Lord Highlander

128 Chapter 127. On the Road

As a non-staff soldier of the second team, He Boqiang did not need to report to Baron Sidney when he left the camp of the expeditionary army.

It was completely dark, and kerosene lamps were lit inside the tent. He Boqiang silently packed his belongings, a military canteen filled with clean water, three days of marching rations, and a roll of simple sleeping bags. When necessary, he wore a hyena skin with red eyes. Sleeping bags can also provide protection from wind and rain.

Suldak untied the long dagger tied to the trouser leg, inserted it into He Boqiang's boots, and helped him carefully check the hanging buckle of the Roman sword and the binding rope of the sleeping bag, and took a pat when he saw that everything was ready With his heavy pocket and military water bottle, he said to him in a deep voice: "Be careful on the road, try not to go into the woods when walking at night, there are always more wild animals in the woods at night than during the day, maybe hiding in that corner, Get out and give you a bite, no one in the barren mountains can help you."

He Boqiang picked up a charcoal pencil and quickly wrote on a wooden board in the tent, "I will come back as soon as possible. I am still a little worried about leaving you here at this time. I will try my best to come back before you leave the mission!" '

At this moment, Red Sock couldn't help but said again: "Why don't we leave tomorrow morning?..."

Everyone's eyes fell on him again, and he smiled shyly and said, "...Okay, be careful on the road!"

It was already night, and although there was no curfew yet, the soldiers of the second team could not walk around in the barracks at will. The squadron leader Suldak sent He Boqiang out of the barracks. The guards at the gate of the barracks saw that Suldak showed the squadron leader He straightened his chest and gave a military salute, and then hurriedly opened the gate of the barracks.

Suldak was standing at the door, with a faint smile on his face, and his expression was relatively relaxed. He habitually leaned on the door with one hand and pinched his waist with the other.

He Boqiang walked out of the barracks and waved at him. Since he became the squadron leader, Suldak's young face has become a little more mature. He even learned from the bearded Kagel and planned to grow some beards to make himself look Be more steady.

After leaving the camp, the surroundings were immediately plunged into darkness. He Boqiang closed his eyes for a while to adapt, and then rushed to the forest camp along the forest road opened by the heavy armored infantry regiment.

Although there were no longer any baggage trucks from the expeditionary barracks on the forest road, there were some caravan vehicles. They took advantage of the fact that the forest road was not congested at this time, and transported some supplies and trophies to the forest farm camp.

This road is very busy during the day, and basically the road is full of baggage vehicles from the expeditionary army.

Generally, when there is an army passing by, the caravan's vehicles and horses have to stop on the side of the road to avoid it. Sometimes when the road is narrow, the caravan's vehicles will even be pushed under the roadbed.

In order to avoid this situation, businessmen basically avoid the time when the military logistics convoy is on their way.

At night, there are not many restrictions on this road, and this road is often full of traffic during the day, and the large wild animals in the nearby forests also migrate away, so this forest road is relatively safe.

He Boqiang drove at night, worried about losing his way in the forest area, so he walked along this road to the forest farm.

For him, only the road that the second team walked along the river valley is the most familiar to him. He doesn't want to get lost in the dense forest like last time. It is estimated that the big earth storm bear will not be there. There's activity around here, so don't expect the bear to come out and help.

Seeing He Boqiang walking alone, the caravans warmly invited him to ride in their carriage.

Although the hired shop assistants walked along the road, they generously invited He Boqiang to sit on the shelf behind the car, and handed He Boqiang a few green fruits, which was too eager to refuse.

The businessman imitated He Boqiang's Swallow, sitting behind the shaft of the car with a friendly smile on his face: "Soldier, where do you want to go?"

Holding the green fruit in his hand, He Boqiang pointed to the forest camp.

The businessman asked: "Forest camp?"

He Boqiang grinned slightly and nodded.

The businessman smiled quickly and said, "That's just on the way. If you don't mind, then sit in my carriage and get a sleep. You will probably be there. It will definitely not delay your mission!"

In fact, He Boqiang knew in his heart that the reason why the merchants were so enthusiastic was because he was an infantry soldier.

If there is any unexpected situation on the road, he hopes that he can help him.

And there was no need to pay anything in this way, at most it was just adding some weight to the carriage, at most it was adding a handful of beans to Ma Duo.

Although the journey was bumpy, He Boqiang still fell asleep without knowing it.

When he woke up, the first ray of sunlight had already passed through the dense forest and shone on the forest road.

The strips of light spots are very dazzling, and the forest camp on the hillside can already be seen in the distance.

Now the camp looks a bit depressed, it looks more like a huge material transfer warehouse, filled with a lot of military materials, the most of which are consumables such as giant crossbow bolts and kerosene, as well as many vulnerable parts of ordnance They were also wrapped in oilcloth and stored in wooden boxes.

On the hillside opposite the camp, various caravans have already occupied the entire slope. As the battle in Moyun Ridge intensifies, the war trade here has also reached a peak, and a large number of items related to evil spirits have been transported out of Moyun Ling, the merchants waiting here transported these spoils to Handanar County, where they continued to trade.

Standing on the hillside, He Boqiang waved goodbye to the enthusiastic businessman.

Then he strode into the tent area like a small village. Caravans crowded the hillside. He Boqiang came to the tent of the merchant Lajin. There were only three tents in the tent. One of the most insignificant in the district.

Gabby, the curly-haired boy, was laying out the stalls in front of the tent, and Larkin, as usual, sat at the door of the tent and counted his goods.

He Boqiang stood in front of Gabi and stopped. Gabi first saw two dirty military boots. He slowly raised his waist and saw the familiar face again.

"Little Dak, you are back. How are you doing in Moyunling? How is Suldak? How are Red Sox, Augustus and Kagel doing?..."

The curly-haired boy Gabi was very excited to see He Boqiang, and jumped on his back like a monkey, talking non-stop like pouring beans.

The businessman La Jin also walked quickly to the side of the stall, and said with a smile to He Boqiang: "I thought you would not be able to walk out of that mountain until the war was over..."

He Boqiang smiled, untied a huge luggage behind him, and handed it to Lakin.

Lakin took a look at it, and immediately praised: "Heh! The recent harvest is very rich, Gabi, you go and prepare a breakfast for Xiao Da Ke, let me calculate the value of these goods!"

"Okay, boss!" The curly-haired boy ran out immediately.

He Boqiang was sitting at the door of the tent, watching Lajin meticulously count the black-striped magic skin in his luggage...

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