Lord Highlander

Chapter 1277: 1264. Pregnancy

The 50,000 alliance lord army from the Ganbu plane arrived in Bena City on the third day of August.

Military transfers of this scale seem to be commonplace in Bena City, and did not cause any splashes in Bena City.

Years of endless plane wars have filled the hearts of many Bena people with anti-war sentiments, but these wars are basically racial intrusions, and the Bena people are not allowed to back down, so troops will still gather in Bena every year City, and then enter other subplanes through various portals.

It's just that in the past few years, the scale and number of lords who went to war on the plane are far less than before. Many aristocratic lords were defeated in the wars of the planes, which led to the bankruptcy of their families, and finally quietly disappeared from the upper class. Few lords can rise rapidly because of the war of planes, and now the general environment of the entire Grimm Empire is very bad.

The planar war between the main armies of the empire's provinces and the dark army of the abyssal forces almost showed a trend of defeat across the board.

I heard that Emperor Charles the Great in the imperial capital is going to station the North Wind Army on the south bank of the Benma River in the north, and the South Wind Army stationed on the embankment of Haiyinsi City, and seal the Demon Race Passage in the Wala Valley on the Kenda plane. The Mohist Legion, mobilized part of the elite troops to concentrate on the rich plane where the war is most critical, and strive to win several victories in a short period of time, and strengthen the confidence of the people of the Green Empire in the knights.

The Warsaw plane was originally the back garden of the Busman family. Over the past few decades, the rich products of the Warsaw plane have almost pushed the Busman family to the top three in the ranking of the rich and noble families of the empire. In the seventh year of the plane, in this protracted war of planes, the Busman family has almost been sucked out of their entire family fortune.

This also caused the Bena Legion to fall into the quagmire of the war on the Warsaw plane. If we say that two years ago, if Duke Newman could decisively abandon Handanar County on the Warsaw plane, he would resolutely lead the legion to withdraw from the Warsaw plane and retreat completely. If there is no possibility, then at this time, the Benar Legion has no chance to retreat.

The soldiers stationed in Handanar County could only withdraw in batches after the reinforcements from Bena Province arrived.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for Duke Newman's wrong decision, the province of Bena would probably be one of the provinces with the most comfortable life among the 97 provinces of the Green Empire. Now the lords of the province of Bena are most worried The only thing that happened was that the Dark Legion would suddenly capture a small plane in the province of Bena.

Under such circumstances, noble lords will almost always hold the lord army in their hands, even if they spend money to raise it in their own private territory, they will not easily go to various planes. Once one wrong step is made, the army is likely to fall into a situation beyond redemption.

The dry cloth plane owned by Suldak is a small plane that is completely occupied. This kind of plane can control the invasion of foreign races more easily, and it has no strategic significance, so Suldak will mobilize the dry cloth plane. Form a legion and enter the Bailin plane to open up new territories.

The Ganbu plane alliance lord army will rest in Bena City for about a week, and then formally enter Bailin through the portal in the back garden of the Duke's Mansion.

Suldak got the portal pass on the second day after arriving in Bena City, but considering that the Alliance Lord Army has been working hard for nearly a month, the soldiers need to rest for a while, recover their strength, adjust their mood, and enter Bailin After the plane, there will be no more camps like the No. 19 Barracks.

Gulitum hadn't seen Suldak for more than a month. This time he rushed to Camp No. 19 with the large troops, and he stopped Suldak and began to chatter about his incident. From what I've seen along the way, I can see that the ogre enjoys this kind of hiking.


During this period of time, Suldak has been secretly counting the war supplies in the warehouse of the No. 19 garrison camp.

Battalion Commander Davidson is still very trustworthy in this matter. It is estimated that the ten magic crystals played a huge role. Suldak actually counted 147 magic bed crossbows and six magic bed crossbows in two warehouses. Ten mobile catapults, if Suldak buys them in the Imperial Army workshop at his own expense, these magical weapons will cost Suldak at least 20,000 magic crystals.

Now Suldak only needs to spend a management fee, and then prepare three sets of magic pattern structures for the Davidson Battalion Commander in the No. 19 garrison camp. These will cost Suldak about 500 magic crystals...

Then I saw Battalion Commander Davidson and two other warehouse managers stamping red seals on a parchment warehouse entry list, which was a proof that Suldak transported these ordnance to the No. 19 garrison camp. Inventory list, when the alliance lord army leaves the barracks, a corresponding outbound list will be issued. In this way, the magic bed crossbow with an original price of more than 100 magic spar is shelved in the No. 19 barracks After a few years, the body turned and became the private property of Earl Suldak.

