Lord Highlander

Chapter 1274: 1261. Encounter

The wheels rolled over the bluestone slabs, and the wheels wrapped in raw rubber felt bumpy only at the joints of the slate slabs.

The road conditions in the aristocratic block are very good, with beautiful hibiscus flowers planted on both sides.

There are not many pedestrians on both sides of the street, and there are guard battalion knights patrolling every street corner. They will drive away the homeless and drunkards wandering on the street, and will also patrol the thieves who often appear here.

For these guard battalion knights, the thieves who can freely enter and leave the noble manor are basically they can't afford to provoke.

There are thieves' unions in many cities now. These thieves basically know how to lurk and open locks. At night, they just need to hide somewhere in the shadows. These guard battalion knights are like blind men, even if they walk by the thieves with their eyes open. It's also hard to spot them.

In the aristocratic neighborhood, you can always see some young men and women in gorgeous costumes riding horses and walking under the street trees.

For the nobles, wearing a tight-fitting light leather armor, a Western rapier on their waist, and a top hat with red tassels is the most popular attire at the moment.

There are often gorgeous magic caravans speeding by on the road, and the magic caravan of Marquess Luther happens to be among them.

Marquis Luther sat on the front seat, holding a cup of warm black tea, and said to Suldak who was sitting opposite:

"Before the large-scale plane war broke out between the Green Empire and the Dark Legion, it was very common for the lord army to form an alliance to open up unknown areas of the plane."

"This kind of war to open up the plane requires the lords to raise a lot of war preparations. The initial investment in the war is relatively expensive. However, your march into the Bailin plane this time is a different situation. You are in the Invercargill Forest. We already have a territory that is not too small, and now we are only expanding outwards on this basis, so we can save a lot of money."

"In addition, Wilkes City on the Bailin plane is fully equipped to expand around, but there are many lords there who are senior generals of the Bena Legion, which means that their army is currently trapped in the Warsaw plane. The development of the Lin plane has almost stagnated in the past five years."

"You have become the lord of the Bailin plane, and now you are expanding northward to resist the beast tide that you will face in nine years. This reason is justified."

"This time you can withstand the financial pressure from the Ganbu plane and Ruyt City, and boldly plan this war plan to open up a new plane. Not only is it very feasible, but as long as you win, you will get super high profit return."

"As for the military department, there is no resistance at all."

"In the past two years, the military has recruited heavy armored infantry soldiers from the Ganbu plane twice, and you have executed them all without compromise, so no one will stand up to obstruct this operation."

Hearing what Marquis Luther said, Suldak nodded repeatedly.

No wonder he went to the military department to apply for a temporary barracks. When he first saw the application form, the officials in the military department were all surprised, but they signed it without hesitation.

He just arrived in Bena City in the morning, and in just one afternoon, he went through the rental procedures for the camp on the outskirts of Bena City.

In addition to the relationship with Marquis Luther, there is also a series of actions by Suldak recently, all of which have been well recognized by the military department.

Marquis Luther put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Suldak with a smile on his face. He felt indescribably satisfied with the young man in front of him.

Suldak's personality can be said to be unassuming, calm and introverted with a rock-solid unique temperament. Although he lacks the indomitable sharpness of Bena Swordsman, he is more stable. Looks more like a northern knight.

Marquis Luther once traveled to the northern border, where he met the Constructed Knights of the North Wind Legion.

At that time, he was proud and arrogant, with two broad-edged swords on his back, and he didn't pay attention to any constructed knights at all.

However, when he set foot on the battlefield in the north and saw the battle between the constructed knights of the North Wind Legion and the savage warriors of the ice and snow tundra, he realized how weak the formation formed by the constructed swordsmen on the battlefield turned out to be.

So this time Suldak is going to form a Constructed Knights. The practice is very supportive.

He rubbed his forehead. As he got older, his physical condition had not only declined from his peak period, but his mental strength was also not so sufficient.

