Lord Highlander

Chapter 1273: 1260. Good News

Just the day before Suldak was about to leave for Bena City, a piece of news came from the Ganbu plane that almost made the whole plane boil. A rock golem was found in the southern part of the collapsed land, and this adventure group was very lucky to kill the rock golem, and found a rock heart from the core.

The five-person adventure group sold the Heart of Rock in Bankstown very simply.

It is said that the members of this adventure group announced on the spot that the adventure group was officially disbanded, and the five members shared the huge sum of money equally. Some of the team members simply went on a trip, and some chose to take the money home. You can almost live without worrying about food and clothing in your life...

In just two weeks, the entire Ganbu plane's adventure group knew that 'rock golems appeared in the collapsed land'.

So countless adventure groups flocked to the southern region of the Ganbu plane, trying to become the second quokka adventure group.

Suldak did not expect such news to come from Bankstown before leaving. When Suldak replied, he emphasized the need to provide logistics services for these adventure groups. The rules of survival that try to avoid danger in the land are written on the bulletin board in the town, and finally let these adventure groups look at this matter rationally.

There are rock golems hidden deep in the land of collapse, which is an open secret on the Ganbu plane, but over the years, the number of adventure groups who have witnessed the rock golems with their own eyes can be counted on one hand.

This also means that rocky golems are much rarer than people think.

If there is any adventure group that just wants to go to the land of collapse to hunt rock golems, then they are likely to return disappointed.

Suldak sat in the study and glued the envelope, and told Sia: "Tomorrow you send this letter to Mukuso City Hall..."

"I also want to go back to Dodan Town to see Signa and Nika." Sia stood beside the desk, put the letterhead that Suldak handed over into a paper bag, and whispered to Suldak.

Suldak stopped writing, looked up at Sia across the desk, and then said to her: "There needs to be someone who is responsible for the transmission of information, and you are the most suitable person by my side, so you need to stay. "

Although Miss Mermaid was somewhat reluctant, she nodded obediently.

Holding the pen, Suldak paused and said to Sia:

"When this expedition is over, I can let you go back to Dodan to live for a while, as long as you want."

This is not what Siya wants. Hearing what Suldak said, he could only lower his head in frustration and say, "Okay, I got it!"

Suldak lowered his head, signed his name on an official letter, and then told Xi Ya:

"Remember to send me your work diary every week, and keep an eye on Ruyt City for me."


After walking back to the room, Suldak discovered that Hathaway and Beatrice, with four maids, almost pushed out all the hangers in the closet, and the dresses on these hangers were all men's.

Hathaway is carefully selecting among these rows of clothes hangers, and the maid will put the dresses Hathaway selected into the suitcase.

He never knew that he had so many clothes, and he didn't care about what he needed to wear when he went to the prom. Hathaway had prepared them in advance. Now that the hangers were full of brand new dresses, Suldak Only then did I discover my own luxury.

"What are you preparing?" Suldak stepped forward and asked gently.

Hathaway proudly pulled Suldak, pointed to the six huge suitcases aside, and said to Suldak: "These are the clothes you usually change and wash, and the dresses you use for the ball. The aristocratic costumes that the nobles need are all worn in a complete set. Every dress, even the shirts, bow ties, underwear, underwear, pants, socks and leather shoes are all matching, so don’t flip them around indiscriminately, so as not to take the wrong one.”

"Understood." Suldak looked at these boxes with a big head, and said casually.

Hathaway continued: "In addition, many of the dresses inside cannot be folded, so it is inevitable that there will be wrinkles after being packed in the box for a long time. When you arrive in Dodan Town, you must remember to take out the dresses inside and hang them in the box. In the closet!"

Her voice is soft and has a lazy feeling.

Suldak patted his magic pattern structure, and said to Hathaway: "I think a set of magic pattern structure is enough."

Hathaway shook her head stubbornly and said: "If this magic pattern structure is damaged on the battlefield and needs to be repaired, you must have a set of clothes that can be replaced. In addition, these dresses are used when you socialize with nobles. It’s only useful. For example, if you go to a dance party, if you wear this magic pattern structure, see who is willing to talk to you!”