Although these magic bed crossbows are very valuable, as Battalion Commander Davidson said, they are military supplies, and only the great lords who own the army are eligible to buy them. The way to buy them is to submit an application to the military department, and then the Pena military department Perform consent deployment.

In fact, those magic bed crossbows in Dodan Town were dispatched by the military.

However, there are not many matching giant crossbow bolts and flints in the warehouse.

Suldak learned from the merchants accompanying the army that the imperial capital sells a cheap magic giant crossbow, the cost is only ten times more expensive than ordinary giant crossbows, but the power of those magic crossbows is also extraordinary, it is said that armor-piercing arrows can Heavily armed Nacoma warriors shot straight through.

He remembered that there were also some magic crossbow arrows in the material warehouse in Dodan Town. Every time one was shot, it was like throwing a handful of gold coins.

Ordinary giant crossbow bolts deployed by the military department cost five silver coins for one. If it is only ten times more expensive, that means fifty silver coins for one, and one gold coin can buy two magic crossbow bolts. It is really much cheaper .

Suldak hoped that the military merchant group could rush to the imperial capital immediately to purchase a batch of these magic arrows.

In this way, when facing the ghost-striped male ants like heavy trucks, the alliance lord army will have the confidence to confront them head-on, instead of relying on the second-rank powerhouses to charge and kill.

Everything is for the plane war, this investment is still worth it.

On the evening of August 9th, the 50,000 Ganbu Plane Alliance Lord Army officially entered Wilkes City in the Bailin Plane through the portal in the back garden of the Duke's Mansion in Bena Province.

There is also a huge merchant group accompanying the army who entered the Bailin plane together.

This time they entered the Bailin plane with the military merchant group and did not bring any horses. These ancient horses pulled the four-wheeled wagons to the gate of the back garden of Bena City, and were led out of the city by the grooms arranged by the merchants. , those trucks parked outside the duke's mansion were almost all pushed by the soldiers of the lord army to push the portal.

The main reason is that horses need to pay a tax of 10% of the horse's own value when entering the Bailin plane.

In addition, there are many pastures in the Bailin plane. If a four-wheeled truck enters Wilkes City, it is more cost-effective to buy Gu Bolai horses there than to bring the horses from the Bena province into the Bailin plane.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that the merchants must obtain the support of Commander Suldak.

What the merchants didn't expect was that the merchants just handed over a statement of situation to Surdak, and Commander Surdak agreed very readily before even talking about the benefits.

It is said that Suldak's original words were "support all legal tax avoidance of the Ganbu plane with the military business group".

Lance and his magician friends arrived in Bena City on August 10th. This time, the Magic Union of Hailansa City sent a total of 15 first-rank fire magicians, and the Magic Union of Ruyt City also came. With the support of thirteen young mages, the alliance lord army has now formed a mage investigation team of 28 people.

On the day they arrived in Bena City, a group of magicians headed by Lance entered the Bailin plane through the portal.


Suldak passed through the void gate and came to the lava mine.

In this lava mine, Aphrodite owned a dwelling dug out by kobold slaves. Only when he came this time did he discover that there were some simple furniture in the dwelling.

Aphrodite was lying on the wicker chair by the lava pool, still looking very lazy. She didn't tie up her hair, but let her long black and purple hair hang down like a waterfall, revealing the two sharp points on the top of her head. horn of the devil.

She was wearing a loose black dress, and when she saw Suldak coming out of the void gate, she just turned her head and smiled at him.

"Are you organizing such a large-scale army this time, are you planning to attack the dark worm valley to the north?" Aphrodite asked lightly.

Suldak sat down beside her and agreed, "Yes!"

"I need you to help me on this expedition, and I'm still not sure that I can deal with the ant queen in the Worm Valley!" Suldak stretched out his hand to pinch Aphrodite's greasy face, and stretched out his hand. She was about to lift up Aphrodite's skirt, and kissed her very naturally.

Unexpectedly, Aphrodite blocked Suldak's mouth with one hand, pressed the hand that lifted the skirt with the other hand, and protested to Suldak with reddish cheeks: "Stop quickly, don't mess around!" touch..."

Taking advantage of the moment when Suldak paused, Aphrodite got up a little, put her purple lips against Suldak's ear, and whispered to him, panting:

"Do you know! Duck, I'm pregnant too..."

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