Originally, I wanted to continue talking about Suldak's deployment of this plane war, but I didn't bother to continue asking, just said:

"The Great Swordsman Chester is currently still in Wilkes City in the Bailin plane. If you need anything, you can go to him directly. You can transfer the garrison of the Luthor Legion in the Bailin plane at will. All armaments."

The support given by the Marquis Luther...is exactly the way he treats his own son.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the Luthor Legion was also involved in the interests of other nobles and lords in Bena City, at this time, the Marquis Luther wanted to hand over the entire legion to Suldak.

"Understood." Suldak said gratefully.

Marquis Luther leaned forward, patted his shoulder with one hand, and said to him again:

"You now have your own team, and you are just short of forming a real Constructed Knights."

He seemed to think of Suldak's previous mention of forming the Constructed Knights, so he asked:

"By the way, I heard how your Constructed Knights are going?"

Suldak didn't hide anything, and replied honestly: "Currently, four squadrons of constructed knights have been formed."

I heard that Suldak has almost formed half of the Constructed Knights, which requires Suldak to have at least two hundred knights with the strength of the first rank, more than two hundred blue-scaled horses, and two hundred horses. Multiple sets of magic pattern structures, this is not a huge amount of wealth that any noble family can afford.

In just a few years, Suldak has grown from a guard battalion knight to a plane lord, and he has accumulated such a large amount of wealth...

"It's really you!" Marquis Luther praised.

When the two returned to the Marquis Luther's mansion, Mrs. Marianne, Hathaway, and Beatrice rarely came out to greet them. Only the butler led a group of servants standing on the steps and saw the Marquis Luther get off the carriage. Salute neatly.

Marquis Luther knew Madam Marianne well, she was the woman who spoke the most aristocratic etiquette, and she was even a bit rigid in this respect.

"Where's Madam?" Marquis Luther asked.

The butler responded in a low voice: "Mrs. Marianne and Miss Hathaway are both in the small dining room, waiting for you and the Earl of Suldak to have dinner."

Although Marquis Luther was a little puzzled, he said, "Oh, let's go directly."

At the entrance of the hall, four maids surrounded Marquis Luther, took off his military uniform and leather armor, and put on a set of loose robes for him.

Suldak followed Marquis Luther, and there were actually four maids who prepared casual clothes for Suldak. Suldak usually likes knickerbockers and linen shirts, so Hathaway specially customized a few sets for him. .

After changing their clothes, the maid would help them wash their hands and wipe their faces. Afterwards, the two walked quickly to the small dining room, and heard Mrs. Marianne's relaxed laughter after talking with Hathaway. The joy of concealing...

When Marquis Luther walked into the small restaurant, Madam Marianne, Hathaway, and Beatrice stood up to greet him.

"Ferdinand!" Madam Marianne called Marquis Luther's name, "I have good news for you, our baby Hathaway is pregnant."

Marquis Luther rested his forehead with one hand, and was almost stunned by the good news. In fact, he expected the good news more than Madam Marianne, mainly because he needed a reasonable reason. Here, slowly hand over the Luthor Legion to Suldak.

Obviously, in the eyes of those close allies of the Marquis of Luther, the marriage of Suldak and Hathaway alone cannot be recognized by the noble lords behind the Luther Army. The most secure shackle of marriage is to have a blood successor By.

And the Marquis Luther will also hand over the Luther Legion to Hathaway's unborn child in the future.

Boys and girls don't matter, he just needs such a reason, and then handed over the Luthor Legion to Suldak for custody...

Marquis Luther strode over, hugged Hathaway's head with both hands, let her lean in his arms, patted her back with his hand, and said softly: "Oh, so you are about to become a It’s great news that she’s a mother.”

Hathaway closed her eyes and smiled softly.

After Marquis Luther sat beside Madam Marianne, Suldak walked up quickly, knelt down on one knee in front of Hathaway, supported her waist that had not yet swelled with both hands, and moved his head to the On her lower abdomen, to listen to the voice inside.

"He's still very young, you can't hear anything..." Hathaway whispered shyly when she saw that Suldak's posture was a bit too intimate.

