Lord Highlander

Chapter 1278: 1265. Hello, Bai Lin

In Pustule Mountain, the distinction between day and night is not so obvious, the sky is filled with thick gray clouds all the year round, and the sun cannot shine through the clouds.

The air was filled with gray volcanic ash, like flakes of goose feather snow, falling down one after another.

The closer you get to Pustule Mountain, the more volcanic ash will fly in the air.

Of course, it is not every day that there will be a lot of volcanic ash falling down, and half of the days can only see the sky full of gray clouds.

The main peak of Pustules Mountain is burning with flames all year round. The main peak is not a huge circular lava pool, but more like a group of peaks crowded together. Countless red pustules bulge on the top of each peak, and these scorching magma is hidden in it. Therefore, the part of the ash cloud on the peak is reflected by the crater into a crimson red.

Suldak rarely had the opportunity to go out and walk with Aphrodite. It was rare that there was no volcanic ash falling all over the sky. There was a circular light belt in the far sky, and the peak was like a gorgeous neon. Always in the state of twilight.

Aphrodite boarded a cliff on the mountainside. Below the cliff was a flowing river of lava. The pungent sulfur smell permeated the air, which made Suldak's throat sore. The edge of the viscous magma continued to solidify into a Black rock crust, only the lava in the central area flows down like molten iron.

Finding a rock and sitting down, Suerdak still couldn't calm down at the moment.

This is definitely not the combination of two human beings with different skin colors, and a beautiful little hybrid will be born in the end. This is the interracial combination of humans and demons.

It is said that the children born after the combination of humans and elves will become half-elves, the children born after the combination of humans and orcs will become half-orcs, and the children born after the combination of humans and Naga will become sea monsters living on sparsely populated islands. They are extremely ugly, but some sea monsters are outstandingly beautiful.

Suldak still doesn't know what the child will look like after the combination of humans and demons. A little demon with demon horns on his head and a pair of wings behind him flashed in his mind...

He shook his head vigorously, forgetting the image of that nasty little devil.

"What will our children look like in the future?" Surdak looked at the sulfur mine camp in the distance with some confusion.

There are more than 400 kobold slaves left here who are still diligently looking for the sulfur by the lava river, but because the nearby sulfur has been mined out, they have to go farther and climb halfway up the mountain to find the sulfur in the lava river. Search for sulfur beside rivers of fiery lava.

In the past few months, the output of the sulfur mine has been greatly reduced, but Suldak has no plans to develop the hidden sulfur mine for the time being.

Aphrodite narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips to laugh. She found Suldak to be very funny. She was clearly worried to death, but she was taking care of her own emotions, and she didn't want to show her inner anxiety. Standing there imagining what the future will look like, it really makes people want to rush up and punch him a few times.

"I hope he can be different from you. You have your advantages, such as kindness, bravery, and sincerity. These advantages really make you outstanding, but you are the kind of person who is unwilling to fight for yourself. Will move forward, the road you walk is being pushed step by step from behind, I hope he is not like you, he has a purer demon blood, destined to be stronger than you, I hope he will follow his heart To chase your dreams, it’s best to look more like me, you don’t have to have wings, but it’s best to inherit my demon horns.” Aphrodite said with a smile.

Her smile is lazy and charming, the corners of her mouth are always slightly raised when she wants to smile, and her eyes are a little seductive.

Aphrodite went on to say: "Did you know? Dak, all the magic power of a demon warrior comes from the two sharp horns on the top of his head. If he had demon horns on his head from the moment he was born, then he would be born with a demon horn." An excellent magician."

Suldak suddenly thought of one thing, that is, once he and Aphrodite's child became a second-rank powerhouse, they would stand on the side of humans or demons on the battlefield. Thinking of this, Suldak K sighed softly and said, "I wish he was more ordinary..."

But when he thought that it was his own child after all, the joy welling up in his anxiety slowly occupied his whole heart.

"I hope he doesn't have to be like me in the future, and he has to go to the big battlefield to fight regularly..."

Suldak said slowly.


Afterwards, Suldak had a hasty meeting with the red dragon Iser.

Iser complained to Suldak when he saw Suldak. Suldak is usually so busy, it is getting harder and harder to see each other. Life in the Istandur plane is also very boring. There will be an urge to challenge the great demon in another volcanic territory. If the big demon can be driven away, she will have a lair full of magma and sulfur.

