Lord Highlander

Chapter 1267: 1254. Lack of Money

Like High Lanza, Ruyt City is also a city built on the hillside.

But relatively speaking, the mountain in Ruyt City is smaller. The city almost surrounds the entire mountain, and is not built on the mountainside like Hailansa.

This hill limits the size of the city of Ruyt. Unless it expands to the plain at the foot of the mountain, the city of Ruyt can only be so big.

The biggest feature of this city is that the urban area is divided by the original city wall.

The entire city is divided into five sections by the terraced city walls, and there are walls between each section. However, there are dozens of gate openings between these walls, and vehicles can flow unimpeded in the city of Ruyt.

It is divided into five major areas: slum area, workshop area, civilian area, commercial district, and aristocratic area. If Ruyt City is expanded, the city is like a fan. valuable.

The nobles almost all live on top of the hill...

The castle of Suldak happens to be on the top of this mountain. The back garden is completely suspended outside the mountain. The huge root system of sixteen ancient trees fixes the entire platform on the top of the mountain. A spectacle.

Of course, Suldak doesn't want tourists who come here to visit his castle, see his swimming pool or washroom and so on.

So what else is there to do in this city?

Except for the mottled ancient city walls, there are actually no monuments to show off here.

However, Suldak remembered that in Baron Martino's showroom, it seemed that there was a huge corridor suspended on the city wall like a garden. The entire corridor was white. Composed of Roman columns, and form a round arched sky above the head, countless vines can hang from the roof of the building, completely wrapping the huge cloister in it.

This kind of huge arched corridor built on the city wall will give people a strong sense of stagnation, and the city wall of Ruyt City is built from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. If it is on the top of the mountain, this feeling will be stronger.

That's why he proposed such an idea to Baron Martino. He wanted to build an almost miraculous building in Ruyt City, so as to attract travelers from the entire Bena Province and even the Green Empire.

Obviously, this unconstrained idea shocked Baron Martineau, for no other reason!

"Are you going to build a sky garden? Do you know how much it will cost?" After Baron Martino heard Suldak's idea clearly, the first thing he said was to talk about money.

That's right, that's the reality, because the amount of this project is really too big.

"Currently the quarries around Ruyt City can't excavate stone pillars that meet the conditions. If you want to find these stone pillars, you have to open up new quarries in the mountains. Secondly, you have to consider transportation. Even if you have Thunderbolt Rhinoceros, if you want to transport these stone pillars to the outside of the mountain, you also need to build a road suitable for Thunder Rhinoceros to walk on. It is estimated that you will need more than ten years for these preparations alone."

Martino intends to pour cold water on Suldak to calm him down. He thinks that Suldak must be a little flustered after becoming the great lord of the Ganbu plane.

Suldak shook his head and said: "Perhaps we can change our thinking. We can use a bridge structure built with volcanic ash cement and closed boards to connect the stone pillars and arched corridors. You probably don't know it yet. In the barren land, my There is almost nothing in the territory except volcanic ash everywhere."

"After this road is connected, I only need to organize a huge transport convoy to transport bags of volcanic ash to Ruyt City, and then pour the city's huge cement stone pillars on the spot.

Suerdak felt that dictation alone could not express his thoughts, so he picked up a pen and drew on it the huge stone pillars erected against the city wall.

"Like this..." Suldak said to Baron Martino.

The stone pillars drawn by Suldak look very much like the concrete piers under the high-speed railway in the previous life. They have no aesthetic feeling, but they appear to be extremely ingenious and strong in structure.

"Polcanic ash cement... Do you think that if such a tall dome is built, it won't collapse in the event of an earthquake?" Baron Martino continued to question.

Suldak drew a huge concrete pier on a piece of parchment, and then began to dissect the structure inside, explaining while drawing:

"You can also weave steel keels inside, let the cement wrap the dense steel skeleton, so that it can resist earthquakes..."

Some assumptions almost made Martino speechless.

Seeing the drawings hand-drawn by Suldak, without Suldak's explanation, the lines on the parchment would be like children's scribbles.

But now, in the eyes of Baron Martino, these blueprints brought him a flood of inspiration. He just listened quietly from the sidelines, and he didn't even want to say a word, so as not to interrupt Sulda. Ke's thoughts, until Suldak finished drawing the last piece of parchment, the entire study was almost covered by messy parchment.

Martino carefully sorted out these drawings as if he had harvested countless treasures.

"Dark, I think you are an architect with bold ideas..." Baron Martino couldn't help but praise at last.