But Suldak raised his head, and said to Hathaway very seriously: "I can feel the vitality that is constantly emanating from him in your stomach, he is a strong and healthy child."

Hathaway could clearly feel the joy in Suldak's heart, which was a kind of joy and throbbing in her heart after being promoted to a father, so the last trace of worry in her heart dissipated.


The next day, Suldak took the visiting letter to the Dunstan family to visit Speaker Fred.

This is a must before a formal visit, and it shows respect and prepares the other party.

And the time the other party arranges for the reception and meeting is also very particular. The shorter the meeting time is, the more important the other party is. If the meeting time is left behind for a month, it is basically considered the last meeting.

Suldak had been to Dunstan Manor more than once, and was invited into a drawing room by the butler after waiting at the door for a while.

But what Suldak never expected was that Suldak actually saw Baron Armand Dakuny in the living room, and he was instructing several servants to place refreshments and fruit plates on the coffee table in the living room.

When Suldak walked into the living room, he just turned around and nodded to the guests who had just entered the room, and would still keep smiling and chat casually.

In order to attach himself to the Dunstan family, this man who even discarded his original surname is wearing a dress that looks decent. He should be doing the job of welcoming guests at present, although this matter seems to be welcoming and sending off. It is a trivial matter in the past, but it is also a very sought-after matter in the Dunstan family.

Because if you can make friends with a few nobles in this process, then you can expand your social circle.

Baron Dakuny just wanted to smile at Suldak, but when he saw that the person walking in from the outside was Suldak, he couldn't smile on that face...

Fear, shock, shame, resentment and various complex emotions bloomed instantly and quickly subsided.

The butler didn't know about the grievances between Baron Dakuny and Suldak. Seeing that Baron Dakuny was standing still, he thought that Baron Dakuny didn't know Suldak and didn't know how to address him, so he Immediately introduced to him:

"Baron Dakuni, this is Earl Suldak, a great lord from Ganbu plane, please treat me well!"

This was already the kindest mention, and then he whispered:

"It seems that someone is visiting again at the door. I have to go back there to receive them. You have to treat them well here..."

But at this time, Baron Dakuni's mind was almost full of Suldak's calling for the wind and rain in Hailansa City half a month ago, smashing his original plan to occupy the magpie's nest. If it wasn't for Suldak's rash appearance, he would Nor will they hide in the Dunstan family in despair at this time.

Thinking that the only time Darcy Christie got drunk with him was when he thought of himself as the Earl of Suldak in front of him. Baron Dacuni wished to splash the red wine in his glass on his face and stab him in the chest with a sword. in stomach.

Some fantasies kept appearing in his mind, and he heard the general butler whispering beside him:

"Baron Dacuni, Baron Dacuni, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

At this time, Baron Dakuny suddenly came back to his senses, then shook his head vigorously, drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, turned around and walked to the other side of the living room, leaving Suldak and the butler completely there. .

The butler's face was full of black lines, but he was able to smile again, and squeezed out an awkward smile at Suldak:

"My lord, please forgive him for being so impolite. He may be drunk."

After speaking, he asked Suldak to sit down and rest, and asked the maid to bring a glass of golden cider, and then hurriedly chased Baron Dacuni standing at the door of the living room, and then took him outside the house. It seemed that he had found a secluded corner, and with his excellent hearing, Suldak clearly heard the steward's reprimand:

"If Miss Gay hadn't recommended you to help here, Baron Dacuny, believe it or not, I would have sent you to the back kitchen to manage the vegetable purchases there!"

"Be more energetic, at least have a friendly and kind smile on your face, because the noble lords who can sit in this room after handing over the invitation letter are basically distinguished guests who have made good friends with the Marquis in private."

"If you don't want to do this, propose to leave as soon as possible, don't wait to really screw things up, then you won't even have the chance to do things!"

After the butler finished speaking, he hurried to the front, leaving only Baron Dacuni standing alone in the corner with a distraught face.

Monday is busy, just one chapter

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