Suldak asked if it had fully grasped the thirty-three rune languages?

Iser hesitated for a long time before giving up the impulsive idea of ​​provoking the Great Demon.

Every time Suldak sees Iser, he can feel the power in his body growing like a volcanic eruption. Compared with Iser, the growth of Suldak's strength is as slow as It's a snail crawling.

"Dark, when will you have enough power to fight in Istanbul with me? I can't wait!"

Every time Iser saw Surdak, he would complain to him like this.

"...I think I have made great progress recently. Whether it is the control of power or the growth of spiritual power, it is already very good. Only when I come to you will I be hit hard. You are a beast with blood. You are a talented red dragon, and you have accumulated energy for nearly eight hundred years, so once you find the right way to advance, your strength will increase by leaps and bounds." Suldak explained to Iser, and then said: "But I It’s different, I need to lay a solid foundation step by step before I can move forward.”

The huge head of the red dragon was close to Suldak, and the dark red scales on its cheeks exuded magnificent colors.

Every time he snorts, a scorching hot air with a smell of sulfur comes out, and a huge eye falls on Suldak. When he speaks, the whole treasure chamber trembles slightly: "I thought of it, only the constant The ability to fight has improved rapidly, what did you say just now, are you planning to go to the Bailin plane to open up territory?"

Suldak nodded.

"That's a good idea. Be bolder and take a bigger step. Well, if you need any help, just come to me!"

Iser said generously to Suldak.


After the Ganbu Plane Alliance lord army arrived in Wilkes City, it was completely different from the indifference of the people in Bena City, and the entire Wilkes was almost sensational.

In recent years, everyone seems to know that the Bailin plane is worth developing. This plane is rich and huge. One or two cities need to be built outside of Wilkes City to form a situation of outward expansion, but it has been so long It seems that the plane lords will only hide in Wilkes City. They don't even garrison the occupied areas in the north and south, and even the troops stationed in various small towns are usually sent.

People seem to have gotten used to this kind of life, but when the lord army of the Ganbu Plane Alliance entered Wilkes City, the residents here suddenly realized that the lords in the plane territory were simply weak, and everyone began to complain about these locals. The lords, ironically, they are just a group of babies who can only feed on women's breasts and never grow up.

Then they talked about the air supremacy of the Bailin plane, which is still controlled by the Pengniao clan.

The local noble lords never expected that they would be scolded and ridiculed by the residents of Wilkes City because of the arrival of the alliance lord army from Ganbu plane.

But when they learned that the commander of this lord army was Earl Suldak, those lords who wanted to say some harsh words suddenly died down again.

Although the noble lords of Wilkes City have done nothing, they are not a bunch of fools. The Luthor Legion is still in control of the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin plane. This Earl of Suldak, who holds a heavy army, is not They can discuss freely.

Of course, Suldak didn't want to cause too much dissatisfaction among the local aristocratic lords, and the alliance lord's army marched along the Hebei almost the next day.

The merchants accompanying the army even frantically scoured the horse market in Wilkes City. They bought nearly 3,000 horses from Gu Bolai alone, and all the meat needed by the Lord's Army this time will be purchased from local pastures. The 50,000 lord army needs to consume more than two hundred gazelles every day. .

A large number of armaments and supplies also poured into the Bailin plane continuously. Since the armaments and supplies are controlled by the military department, they do not need to pay the customs clearance of the portal.

I met some ranchers along the way. They would always drive a large group of gazelle, then fill the truck with cheese and beef jerky, and go to the temporary camp where the army was stationed to sell.

The barracks will basically not receive these ranchers, and these transactions are basically handled by the military merchant group. Since they are willing to follow them all the way to solve the logistics and transportation problems for the lord army, Suldak also allows them to do so within a reasonable range. Make a fortune.

On the third day after arriving in the Bailin plane, Suldak joined Andrew who rushed over from Duodan Town to meet him.

Andrew brought a 240-member Constructed Knights here this time, which is also the biggest hole card in Suldak's current hand.

These constructed knights rode magic-weave warhorses, each of which was covered with thick and hard armor, and the sharp spikes on the armor looked extremely ferocious, and a group of knights looked majestic.

When the alliance lord army saw these constructed knights coming and going like the wind, the soldiers walking in the front immediately raised their weapons and cheered...

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