Lord Highlander

Chapter 129. 128. Dance with the Bear

After calculating the supplies of the second team, the businessman Lajin asked He Boqiang: "What do you need me to prepare for you this time?"

‘A bag of salt, five alloy bows, five short daggers, two ax blades, and a bag of refined steel arrow clusters. ’ He Boqiang wrote on a piece of parchment.

"That's all?" the businessman Larkin asked He Boqiang.

He Boqiang nodded.

"Well, just wait for me, it won't take too long."

Saying this, the businessman Larkin walked out.

Not long after, the businessman Lajin brought back a leather bag, which looked a bit heavy. He put the bag at the door of the tent, and untied the bag to reveal the fine steel arrow clusters that were as big as two little fingers. This kind of arrow clusters only needs Install a hardwood round shaft and wedge a piece of feather in the tail, it is a fine feather arrow.

Those aborigines don’t know how to make iron. Apart from wooden spears and wooden bows, they only have stone axes and bone-tooth sticks. The aborigines have no problem hunting small animals in the forest with these weapons, but if they want to hunt large wild animals , If you want to resist the attacks of those ferocious monsters in the forest, you can only rely on your fate. At that time, only those who run fast can survive.

Last time He Boqiang brought the weapons to the Ino Yatila wizard, the wizard liked it very much, so this trip to the aboriginal village, He Boqiang prepared to carry as many weapons as possible, hoping that these weapons can improve the living conditions of the aborigines.

Merchant Lajin wrapped the alloy bow in oiled paper and tied it together with He Boqiang's sleeping bag. A heavy bag of stainless steel arrow tufts and salt hung underneath. Five daggers were inserted into his belt, and two axes were tied with ropes. Stringed together and tied around the waist, these things weigh more than two hundred pounds. Even if He Boqiang has the buff effect of the "Blessed Body" at the moment, carrying these things is almost at the limit of his physical fitness.

He Boqiang set off from the forest camp under the scorching sun, climbed the ridge next to the river valley, and almost became food in the mouth of the Tim fish when he waded through the shallow stalls in the valley, but He Boqiang had no idea of ​​hunting the Tim fish.

This dense forest is inaccessible, and it is very far away from the forest farm camp. The hunting team from the forest farm will not come here easily, so the indigenous village here has always been a hidden existence.

Stepping into an oak forest, He Boqiang stepped on the rotten leaf soil full of dead branches. When the dead branches broke, there was a crackling sound, which startled a group of birds in the forest to fly up.

At this time, there was a short growl from the dense forest, and a big bear suddenly poked its head out from behind the oak tree in the forest, and roared at He Boqiang, which startled He Boqiang.

When he looked at the crescent moon pattern on the chest of this violent earth bear, he found that it was the familiar violent bear. The expression on He Boqiang's face was also very exciting, with some surprises of reunion, and some surprises for such a fierce beast as the earth violent bear. Frightened, He Boqiang hesitated to get closer. The bear also stared at He Boqiang with eyes as big as copper bells. Seeing He Boqiang trying to approach, it let out a low warning growl.

He Boqiang spread out his hands, indicating that he had no other action, but approached the Violent Earth step by step, but the Violent Earth was pressed by He Boqiang step by step, stepped back two steps, and let out a low warning growl again.

Seeing that the violent earth bear didn't want him to approach, and didn't make any moves to bite or bite, but just stood there quietly, He Boqiang shrugged, and walked past it carefully, walking towards the depths of the oak forest, without any movement. Thinking of that earth storm bear twisting its huge butt. Follow behind He Boqiang.

One person and one bear walked in this woodland for a long time.

Until it got dark, He Boqiang found a place with a higher terrain, unloaded the heavy goods on his body, took out a simple hammock and tied it between two trees, and spread the sleeping bag on the hammock. After everything, a clean open space was cleared, a bonfire was lit, and some marching rations were cooked in an iron pot.

The taste of this rice paste-like thing is not very good. He Boqiang pinched his nose and ate a little and lost his appetite. He threw the iron pot aside and took a sip of water to clear the taste in his mouth.

The violent earth bear was sitting not too far from the fire. Under his claws, he was pressing the bloody elk. The abdomen of the elk had been hollowed out by the violent earth bear, and now it was tearing apart. The fattest part of the elk's tail.

Seeing that He Boqiang had stopped, it shook its body and stood up from the ground. While He Biqiang walked to the hammock, the earth-crazed bear slowly walked to the campfire and licked a bloody bear's face. Reach into that iron pot.

The Earth Violent Bear stretched out its tongue and licked the edge of the iron pan. When it tried to find that the iron pan had incomparable deliciousness, it rolled its big tongue twice, and the batter in the entire iron pan was licked clean. .

Afterwards, the violent bear pushed the iron pot with its paws, and growled at He Boqiang.

He Boqiang was still in a daze, but the Violent Bear had already turned around, twisted his fat body and grabbed the half-eaten elk, threw it in front of He Boqiang with a 'plop', and pulled out the iron in front of him again with his paws. pot.

This time, He Boqiang finally understood that the Violent Earth Bear wanted to eat marching rations. He Boqiang picked up the iron pot on the ground and cooked a pot of rice paste on the bonfire. It was still bubbling, and wanted to come over to eat the rice paste in the pot. He Boqiang was worried that the rice paste would burn its tongue, so he subconsciously pushed its big head away.

The Earth Violent Bear roared at He Boqiang very reluctantly, and the mouth covered with deer blood was right next to He Boqiang, full of a strong stench.

He Boqiang was taken aback. At this time, he realized that the violent bear was only a foot away from him. After staring at each other for a while, the violent bear did not act dangerously, so He Boqiang put the iron pot aside.

The Earth Violent Bear got the iron pot containing the rice paste, and was immediately attracted by the iron pot, but it didn't forget the elk in exchange, and it pushed the leftover elk to He Boqiang.

He Boqiang was not polite either, and cut off a piece of fresh meat from the selected place on the elk's back with a thin-skinned knife, skewered the meat with a wooden stick and roasted it over the fire.

The violent bear just lay quietly beside him, tasting the pot of rice paste carefully, without even looking at He Boqiang.

And He Boqiang got the most tender eye meat from the elk, and this barbecue was extremely delicious.

He Boqiang brought a total of three days of marching rations this time, and cooked them all for the earth storm bear, but this little marching ration was enough to feed the earth storm bear. Fortunately, there was still the half elk, and the earth storm bear had bones Swallowing all the meat in his stomach like eating carrots, he lay down contentedly.

That violent earth bear slept next to the bonfire at night, lying curled up in the woods, and the violent earth bear was almost as tall as He Boqiang.

For such a ferocious monster, there was only a slight breathing sound when it fell asleep.

Lying in the sleeping bag, He Boqiang felt a little unbelievable when he thought that he had spent the night with a violent bear.

Drowsy drowsiness surged up, and he fell asleep unknowingly amidst wild thoughts.

The next morning, when He Boqiang woke up from his sleep, he found that the big bear was still sleeping soundly. He jumped down lightly, put his bag on his back, and planned to leave the forest, but he didn't expect that he had just walked forward After a few steps, he found that the ground behind him was trembling non-stop, and the violent earth bear followed up again.

Until He Boqiang came to the mouth of the valley where the aboriginal village was located.

Standing in front of the valley, He Boqiang was worried that if the earth storm bear was brought into the village, the bear would become aggressive and eat the indigenous people in the village...

But the violent earth bear stopped in the dense forest first. After it growled at He Boqiang twice, it turned and walked into the dense forest silently.

He Boqiang was the only one left to walk into the valley where the aboriginal village was located...

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