Lord Highlander

Chapter 1268: 1255. Before the Expedition

It is probably because Suldak has a powerful alliance lord army in his hands, so no matter what policies Suldak promotes in Ruyt City recently, as long as it is not too much, these noble lords in Ruyt City will Will not stand up and voice opposition.

Even if Suldak wanted to build a road in the abandoned mining area, when the nobles heard that the city hall would not pay a penny, they immediately passed a resolution to build the road.

And the lords who own the abandoned land in the abandoned mining area are also very generous.

Suldak set aside some land from their territory to build roads, and each of them only collected a symbolic gold coin. They didn't care that the road would pass through the territory, split the territory into two, and Some lords thought that it would be good to pass through the territory. At least this road could lead directly to Ruyt City, so that residents living in the territory could enter the city more conveniently.

The Mukuso No. 1 Construction Engineering Team transferred 500 kobold slaves this time. The kobolds built a felt shed outside the city and began to build the roadbed.

The team from Wall Village brought the first batch of volcanic ash from the barren land of Pustule Mountain, and it has been spread near the gate of the city. The cement pavement will be separated by thin wooden boards every three meters. It is said that this can prevent the pavement from freezing and cracking when winter and summer alternate.

Luke naturally became the commander-in-chief of this road construction. Although this road has not been built, it has been divided into countless roadside areas by 73 trading houses. In the future, both sides of this road will be built Some material warehouses and shops or something.

The nobles in the city didn't have a keen sense of how to make money like businessmen, and they didn't realize what kind of changes this road could bring to Ruyt City after it was built.

In fact, Luke built this road in two directions. Just in the small town of Hammond in the north of Yezipias Manor, another road-building team composed of kobold slaves is also building this road in full swing. Here There are obviously more carriages in the country.

However, it is precisely the problem of insufficient transport capacity that limits the construction speed of this road.

Suldak left the city of Ruyt in a magic caravan, first patrolled the coalition camp outside the city, then ran to the road construction site and chatted with Luke, and then took the magic caravan to the treasurer Kuer T. Latie's manor.


Count Kurt Latie was lying on a rattan chair on the balcony on the second floor. In the living room, two butlers were leading the servants to clean up. This place will become a huge dance floor at night, so useless furniture must be moved to the warehouse behind. inside.

Several wives of Earl Coulter, the treasurer, got together and sat not far from Earl Coulter to play cards.

The wives were very excited that a grand ball could be held in the manor, and the young people in the family were also called back by Count Coulter. Even if they just showed their faces in front of these nobles and officials, there would be a lot for them in the future. some good ones.

The main reason why Count Kurt held this ball was to show his loyalty to Suldak.

Yes, that's what he thought.

He is one of the few nobles in Ruyt City who supports Count Lake Cushing, because he clearly knows that Ruyt City needs to make some changes after being baptized by the flames of war. , that is the main city of Lord MacDonnell's rebellion! '

Ruyt City needs a new look to change the perception of the Bena people.

In many cases, the rest of Bena Province collectively referred to the area of ​​Ruyt City as Tanan, but there was actually something that didn’t mean it literally—‘wild land’.

He and Earl Lake Cushing also tried some new measures, but those measures either failed or could not be implemented.

Count Kurt was considered a supporter of the former consul, Count Lake Cushing, so he served as the treasurer of Ruyt City.

During his tenure, he has not met other competitors, because the nobles all know that there is no money in the treasury of Ruyt City.

But today is different from the past. Suldak's ruling in Ruyt City immediately revitalized the city of Ruyt. Count Kurt currently holds the financial power in his hands. He also knows that if he wants to keep this position, he must To be the most trusted person around Suldak.

However, without a certain period of running-in and experiencing some major events together, it is difficult to establish this kind of trust.

Unless it is to form an alliance and let the family lord army join Suldak's army.

But at present, the Latie family does not have a formed lord army at all, and cannot join the Suldak lord army, so he is always worried that his status will not be guaranteed.

Recently, I often suffer from insomnia, and my dream is that I am being pulled from the financial officer's chair.

The matter that Count Lake Cushing hid in Bena City a while ago also made him a little restless, worried that Count Cushing's loss of Suldak's trust would also affect his position as financial officer.

A group of young people from the family gathered in the garden. Among the men and women, a tall and outstanding young girl was mixed in the crowd. She was wearing an apricot yellow dress and had golden hair. She looked like a beautiful white swan among the crowd. Count Kurt's niece Zeta Latie.

