Lord Highlander

Chapter 1290 1277. Fair Judgment

The nobles in Wilkes City did not expect that Congressman Acheson, who was full of ambition when he set off, was lying quietly in the coffin when he was brought home by his followers, with his eyes glued to his eyes. Wearing two gold coins, the gorgeous dress on his body is still the one he wore when he set off.

The carriage pulled the heavy coffin into Wilkes City, and many nobles rushed over to greet him.

The magic caravan did not stop in the city, but drove directly to the portal of Wilkes City.

The family members of Congressman Acheson wanted to send his body to Bena City. They decided to place the coffin of Congressman Dirk Acheson at the gate of the House of Representatives, and asked Speaker Fred to pay for this matter among the nobles. murder, to pass the most just sentence.

After all, the other party is the husband of Marquis Luther's most beloved daughter, Hathaway, and is currently the most popular noble lord in the Bailin plane.

It was he who led the lord's army to fight against the Bailin plane, and in just two months, almost included the most fertile plain land in the entire Sanhe Plain into his lord's territory.

Of course, if Suldak wanted to swallow the entire Sanhe Plain, he would need to hand over land equivalent to twice the area of ​​the Sanhe Plain to the Bena Province and the Green Empire.

However, Suldak has no plans to take the army across the Grand Canyon for the time being.

As for this developed territory, Suldak just wants to get the approval of Bena Province and the Bailin plane. As for how to divide the territory, Suldak has to discuss it with other alliance lords one time.


After the members of the Acheson family entered the city of Bena, they covered the coffin of Senator Acheson with a Bena military flag, and then pulled it to the square at the gate of the House of Representatives with a four-wheeled flatbed truck.

This move by the Acheson family immediately attracted a large number of onlookers on the square in front of the House of Representatives.

Several young people from the Acheson family stood on the high roof of the car, raised their hands high, and denounced Earl Suldak's despicable behavior to the onlookers.

As the annual Harvest Festival is about to usher in, the city of Bena has become very lively recently, so there are a lot of onlookers.

Most of the onlookers were curious as to what kind of aristocratic lord was able to force another aristocratic family to... put the coffin with a faint rotten smell on the street, and denounced the noble lord to the public atrocities.

It's just that when they heard that the lord mentioned by these young people from the Acheson family was the Earl Suldak who recently led the alliance lord army from the Ganbu plane into the Bailin plane, some people who knew it I began to guess whether it was due to the infighting caused by the uneven distribution of benefits when reaping the fruits of victory...

Because, in the entire Bena city today, it is already full of businessmen who came from all over the country.

Most of them came here to buy the leather of those swamp giant crocodiles. It was the series of territorial expansion actions of Suldak and his alliance lord army in the Bailin plane that stirred up the economy of the entire Bena city. recovery.

Now that the nobles in Wilkes City have stepped forward and started to accuse the Lord of Suldak, everyone didn't think it was too strange.

After all, in the city of Bena, it is not uncommon for nobles to bite dogs.


In the afternoon, the square in front of the House of Representatives was finally packed with crowds of onlookers.

Speaker Fred, who was busy with official duties in the House of Representatives, finally couldn't bear the noise outside, and began to ask his assistants to investigate the situation outside. Baron Armand Dacone also managed to squeeze into Fred with his cleverness. Next to Speaker Reid.

He is now just working with the assistants around Speaker Fred, but even so, it still makes a group of young people in the Dunstan family very jealous.

The assistant has been with Speaker Fred for several years. He came out of the House of Representatives and went directly to the square. He first asked the members of the Acheson family about the situation, and then said to the members of the Acheson family:

"You want to sue Earl Suldak. You can come to the House of Representatives to go through the normal process. Of course, I will truthfully report this matter to the Speaker, but it is very irrational for you to gather here. I hope you Can leave as soon as possible..."

Hearing what Speaker Fred's assistant said, the nobles of the Acheson family certainly didn't want to leave like this.

