Lord Highlander

Chapter 1285 1272. The Beginning of the War

The ten catapults were pushed out of the camp one by one by a group of heavy armored infantry fighters. As the carts of gunpowder barrels moved down, Captain Ned Mosby quickly arranged the throwing positions of the catapults. These catapults were already in the camp. The installation and commissioning was completed, so everything was quickly arranged at the gate of the camp.

As the sharp whistle sounded at the gate of the barracks, Andrew and Carrie Decker, who were in the center of the battlefield, detonated the fighting energy accumulated around their bodies. Withdrew from the group of ghost snakes.

With Gullitum and Wolf Knight Tiger following behind, some salamander ghost snakes fell one after another on the way of pursuit.

After Andrew and Carrie Decker left the battlefield, Commander Ned Mosby yelled, "Let go!"

Oak barrels were thrown out by the catapult, rolled in the sky and fell on the river bank. Amid the continuous explosions, the ghost snake salamander was blown to pieces.

Outside the camp, a row of heavy armored infantry warriors set up heavy shields, forming a shield wall to protect ten catapults. A group of spearmen in light leather armor stood behind the shield warriors and thrust their spears through the gaps in the shields. Li went out and aimed at the salamander ghost snakes rushing up like a sea tide, his face extremely pale.

Everyone has never seen these ghosts before, and they are all terrified by their hideous faces.

A group of salamander ghost snakes rushing to the front has already rushed to the front of the camp...

Their speed is extremely fast, they open their bloody mouths wide, swing their shiny snake tails with fangs and claws, and their bodies are constantly twisting and flying forward.

The ghost snake salamander pounced forward, and the shield fighters hid their bodies behind the tower shield. Unfortunately, these heavy shield fighters somewhat underestimated the ghost snake's pounce power.

In the torn lightning, the tower shields that formed a shield wall shattered under the sharp claws, and the shield warriors standing in the front row fell down in rows.

The spearmen behind pierced the ghost snakes, and suffered heavy casualties under the pounce of the ghost snakes.

Seeing that the defensive power of the shield warriors in the army formation was as fragile as a piece of paper, Suldak's expression changed drastically. He also somewhat underestimated the terrifying attack power of these monsters in front of him.

The defense line of the army formation was torn, and Suldak didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately put Goethe's shield on his right arm, and rushed to the army formation that was in a state of collapse. The moment the shield in his hand swung out, it immediately blocked two The pounce of the salamander ghost snake.

The broadsword in his left hand pierced out from under the shield, and immediately twisted the abdomens of the two salamanders and basilisks to pieces. The two salamander ghost snakes let out a shrill howl, and wanted to launch a counterattack against Suldak, but Suldak The shield was swung again, and the corpse of the newt ghost snake was pushed aside, and five newt ghost snakes surrounded it at the same time.

Suldak recited the spell without hesitation, and the holy light flashed from the broadsword, forming a beautiful arc of light...

The holy light forced the five salamander ghost snakes back, Gullitum and Carrie Decker came up one after the other, the big stick in the hand of the ogre Gullitum smashed one of the ghosts into the air. Snake, the fireball in Nao Hua'er's hand almost covered the face of the newt Ghost Snake.

Carrie Decker shot out, the magic pattern on the shotgun lit up, and suddenly a tongue of flame appeared from the muzzle of the gun, and the two salamander ghost snakes in front of him were blasted out.

The blue knight Tiger hurriedly rushed up, and the wolf knight rode on Bonita's back, slashing at the salamander ghost snakes, Bonita also rushed up and opened his mouth to bite. This frost wolf is bigger than a salamander. The newt ghost snake is much bigger, it can hold the head of the newt ghost snake in one bite, and crush it with a single bite. Suldak can even hear his chewing sound clearly. The bones are broken in the mouth, which makes people feel like The joints are a little sour.

The four people cut into the area where the army's defense line was torn apart by the salamander ghost snake, relying on the strong strength of the second-rank powerhouse, they stopped the salamander ghost snake rushing forward.

The collapsed line of defense did not intensify and expand. The first to respond was the mage group. Lance led a group of mages into the air and threw magic scrolls at the salamander ghost snake. After these scrolls were unfolded, they formed a Another fireball landed in the group of salamander ghost snakes.

At this time, Andrew immediately summoned the Constructed Knights who came with the Lord's Legion.

As the gunpowder barrel exploded continuously, the gunpowder barrel was filled with kerosene. After the gunpowder barrel exploded, the kerosene flew out like a goddess scattering flowers. The sparks burned violently on the grass, and some salamander ghost snakes were also covered in flames.

The salamander ghost snakes behind were frightened and hissed, but retreated into the river one after another.

A large group of salamander ghost snakes were isolated on the river bank by the flames formed by the explosion of the gunpowder barrel. At this moment, a group of constructed knights rushed out of the camp. The knights lined up on the river bank, pulling off the cold masks on their faces. , holding up the knight's spear in his hand, a series of colorful halos condensed under the horse, piety, punishment, concentration...

Andrew was riding a horse, right in front of the constructed knights, he raised his battle ax and let out a roar: Charge.

More than a hundred constructed knights gathered temporarily rushed forward along the grass by the river bank.

These magic-striped warhorses ran wildly, and from the perspective of explosive power alone, they seemed to be able to stabilize the blue-scaled horses, and then the knights unceremoniously pierced the knight's spears into the body of the salamander ghost snake.


The officers of the other Lord's Army stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of them. They did not expect that the army had just set up camp on the edge of the Three Rivers Plain when they were attacked by a large number of salamanders and ghost snakes. Defeat the main army.

It’s just that these magical beasts somewhat underestimated the coping ability of the lord’s army. Suldak led five second-rank powerhouses like a mainstay on the battlefield. After a hard fight, they actually withstood the impact of the salamander ghost snake group.

The battle lasted until midnight before the salamanders and ghost snakes were taken into the river...

Then they began to clean up the battlefield. Until dawn, the river bank was in a mess, and the headless corpses of salamander ghost snakes were piled up by the river, and they were all burned.

As for those heads that were violently smashed open, it is a pity that not all skulls have magic cores, and not all magic cores have magic crystals. On average, seven salamander ghost snake heads can get one magic core. In terms of combat power alone, Ghost Snake is comparable to a second-level monster.

But the value of the newt ghost snake itself is not even comparable to some precious one-turn monsters.

Every post-war is the busiest time for Suldak. There are at least 200 wounded soldiers lying in the field medical clinic behind the barracks. Nika and a group of temple maids have been treating the wounded soldiers in the medical clinic early.

Suldak's holy light technique kept falling on the wounded soldier, and the wounds on the wounded soldier began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although this field medical clinic looks extremely simple, it is the place where the entire Lord Legion attracts the most attention.

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