Suldak glanced out the window, and the city of Ruyt was hidden in the beautiful night.

"I just hope that one day in the future, all Bena people will know that there is a beautiful city of Ruyt in the Tarapakan area of ​​Bena Province as they know about Bena City." Surdak Said.

Baron Martineau was holding a thick roll of drawings, and he stood on both sides behind Suldak with Senator McMillan. The two followed Suldak and looked out the window.

Baron Martino said: "I will remake a model according to your idea. However, such a huge hanging garden is almost more difficult than building the entire city wall. Although this can save a lot of construction costs, but It’s still a huge cost, how are you going to solve the construction cost?”

Suldak turned around, glanced at Councilor McMillan, Baron Martineau, and the butler at the door of the study not far away, and asked:

"What do you think is the most profitable industry in the Green Empire?"

The middle-aged housekeeper immediately stood up and replied: "In my opinion, if you own several mines, you should be able to make a lot of money as a mine owner. This may be the most profitable industry at present."

Baron Martino thought for a while before saying: "With the frequent occurrence of plane wars, I think the richest people are those lords with large pastures and excellent stallions. I think raising military horses should be the most profitable right now. industry."

Councilor McMillan said with a smile: "If you have a large number of elite troops, you should be able to gain greater profits by opening up unknown areas of the plane."

Suldak nodded and said: "Member McMillan is right. The most profitable industry in the Grimm Empire is war, which is more profitable than any monopoly industry. However, opening up unknown areas of the plane has the lowest rate of return. We What needs to be opened up are areas that are known to be fertile."

"So in the next step, I plan to continue to expand northward at the Bailin location..."


While Ruyt City was in full swing for urban construction, Suldak had already begun to gather the lords of the Ganbu plane, and began to introduce the rich northern area of ​​the Bailin plane.

Because Suldak established a good cooperative relationship with several other lord armies during the battle with the demon army on the Ganbu plane.

So this time, Suldak's plan to form a coalition to attack the northern area of ​​the Bailin plane was quickly approved by the noble lords behind the lord army.

In addition to the several lord armies on the Ganbu plane that had a close cooperative relationship in the past, the noble lords in Ruyt City also wanted to get a share of this battle to open up the plane.

Among them, the Ludwig family's new lord's private army has the largest number.

Of course, Suldak himself also mobilized nearly 10,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers from the Ganbu plane.

This time the coalition forces from the Ganbu plane went to the Bailin plane and brought a total of 50,000 lords' private troops. Of course, the armaments and supplies of these troops need to be paid for by the lords themselves. The lords don't need to consider logistics issues, because this army From the day of its birth, there has been a fully functional military merchant group behind it.

The reason why Suldak submitted the application to the military department for this expedition to the Bailin plane is also very simple.

The territory located in the Invercargill Forest is always on the edge of the nests of the ghost-striped red ants, and these ghost-striped red ants are threatening the lives and property of the residents in the Suldak territory all the time. That's why Suldak proposed to the military this time to completely remove the nests of ghost-striped red ants in the Dark Insect Valley, so that the northern residents of the Bailin plane can have a better life.

Marquis Luther did not expect that Suldak would take such a big step, but since Suldak thought of this, as the young leader of the main combat faction, Marquis Luther certainly would not disapprove, and the application was almost submitted to After the military department, it was approved immediately.

Suldak also began to actively prepare for the battle in Ruyt City.

When the news that "Lord Suldak is preparing to enter the Bailin Plane" reached Ruyt City, the radical and conservative factions in the entire Ruyt City immediately fell into fierce disputes.

The conservative faction headed by some veteran aristocratic forces immediately pointed out many disadvantages of this expedition. The two consecutive years of war almost emptied the city of Ruyt and the outside of Ganbu. After a year of rest, the city regained some vitality. And now Lord Suldak has started to form a coalition to fight against other planes, which is undoubtedly a serious blow to the local economy.

In fact, the old school has a good starting point when looking at problems, but some of them are conservative in their thinking. They often pay the most attention to maintaining the existing vested interests, and then they will continue to develop step by step.

In stark contrast to the conservatives are the radicals in Ruyt City. They think this is an opportunity for them. Being able to take the express train of Earl Suldak may allow the family to develop rapidly.

But since it is a war of planes, there are huge risks. Victory will lead to instant wealth, and failure will not only take the entire army into it, but if it fails, it will seriously shrink the family business...

It was amid such constant disputes that the Gambu Alliance Legion formed by Suldak was assembled in Ruyt City.

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