, I will obey their wishes and let them go."

When the carriage passed the commercial street, he saw that there were already some mobile pubs on the square at the crossroads.

These taverns are almost all a few wooden carts, with large wine barrels stacked in a zigzag shape tied to the carts. The stall owner only needs to find an empty space to stop the carts, and draw out a few wooden boards to enclose a small activity area. , even if it is a simple mobile tavern.

Most of the mobile taverns only appear at night, and most of them sell ale and low-alcohol fruit wine, and the price is very cheap.

Next to these mobile pubs, there are often some fish, chips, barbecue stalls and so on.

Many people gathered on the street, a group of young civilians sang and danced in this square, and the sound of music spread far away.

Some girls were invited to dance in turn, and the atmosphere was extremely hot.

Seeing Xi Ya wanted to jump off the carriage and join the dancing crowd.


Returning from Mukuso City to the castle of Ruyt City, he saw the butler and a group of servants waiting on the steps, Suldak got off the carriage and asked the butler, "Have you received an invitation that you can't shirk recently? "

The butler replied: "I received an invitation letter from Count Kurt Latie this morning, saying that he wants to invite you to their manor outside the city for a weekend vacation."

"Oh?" Surdak stopped in surprise, and asked in surprise, "Did the above say anything else?"

The butler quickly replied: "Two ladies are also invited!"

Suldak nodded, and then walked into the castle hall. Hathaway and Beatrice just happened to come down from the upstairs at this time.

Suldak took the invitation letter from the butler, and the two maids helped him untie the magic pattern leather armor and hung it on the wooden stand in the living room.

Hathaway took the linen shirt from the maid and changed it for Suldak herself.

"Courer Kurt invited me to the dance this weekend, do you want to go with me?" Suldak asked Hathaway in a low voice.

"Is it suitable for us to go?" Hathaway asked Suldak with a smile.

"Is there anything suitable or not!" Suldak said, then turned around and said to the butler: . "Then promise him. After all, he is the financial officer of Ruyt City. If I reject this invitation, I guess no one will invite me in the future!"

"Member Macmillan and Baron Martineau have been here for a long time, and have been waiting for you in the study!" the butler continued.

Suldak nodded. He knew about this. He came back so early because he wanted to have a good talk with Baron Martino.

Baron Martineau has completed the pre-exploration work on the road from Ruyt City to the town of Hammond, and is currently preparing for it.

There are already preliminary ideas on the issue of raising funds for this road. Funds will be raised from various commercial firms in Ruyt City, and Ruyt City Hall will use land for commercial buildings on both sides of the road as compensation.

This news had already been revealed a few days ago, but there were so many responses.

Now, many merchants in Ruyt City and Mukuso City send people to wait at the gate of the Ruyt City City Hall every day, and almost all of them want to get involved.

No one knows better than these merchants what changes this road will bring to Ruyt City.

That is equivalent to closely linking Constantinople, Collins City, and Ruyt City, and the town of Hammond and the two small towns in the abandoned mining area of ​​Ruyt City will also be separated by this road. benefit.

Suldak changed into casual clothes, and walked quickly to the study before he had time to take a shower.

Senator McMillan and Baron Martino, who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea, saw Suldak walk in and quickly stood up to greet them.

Suldak sat on the sofa opposite them, picked up a planning document on this road, and told Congressman McMillan: "This is a road repair plan. I need you to submit it to the Monday regular meeting of the House of Representatives. Come out, and I'll push the MPs to pass it."

Councilor McMillan took the plan and quickly said, "Okay, I will read it carefully several times when I get back."

Then he put down the proposal in his hand, and promised Suldak: "I will contact several other congressmen who have a good relationship with me, and let them stand up and support me first."

Suldak knew that Macmillan was very familiar with this kind of parliamentary process, so he nodded and said: "That's fine, but you don't have to worry too much, this matter will not involve the treasury savings of the Finance Department, so I think the resistance should not be too great."

"Now everyone is staring at the success of the restaurant plaza. Although some nobles are not interested in road construction, they will not stand up to obstruct it."

After finishing speaking, Suldak turned his head to look at Baron Martino, and said: "A few days ago, you have been busy with the restaurant plaza, the resettlement buildings in the slums, and recently helped me survey the area that this road passes. After so long, I think it's time for me to fulfill my promise to you."

"I can't remember what promise you made to me." Baron Martineau said with a puzzled expression.

Suldak sat beside Baron Martino, patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Did you forget that I made a promise to you when I was in Dodan? Bring those architectural models in your showroom to reality..."

Baron Martino stared at Suldak with wide eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

Suldak smiled, and said to Baron Martino: "Next, I will do my best to build the dry cloth plane, and strive to build it into a leisure plane suitable for tourism, so there should be a landmark building in Mukuso City , I think the hanging garden model in your showroom is very well designed..."

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