Kurt wanted to introduce this niece to Suldak, but he had never had such an opportunity. This dance was an excellent opportunity, and he didn't want to miss it.


Before leaving for the expedition, Suldak decided to attend the dance held by the financial officer Kurt Latie.

After all, during the period when he left Ruyt City, the financial officer Kurt held the key to the vault, and Suldak still needed to win over the financial officer. If there were no suitable candidates, Suldak would definitely An outsider would not be placed in such a crucial position.

It's a pity that neither Hathaway nor Beatrice are suitable candidates for the financial officer.

In fact, the most suitable person is Selina, but she doesn't want to come to Ruyt City no matter what.

The carriage stopped, and Suldak opened his eyes and looked out the window. The gate of the treasurer Kurt Latie's manor was built very imposingly. The guards saw the badges on both sides of the magic caravan, and then glanced inside. With a glance, the coachman drove the magic caravan into the manor.

After entering the manor, the magic caravan drove for a while on the corridor in the front yard, and then came to the front of the courtyard inside the manor.

There was a large carpet in the middle of the grass in the yard, and all the magic wall lamps were lit up. The buildings in the manor also looked very gorgeous. A group of people stood on both sides of the steps, waiting for Suldak to get off the carriage.

When Suldak got off the carriage, the treasurer Kurt Latie was already waiting in front of the magic caravan. A group of city hall officials gathered around him. Suldak stepped forward to greet these officials.

Financial officer Kurt stood at the front and introduced the centuries-old history of the manor to Surdak.

The beautiful Zeta has also been arranged to follow her uncle. She knows that the protagonist tonight is the young great knight. He is not only the consul of Ruyt City, but also in charge of the entire Ganbu plane.

Count Kurt wanted to introduce his niece to Suldak several times, but Suldak was always surrounded by noble lords.

The expedition is imminent, and everyone hopes to understand Earl Suldak's specific combat missions in the Bailin plane this time.

It's a pity that Suldak kept his mouth shut about this, and even the other lords who participated in the battle remained silent, and did not say which area they would expand to after entering the Bailin plane.

It wasn't until the end of the ball that the treasurer Count Kurt introduced his niece Zeta to Suldak.

She is so youthful and beautiful, her eyes are full of admiration for the strong, and her beautiful and delicate face seems to be able to satisfy the vanity of any man.

It's just that Suldak is not in the mood to pay attention to Miss Zeta at this time.

There are countless official affairs waiting to be dealt with around him. If it wasn't for appeasing Count Kurt, he wouldn't even want to attend this ball.

The third phase of the restaurant plaza project has started, and the hotels and supporting facilities in the surrounding area also need to be gradually built.

In Suldak's view, the catering plaza should not only have a free drinking fountain, but also a public toilet and a public area for small vendors to set up their stalls. In addition, magic caravans cannot be parked casually on both sides of the street, and a special area is required. These must be planned for the surroundings of the dining plaza.

Although the planning designer is Baron Martineau, Suldac also wanted to add some of his own ideas to the planning of the restaurant plaza.

In addition, the first batch of resettlement houses in slums has also begun finishing work. Next, the city hall will gradually relocate other slums, and the construction of the second phase of resettlement houses will also begin as soon as possible. Question, Suldak attaches great importance to it.

As the project on the resettlement house is gradually on track, Luke has already withdrawn and mobilized the kobold slaves from Wall Village to build roads outside Ruyt City. For the construction of cement roads, these kobold slaves are a group with a large number of buildings. Road repairer with road experience.

But the most ironic thing is also here...

Although Suldak enforced a decree prohibiting slave trading on the Ganbu plane, he has nearly 1,500 kobold slaves, and the number of this group is gradually increasing by 200 every year. The largest slave owner on the Ganbu plane.

When the ball was about to end, Suldak left Count Kurt's manor in a magic caravan ahead of schedule.

Miss Zeta didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to Suldak.

Sia sat on the magic caravan, complaining angrily to Finance Officer Kurt that he had no good intentions at the dance, and he must tell Hathaway and Beatrice the truth about what he saw at the dance. listen……

Suldak sat on the opposite side of the carriage, ignored her nagging, and casually said to Sia: "Tomorrow, the Lord Army Alliance will march towards Bena City..."

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