Lord Highlander

Chapter 1286: 1273. River

After the ghost snake salamander was repelled by the lord's army, the remaining ghost snakes fled back into the river one after another.

Next, the scouts of the lord army began to look for suitable places to build pontoon bridges along the river bank. These salamander ghost snakes in the river are like two kinds of creatures on land, if they are on land like a group of reckless Warriors, then they are like a group of assassins who are proficient in invisibility in the river water. Their scales are almost completely integrated with the river water, and they will only appear for a moment when they release the Frost Arrow.

The pontoon bridges built by the Lord Army several times were destroyed by this group of salamander ghost snakes.

Only at this time did Suldak realize what troubled these salamander ghost snakes. They were the masters of the rivers in this area.

As long as they are not completely eliminated, the lord army cannot enter the hinterland of this plain.

The magician group led by Lance has been busy investigating the area around the Three Rivers Plain these days. They recorded all the terrain and landforms they saw in the magic crystal. Bringing Suldak, Lance did not expect Suldak Ke actually asked their magician to record every mountain in detail.

These image information were made into maps by Suldak in Suldak's military camp.

On this map with accurate images provided by the magicians, it can be clearly seen that there is a grand canyon in the upper reaches of the river in the Three Rivers Plain.

According to Suldak's plan, if he wanted to enter the hinterland of the Three Rivers Plain, he had to completely clean up the colony of salamander ghost snakes entrenched near the rivers in the plain.

In fact, on the first day after the lord's army arrived in the Three Rivers Plain, they had a battle with the newt ghost snakes and killed hundreds of newt ghost snakes. Huo refused to come out again. Although the lord's army was not perfect, it became very difficult to clean up these salamanders and ghost snakes along the coast.

The Lord's army has no naga warriors, and they cannot fight the salamander ghost snake in the water.

After some consideration, Suldak decided to lead the lord army up the river and stationed next to a valley in front of the Grand Canyon. This valley is only separated from the Grand Canyon by a mountain. After camping, Suldak was not in a hurry to assign combat tasks, but let all the lords rest in place.

In the past few days, he just sent out some scout teams to explore the surrounding areas every day, and at the same time hunted and killed the monsters lurking around.

Although the scout team had some gains every day, the lord's army did not successfully enter the Three Rivers Plain.

The military business group can buy some monster materials every day, but the quantity is not very large. Some merchants even began to complain that tens of thousands of lords are waiting here, and it costs a lot of money to feed them every day. It is not the scout team hunting these monsters What can be compensated is that if the loot is not seized, the merchants will not have much income.

The adventure group following the military merchant group found that this was a rare opportunity. For this group of adventurers, the Sanhe Plain border building was a heavenly hunting ground, and salamanders and ghost snakes were everywhere by the river.

They usually come and go in groups. Even if the adventure group finds them, they will choose to go around because of the large number.

But now that they are all hidden in the bottom of the river, the adventure group has some special means to hunt them down one by one.

More and more adventure groups started hunting newts and ghost snakes by this river, but the Lord Army has not done anything these days...

Two days later, the military merchants suddenly found a large number of migrant workers gathered outside the camp, and these migrant workers were basically hired from Prentos Town. On the first day they arrived at the camp, they began to dig branch channels beside the river. , They are braving the scorching sun from the position of the exit of the Grand Canyon, preparing to dig a drainage channel to the north.

In this way, the river water flowing down from the upper reaches can be diverted.

Although these migrant workers look a little dark and thin in everything they do, they are very easy to manage.

As long as the foreman issued the task to them, took them to pick up the tools, and they could start working immediately.

Just when the soldiers of the Lord's Army were still wondering what these migrant workers could do here, Suldak had already completed the survey of the path of the drain.

Subsequently, this group of migrant workers and a group of ordinary soldiers began to dig the drainage canal at the same time.

This drainage channel with a length of two kilometers actually does not have many places that need to be excavated manually. Under the leadership of Tu La, this channel was dug in only seven days, although many places still need to be excavated. Widen it a bit, but it can already divert the water of this river into the valley on the other side.

In this way, the river is split in two at the mouth of the Grand Canyon.

Later, Suldak asked the soldiers and migrant workers to put the stones dug out of the drainage ditch into large barbed wire nets, and put the stones wrapped in barbed wire bags into the original channel of the river. In just three days, the river was completely cut off, and all the river water was channeled into the next valley along the drainage channel.

Due to the cut-off of the downstream river, the water level dropped little by little, gradually revealing the riverbed full of silt...

In this way, the salamander ghost snakes that were lurking at the bottom of the river were once again exposed to people's sight. They were trying to hide in the soft mud under the river bed, and when the mud on the river bed was exposed to the hot sun, the mud Cracks began to appear, and these salamander ghost snakes realized that the situation was not good. They began to crawl out of the mud on the river bed, and fled in all directions.

On the grass by the river bank, a row of bed crossbows has been placed. What a group of archers have to do is to shoot and kill the salamander ghost snakes crawling out of the mud at the bottom of the river. After emerging from the mud, he lost all flexibility because his body was covered with mud, and became the target of the bed crossbow on the river bed.

One after another, giant crossbow arrows were shot out, quickly harvesting the life of the salamander ghost snake.

Only then did the other lords and adventure groups standing on the shore realize... It turns out that the war with Warcraft can still be fought like this.

The salamander ghost snakes that died tragically at the bottom of the river were brought up by the soldiers, and they were thrown into the four-wheel truck of the merchant group without any treatment, and then some magic crystals could be harvested from the merchants.

Suldak didn't accept the heads of these salamander ghost snakes this time. These heads were badly broken, and they were only some primary sacrifices.

Once the newt ghost snake died, its whole body began to fester rapidly. When the soldiers brought up their corpses, they looked like slugs without any skin, with sticky mucus all over their bodies.

Without the shelter of the river, even if these salamander ghost snakes managed to escape into the grass by the river, they would still be shot and killed by the members of the adventure group who swarmed up behind them.

All of a sudden, the garrison camp at the edge of the Grand Canyon was full of joy, and taking advantage of the river being cut off, the Lord Army quickly used some stones to build bridge piers in the river channel, planning to build several stone arch bridges here.

The military business group finally obtained a large amount of cheap materials for the salamander ghost snake, as well as a large number of first-level magic cores.

In addition to the salamander ghost snake, the lord army also harvested some gambis devil fish.

Immediately afterwards, Andrew led a cavalry regiment of 500 men across the dry river and into the plain...

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