Lord Highlander

Chapter 1272

After a lot of effort, there was a huge earthquake at the bottom of the well, followed by the scream of the soul, and a lot of dust at the bottom of the well spewed out from the mouth of the well.

Let Naomi's cave be full of the smell of rotting corpses, and the cave is full of dust. Suldak took out the masks from the magic pocket and distributed them to Naomi and Siya. Masks are a must-have item for the villagers of Wall. As long as they enter Pustus Mountain, everyone will wear this kind of dust mask to prevent excessive inhalation of volcanic ash floating in the air into their lungs.

But Naomi just held the mask in her hand, flipped it curiously, pointed to her nose and mouth, and explained to Suldak: "I don't need to breathe anymore, and I don't have any sense of taste or smell. Even the pain is extremely weak..."

Suldak didn't know whether this was good or bad. In some special environments, having this kind of physique is of course more suitable for survival, but if it returns to human society... this may be the saddest thing.

No scent, no taste of salt, the body is like a magic prosthetic in Orianna's magic puppet shop.

Siya was extremely uncomfortable with this dusty environment, so she quickly drew a magic circle, condensing three transparent blisters to enclose the three of them.

After waiting for a while, the shaft stopped spewing out the foul-smelling stone powder, and a dead bone was dug out from the shaft by Earl Fornak, but the right arm and shoulders of this skeleton were all made up of bone fragments.

Earl Fornak laid the corpse flat on the stone platform, turned to Naomi and said:

"When he was found, the bones of the shoulder had been crushed by the boulder, which should have been caused by the collapse of the mine during his lifetime..."

Naomi didn't look at the arm made of broken bones, her eyes fell on the tibia with obvious seams, and she even stretched out her hand to caress that part.

This should be the joint scar that can only grow after the calf fracture heals. Because the two broken bones were not aligned properly when the bone was set, some bone spurs grew after the joint scar healed.

I can't see Naomi showing any sad emotions. The skeleton of Naomi's husband is placed on the tablecloth on the stone platform. As for those silver tea sets that have been put away by Sia, it can be seen that they should not be in the mood to drink at the moment. Tea.

Naomi climbed onto the stone platform, and lay side by side with the flat corpse on the stone platform, her stiff face showed no expression, only her cloudy eyes showed grief, but no tears flowed either.

She glanced at the skeleton with the fire of soul burning in its eye socket, and the skeleton immediately moved closer.

Naomi reached out and removed the collarbone, scapula, and upper arm bone of the skeleton shoulder, and added them to her husband's broken right arm.

In this way, the skeleton was considered to be a complete skeleton, and Naomi then took some bone powder from the shelf next to it, and the bone powder fell on the stone platform along Naomi's fingers, like a sand painting Form a strange magic circle.

Just when she was about to recite the incantation and endow the skeleton with soul fire, Funak on the side stopped her.

"The skeleton you resurrected like this is just a low-level skeleton driven by the fire of the soul. It needs to be endowed with a seed of wisdom, so that it will open up elementary wisdom one day in the future. If you can peel off a trace of soul, maybe it will naturally sprout elementary wisdom. When it is time, it will still carry that trace of memory in the soul." Earl Fonak floated on a plate, and said to Naomi.

Naomi's eyes lit up, and she asked Earl Funac curiously:

"Is this an advanced skeleton summoning technique?"

Earl Fornak nodded and said, "That's right, I happen to be researching this area of ​​magic recently, so I can give you a little help."

There was a glimmer of hope in Naomi's eyes, and she asked eagerly: "If you wake him up, may he give birth to his own thoughts?"

Earl Fornac nodded.

"If I peel off a piece of my soul and give it to him, will he have some memories that originally belonged to me?"

Earl Fornak nodded again and said, "In other words, his appearance in your memory will become part of his broken memory after awakening his primary wisdom."

Earl Funak put his head in front of Naomi and asked her seriously: "Do you want to try it? The only price is that when you strip your soul, you will suffer great pain. Of course you have no five senses. I said This pain is on the level of the soul."

"I'm willing to try!" Naomi said without any hesitation.

Earl Funak nodded, and this time he started to prepare again, and even took out a few off-white crystals, and arranged a huge magic circle of five or six meters square around the stone platform. Painted with a light blue dye, the stream of magic became more and more intense in the hands of Earl Fonak, and finally the magic circle was arranged, and the whole cave became ghostly.

Earl Furnac asked Naomi to lie down next to her husband's skeleton, and then walked to the well, the pure white finger bones clicked on the side of the well, and a light blue flame ignited on his fingertips , he moved his finger that ignited a small blue flame to the side of the shaft, and the entire wellhead of the shaft was immediately ignited by the blue flame.