Seeing that his words were not very effective, the assistant immediately sullenly scolded the nobles of the Acheson family:

"You can't destroy the public order in Bena City here, what are you trying to do by placing the coffin here?"

Seeing the hesitant expressions of the nobles of the Acheson family, the assistant immediately took the opportunity to say:

"The duel between the nobles is full of uncertain factors. I want to know the specific ins and outs of this matter, but we can find a place to sit down and talk. I will listen to you slowly. When I also hope Can any of you use the most objective and true words to describe the scene at that time..."

The four-wheeled carriage with the coffin was driven away from the square by the coachman, and then several members of the Acheson family were brought to a conference room of the House of Representatives by the speaker's assistant.

A young man from the Acheson family stepped forward and told the assistant what happened.

The assistant had met Suldak more than once, and knew that Suldak had a good relationship with Speaker Fred. He pondered for a moment before saying:

"I'm not trying to shirk responsibility for Earl Suldak. Councilor Acheson's reckless actions are obviously provocative. After all, Earl Suldak is the great lord of the Ganbu plane."

Seeing that the nobles of the Acheson family wanted to stand up and defend themselves, the Assistant Speaker immediately waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said:

"The House of Representatives will investigate this matter, but I hope that Earl Dirk Acheson can be buried in the cemetery..."

After some communication, the young nobles of the Acheson family were finally sent away, and the speaker's assistant hurriedly reported the result of this matter to Fred Council.

After listening to the assistant's report, Chairman Fred said to the assistant with a cold face: "You need to learn more about this matter. It is impossible for Dak to execute a nobleman for no reason, especially since he is a member of Wilkes City. , By the way, is there any news from Wilkes City?"

"Just a few days ago, I heard that Earl Suldak had opened up an unknown territory. It is said that the local aborigines called it the Three Rivers Plain, and recently, a large amount of monster materials were transported from the Bailin plane. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such an atmosphere of harvest, and now the city is full of businessmen from all over the place!” The assistant said with a smile, “Everyone seems to have forgotten the joyful feeling of frequent victories, the whole city They're all celebrating it."

Speaker Fred nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with this.

Then he casually asked the assistant beside him, "What do you think about the matter of Bai Lin's plane?"

The assistant immediately replied: "According to my understanding, it was because the lords of the Bailin Plane were too ugly, which caused Suldak's great dissatisfaction, and Suldak made some extreme actions."

Speaker Fred snorted, touched the teacup at hand, and said:

"It's really stupid for a herd of sheep to keep trying to get food from a lion."

At this time, the assistant also quickly took the opportunity to ask: "Speaker, how should we respond to this matter?"

Speaker Fred Dunstan pondered for a moment, waved to the assistant and said:

"Delay this matter first, send a letter to Surdak first, and tell him that he needs more achievements to dilute people's views on this matter..."


When the assistant heard Speaker Fred say this, he immediately knew what to do.

Following behind, Baron Adman Dacuni, when he came out of the speaker's office, he secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He knew that Suldak had always maintained a good relationship with the Dunstan family, but he did not expect Su Erdak was so highly valued by Speaker Fred.

He casually killed a member of Wilkes City on the battlefield, and Chairman Fred didn't even think about setting up a special investigation team.

I also need an assistant to send a message to Suldak...

Baron Armand Dacuni discovered that in the upper class, there was a big gap between nobles and nobles, and now Suldak has clearly become one of the great lords of the province of Bena, and it seems that Acheson The family matter had no effect on him at all.

After walking out of the speaker's office, Baron Armand Dacune took the opportunity to say to the assistant: "The speaker treated Earl Suldak really well..."

The assistant glanced at Armand Dacuni indifferently, and then said: "Yes, that Earl of Suldak is not only the great lord of the Ganbu plane, but also a second-rank powerhouse, a very remarkable Paladin, if you can become a second-rank powerhouse, I believe the speaker will also look at you differently."

Just this one sentence made Baron Armand Dacune speechless.

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