Suldak was almost unable to refute what Hathaway said, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll take them all. Do you want to go to Bailin with me this time?"

Hearing Suldak's question, Beatrice, who was standing aside, jumped with joy.

Hathaway threw a sky-blue starry sky dress into the suitcase before saying to Suldak:

"It's already very good to be able to accompany you to Bena City, and to visit your parents."

"Bai Lin is too far away for Beatrice and me. It will take at least two months to go back and forth. It might be winter when we return to Ruyt City."

"We don't want to miss the beautiful ginkgo leaves in Ruyt City in autumn."

Hearing what Hathaway said, Beatrice was inevitably a little disappointed...


On the day when Suldak took the magic airship on the earliest flight from the airport terminal to Bena City, officials from the city hall of Ruyt City and members of the House of Representatives were all present to see him off.

Surdak didn't expect there to be so many people.

The airport terminal was once congested, and the traffic became somewhat paralyzed.

At this time, the magic airship was already full of people, and it seemed that everyone was waiting for Suldak to finally board.

Suldak boarded the magic airship with Hathaway and Beatrice. The captain waved the flag in the command room and rang the bell of the magic airship.

With the sound of the 'Dangdang' bell, the magic circles on the floating device lit up one after another, and then the floating device roared, and the magic airship slowly rose into the sky.

Surdak stood in the luxurious bedroom on the top floor of the ship building. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, he could clearly see the city of Ruyt shrinking under his feet.

In order to prevent other passengers on the same ship from always having to salute when they saw him, Suldak would appear in the restaurant of the magic airship almost only during lunch and dinner.

The rest of the time is basically in the luxury cabin, reading books and playing chess.

It seemed that every time he took the magic airship, it was like giving himself a small vacation, and with two wives by his side, this kind of life made Suldak feel a little upside down day and night.

However, just the day before the magic airship was about to arrive in Bena City, Hathaway unexpectedly became seasick for no reason, and the reaction was still very strong, throwing up almost everything she ate.

Even if Suldak used the holy light spell on her several times, it was useless. Hathaway lay on the bed all day, her face was a little pale, and her body was also very weak.

Fortunately, Hathaway only endured for more than a day, and the magic airship arrived in Bena City smoothly.

Knowing that Suldak and Hathaway would arrive in Bena City today in a magic airship, the magic caravan of Marquis Luthor's mansion waited early under the high tower of the airport pier.

Suldak has the priority to disembark. He walked in the front, followed by two maids supporting Hathaway, and then Beatrice. After the group walked down the airport tower, Suldak Then I saw the butler Kenneth who was waiting at the exit of the high tower to meet him quickly.

Butler Kenneth learned that Hathaway might be seasick, which caused some discomfort, so he asked some specific details of Hathaway's physical condition.

Afterwards, Hathaway was helped into the carriage, and he told the coachman to run slowly after he got on the road. After entering the city, the magic caravan did not take a detour to the military headquarters, but returned directly to the Marquis's Mansion.

Suldak got off the car halfway, and he stood by the side of the road and called another carriage to report to the military headquarters.

The Alliance Lord Army set off from Ruyt City two weeks ago and rushed to Bena City along the land. Suldak came out in a magic airship this time, two weeks later than the Alliance Lord Army departure date.

But in fact, Suldak arrived in Bena City earlier than the alliance lord army, and the alliance lord army arrived in Bena city a week later.

During this period, Suldak needs to apply to the military department for a garrison camp outside Bena City, as well as the customs clearance procedures for entering the Bailin plane.

There are many trivial matters that need to be dealt with by Suldak. Assistant Sia stayed in Ruyt City again, and Gulitham went overland with the army. Suldak did it himself, so he couldn't wait to rush to the military headquarters to apply for a temporary barracks.

You must know that the alliance lord army that rushed to Bena City this time has a total of 50,000 people, no matter where they are stationed, they need a large military camp.

When Suldak came to the military headquarters, he went to Marquis Luther's office immediately, and Marquis Luther's assistant came forward to help him solve the following matters.

Suldak and Marquis Luther sat in the room all afternoon before talking all the way back to the Marquis's mansion in a magic caravan.

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