To Suldak, the shaft looked like a huge hearth, with blazing blue flames emanating from the hearth.

Earl Furnac stretched his other hand into the shaft, and as he softly recited the spell, his hand glowed with a faint blue light, and the bone hand slowly fished out a huge mass of The pale blue flame turned out to be a soul fire.

In the skeleton that Naomi summoned, there were only two balls of soul fire the size of walnuts in the eye sockets, but Furnak actually held up a ball of soul fire the size of a basketball.

In the sound of the incantation, Earl Fornak kneaded the fire of the soul as if he was kneading dough. The original light blue flame took on a blue-purple color. He walked to the side of the skeleton, Put this flame into the eye socket.

Then he made a second soul fire in the same way, and placed it in the eye socket on the other side of the skull.

Suldak found that the skeleton still showed no sign of moving at this moment. At this time, Earl Funak looked at Naomi and said to her: "If you haven't regretted it yet, you can open your heart, I To strip away a sliver of your soul..."

Naomi didn't speak, but slowly closed her eyes and nodded to Earl Fornak.

Count Furnac stretched his fingers to Naomi's forehead, and drew a vertical wound on her stiff forehead. There was no blood flowing from the wound, but Count Furnak gathered five fingers together like It was grabbing something on her forehead. Following his soft drink, Suldak clearly saw a wisp of gray air being pulled out from Naomi's forehead by him, tearing away from Naomi's body .

Naomi didn't make any screams at this moment, but her body was in an extremely twisted state, her eyeballs were almost squeezed out of her sockets, her cheeks collapsed, and her entire head was thrown back, looking as if it was broken , both hands and feet folded in reverse.

That weird look made Xi Ya let out a soft cry, and hid in Suldak's arms, not daring to look any more.

Earl Fornak ignored Naomi at all, but poured that gray breath into the soul fire of the skeleton next to him.

With Earl Fornak shouting: "Wake up..."

The blue-purple soul fire of the skull lying flat on the stone platform burst into a dazzling brilliance, and then it suddenly sat up from the stone platform and looked around, and then looked at Naomi beside him, sitting dumbly On the side, the fire of the soul kept flickering.

While chanting the incantation, Earl Funak injected some grudge essence into Naomi's body, and he didn't stop until Naomi's body calmed down.

"This resurrection ritual is very damaging to her body. This method of repairing her body can only speed up her body's cadaverization, but she will have more helpers in the future." Earl Fornak said to Suldak. Said loudly.

"How dull it looks, it seems to be no different from other skeletons!" Xi Ya hid behind Suldak, stared curiously at the skeleton on the stone platform, and asked Earl Funak.

"It's not that easy. It's just a seed of wisdom planted in its body, and it needs a certain opportunity to germinate." Earl Fornak continued: "Now it's just a slightly higher strength than ordinary skeletons. Skeleton Warrior."

Suldak walked to Naomi, only to find that Naomi was lying on the stone platform, staring blankly at the sitting skeleton and weeping, her stiff face could barely show a grin, and she couldn't tell what it was. Cry or laugh.

Earl Funak looked a little tired, and he said to Suldak: "The soul stone I harvested this time is a huge harvest for me. But the gift I gave her as compensation is also very sincere. !"

Earl Funac laughed at himself after speaking, and said, "It's time to say goodbye to you."

He turned his head to look at Naomi, and the body floating in mid-air came to her side, smoothed the wound on her forehead, and continued:

"Go ahead and enjoy the rest of your days. Maybe someday you don't want to live anymore. You can find Dak and ask him to call me out. Then I can take you back to the undead world. At least you don't need to live." Waiting for the soul-inviting person by the Styx River, you don’t need to step across the forgotten plain full of flowers. You can bring all the memories in front of you to the world of the undead. Standing in the perspective of the undead, this can also be said to be you Rebirth in the new world..."

"Understood, thank you, Earl Fornak."

Naomi's voice was hoarse with a metallic texture, very harsh.

Afterwards, Earl Fornak stepped into the bloody door that appeared on the wall without looking back.

Seeing that Naomi was recovering slowly, although her spirit was a little sluggish, but nothing else happened, Suldak put an envelope on the stone platform and said to her: "Then I will take my leave too. I should not be in Ruyt City anymore, if you need me urgently, you can send the letter to the castle in Ruyt City, and someone will forward it to me!"

After speaking, Suldak took Xi Ya and left the abandoned mine overnight.

In the depths of the mine, Naomi sat next to the skeleton whose eye sockets were constantly flickering with the fire of the soul...

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